HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-1991 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers November 12, 1991 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Malmgren, Mike Elam, Clif O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Ray McKinney, George Spahn, Dick Coay, Dave Barnett, Harry Steck, Bob DeRenzy, Chris Spears, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the opening of the bids for The secretary opened the bids. The results attached tab sheet. A motion was made by Bob by Larry Sarff to have the bids reviewed by recommendation for the next City Council Motion carried. the new tandem truck. are contained on the Molleck and seconded staff and to have a meeting. Voice vote. The second item was the discussion of possibly submitting a bid on a used rescue vehicle. The vehicle was advertised in the Municipal League magazine by Centralia, Illinois. It is a 1976 Dodge with approximately 19,600 miles. Bob DeRenzy stated that he has spoken with the fire chief there and they were not happy with a Dodge. He stated that they anticipate bids between $12,000 - $12,500. The bids are to be received by November 27th at 10:00 a.m. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to have Harry Steck, Bob DeRenzy and one other fire department person go to Centralia to look at the truck for possible bidding. Voice vote. Motion carried. The review of the bids for the new generators for City Hall and the Public Safety Building was next. It was determined that the generator at the water plant would be paid from the depreciation fund. It was not determined what funds would be used for the City Hall generator or the Public Safety Building generator. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to refer the bids to the City Council for consideration. Voice vote. Motion carried. 1 The purchase of purchase orders was next. Kayma Duncan stated that she had received quotes for 5,000 purchase orders from two local printing companies. The quotes were: Crawford's - $806.58; and Canton Printing - $409.00. A motion was made by Bob Molteck and seconded by Larry Sarff to accept the low quote. Voice vote. Motion carried. The purchase of time cards was next. Kayma Duncan stated that two quotes, one from Crawford's in the amount of $263.26 and one from Canton Printing in the amount of $242.00, were received. A motion was made by Bob Molteck and seconded by Larry Sarff to accept the low quote for the purchase of time cards. Voice vote. Motion carried. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee with a request to purchase four controls and two effluent valves for the water plant. He stated that the price is $46,896.00. He stated that the Council had allotted him $65,000 from the surcharge funds for the plant. Discussion. A motion was made by Bob Molteck and seconded by Larry Sarff to refer the request to Pat Wright and Chris Spears for review of the funds with a recommendation to be brought to the next City Council meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bob DeRenzy addressed the Committee with a request to purchase a work processor for the fire department. He stated that Best Buy has a unit with software for a total price of $2,044.69. He stated that $2500 was included in his budget for a word processor. This would be used for reports, maintenance records, payroll, etc. Discussion. A motion was made by Bob Molteck and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending the request be sent to the City Council for consideration with Bob DeRenzy checking local firms for prices and to verify that the unit is IBM compatible. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam addressed the Committee with a request to purchase a new squad car. He stated that the state purchase is with Miles Chevrolet/Nissan in Decatur, Illinois. The price is $13,259.17. He stated that this purchase has been budgeted for the department. Mike informed the Committee that he has not determined which car will be dropped from the fleet. Mayor Edwards stated that he has talked with Gary Orwig and would like to see the unmarked car go to Gary's department. A motion was made by Bob Molteck and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending to the City Council the purchase of the new police car. Voice vote. Motion carried. 2 '~/ `~rl~ Mike Elam addressed the Committee with a request to have the juvenile detention cell remodeled. He stated that the cell is not applicable due to law changes and with the remodeling the DARE officer and the Crime Stoppers Coordinator would have additional space. The estimated cost of the remodeling is $350.00. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the remodeling expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. The bill for Buckeye Street and the change order was discussed next. Mayor Edwards stated that the first pay request for Pschirrer is in the amount of $136,238 with a retention of $13,624 for a total payout of $122,614. Mayor Edwards stated that this estimate would be forwarded on to IDOT for approval and to Wal-Mart. He stated that the total project will pass through the city for payment since MFT funds are involved. The city has committed $150,000, the state has committed $30,000 and Wal-Mart is responsible for the balance. Along with the pay estimate is a bill from Anderson & Associates in the amount of approximately $17,000. All of these expenses are related to the resident engineering for Buckeye Street. Discussion followed concerning some of the items contained in the bill. A miotion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to refer both bills to the City Council for consideration. