HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #604STATE OF ILLINOIS ~~2~-oa Construction w ~~eai. RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE-~~~~~dy w~ ~'~~ I.cxe-s. un-~OV-nc ~'r BE IT RESOLVED, by the COt~?3CIL of the Coundl or Preeident aad Board of TtuKeea City of Caateit ,Illinois City. Town, or Village that the following described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code: Nsme of Thorouah[sn 8or Route Feom To second ewe>nne locust street Eln Street '!bird A~ntasse Locust street 1~1a Stmt ChestnoL litsett Suo~id A•sow 1-if th Awe~e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement consist of bitusii:tous aonerete s~srfaaing Co~irse arrer esiatinpi two course brick pavsseant as a br' gavel base gad a »eir bitusiinsus concrete base conrsa widac~ins, together with co>abi>s:atiafx coaarete curb a>sd saner with »cessaxi- storm sewers and appustenances. Sac attached cheat far explauatioxl of ausinesritt<g due. COIIStrLtCtlOn 40 feet Wide and shall be designated as Section 63 C.S.' ~ Local L~roveMeett H'o. 7Z-A 2. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Thirtaea Z"houaand Three klviadzed and thirteen astd 07/100 (l~si~neerirlg) Dollars ($ 13 ~ 31~. ~~ )for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. 3. That said work shall be done by Cot~traet and, (Specify Contract or Day bor) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways. APPROVED Dent. Dt~vW~onwof 8ishwdsyB.~d~ flbtitlet Nellie Crawford City I, lss Clerk Mrs. (City. ) City ca»ton in and for the ~) of , (Ci y, County of tern ,hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect andCac=oamapi~ copy of a resolution adopted by the at a meeting on (Couadl ~jd`T/L 1 ~ , 19 ,~.Z. IN TESTIMQNY WHERE I have hereunto set my hand and seal this /1~ ay o ~ ~" ~ , A.D. 19 ~ ~ (SEAL) ~ `~ ~"~ ~~ Clerk. (City, Fo-m~BLR 414 (Rw. 9.68) ~, this ierpsovesent eras tabled by tha hoard of I.ortal 2t~lprae-ensots at the leebiie gearing held asbseuesy 34, 1872. The S~stifate of Cost, fpecifiestions, Plans and Gontraat Psoposal eras appswnd by the Illinois 1~i~riaion of ~isb+rays on fleaerdawer 15, 171. The aar of noae7- appropriated for engineesing in thin Resole:tion, becso~es dese and payable u of t~eae~obes 15, 1972. lasaRrapb 16 of Approved Rn*ineeriaR ARseea~a-t, dated Angust il, 1973e lb. 'that ii the contract tar eonst~tian has not baen ae-arded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the Public !Kenny, tine lubiic Apentry aril! pay tha 'angineer the baisase of the enRimeesinR tea due to sake l00 per cent of the total fats dw ender this agrsement, based on the l:atimate et Goat as psepased by Lhe ~iness and approved by the Pnblie A*e>~y and the E1t~riaioa of ~R~y:. ?137-03 ~~ -7~ 4 ~j j~ ~ ~ i~~.. ~~ t 'CR~, ~_ ~: ~~~:J~! ,. ~ C~ATR11~01g.1I,1~1111~.P~ll'~TILL~'inc. f.