HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #501 � _ � , • .-- , 'ti � Resolution �� a � of the City of Canton, Fu.lton County, Illinois obligating this municipality to extend water and sewer facilities for the benefit of Spoon River College District No. 534 W h e r e a s , pur suant to Article III of the Public Junior College Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, 1967, Chapter 122, Sections 101-1 to 108-2) there was organized during the year 1968 a Class I Junior Col- lege District now described as Spoon River College District No. 534 of Fulton, Mason and Knox Counties of the State of Illinois; since July 1, 1968, Spoon River Co.11ege District No. 534 has operated a college witra.n the City of Canton in various rented buildings; and, W h e r e�.s , the Board of Trustees of Spoon River College Dist- rict No. 53�, supported by the citizens of the district, is of the view that a new campus should be established in order to provide better educational facilities for the students; to this end said Board of Trustees did hereto- fore emplo,y Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc, of Chicago, Illi.nois to make recommendations respecting a site. As part of the site selection process, the Board of Trustees of the college did, at Cuba, Illinois, about February, 1969, hold a public hearing wherein various communitiesf. with� in the college district were given an opportunity to make presentations and suggestions respecting different proposed sites for the new campus; and, W h e r e a s , the City of Canton, through a committee of its Asso- ciation of Commerce and Industry, appeared at the public hearing at Cuba, Illinois; the Canton presentation to the Board of Trustees included a writ- ten brochure and the then Mayor of Canton caused to be included as a part 1. of that brochure a letter on behalf of the then City Administration which represented to the College Boaxd of Trustees that the City of Canton would extend water and sewer facilities to a site in the Canton area. The implication of this representation was that Canton would exter� wa- ter and sewer facilities to the Jameson site as hereinafter described; and, W h e r e a s , the aforesaid firm of Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. , in March of 1969, made a written report to the said College Board of Trustees recommending location of the college in an area Southwest of Canton, South of the Canton-Cuba blacktop road in Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5 of Buckheart Township, Fulton County, Illinois; no formal action has as yet been taken by said College Board cf Trustees on the site selection study, said study having simply been made public; and, W h e r e a s , the City Council of the City of Canton desires to re- affirm the pledges of support which have heretofore been given to Spoon River College. Specifically, and intending to be 1ega11y bound, this City Council desires to offer to the Boaxd of Trustees of Spoon River College District 534 the assurance that, in the event the new campus of the col- lege is located anywhere on the land of John and Helen Jameson in the Northwest Quarter of Section 4 or the East Ha1f of Section 5 of Township 6 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton County, Illinoi�, then the City of Canton wi.11 extend water and �ewer facilities to a point �elected by representatives of the college on the Northerly bound- ary of the lands now