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee there is a change order in the amount of $13,084. Bob Anderson stated that this is for the laying of pipe in front of Slaight's due to a change in the design. Mayor Edwards stated that this has been submitted to IDOT for approval and if approved will be passed on to ~^!al-Mart. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff to send the change order to City Council for approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam addressed the Committee concerning the downtown Christmas patrol. Mike stated that the total cost would be the city's and suggested a total of 88 hours during the two week period beginning December 9th. The cost would be $374.00. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the $374.00 expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig addressed the Committee concerning the purchase of a 175 amp breaker for the storm building. It has been determined that the current breaker is not adequate for the operation of the pumps, etc. He stated that the low quote from Kewanee Electric is in the amount of $475.00. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending approval of the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. 3 Bills were next. It was noted that the bill for Wheeler's Truck Garage in the amount of $1,088 was for the replacement of springs and had not been previously approved. A motion was made by Bob Molleck and seconded by Larry Sarff to refer the bills to the City Council for approval. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning the TCI agreement. He stated that Mr. Ludwig has informed him that he is inquiring on the possibility of obtaining the funds for the city to go out for bids for the camera equipment. He stated that it is anticipated the amount will be $9-9500. Mayor Edwards stated that Mike Conklin is in the process of obtaining specifications for the equipment and would like to have them put out for bids. Discussion followed on the pieces of equipment which will be purchased. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to send the specifications out for bids for the various pieces of camera equipment. Voice vote. Motion carried. fVo further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Bob Molleck, Chairman The first item was the drug testing. Bob Molleck stated that the other two unions have not contacted him concerning the drug testing. Bob DeRenzy asked if the city could act on the fire department if the other two unions do not respond in the near future. Bob stated that he would prefer to wait but will consider acting on the fire department's policy in the near future. The next item was addressed by Clif O'Brien. He stated that since the moving of Will Taggart and the promotion of George Spahn, the maintenance department now has an opening. He stated that Danny Dare is currently working in this department from the Street Department. He asked the Committee's feeling on leaving Mr. Dare in the maintenance department and replacing him in the street department or filling the vacancy in the maintenance department. Starting pay for a custodian is $16,470 during probation with an increase to $17,110 after probation. Mr. Dare is currently classified as a heavy equipment operator at $19,720. After discussion, a motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck instructing Clif to post the opening for a building and grounds custodian position in the maintenance department. Voice vote. Motion carried. 4 Clif informed the Committee with his promotion to Street Superintendent, there is an opening in the system maintenance department for a laborer/truck driver. He asked the Committee's consideration in filling the opening. He informed the Committee that Clark Wilson will be off work approximately four to six weeks due to breaking his hand. He intends to place a street department person in Clark's place temporarily. Discussion followed concerning the stipulation that the new employee have a CDL license before filling the job. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck instructing Clif to post the laborer/truck driver position for the system maintenance department. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was the filling of a position at the sewer plant. Bob Molleck stated that this vacancy occurred when Larry Dutton left the employment of the city. He stated he would like to have the position posted. There is a vast amount of maintenance done at the plant. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to post the operator without a license position for the sewer plant. Voice vote. Motion carried. The last item on teh agenda was the discussion of the duties of the engineer. Bob Molleck stated he felt the Committee should set down with Bob Anderson, the Mayor, City Attorney and Tracie Skaggs to determine the duties for the position. Committee agreed. A meeting was set for November 20, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. in the Mayor's office with the mayor's secretary to set notices to everyone involved. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Commnunity and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman In the absence of Kevin Meade, Bob Molleck presided over the meeting. The first item of discussion vas the Director's report. Chris informed the Committee that he had no report at this time. Mayor Edwards stated that Chris has been working on a proposed development but public information is not available at this time. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman 5 In the absence of Jerry Bohler, Larry Sarff presided over the meeting. The first item was the affirmative action plan. No additional information was presented and the item was tabled at this time. Mobile homes/mobile home parks was next on the agenda. This item was tabled to the next meeting. The building code update request was next. Jim Malmgren stated that the city had looked at updating the codes several years ago and found that the fee schedules for building permits were substantially higher than the 1979 building code, which the city now uses. This would include the mechanical code, fire code, and plumbing code. Dave Barnett stated that the original request was to purchase the updated 1991 codes for a cost of $398 or to become a member of the International Conference of Building Officials for $400. With the membership, the city will receive the updates on a regular basis. He stated that the continued membership would be $300 per year. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck stating that additional information was necessary and to table the item until the next meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning the prison agreement. He stated that this has to do with charging a surcharge to the prison for use of the sewer. This has had first reading by Council, was referred to the Committee, and has been tabled due to disagreements between the city attorney and the former city engineer. He stated that the Department of Corrections has been pushing to have this completed and he has signed the agreement and sent it in. He asked the Committee to refer the agreement to the City Council for approval. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to send the agreement to the City Council for approval with the agreement to be retroactive to the date on the face of the agreement. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mike Elam addressed the Committee with an informational item. He stated that in January 1992 a law will be put into effect which will have an impact on the city. This law will change the amount the city will receive on traffic tickets. ti9ike stated that the Fulton County Board can elect not to abide by this law due to the exemption if a county has under 2 million population. Larry Sarff suggested that either the area chiefs or mayors send letters to the county board to request the board not be mandated by this bill. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to request the area boards, commissions and councils pass an ordinance which would return the current fees to the municipalities and to forward those ordinances to the Fulton County Board for consideration. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried. 6 The next item was the discussion of the Illinois Bell agreement. Jim Malmgren stated that this extends the current agreement ten years under these conditions. He stated that this is a non-exclusive agreement. Discussion followed on the differences between the current agreement and the proposed new agreement for Illinois Bell. Jim stated he is assuming there is a current agreement with Illinois Bell but has not seen it. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Bob Molleck to send the agreement to the City Council for consideration and to contact Jim Donnelly to request his attendence at the next City Council meeting for discussion of the agreement. Voice vote. Motion carried. The Wal-Mart preliminary plat was discussed next. Jim Malmgren stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission acted upon the plat at last night's meeting and treated it as a preliminary plat. Jim stated that Wal-Mart had previously submitted an annexation and rezoning plat and he assumes that drawings were submitted for tt~e building permit. He stated that the preliminary plat is good for one year with a two year extension. He stated that the ordinance provides for the obtaining of a final plat by posting a performance bond or cash equal to the balance of the construction of the improvements. He stated that this should have been submitted prior to the construction of improvemients. The Committee has a copy of the preliminary plat with recommendations from Bob Anderson and the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval by the Council. Bob Anderson stated that he has also approved this plat as a final plat. Jim Malmgren stated that the final plan can be approved at any time after the preliminary plat is approved. He stated the final plat may have to go to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval of the final plat. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff recommending that the preliminary plat be sent to the City Council for approval and acceptance of the final plat be put on the City Council agenda. Seconded by Bob Molleck. Voice vote. Motion carried. When asked if K-Mart will be the same, Jim stated that if it is not subdividing land, it should not have the same problems. Jim Malmgren informed the Committee that the Watts settlement agreement will be on the next City Council meeting and will be discussed in executive session with a full council. No action was necessary at this time. As an informational item, Larry Sarff stated that he believes CIC's last day will be November 15th. Mayor Edwards suggested Chris Spears obtain a copy of the November 8th letter in the local newspaper to be placed in the city's files. No action was necessary on this item. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 7