HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-1990 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers November 13, 1990 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Kevin Meade, Jerry Kohler, Vic Kovachevich, Larry Sarff Others Present: Don Edwards, Chris Spears, Bob DeRenzy, Bob Molleck, Cliff O'Brien, Gary Orwig, Harry Steck, V'Ji I I Taggart, Ray P~lcl~inney, Jim Malmgren, Jim May, Ross Gardiner, Gladys Young, Don Hopper, Finance Committee Vic Kovachevich, Chairman The first item was a request to purchase two computers. Bob Molleck stated that he had set up a committee from the department to investigate and obtain prices on various computer systems and had provided an outline of the items the computers could be utilized for. Bob stated that the committee believes the DAK system is the best buy at a price of $4,969. He stated that $5,084 had been included in the police department budget for the purchase. Bob stated that the two units will be used for administration purposes and secretarial duties. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade recorrrnending to the City Council the approval of the expenditure for the DAK computers at a cost of $4969.00. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was the opening of the bids of the underground storage tanks. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to open the bids. Voice vote. Motion carried. The bids were opened and the results are outlined on the attached tab sheet. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to refer the bids to the staff for review. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was the purchasing of pins with the City of Canton on them. These are to be used as souveniors for visitors to the city. Mayor Edwards stated that this item can be removed from the agenda as he will be taking care of this. Committee agreed. Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee with the possibility of increasing the limit the department heads are authorized to spend. He stated that the present $150 limit is not practical. He suggested that the limit be increased to at least double the present amount. Discussion followed that the bills would still be 1 on the list as usual. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to increase the department head purchase limit to $300. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bob Molleck addressed the Committee concerning the christmas patrol on the square. He stated that the Council authorized a $1,000 expenditure for the patrol last year. He requested perrnission to continue the patrol this year. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending the continuation of the christmas patrol up to $1,000. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was a request from Gary Or~vig to have a truck repaired for the sewer plant. Gary stated that the truck needs to have radius arms, bushings and two shocks replaced. The estimated cost to repair the truck at Ken's Repair is $450.00. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin P/leade recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. Cliff O'Brien addressed the Committee concerning a driveway at 730 East Locust. He informed the Committee that the property owner, Jim Iviorgan, called him and stated that when the city cut the tree next door to his property, the trunk fell on the driveway and broke the concrete. Cliff stated that he is not sure if the tree did the damage or not. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to replace the broken section of driveway at 730 East Locust Street. Voice vote. Motion carried. Bills were next. Alderman Kovachevich stated that two bills for Jim Malmgren should be added to the list of bills. The bills were for: arbitration in the amount of $2100 and $187.50 for the Gibson property work. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to add the bills to the list. Voice vote. Motion carried. A motion was rnade by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to approve the bills as presented. Gary Orvrig stated that the SRA Rental bill of $65.00 was listed twice, once in the wastewater section and once in the buildings and grounds section. It was noted that this should be checked to see if it is a typographical error. Voice vote. Motion carried. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff recommending the bills be approved as presented. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards addressed the Committee concerning the foreign fire tax funds. He stated that the fire department previously received 2% of the tax funds for the betterment of the department. Anew law allows the fire department to received the entire amount received by a municipality from the foreign fire tax. lvlayor Edwards stated that the city has received $5400. The Illinois Municipal League has filed suit that is pending as to the outcome in providing the department to continue to receive only 2%. Jim tilalmgren stated that he feels the league stands a good chance of winning but it is unknown how long it will be until the end results. He stated that the City can not delegate authority over 2 ~-' the funds, but suggested that it may be possible to either place the funds in an escrow account or not pay the funds to the department until the outcome of the suit. Discussion followed. It was noted that the present ordinance provides for monthly and annual reports on these funds to the City Council which are not being done. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Kevin Meade to have the City Treasurer place the foreign fire tax funds in an escrow account. Voice vote. Motion carried. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that Cliff O'Brien will be looking for a used truck for the street department. He stated that funds were included in his budget and he has been instructed to look for a truck and bring the information back to his committee. No action was necessary on this item. No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item of discussion was the prescription cards. Mayor Edwards stated that Ron Jones has informed Nancy that it could be set up where the employee pays $3.00 for a generic drug and $6.00 for a brand name drug but the prescription would not be allowed to be filed to meet the employee's deductible. Jim Malmgren stated that during the negotiations, the city indicated the possibility of a drug card or designating a pharmacy. Committee discussed the fact that more information should be obtained from Ron Jones as to the administrative costs, maintenance costs and specialty items related to the card. The information should then be compared with the local pharmacies to determine the best deal. The consensus of the Committee was to table this item to the next Clerical meeting. Pvlayor Edwards addressed the Committee with the possibility of drug testing for city employees. He stated that he did not expect a response at this time but wanted the members to start thinking about the matter. Jim Malmgren stated that the Fire and Police Com-nission will be providing recommendations for drug testing. No action was necessary at this time by the Committee. No further business vas discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Com~nittee was adjourned. 