HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-1990 Mechanical`~1w' Mechanical Committee City Council Chambers •~arch 27, 1990 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Jim f~1ay, Kevin Meade, Harry Steck Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Malmgren, Chris Spears, Cliff Sagaser, Gary Orwig, Cliff O'Brien, Bob DeRenzy, Bob Mol leek, Ray fvicKinney, Vdi I I Taggart, Jim Boyd, Ross Gardiner, Don Hopper, Gladys Young, Dan Oaks Public Safety ~ Traffic Committee Harry Steck, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the fire report. Bob DeRenzy presented his monthly report of fire department activities. He stated that the report was self explanatory. No action was necessary by the Committee at this time. The police report was next. Bob Molleck stated the report was self explanatory. No action was necessary by the Committee. The next item on the agenda was the ESDA report. No ESDA report eras available at this time. Harry Steck read a letter to the Committee from Bobby McCarthy, Director of the Chamber, concerning Howard's work on the safety program at the various schools. The letter commended Howard on his ability to relate to the children and the time he spends putting together a very informational program for the children. The next item was the sign violation ordinance revievr. fVo further information was available and the matter 4vas tabled to the next meeting. The next item was the automotive parts bids. Discussion followed concerning the comparison of the two bids received. Harry Steck suggested that the city purchase the lowest bid item. Jim May suggested that the bids be throvrn out and let the department heads buy where ever they want. Mayor Edwards stated that this is the result of one company getting the majority of the business. The mechanic should get the lowest, best supplies. He stated that the mechanic should have developed the specifications for the bids. Harry recommended the Committee accept the ow bid uvith the bid tabulation of the comparable items to be provided to each department head. \r-'` A tree on the terrace at 1285 North Main Street arras discussed next. Harry stated that he has been informed that the City signed an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation to maintain this area. The agreement was not presented for review. Harry asked that the secretary obtain a copy of the agreement and the matter will be discussed further. Bob DeRenzy addressed the Committee concerning the need to have a fire truck repaired. He stated he had received one quote but would like to obtain two others. He requested permission to go out for quotes and permission to repair the truck for not more than $1,000. A motion was made by Harry Steck approving the request. Seconded by Jim May. Voice vote. Motion carried. No further action was taken by the Committee and the Public Safety and Traffic Committee was adjourned. Streets and Garbage Committee Kevin h,~eade, Chairman The next item was the review of the garbage ordinance. I<evin Meade stated that this is due to the request to have additional garbage pickup at apartment buildings. He stated that this could be accomplished by having the owners sign up, and pay in advance. The paying of the additional fee on a yearly basis would be the best for the billing department. Discussion followed concerning the increasing costs of the landfill fees, fuel etc. The Committee discussed the possibility of limiting the additional pickups to duplexes. No action was taken and the matter was tabled to the next meeting for further discussion. The 1990 Motor Fuel Tax program vas discussed next. Cliff Sagaser stated that he had meet with Department of Transportation representatives concerning the streets and this years program. Cliff read a paragraph from the standard specs used by IDCtf concerning the allowable conditions for placement of seal and chip on the streets. Cliff stated that the conditions were favorable during the placement of material last year. He stated that he has obtained approval from IDOT to do the seal and chip streets again, use a slurry seal, or possibly using polymer asphalt for the base. I-le stated that IDOT indicated that they did not know if this material would be available. Cliff requested permission to use polymer asphalt on part of the streets, if available, and redo the seal and chip streets along with the proposed 1990 streets. Harry Steck stated he would like to see the program done in July or August instead of late September. Along with this, the Committee discussed the possibility of a cost share prograrn with the landowners for sidewalk replacement. Cliff stated that specs and drawings would have to be done and the work put out for bids to comply with P,/FT 2 ~1rr' specifications. The cost share program would not be feasible. Kevin ~,leade stated that other cities have these types of programs and he will research it. tt~ayor Edwards did asl< Cliff Sagaser to obtain quotes for the sidewalk in front of the video store on East Elm Street. fJo further action was taken. Kevin Meade stated that as of July 1 no yard waste would be allowed at the landfill. He stated that the closest place that will be accepting this material is in Fairview at Gallatin National. He stated that he will be presenting more information on recycling programs at the next meeting. i~o further business was discussed and the Streets and Garbage Committee was adjourned. Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee Chuck Chapman, Chairman The first item on the agenda was the motorcycle club lease. fv1arty Parod and Dan Lingenfelter stated that the two parties had discussed the issues but did not reach a complete compromise agreeable to both parties. Several items needed to be added to the lease such as hours of operations, days of operation, practice times etc. Harry Steck stated that if both parties can work out their differences, the lease would be beneficial to the whole community. Cliff Sagaser stated that he had attended the last event and found it enjoyable. There were mostly families and not much noise. Marty Parod stated that the day of the event he vas awaken by motorcycles and the neighbor, who is almost one half mile from the track, has problems with the noise. tv1arty Parod provided the follov~ring suggested items that need to be incorporated in the lease: 1. Jot extend the lease beyond the one year renewal; 2. Reduce