HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-1992 Mechanical Mechanical Committee City Council Chambers May 27, 1992 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Harry Steck, Dave Barnett, Dick Coay, Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Clif O'Brien, Ray McKinney, Gary Orwig, George Spahn, Bob DeRenzy, Mike Elam, Howard Williams, John Froehling, Gladys Young, Don Hopper Public Safety & Traffic Committee Dave Barnett, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the fire report. Bob DeRenzy stated that the monthly report was self-explanatory. No action was necessary by the Committee. Bob stated that the rescue vehicle has had some bugs but the manufacturer has corrected the problems. Bob informed the Committee that the ad for the sale of the old -~? ~- rescue s$~E was placed with the Illinois Municipal League L,~. magazine and will be published in the June issue. Bob suggested the ad be placed in the local newspaper. Discussion followed. The Committee directed Bob DeRenzy to place the sale ad in the local paper as well as the Peoria Journal Star. The police report was next. Mike Elam stated that the monthly report was self-explanatory. No action was necessary at this time on the report by the Committee. The ESM4 report was next. Howard Williams' report was self-explanatory. No action was necessary by the Committee at this time on this report. He also informed the Committee that they have received the (REACH license. This is a statewide frequency to allow for direct communications between agencies. Howard stated that Mike Conklin will be training personnel for the operation of the Channel 28 override system. The next item was a request for a street light in the parking lot on East Elm Street. Mike Elam stated that he had looked at the area and felt that until something else is done with the depot, the area is adequately lighted. He suggested that a change not be made in the lighting at this time. A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Dick Coay recommending no action be taken on the matter at this time. Voice vote. Motion carried. 1 The petition presented to the city by Mr. Kuzinar concerning the parking of a semi tractor in a residential area was discussed briefly. Mayor Edwards stated that he felt the council should leave the enforcement of the ordinances up to the police department. Mike Elam stated that the past practice has been that an owner can take his tractor home - this particular tractor is parked in the owner's driveway and is approximately one half block from the designated truck route. A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Dick Coay to place a copy of the petition on file. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards addressed the next item concerning a letter received from Bethany's. They are concerned with the traffic at the intersection of 8th Avenue and East Chestnut Street. They have indicated that vehicles are slowing to look at their displays in the window and the potential accident rate is high. They are requesting the placement of a stop sign on East Chestnut at 8th Avenue. Mayor Edwards suggested the police department conduct a study of the area. Committee agreed and directed the study be conducted. Dave Barnett informed the Committee that the stop sign at 6th Avenue and Sycamore Street in the east bound lane is blocked by tree limbs which need to be cut. Clif O'Brien stated he would take care of the problem. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that Louis Whitman has donated the labor to paint the fire hydrants and to trim the weeds around them. Bob DeRenzy stated that the eagle scouts may become involved in this project as a way to earn badges. No further action was taken by the Committee and the Public Safety and Traffic Committee was adjourned. Streets and Garbage Committee Richard Coay, Chairman The first item was a request from Clif O'Brien to obtain quotes for a paint sprayer. He stated that due to the financial situation, he will be purchasing a nozzle and try to use it for the visi-beads for the uptown street striping. He stated that he did not have a price at this time. No action was taken by the committee at this time. Clif O'Brien informed the Committee that one of the back up garbage trucks may have a broken piston. He stated the cost to repair is approximately $2,000. He informed the Committee that he had talked with Pat Wright and she feels that the funds will be available after the transfer of funds. He informed the Committee that if it were more than a broken piston, he will not repair it at this time. 2 `rr+~r'" Bud Nelson of Melgreen's furniture addressed the Committee. He comriended the city for the road at the Wal-Mart shopping area and the road beside K-Mart as well as the downtown sidewalk program. He stated that in the blocks around the square, East Elm Street from Main Street to Avenue A, and South Main Street from Elm to Pine Streets, have limited parking available, and no new walks, trees or decorative lighting. He suggested the strong enforcement of the two hour parking regulations in