HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #523r RESOLUTI01' i?O. X23 Resolution for the local improvements of East Sycamore, East Myrtle and East Olive Streets, North Tenth and North Sixth Avenue, in the City. of Canton, Illinois, and designated as "Canton Pavement Irr.provement No. 70A." Be It Resolved by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, Illinois: That a local improvement be ar~d t..e sc:::e .hereby is originated to be made by special assessment within the City of Canton, County of rulton, and State of Illinois, as provided by Article 9, Division 2, of the Cities and Villages Act, to be known as "Canton Pavement Improvement No. 70A." The nature, locatior:., character, extent, and estimated cost of w.ic;~ local ir:.prove:nenf is as follows, to wit: That the said improvement shall be construc~ed in conformance with the plans bearing date of 3anuary 1, 1970, prepared by Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Springfield, Illinois. That the roadway of the streets and avenues hereafter described_be improved. by the construction of a 6-1/2".Bituminous Aggregate Mixture Base Course a_~~ a 1-1/2".Bituminous Concrete :Surf ace Course, Cass i, Combination Concrete Curb and Gutter,.together with necessary storm sewers, drainage structures and appurtenances. That the pavements herein provided to_be constructed on Sycamore from Sth Avenue, to 7th Avenue; Tenth.Avenue from Myrtle Street idorth for one-half block; Olive from 7th Avenue to 11th Avenue; North Sixth Avenue from Spruce Street to Custer Place shall be uniformly 30.O feet irL width as measured between- front face of .curbs. That the pavement herein provided to be constructed on Myrtle Street-from 8th Avenue to 11th Avenue shall be uniformly 36.O feet iz width as measured between front face of .curbs. In all respects the construction shall conforr~. to the requirements as set forth in the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," pre- pared by the Department of Public.Works and Buildings of the State a-`.Illinois, and adopted. by said .Department :August 1, 1968, a ~u -~~,~--' ~-- ~-.-:• - -- - - ~ .- - ,. thereto. (ifi!f 7 ' That the estimated cost of said improvement, inciucing all necessary labor, materials, tools and equipment for the constructi on of said improvement, as made by the Engineer of this.Board, is Cne rundred E.; ~~y Eight T.ousand and Qc/1GG Dollars ($188,000.00) which said estima~e -~s it~::. ized as follows: QUr1~tTiTY UNiT ITEM L _1 PRICE Ai~GU\T 30 In.Dia. Tree Removal (6°' - 15" Dia.) @ 3.75 112_50 114 In.Dia. Tree Removal (Over 15" Dia.} @ 5.25 598.50 4,933 c.y. Earth Excavation @ 2.25 11,099.25 78 In.Dia. Stump Removal @ 4.G0 312.G0 48 l.f. Storm Sewer Type 1 - 10°` @ 5.65 271.20. 239 l.f. Storn Sewer Type 2 - i0" @ 5.55 1,~.G..:; 128. . 1.f. Storm Sewer Type 1 - 12". @ 6.2G 793.6G 344 l.f. S;.orm Sewer Type 2 - 12" @ 0.20. 2,1~2.8G 16 l.f. Storm Sewer Type 1 - I5" @ 7.63 122.08 594 l.f. Storm Sewer Type 2 -.1511 @ 7.03 4,532.22 56 l.f. Storm Sewer Type 2 - 18" @ 8.46 473.76 72 l.f. Storm.Sewer Type 2 - 24" @ 10.6E 7~~.20. 163 c.y. Trench Backfill (F.A. t;~ @ 5.25 155.75 7 each Manhole Type A-4' ,l a. wi~'~: Type l Frame & Closed I,iu @ 475.00 3,325 .C0 1 each Manhole Type A-5' Dia. with. Type l Frame & Closed Lid @ 950.00. 