HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-1991 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers February 12, 1991 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Kevin Meade, Jerry Bohler, Larry Sarff Others Present: Don Edwards, Jirn Malmgren, Chris Spears, Bob DeRenzy, Cliff O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Harry Steck, Will Taggart, Steve White, Randy Zimmerman, Don Hopper, Ross Gardiner, Cliff Sagaser, Gladys Young Finance Caroni ttee Vic Kovachevich, Chairman In the absence of Alderman Kovachevich, Alderman Sarff presided over the meeting. The first item was the matter of a water bill at 615 South Main Street. Steve White informed the Committee that the renter had moved out and left no forwarding address. The meter readers, after several attempts, finally got a reading, but, the account had been estimated for quite some time. The meter readers did find a leaky stool in the house when they read the meter. Due to the fact that the renter left no forwarding address and the bill was returned, the water was shut off, a shut off fee was added to the bill and the bill was sent to the landlord in the amount of $210.23. Mr. Harrison, the landlord, stated that he objected to the fact that the meter was not read for almost a year. He stated that he felt he should have been notified and would have gladly read the meter. Cliff Sagaser stated that there is a policy set by the city that if the bill is estimated for three periods, the water is shut off to enable the meter readers to get a reading. Larry Sarff asked why this was not shut off after the three periods. Steve White stated that the tenant was paying the bills on time, and he was informed by the ladies in the water department that the water was not shut off due to the lack of manpower. Mayor Edwards stated that the policy has been that if the account is estimated three periods, the water is shut off, a read-o-matic installed. In these cases where it is estimated more than three periods, the bills are adjusted by going back three billing periods. Harry Steck stated he feels the city is to blame and agrees that the landlord should be notified. Discussion. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to adjust bill according to the policy previously set and to attempt to gain restitution from the tenant. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig addressed the Committee with a request to purchase a new dissolved oxygen probe. Gary stated that the cost to have the present probe repaired will be almost $400, and a new probe can be purchased for $450.00. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recommending approval of $450.00 to purchase a new dissolved oxygen probe. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary addressed the Committee repaired. He stated that the approximately two weeks to r Bohler and seconded by Kevin mixer repair in the amount carried. with a request to have the mixer repairs will cost $558 and will take °ceive. A motion was made by Jerry Meade recommending approval of the of $558.00. Voice vote. Motion Gary informed the Committee that the lid on the digester has shifted after it was reinstalled. He stated that one brace has been installed by city personnel to hold the lid in place but six more braces have been made by Jarvis Welding for the digester. He requested approval of the $665.00 expenditure for the welding bill. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recom~riending approval of the $665.00 expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. The matter of purchasing a fax machine was discussed next. Chris Spears stated that a law had been passed requiring municipalities to join JULIE (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators). One of the requirements is a printer or fax machine for the location requests. Chris stated that last year there were 473 calls in our area. Several options are available. If a direct phone line for JULIE is used the cost would be $1.97 per call or $931; if a fax is used, the cost would be $1.47 per call or $695; or, if a printer is used, the cost would be $.97 per call or $458. Chris stated that JULIE stipulates the fax has to be available 90% of the time and at this point, they feel we are borderline between the fax and the printer. Chris stated that purchasing a fax on the open market could be $300.00; $700 from a company, and possibly $1200 from AT&T. Chris stated a transfer switch which costs approximately $200 could be used instead of a separate line. This would transfer the fax to the first available open line. Kevin Meade stated that he felt the city needs to find out what they really need without going overboard. Jerry Bohler stated that he is in favor of purchasing a fax but feels additional research is needed. Larry Sarff stated he feels the city needs a fax and feels that one can be purchased on the open market that will fit the needs of the city. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending to the City Council the purchase of a fax for no more than $400 and a transfer switch be utilized rather than a separate line. Voice vote. Motion carried. 2 Bills were next. Larry Sarff stated that the bill for Jim Malmgren needs to be amended from $300 to $525. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to amend and approve the bills as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried. Chris Spears addressed the Committee on behalf of Pat Wright concerning the payment of the Fulton Square Lot. He stated that the money is available and requested council action to pay the amount due. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending payment of $44,000 for the Fulton Square lot. Voice vote. Motion carried. A request was presented by Larry Sarff concerning the foreign fire tax. He stated that the funds are in escrow pending the court case. He stated that the department has some bills due and would like to see $100 transferred to the department. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to transfer $100 of the foreign fire tax funds to the fire department for bills. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel C.arrnittee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item of discussion was a letter received by Mayor Edwards from Randy Howard who is serving in Desert Storm. The letter stated that Mr. Howard had received a letter and the proclamation passed by the city. He stated that it was appreciated but asked that the whole group be recognized not just himself. Mayor Edwards stated that he is a member of the 69th Signal Company and there are 180 persons in the unit. This was an informational item only and no action is required. The Committee discussed a memo from Will Taggart requesting the hiring of three full time persons. Will had provided a list of the upcoming projects. Larry Sarff stated that some of the projects are long term projects and felt that some of them could be contracted out. It was noted by Will that he is unable to lay the blocks for the beach buildings and contracting the labor out is a possibility. Other projects such as the roof on the comfort station was discussed as well. It was decided by the Committee to have staff put together specs for advertising for bids for these projects. The gazebo was discussed at this time. Chris stated that the plans will be completed soon and will be brought before the City Council for approval. Mayor Edwards stated that a part time person could be hired for the mowing. It was noted that the Summer Youth participants will not be available until school is out, funding for the Green Thumb program has run out, it may be a 3 possibility to obtain township personnel or of having a Diversified Occupations participant through the high school to work with the maintenance department. Discussion followed. Mayor Edwards stated that he will talk with Cliff O'Brien and Will Taggart about a part time person. At this time the Committee discussed the remodeling of the Council Chambers. The Committee discussed painting, total restoration of the chambers and the need to secure the bowed walls. It was the consensus of the Committee to secure the walls first with other decisions on the remodeling to be discussed further. Larry Sarff requested an executive session at the end of the meeting for the purposes of personnel. Committee agreed. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Community and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first item of discussion was the Director's Report. Chris informed the Committee that he had met with Norma Wheeler and she has informed him that the Spoon River Drive location for Canton will be Jones Park instead of Wallace Park. Chris asked the Committee's consideration in having signs and/or a banner put up for the drive to assist in pointing out the location. Discussion followed concerning the location of the banner. Consensus of the Committee was favorable but no formal action was taken at this time. Chris asked the Committee's consideration in setting up a loan account for the funds in the downtown TIF. He stated there is approximately $38,000 in the fund and suggested the funds be made available for outside building improvements in amounts of $2500 at 5°r6 interest with repayment over a five year period. Mayor Edwards stated that he and Chris had talked with over and suggested awnings of uniform color and style similar to what other towns have done in their downtown areas may be a possibility. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler directing Chris to talk with the Chamber of Commerce to get their ideas on the use of the funds for the downtown. Voice vote. Motion carried. At this time the Phillips & Associates/Active English loan was discussed. Chris informed the Committee that Bill & Cliff Phillips and Gary McGee were here to address the Committee. Bill Phillips informed the Committee that the company has made progress in that the Canadian and Australian patents and a continuance on the U.S. patent has been obtained. He stated that Mr. McGee has joined the firm in the aspect of marketing and financial efforts 4 of the company. Mr. McGee informed the Committee that the focus will be on selling the project and they are looking into additional financing, both long and short term. Mr. McGee stated that the company would like to pay the interest payments and ask the city to work with the company on the principal payments. He stated that they will be coming back in June with a status report. Chris informed the Committee that the city has not received the December 1989, June 1990 or December 1990 payments but an interest check was brought to the office today. The amount due for the three payments is $46,815 which includes penalties and late charges. The payoff on the loan is approximately $73,000. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending acceptance of the interest payment with a status report to be presented at the June meeting. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first item was the election ordinance. Jim halmgren stated that this will be presented at the next City Council meeting for consideration. The next item was the affirmative action plan. Jim Malmgren stated that there was no change at this time. The item was tabled to the next meeting. The bed and breakfast ordinance was next. Jim Malmgren stated that no additional information was available at this time. The regulations concerning the setback requirements was addressed by the Committee. Cliff Sagaser stated that he and Jim need to get together on this. Jim stated that he has the material from Cliff but is not ready at this time. The request for additional lighting for the Jameson lot was next. Cliff Sagaser asked if the Mayor had received a letter from CIPS concerning the lighting in this lot. Mayor Edwards stated that the had not received the letter. Cliff will call CIPS concerning the matter. No action was necessary at this time. Jerry Bohler suggested that the city continue with the condemnation of houses. He stated that he has been informed that it is more economical if three properties are done at one time. He suggested the house at the I~ corner of Avenue A and Oak, the green house east of 3rd Avenue on Locust Street and one other location be sent to Lewistown for ownership determination. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to 5 approve the request. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that they had previously approved the sale of the city owned lot on South Avenue B. He stated that Cliff Sagaser has provided a legal description of the property. Mayor Edwards stated that an easement will have to be retained to allow access to the sewer line behind this lot. He stated that he would like to advertise the lot for sale. Committee agreed. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that he has been talking with Macomb Mayor Bob Anstine concerning the possibility of a water impoundment between Canton and Macomb for all surrounding cities to use. He stated that he will continue to tivork on the idea and discuss the possibilities. At this time a motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to convene in executive session for the purpose of personnel. Voice vote. Motion carried. Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. No action was taken at this time. No further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 6 CORRECTED PAGE TO C,r,ERICAL COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 12, 1991. Bills were next. Larry Sarff stated that the bill for Jim Malmgren needs to be amended from $300 to $525. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to amend and approve the bills as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried. Chris Spears addressed the Committee on behalf of Pat Wright concerning the payment of the Fulton Square Lot. He stated that the money is available and requested council action to pay the amiount due. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending payment of $44,000 for the Fulton Square lot. Voice vote. Motion carried. A request was presented by Larry Sarff concerning the foreign fire tax. He stated that the funds are in escrow pending the court case. He stated that the department has some bills due and would like to see $500 transferred to the department. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to transfer $500 of the foreign fire tax funds to the fire department for bills. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item of discussion was a letter received by Mayor Edwards from Randy Howard who is serving in Desert Storm. The letter stated that Mr. Howard had received a letter and the proclamation passed by the city. He stated that it was appreciated but asked that the whole group be recognized not just himself. Mayor Edwards stated that he is a member of the 69th Signal Company and there are 180 persons in the unit. This was an informational item only and no action is required. The Committee discussed a memo from Will Taggart requesting the hiring of three full time persons. Will had provided a list of the upcoming projects. Larry Sarff stated that some of the projects are long term projects and felt that some of them could be contracted out. It was noted by Will that he is unable to lay the blocks for the beach buildings and contracting the labor out is a possibility. Other projects such as the roof on the comfort station was discussed as well. It was decided by the Committee to have staff put together specs for advertising for bids for these projects. The gazebo was discussed at this time. Chris stated that the plans will be completed soon and will be brought before the City Council for approval. Mayor Edwards stated that a part time person could be hired for the mowing. It was noted that the Summer Youth participants will not be available until school is out, funding for the Green Thumb program has run out, it may be a 3