~ ~ _~,~~ 755 South Grand Avenue, West • Springfield, Illinois 6270!, Area Code 217 / Phone 525-107k September 13, 1972 Mrs. Nellie Crawford City Clerk City of Canton Canton, Illinois 61520 Re 7127-02 - Canton, Illinois MFT Section 63 C.S. and Local Pavement Improvement No. 72-A Dear Nellie: Principals L. K. CRAR'F'ORD JAMES P. PTURPHY Associates CLIFTON R. BAXTER JAMES A. DOERFLF.R BRUCF. L. RATTF.RREE CIIARLES 1.. RITCIIIE DONALD I:. TIIOMPSON CARL A. WIF.LAND NATHAN WILCOXON ROBERT D. `~IRF. F.LMF.R F. YOUNC The City Council approved a xesoiution of intent and the engineering agreement for the above proposed improvement, on July 27, 1971. Under the resolution of intent, the engineering would have been paid from funds of the local improve- ment project. The Public Hearing for the proposed improvement was held February 14, 1972. Due to some opposition from residents, the Board of Local Improvement tabled the improvement for further consideration at a later date. Paragraph Sixteen (16) of the approved engineering agreement .reads as follows: 16. That if .the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the Public Agency, the Public Agency will pay the Engineer the balance of the engineering due to make 100 per .cent of .the total fees due under this agreement, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the Engineer and approved by the Public Agency and the Division of Highways. Approval Dates as follows: Public Agency December l3, 1971 Division of Highways .December 15, 1971 The Illinois Division of Highways will approve the expenditure of Motor Fuel Funds for the engineering due in accordance with paragraph sixteen (16) of the approved engineering agreement. .However, the following will be necessary to obtain their approval: t f t _~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ka ""~ City ~€ Ca-a-ta~n- C#ty Mall 'Caz~tcm, Ixlixtois G15Z0 4 °~ 60r+7-M ~ AtC~t: Nellfe~ Cz~~#oad, City Cl~sk ~ tl ~~. ~ ..Tatu~zy,. ~4,..~9.7,2.....,........... 1127-D2-2 S~xvLcen ~rtadr~r~ed as ~usve~rs, Flans and coAtr~ct dacuraants €or Sectiaa 63 CS, I.od~I ~~t I~agravemet~t No, ltd {second Avarua frann Locust to S1rA; Thud Av~ue #r~n Locu~C to Llcs St~'~3t; Chastuut Street fress second to EiBhtb avenue) pier agre~rasast dated July 27, ].9711 " Apgzaucct ~atis~tta +a€ Com-st;uctio» Cast {ContrBCt It+~sns) $157.78$.25 Estiassted 8eilra~d Czarsi~ng Construction Cost {13aaa- C~ait'raCt Yterss 5.000.00 Total $8timates~ Caustz~ctiau cast $162,783.25 8a~i....._.~ ~» Ftrst~ $3~,O~O.tIC ~ 11.2 ~ $3,364.OQ Naxt $20, titl0. t~0 C~ 8.68 ~ 1, 736. tN3 f~~re~t c$5~0f,Qt@)Q.OQ /c^~ 1.~8?% ~ ~ai,6y4]©.0~ lY~it $bZ,18~.25 ~.~ ~. Zi/e '# 3r.-ri~.3~. ~~ $12,612.82 t duo pendf~g award of CaAStrutatian coa,tracts: 98~ of $12,b12.82 $11,405.54 AMl7UNT DUE T~ilil STdTEIKE~TT ~~ ~ x ~:s~~~ v ~~~M~ig i~1fT .~~!k~ '~~f :~~i~.'~.~~` C~'YSi~ 4:^SS~:D'sisv.~}~7 ,ituy ~ t»u~bs C'sT wS .. !t3 ~~~.fR(,`P¢fd !~4`e`7fid~ PP~a3 a 1S~Ty't9%!i.'~,"rlt~e ICY`'bCtY Q3'rG¢ ~+ (:icy F3~11 Gt~rto4s itlin~a~: Ea15?p ~,~. ., ~`• ~ ~" Attn: 2dalli~ Crawfrxrd, City Clcsrdc ~.' ~ -. ~~u~:uai~t.~~ x;.r.czs~tro .....:~ ~rua:r~r ~4 a.. l a72......... . 