owned by John and Helen Jameson as herein described. Now , Th�refore , Be It Ordained, Resolved and O r d e r e d by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Ill- inois, as follows: 2. • ' . �' � ' � ' � Section 1: That the existing water works and sewerage sys- tem of this municipalit,y shall be improved and extended in order to adequately supply water and sewer facilities to the buildings and im- provements on any future college campus located anywhere on the 1and5 of John and Helen Jameson in the East Half of Section 5 and the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Buckheart Township, Fu].ton County, I1linois, SEction 2: Adequat� wat�r and sewer facilities of sufficient qu�,lity �o a� to compl,y with all 1oc�.1, �tat� and fEder�.l regulation� �hall be extended to a point on th� Northerly bouMdary of the John �.nd Helen J�,meson property �,� deserib�d �.bove so a� to b� fully op�r�.- ti.onal and capable of being conn�cted into the building� and improv�- m�nts of Spoon River Coll�ge District 534 �t such timE as �uch facil� iti�s are required by �h� colleg� operation. Scction 3: A legal contr�,etu�.l obligation will �,�ise and b�gin exi�ting at �uch time as the Bo�.rd of Tru�t��� of Spoon River Col- l�ge District 534 officially designat�s the J�,me�on �it� as th� sit� of th� new campu� and �uch �.etion i� �.pproved by the State Junior Col, l�g�e Board in �.ccordance with law. Such affirmativE aEtion by said Board of Trustees shatl consti�ute all of the con�ideration� requir�d from Spoon RivEr Co11�gE Di�trict 534. Thi� Resolution con�titutes a unilateral offEr by the City of Canton,and �,ccEpta,nce of the contract may be a�compli�h�d in the mann�r herein ��t forth. S�cti�n 4: Thc� City of Canton agre�� to undc�tak� th� nc�cE�• �ary �ngineering and other �tudic� in order to pl�.n thc �xt@nding and improvi.ng of a combined water works and s�werage sy�tem. I-iow�v�r, the City of Canton shall bE under no obligation to begin actual construc- 3. ` . . . , . i tion of physical facilities until such time a� the coll�ge di�trict ha� obtain�d funds for its project through a successfut bond referendum or is otherwisE in a position financially to proceed with the buildings and irnprovem�nts on the proposed new campu5. The parties currently ar� of thE view that thE operation of the new c�,mpus is about twenty- four month� in �h� future, I n W i t n e s s W h�r �o f, the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, by its Mayor and City Counci.l, ha� caused this Resolution to be �igned by its Mayor, it� corporate seal to be affixed h�reto, and has caused th��e present� to be a�te�tEd by the City Clerk, thisQ��,da,y of May, 1969, the further ord�r being that �, duly c�rtified copy of thi� Re�olution sh�.11 be deliver�d to the Secretary of the Board of Trustc�es of Spoon Riv�r College District No. 534, Fulton, Ma�on �,nd Knox Counties, of the State of I1linois. -� -- � � � � May. � AttE �t : ��__.._ � .c r City Clerk _ 4. ( M � � ..� � .• . f STATE OF II,LINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OI�' FUI,TOi� ) I, Nellie Crawford, �ity Clerk of the city of Canton, i.n the County of �'ulton, and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances and other books, records and papers of said City, and th�.t the f'oregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the i�Iayor on the 20th day of May �. �., 1969 and recorded according to law, as the same appears from the records in my office rema�ining. UTITNESS my hand and the Corporate �eal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 21st da.y of T�1ay A. �5�� 1969. _. �=2�^��i�,.t�i!