950.00 7,283 1.f. Combination Concrete_Curb & Gutter Type M-b.12 @ 4.00 29,132.00 920. s.f. Sidewalk .Removal @ 0.30 276.00 790 s.f. P.C.Concrete Sidewalk (411). @ 0.80 032.00 46 s.y. Drriveway Pavement Removal @ 2.25 103.50- 240 s.y. P.C.Corcrete Driveway Pave- ment (6") @ 7.75 1,860.00 492 l.f. .Concrete .Curb .Removal @ 1.25 615.00 104.9. . c.y. Class X Concrete.. (Retaining Wall) @ 145,00 15,210.50 16 each Inlet ^lype A with Type 12 Frame & Grate @ 200.00 3,200.00 13 each Filling Existing Inlets @ 35 .GO 455.00 8 each Manholes to be Adjusted. @ 55.OG ~,4~.G0 6647 -2- U:~ '~' QUANTITY. UNIT ITEM ~ ~ .'iCE AMOU~?T 3 each Valve Boxes to be Adjusted. @ 50.00 150.00 137 Tons Aggregate Surface Course- . Type B-CA6 @ 6.OG 822.00 254 l.f. Combination Curb ~ Gutter Removal @ 1.50 381,00 1 each Inlet Type A with Type 8 Grate @ 180.00 180.00 2 each Inlet Type A with Salvcged Type 8 Grate @ 150.00 300.00 2 each Inlet Type A with Salvaged Type 12 ~rarae and Grate @ 150.C0 300.00 12,1bb s.y. Bituminous Aggregate Mixture Base Course (b-1/2") @ 4.50 54,747.00 1,000 Tons Bituminous Concrete_Surface Course Class I (1-1/2") @ 14.50 14,500.00 4.5 .Tons Bituminous Concrete Surface Course Class I (Hand .Method) 1-1/2" @ 20.00 90.00 54 s.y. Bituminous Aggregate Mixture Base Course (6-1/2") Hand Method @ 5.50 297.00 5,600 lbs. .Reinforcement Bars (Retaining Wall) @ 0.26. 1,456.00 4 s.y. Pavement Replacement @ 9.50 ,38.00.. i34 s.y, Pavement Removal @ 2.00 268.00 21 s.f, Concrete Step Removal @ 0.50 10.50 0.5 c.y. Class X Concrete (Steps) @ 160.00 80.00 7 l.f. Pipe Handrail @ 8.50 59.50 500 lbs. Fertilizer Nutrient @ 0.50 250.00 10 .Tons Agriculture Ground Limestone @ 6.00 60.00 2.5 Acres Seeding Class I @ 225..00 562.50 10 . .Tons Mulch (Method I) @ 55.00 550.00.. Total Construction Cost $ 154,717.71 Engineering and Supervision 23,999.23 Cost of Making and Spreading Assessmen t Including Court Costs and Legal Expens es Not to Exceed b% 9,283.06 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Or IMPROVEi~1ENT $188,000.00 .All of which is.respec~fully su'amitted : "` f- r~ '/ ~.:. ~ (.7i, -- fit" ! ~ ` ~ i ~J Engineer, . Board of :.ocu~ ;. ---;,v~.: ~..::s City. of Canto., I~"y ~nois 6G~~7 -3- ~3.: IT FURTHER RF.SOT ~r"D th^' '-' ~, ~ , .. ~ Ili e:, „iG:~, „ - i . . -~ uiCrcb8;1.C S i,e~azed t0 i.:'@ Satisfaction of this BOurC and t :e ~.)Cni:V~:-J .;'G`.."~:l:l and O-^Ci2.^ed Y.'l,^.~.~ -~~.'^,• of th15 Resolution. ~ ~ u ~ ' BL IT FU~;TH~3 R~;SOLVLD, that 'che 1G-<;h ca-r of : ~.,i ~ .~ . hour of 10:00 A.M. in the Council Cha:~cer os the City Building of the City of Canton, Illinois, located at 210 Last Chestnut Street be fixed as the time and place for the public consideration thereof. BE IT FLRTH~R RF,SOLVD, that notices of the time and place of such public consideration be prepared and mailed within the time an3 in the manner prescribed by laws BE iT FUI~TH~R RLSOLVi;D that this Resolution be at once transcribed and spread anon the records of this Board. ADOPTED tY,is 30th day of March, . Do 1870. .-~ I~ ~ R:STDr,;JT OF THL ~0 ~~I;17 OF LOCAL I CF THE CITY OF CrAi~?TOTVT, ILLIi70IS. --_ . ~ ~ -~ i j^ ~L.'~ / /~' S~CRF;TARY OF THI; BOAR Oi' LOCAL IifPROUr~MENTS GF THF. CITY OF CANT~d; ILLINOIS