7121-02-8 Saacv;Lc~s rendered Au;u~t I9J1 cn traffic rouz~ts i:~'x ~ec:ion G~ CS, ..acal Pr•~r~~r,,:+n s- ~mpravcuuenk ~~Io, }'2A, par, agrae~astk cued T•a]~ a7, 19]_' Assc~iate - u hr:z. ~:' 4~17.~0 $1GyrG'~ Ect~r~. ~'~ide 17 hrs. ~~ ~7.t?U 1:.~,t~t~ ~AiiCSU'DP3: ~?U~ '~I~I` S~!-ixF23£~:JT •;'?~~ , t?Cr' r ~ 4 ~ '.~ - Principals: 1 ' ~ih~`! L. K. CRAWFORD ~- ~! ~ / ,f+4' a„-~~F> JAMES P. 1IURPIiY ~' - "~ '~~ + ~J ~ Associates: f CLIFTON R, BAXTER ~• ~ °~ ~ l i ~ ~' ~ ~ ' ~TAMF.S A. DOF.RFLER rr~~-~-~~/4--__~.i~::/., _l_ `~ BRUCF, L. RATTF.RREF. CK[~~J//®~~ ~~~~~~r~ r~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ CHARLES 1.. RITCIIIF. iiiiiiLLL~~i®PS f Liii1' DONALD E. THOMPSON CARL A. WIELAND 755 South Grand Avenue, West • Sprin NATHAN ~VlLCOxoN gfield Illinois 6270/, Area Code 217 / Phone 525-TO~'.4 ROBERT D. `VIRF. ELMER F., YOUNG September 13, 1972 Mrs. Nellie Crawford City Clerk City of Canton Canton, Illinois 61520. Re 7127-02 - Canton, Illinois MFT Section 63 C.S. and Local Pavement Improvement No. 72-A Dear Nellie: The City Council approved a resolution of intent and the engineering agreement for the abobe proposed improvement, on July 27, 1971. Under the resolution of intent, the engineering would have been paid from funds of the local improve- ment project. The Public Hearing for the proposed improvement was held February 14, 1972. Due to some opposition from residents, the Board of Local-Improvement tabled the improvement for further consideration at a later date. Paragraph Sixteen (16) of the approved engineering agreement .reads as follows: 16. That if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the Public Agency, the Public Agency will pay the Engineer the balance of the engineering due to make l00 per cent of the total fees due under this agreement, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the Engineer and approved by the Public Agency and the Division of Highways. Approval Dates as follows: Public Agency December 13,-1971 Division of Highways .December 15, 1971 The Illinois Division of Highways will approve the expenditure of Motor .Fuel Funds for the engineering due in accordance with paragraph sixteen (16) of the approved engineering agreement. .However, the following will be necessary to obtain their approval: ti CAAW!'OAD, M~UAPAP&7I~Y, rec. ConsultmgAn~oeers Mrs. Nellie Crawford Canton, Illinois September 13, 1972 Page 2 (1) City Council must adopt the attached Supplemental Resolution appropriating the amount of money due the Engineers, as of December.l5, 1972.. (2) Execute the attached Municipal Request for Expenditure of Motor Fuei Funds for the amount of money due the Engineer. The Engineer, upon xeciept of the money due, will deliver the tracings, notebooks, etc., to .the City of Canton. As .the last obligation of .our engineering agreement, we will prepare and deliver to the Illinois Division of Highways the required Financial Statement, Form BLR X46. It is our desire that, should this improvement again become active, we can again be of service in the engineering required to carry the improvement to completion. Very truly yours, CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. EEY:hn - ~ .,; Enclosures cc Robert F. Jennings, Mayor William Malmgren, City Attorney K ~+ ~d ~iCi`.'i~~*ii~/~dG~, ~t4J~il~'~y$ y~+w3'+~ti~~ ~+~Si~Ai~ab~i'~l"~BrtP r -~ i .