/� �/� City C�ler ' Subscribed and sworn to b efore me thzs 21st day of May 1969. 'C' _ � _ i otary u ic . Resolution No. 501. . ^ ,.ssew ..�w�..�i71�y` . .'� . . '<vecv' i >tl' �k � •.:,v jS y Z�Y� �� ���r}' . , .. � � . '�� "'v`�f�`t :f: . . � _• . ��..'�.`. . � . . � . � . . �. . . �F . . . . . . . ��. � .'x � ' 1 '. y,: ^ ' .' .' ' . � . �. � �� � � .. �' . .. • ' ' _ . . �':a f . � ' .. . � . � �. . . . . . .. . �tesolution �-` .S rj � � oi thc City af Canton, Fulton County, Illinoie obligatin�; this m�u�icipality to extend watcr : and sewer facilitic� for the beoefit of S�oon Rivci• Colle�e �ietrict No, 534 , - W h e r e a s , pursuant to Articlo III of the Public Juntor Gollcge I�ct (Iltinois �tevisea Stututes, 1J67, Cl�aptcr 122, Sections 101-1 to 10�-2) there was organized during the ye�r 1J68 a Glasa I .Iunior C'ol- lcge District now c�escribcd as Spoon Rivcr College Dietrict No. 834 ot � Fulton, 1Wuc�on anci Knox Counties of the Stutt of Illinois; since July 1, 1J68, Spoon ltivei• Colle�;c Dietrict No. 534 has operated a college withtn the City of Can_ton in various rented buildings; und, W h e r e a s , the Doard of Trueteea of Spooa River C'ollege Uist- rict No. 53�, supported by the citizene of the district, is oi the view that ;,:; a new campus should be estat�lished in ordcr to provicle better aducational ��� '" facilitica for the students; to thia end s�id Board of Trusteea did hcreto- fore erl�loy Farton-Asctim�n Aeeoc:iates, Inc, of C'hicago, IUi�ois to . rnakc recominendations re�pectin� a eite. As �art of thc eite aelcction proceas, the �ioard of Trueteea of the collegc did, at Cuba, Illiiwis, about February, 1�6J, hold a public hearing wherein various con�munitie�i with- in the college ciistrict were given an opportu�ity to make presentatlons and $uggeetiona respecting different proposcd aites for the new campuc�; and, W h e r e a s , the City of Cantoa, through �a eommittee of its Aeso- ' ciatlon of C'ommcrce and Industry, appeared at the publtc hearinq st�t C,uba, . . Illi�is, the Canton presentation to the IIoard of Tru�tees includecl a wrlt- t�n brochure etnd the then Mayor of Canton caused to be iocluded as a part 1. � . . , *� ,.� . ,:, . , . , ,� , a. � .. � . _ , „ . , � . . .. �:�. . . ,. . �. . . ..dY' �: �� r . t ��� � � M . , � . � " . . "v��.� � �� R � r � t �*S V ;�, � �� � . � ti � 3�1 r*. �Frn S c� � � � . r; � �,��#�"r,�.,�fa�' �z� ���.�•�,'�'f�� 4 q� t Y� F� �"'' ` � r;M��'. r ':.�( , � � � ;"t � . . � � � � � j � `�. � � �'�"�•"4 ,�'6'��'' T'���� .s + e '�a t�` _ �:� ,� '� :�� . , Y � ��.. ��'�� �r ��. ';,,'dc ,� t� ti ..- _. y �� . . , ; ' . , . . ,� �,.` �� � ;. . . . . . ' .�'. ��_ , � s, � �-.�;• �e . v ..x ,t � .. . ��. a . . . . � , .. . . . � y . . � a • , s s a �`��� �t �,� � ary ,,r} e � - _ . . ,,� ' _ of that hc•act�ure a lettcr an b�tialf of the then C;ity 1ldministration which � rcpi•esented to ttic Co:llef;c 13oai•d af 'I'ru�tee� tlzat thc City af Lanton , would extend water :uic1 sewez� facilitiets to a site in thc ('anton a�reu. 'I.'he in�E�licatioci of ttiis re�re�etitntion wa.