this area. Mayor Edwards stated that the city is planning on going out for bids in the future for Elm Street and part of Main Street for new walks. The city could look at lighting at the same time. He stated that the improvements are paid from the TIF funds. Mr. Nelson stated that the alley behind their business seems to be owned by Illinois Bell Telephone. He stated that if the city could improve the alley it would be an asset to the businesses in the area. Mr. Nelson stated that he is only representing himself and has not talked with other businesses in the immediate area. No action was taken by the Committee on this item. Howard Williams informed the Committee that they had decided on the placement of a "No Left Turn" sign at the post office lot on East Elm Street. The lot should be opened next week, and Howard suggested the sign be placed in the area as soon as possible. Committee agreed. The Committee reviewed the pay estimate from Pollitt Mobile Concrete in the amount of $5,530. The estimate contained two lien waivers, Anderson Trucking and Davis Trucking. Mrs. Pollitt had included a letter to Pat Wright. The letter was read aloud by the secretary. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Dave Barnett recommending payment of the pay estimate #10 in the amount of $5,530. Voice vote. Notion carried. No further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage Committee was adjourned. Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee Harry Steck, Chairman The first item of discussion was the purchase of an air conditioner for the basement of city hall. George Spahn provided the following prices: BTU PRICE VEI~DOFt WARRANTY 7,500 $297 Wal-Mart 5 year - Compressor 7,000 $299 K-Mart 5 year - Compressor 10,000 $399 K-Mart 5 year - Compressor 10,000 $425 Easley 7 year - Compressor 12,000 $459 Easley 7 year - Compressor 3 the ionef needed cool the of air Condit unit to Coat the $1Ze B~ ed by pick a 10,000 of $425. followed one suggested seCOn a cost Discussion Georg pave Barnett and nt area. Easley at baseme otion was made by unit from area. A m nt of a to purchase a 10,000 B motion carried. the placeme vote. concerning road is between Voice the Committee lake in some case addressed Ray stated that the that Ray l~-clCinneY the lake' l ine. He stat25 feet of shoreline boat dock at and the shore does not e providing aserthe leased Istated that the leased lot -anguag contain In this Mayor Edwards f boat the leases leaseholders. the road. access to the allow the cons~oadtbetWeen the 9o to the shoreli~aa es was to not there is a of the fact that followed Motion was the intent area due to the Discussion into the docks in the attorney to check Coay. lot and the shoreline' the c~tY Seconded by pick leased Dave Barnett directing findings. made by report back with his matter and Motion carried. roblem with voice vote. ittee there has been a P hoto9~aPhS informed the Cow roperty. Ray provided p Ray McKinney trees on city P someone cutting a trees which had bee~ovude acent owner had cut them to p Harry of the area t appeared thesad~ral arg Discussion followed. Ray stated ~ P for a lake view from his residenceā€¢ The Committee agreed and ested that an investigation be conducted in to t e Steck su99 ro erty. cutting of the trees on city p P directed Mike Elam to look into the matter he refinancing of Jlm Elson informed the Committee that with t property on leased lots at theetc!afor they financingnC'He institutions are requesting releases stated that the city is informing them that there will be a user fee of $50.00 if the city conducts the research and completes the paperwork for the financial institution. This provides for the city not bearing the cost. Mayor Edwards stated that the Snowman brothers have purchased ten acres each on the east side of the lake. They are anticipating the installation of a water line. Mayor Edwards stated that this was an informational item but felt the Committee should be aware of the possibility of water expansion in that area. No further business was discussed and the Lake, Buildings and Grounds Committee was adjourned. Public Wbrks - Water and Sewer Cormnittee Jim May, Chairman The first item was a request from Mike Coker to have an easement released. it was noted that an ordinance is necessary for City Council to act upon the request. It had been recommended to the city council the release be granted. 4 Gary Orwig addressed the Committee concerning the oil and chipping of the sewer plant road. He stated that the cost is approximately $3200 to be paid from the water and sewer funds. He stated this A motion was made by HarryeSaeck dto'aglowe theeexpendet~e wfrom funds. Seconded by Dick Coay. Voice vote. Motionacarraed, sewer Ray McKinney addressed the Committee with a request to approve the extension of the meter exchange program with Badger for water meters. A motion was made by Harry Steck and seconded by Dick Coay to approve the extension of the agreement. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Public Works - Water and Sewer Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 5