~, c~cy of Ca~a-ton City, Mali r Caton,. TXliac~is~ 61520 ~ bU47-M At~at: ~119L~ Crawford,, City C]er~ at~zza~zez~n,, tea. ,.t~cyt.2~i-.,..d~1,'w...._........... ~,.._.__,...,_... .._~..~,...~......~..w:..w._.._..._........,......,....K .~.,,........._.~ . . . ~ ~. . . ..,,..~...~,~ __.y.._.: ~. ... _~...~.~..~..., _.~. __.. . .._. .,..~_..........~..,...._._..__...._._..~...~_ _._ 727-D2-2 S+~rvic~s r6t:tdarad ou ~ur~ys, plsst~ anst contract docuz+~eszta for Sact~.o~t b3 CS, Lcrozl Navez~~ I~zpr~ame~a;t Ncs.?2A {Second Avez:zxe frcxia &ocust to 81st; Tt:ird Avenuo ~rc~a Locust to Blzzt Stz~aet; Chost:tut Str~set froze aecond to Bi~;hth Avenue) per 8greez~cnt dated July 27, 'i'~71: Ap^FtWad Batimate of Const~zrtsctioa Ccigt (Contract Zteans) $157,7$$.25 ~CaiC#e~ted Railroad Crossing Ccrnstrt~ti.on Coat (t~on- ,~ ~ . C~atract Iteaas S,Qflti.CO ~ota1° 8`stinatated C~tsfiructlon Copt ~162,7$a.2S Bat is e~: Fist $30,4i30.t10 @ 11.2$ ~ $3,35Q.00 Nest $2p,Op0.~i0 C $.63~ ~ 1,736.®U Next $~-Q,tlt3tl.00 C~ 7'.2£~°f. - :x,640.00 N+~t $b2,7S8.2S C~ 5.27;6 ~ 3,936,$2 $12,672.$2 Az~ouat `due pending Sward of c,,o:tstructlo:s ca~itracts: 90'~ oi" $22,b72.82 ~ $11:45.54 AMOUNT DUB IBIS STATB~ffiNT :Y N 4+ ~;A ~':# ., )j~~ ~"x'""~'Yx~k, a. a'Y~' tt,~3 0 'a .. ». .~ ..~ . J~` • $1 ~ ti'~.iY }~qf} !,'a. n:w~~sIEp S,;. ~~~~~~ 1rt ~ 7.r t ~, y ~ .q. •. _q .. ?GS .4o~,ti6 t"~cd Aac°~e, k~'cx< • tit+~"ixy?'aiJ, tLs:es,:r saT~; ~~ -»~ City of C~xt!:oi~t 1 GiCq Hall . G,~x~to«, I3linai:z 6152Q Atkns Id$ll~e i:ra-~;'ard, Cf t~ Clerk iµ i..~_...~_ ._ ....~. .. . _ 7127-U2..g Serviec:s zand~sed ~u~;ust 3.9iI ou t l~zuuxerrtim-ent Pdn, 72A: p~S 3gree~+t~ut Aaga:#~te ~ f hrs. '= X17, 0 Ln~r~,» ~'~i3a 17 t~rs» ~= $7.tiD »9A~I[7Utd~ I'Q8 ~I~IS SaTATFh,`Kl'3'y g~~n~c~.~~~rt+> r~a.c:a:~ .....:3snt~ar~*.c!±a..z972.o.,.... rnxfi,~ courar.s fvr Ser.tifan G3 CS, 'Lac$1 pavE~uens: ci~t«~d 1:x3.,: 2'7s 1~?~,: ~1Q5.Q4 :t.19aQQ Y / X ;. .~~ ~~ u4 k c .. _ ,,, t 7t~~ ~ ~ `_ ~`~ ~ ~~ ~H~~~4f~wt'R4k ~ ~~` aJ. .'1~~.:~_~~, ',~ ~~ ~~ ~l' ~-:j~s "~ it~ry, a F'' }YY p~ a ti~ ~. ,~daidp L.,..r ~a1'S~}.fy.. iii-tH jL~S~d:+l'w R•,7 (]ti TF:s °~1 ~ra~d ~4a,1~'eeE • ~ysrt>s~c~d,1='1-tt~F~a ~~70a i city of 4'~nCon • City Hall '*,*^ Garton, Illinois ``'':` ~~ Attn; .Nellie Crawford, Gity Clerk -~ ~~f., <„ -- R- ~~~~ .J u~'xu~'ra~s~.:u, i~.~i~ozs ....., .., ~'s ,-. 7127-02-9 Services rendered August 1971 through February 1972 on plans and documents for railraad crossing or Sectign 63 CS, Local Pave~ae~at Inxprovement X30. 72A, .Second and Third Avenue from Locust to Elm, Chestnut Street ~ro*a Second to Eighth Avenue, per agreement dated Jule 27, 1971: Associate - 40 hrs. @ $17.50 $7030.40 Engrg. Aide -- 1/2 hr. @ $7.00 3.5© Travel Espenee 26.25 AMOUI3T DIJF THIS S'lATlrAif:t~T $729.75 R V .,