� tlilt l'nnton would exterid w�- tcr and sewci• facilitics to �he iAmcsoii 3ite as liereinaftcr described; a�d, W li c r c a s , tlic a:oresaid fii•m of I3arton-A$chrr�an Aasociatee, Inc. , in Mac'CIl Of 1�)(iJ� ri�acic a �vi•itten i•eport to the said C;oll��e Hoard of TrustecH rccort�nicudin�; 1oc�tion oi thc college in azi area 5outhwest of C'anton, South of tlie C'anton-Cuba bl�cktot� ro�cl in Part of the Southe�st (auai•ter of Section 5 of }3ur.klieai•t Townstiip, l� ulton County, I11inols; no formal actian l�as a:� yet been taken by said College Iioarci d 'I'rustece on thc sitc scicction :�tucly, said study t��vin�► simply bcen made public; and, W h e �.•c a:� , thc C'ity Couneil of thc c'ity af i'anton �lesires to re- affirm ttic �lecl�*c� of :�upport which have hcretofore been given to Spoon EZivei• t'ollc�e. Spc:cifically, and intendi�i� to be le�ally t�ounci, ttiis City t"ouncil dcsirc� to offc�• ta the 13oard of 'i'rur�tces of Spoon 1'tiver Colleg� llistrict 534 the �asui•�nc�e tha►t, in the event the new campus of thc col- � lege is loeated anywhet�e on the l�nci of Johti s�nd Helen ,�ameaon in thct Northwest G�ua�rter of 5ection 4 or the East H�lf of Section 5 of '1'ownship G North, R�►nge 4 East oi tiie Fourth Princips�t Meridian, Fulton County, Illinois, then the City of Canton will extend water and sewer facilities to a point sele�.ted by re�resentztives of thc college on thc Northerly bound- ary of tl�e t��da now o�vned by John and Hclen .lanieson us herein described. row , Thcrefore , Re It Ordained, Resolveci and (7 r d c r c d by tl�e City Council of ttic (.'ity of C:anton, E�ultori County, Ill- inoie, :�s followa: 2. v��,��,.,.�,�+�, *�r>,�.;.-, ;�sr�:�.�... ��yY�kai...: ..�,�:.=w,e,y�m�,*...:,a,yv�.�..,�..;�e�fr.n.,..,.��•r,,,�wscy^;::�y�► ...�.��r^e�. , . . !"���r �• . . � .. . ' r�ler+cs+� a�,x�.... �. . . . � . . . . . . . . .,i ,. �.- ;..�.: ' n �. . . � � ' a�,.. � . .. . � . _,� � ' . ' . . .. Fk :L . . ' � . . , M • •_ � " ' . � . . . �.. . . Y � s +` ��� ��� � ' . � � .. /�� � . � . . .4� :+ . . . �pi � .� � .. � . . . 4 . _ .. : .. . �. � � � . . � � - � � . ... . � .. . � . . . . .. . � . . � � � . . . � . .. � . . •� � � . ' . � .� � .� . � . i ��`� � . . . .. . . . � . . , . , . �r ,� . . . . � . � .� �� . . � . - - . . � . _ . . ' . . � . . . � . . �,. - .. .�- . '. • ' .. " , � _. .. �'a � . . • � . . . . . . " �� � � . . . . . � . . - - - .. _ � � , . . .. � . � � � � � . ' � � . . . . . . � '..��. � . . . .. " , ..� � � �, � � � . � � .� � Sectiori i: That the exieticig water �vorks and eewerage aye- tem of thls znunlci�ality shall bc improveci and �xt�nded in order to adaqu�tely su�ply water and acwer fucilities to the buildlage aad im- provementa on a�t�y future college cumpus located anywhere cm the lande of John and Hclen Jamegon in the Eaet Italf ot Section 5 and the Northwest fauai•tCr of Section 4, Buckheart Townehip, Fulton � County, Illinois. � Sectio� Z: Adequate watar and sewei• fucilitiee of sufficient qu�.lity ao as to comply with ull local, etute and iederal regulations ehall be extended to a point on tl�e Tortherly bow�dary of tho John �nd I�ielen .laineaon property :�� dcscribcd abovc s�o ae to be fully opera- - . tional and capable of bein� connected into thc buildinge and improve- inents of Spoon ftiver Colleqe llistric:t 534 at �uch time ae euch facil- itics are required by tlie college operution. Section 3: A legal contractual obli�ation will arise and bogin cxiating at euch time as the Board of Trusteee of Spoon River Col- � leqe I:)istrict 534 ofiicially deeignatea the Jameeon elte as the site of the new cam�ue and such action ia a�proved by the State .Junior Col- � lege IIoard in accordance wlth law. Such atflrmativc action by said Board of Trusteea shall constitute all of the conaidcraiiotu� requircd from Spoon River College lliatrict 584. Thia �2oEwlution conetitutes a unilatertil offer by thc City of Canton.and acccptance of th� co�troct may he ar.comptished in rie manner bcrein $tt forth. Section 4: The City of Cantoo agreoe to unc�rtake the ntces- ___.._,_.