3 Community and Industrial Development Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first item of discussion was the Director's Report. Chris stated that he has sent in the pre-application for the clean lakes program grant and is in the process of writing a grant application for the depot renovation. Chris stated that Dave Gould of the EDC has talked to him about the city's annual contribution. He stated that the city had paid $3655 annually. Since the last contribution, the EDC has closed its office and contracted with Spoon River College for the administration support services. One of the organizations that the EDC is a member of is the Heart of Illinois Corridor Council. Dave Gould is proposing a split of the $2900 membership fee. Chris stated that he feels the City should share the burden but only by contributing one fourth or $725 to the fee. Mayor Edwards feels the city can contribute $1,000. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler recommending the City contribute $1,000 to the EDC for its 1991 contribution. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item v~ras an update of the CIC situation. Chris stated that John Doubeck, CIC's attorney, called and informed him that DCCA will be sending a letter to the City informing them that they have agreed to the trade of lots in exchange for the $400,000 debt. Chris stated that he has not received the letter at this time. Ray McKinney addressed the Committee concerning the in/out meter readings. He stated there were approximately 151 out of 3900 that have not been checked. He provided the Committee with a sample letter to be sent to the occupants of the 151 residents. It was suggested that a paragraph be added explaining that the checking of the meters is to protect the tenants/landlords from having a high water bill. Ray stated that he would include the explanation. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Vic Kovachevich recom~nending that the 151 letters be sent certified mail. Voice vote. PJlotion carried. At this time Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that the manager of PJICDonalds, David Cope, has donated the decorations and a 20' tree to the city. These were decorations that were on the Canton McDonalds store. Mayor Edwards stated that Will Taggart has had some ideas on decorating Jones Park for Christmas. Will stated that he had talked with Terry Coonradt, president of the Chamber of Commerce, concerning an "adopt-a-tree" program. He stated that he was informed the Chamber would be happy to participate in the program. Trees could be placed along the north/south sidewalk and the east/west sidewalk and the local school classes could decorate the trees. He stated that if there is enough interest, possibly the merchants and their employees could also participate. He stated that prizes could be obtained and presented to the winners of the contest. Discussion followed concerning the many 4 possibilities. It was suggested that the local classes could also find their own sponsors who would donate a tree for the class. Bob DeRenzy stated that Bob's Towing would be willing to donate funds for the prizes. The Committee instructed 1~Nill to work out the details and arrangements with the Chamber. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The first item was the building permit fees. Larry Sarff stated that he felt, from Cliff Sagaser's report, that the city's building permit fees were in line with other communities surveyed. Mayor Edwards stated that according to the report Chris Spears had presented, the city's fees were high. The Committee decided to review both reports again and discuss the fees at the next meeting. The next item was the affirmative action plan. Jim f~lalmgren stated that the first one third of the plan is complete and the statistics were holding things up. He stated that math is not his strong point and does not know for sure what the plan should contain. Ross Gardiner, a member of the Coalition, offered the assistance of his committee in this area and stated that Spoon River College has worked on this part of their plan. The Committee agreed to table this item until additional information can be obtained. The bed and breakfast ordinance was next. that he and Susan had been contacting the h other sources to find a detailed outline needed for a building to qualify as a establishment. He asked that this item be agreed. Jim Malmgren stated °alth department and of the requirements bed and breakfast tabled. Committee The City Council meeting ordinance was next. P~layor Edwards stated that this ordinance would amend the present ordinance and allow the City Council meetings to be held on election nights. This ordinance has had first reading. The present ordinance provides for Council meetings to be held the next day after the election. It was consensus of the Committee to send this ordinance back to the City Council for consideration and action. The regulations concerning the setback requirements was addressed by Pilayor Edwards. He stated that with the present setbacks there is a flood of variances which are being presented to the Board of Appeals and this needs to be changed to allow for more flexibility. He stated that a public hearing will need to be held to make changes to the present zoning ordinance. Jim P~~almgren 5 stated that the public hearing can be held at a City Council meeting on the proposed changes to the ordinance. A motion vas made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Vic Kovachevich to have Jim f`,~almgren start the procedure and have Cliff Sagaser made recommendations for changes to the setback requirements. t~~1ayor Edwards informed the Committee that he has received a request from two Coleman Clinic employees to have additional lighting placed in the Jameson lot. He stated that the clinic is in the process of making a patient parking lot, where the present employees park. Discussion. The Committee will look at the area and discuss at the next meeting. At this time a motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Vic Kovachevich to convene in executive session for the purpose of personnel. Voice vote. Ntotion carried. Executive session minutes are on file for review. The Committee reconvened in open session. I~lo further business was discussed and the Legal and Ordinance Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 6