___ eary engineci•ing and other atudi�e in order to plan the cxtcndtng and improving of a comt�ined watcr Mrorke and scwerage syetem. Hawcver., thc City of Ganton shall bc undcr no obligetion to begin nctual conatruc- S. , , `-`4"��A�^"^R^'.i!e.e , ... ..._. . . . ..�. . . ..... .. . _.: .,.. .. . ,.� . .,����4�.F '.�;. . . . .7, , .. . . . � . , . . ��.. . . � , . ...�:. . � . k. � . �. �� � . . . . ,' � . . .. . . , � r ' . . � , � . . . :� �` r � � � � � ., `�:'rS � : �� w„� . L.�j�p . ' � ' �. , , . . ; • y ...� Y .. . . . . _ � . - " . . � � . � � . � , t - . � � . .. , . . . . . . . .. . i . , . ... . . . . r . } � � . �. , � . . '.. . '. . . . . . ...� � , . . � . � . . . � . . . � . . , � . . .. . . . � �� �� . . . . . . � . . . � . . . . . .. � . . . tioli of physical fucilitice until such time ae t►t� college disti•ict has obtainec� fundR foi• it� px•oject tf�rough a succeesful bond referendum or ie othei•wise in a �sition financi:�lly to proceed witl� tl�e buildinqs and i�npr�rvements oi� the �ropoaed new ca�mpus. 'The p�rtiea currently ai•e of tlic vi.ew ti2�t tiic oPcrltion of tt�c ncw campue is a�out t�venty- four months in thc future. I n W i t n e� s W h e r c o f, tlie C'ity of C'antot�, Fulton C'o�inty, Illinois, by its Mayor ancl City Council, has caueed ttils Reaolutlon to bc r�i�necl by its Mayor, its corporate scal to be affiaed hereto, and has caused tlic�e presents to bc attested by U�e City Clerk, this„��/day of May, if�6�1, the further order beui� that a duly certified copy of tliis � Hesolution shall be clelivei•cd to the Secretary of the lioard of Z'rustecs of Spoon River Colle�;c 1)istrict No. 534, Fulton, Maeoa and Knox Counties, of the State of Illinois. . f ; , , . � , f � � - ' . ,_,.,�,._. � � - Mayor � Attest : ' ;,, � • . , . , ���. �,,�' < `�-t I �..�.�-LL....:� - c�cy ci��•k , , 4. . ,�,,.. ., .,�._�.r,� . � , . . . ,. ... ,�� _ . . � s � � r . f � � _ �' ra � R�►b�t F. J+r�a�te►�s y � I wi'ilia� �.�� � 21, t969 Fro�lit�g a�ad Ta�l+�r A�t�os*�prs�re at 'La�ar � 16? W. �L� �treet C�ta�►, �11�ro�.t Att��� �r. �iph v. ��tg Dss�r l�r�. F�e�,t3�gz R�t t �e�tcrtt 8''nr'� ��r L�s J�ra+�a es�� �rrr+ratth �loa�ud a o c�a►�y �t t1�r r+s�►1�tiaa piaessd t�us t3a�; +l�at�rsail +�nd a�ed by t.�irt ��' '��' aea��m vp � ��i �.���♦ 2 �me Oi' t!� ttl3,�a� t�et ths rle�c►Yt3�irn! w8s.�,�•Zy p�wraid aa�d t t� re�aintion ts t�ar � t�il farr�a a�d a�"l�t. Yours truly• Wili�► 8, l�al��t City Attarnay t�t�/bt �. ' � ���� � . �� € k ���a �" �" ��u �;:� �. �.����f y..,' �' `�h�,.� ���+ae k� ' t- r �.. ..� �^x�' � . �� ��� �'�? # �a ,c,��� �`�'�" .: ��� �,��y� �sq� " �,�k � ��� "', ; " '� �*`- ' ` ,�eL "� � :� � ��� ��iv�`�4� hVTM � . „1!R h �';�v. �, � `��g�; � � . a{ � ,���k �a�' t' a�4� r � a� a rr��'` ar.�a�Y �j °*,� � � '�� �E�',,,�, S � r ,� � x � ar� �'�' � �'%� ,�� 3 �k �.A . ,r _��.+. � a,�� <.'` �,; .y t : � � , i. �. '�. .,� � �' �, °�`, ' �'r�' ,� s. .�' S ��t'4's�"," ,��Y `�' � ,� � �`p �` . . . 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