the season; 3. Reduce the days per week the track is used; 4. Reduce the number of events; 5. Raise the rent; 6. Guarantee the life of the trees; and 7. Move the activities back on the property and water the front area to reduce dust. Jim fMalmgren suggested that the two parties find a middle ground. He stated that the motorcycle club has the unilateral right to extend the lease for five years. Jim stated that based on his experience with judges, if a third party makes the decisions, neither party will be pleased with the results. Discussion. Harry Steck made a motion that a lease be drawn up with the two parties reaching an agreement and getting with Jim Cv1almgren to have the items incorporated into the lease and the lease be brought back to the Legal and Ordinance Committee for review. Seconded by Kevin tMeade. Voice vote. (Motion carried. A request for a lake lot lease was next. Cliff O'Brien stated that he had purchased the house on lot 30 and the lease is being transferred. He requested permission to lease lot 34, adjacent to his property. This lot has never been leased, is full of 3 'lrrrr+" garbage and he would like to lease the lot and clean it up. Discussion followed concerning the charge for the lease, the added stipulations for the lease and the term of the lease. A motion was made by Jim P~~ay recommending the lease of the Lot 34 to Cliff O'Brien at the standard amount until P~iay 1, 2015 with no residential buildings to be constructed on the lot. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. l41otion carried. Mayor Edwards stated that a realtor had contacted him concerning the length of term left on some of the lots. They are having some problems getting financing due to the undetermined status at the end of the term of the lease. This may be something the city vrill have to look at long before the expiration of the leases. Ray ivlcKinney informed the Committee that the campground supervisors he had last year have notified him that they will not be able to work this year. He stated that he has two applications and would like permission to interview. The consensus of the Committee vras to have Ray and Cliff interview the applicants and bring their recommendations to the Committee. Rlo further business was discussed and the Lake, Buildings and Grounds Committee was adjourned. Public Works - Water and Sewer Committee Jim May, Chairman The first item was the city engineer's report. Cliff Sagaser informed the Committee that he, Gary Orwig, Cliff O'Brien and representatives of QVfT met with EPA officials to discuss the sewer plant projects. The EPA informed them that the digestors will be cleaned and repaired before the close out will be finalized. Approximately $150,000 in contingency funds are remaining from the project. He will check into the possibility of seeing if the city can use these funds for the digestors. He also informed the Committee that the IEPA has approved the user fee ordinance but the US EPA is requiring one change concerning double rate charges for sewer. The other item the city must do is prepare to put the east side plant back on line. He did stated that Project 5 will be approved and a change order will be at the next City Council meting for approval. On Project 3, EPA is requiring the installation of an automatic transfer switch at the east side plant which will cost $5,456.97. This will have a six month lead time for CIPS to install. He requested approval of the installation of the switch. A motion was made by Jim [L1ay and seconded by Harry Steck recommending approval of the expenditure. Voice vote. P~lotion carried. Cliff stated that the state reclamation at Fairview will be having a bid letting. They need approximately 8,000 tons of field lime and would like to put in the bids the option of getting the lime from the vrater plant. They would haul the lime but we would load the trucks. This would provide the city with a 4 ~w+' solution to the lime sludge problem at the plant and assist them as well. A motion was made by Jim IVlay to give the lime sludge to the state reclamation provided we load the trucks. Seconded by Kevin lUleade. Voice vote. Potion carried. Mayor Edwards stated that he has a pre-application for low interest loan funds for wastewater facilities in the amount of $500,000. This is for the bar screen, digestors, chlorinator, and the east side plant repairs. Don requested authority to sign the pre-application. He stated that it could be one year before the application is approved and we are not obligated to take the funds. A motion was made by Jim May approving the I~Jlayor to sign the pre-application. Seconded by Kevin ivleade. Voice vote. Motion carried. The next item was the sewer quotes for the sewer replacement on Edmar Drive. Cliff stated that he would like to hold this at this time. He has not received the permits from EPA. Committee agreed. Tom Zaborac of the Fulton County Safety Committee addressed the Committee concerning several items. He stated that at the corner of Linden and Ivtain the shrubs block the view of drivers of pedestrians coming down the street. Fie also informed the Committee that approximately 500 feet north of 11th and l~9yrtle it appears the gully is washing out and asked that it be looked at and possibly a guard rail installed. Ron Pavley addressed the Committee concerning the skateboards in town. He stated he has seen kids ride the skateboards down the middle of the street near the junior high school. He stated that he did not think there was an ordinance in place and asked the Committee to look at the matter. The Comrittee thank the two gentlemen in bringing these items to their attention. Jim N1almgren stated that the city has an ordinance which would cover skateboards. The Committee asked 13ob 1~1olleck to send a letter to the Safety Committee outlining the ordinance. E3ob stated that if the kids are caught they are talked to by the officer; the second time a letter is sent to the parents; and the third time the parents are issued a ticket. lie stated that he will send a letter to the Safety Committee. A cooperation agreement for water users was discussed next. This item was tabled. Harry Steck stated that Jim P~~ay was to set up a meeting with the representatives of other communities to discuss the matter. Jim May stated that he will contact them again. No action was taken on the matter. Gary Orwig addressed the Committee ~rrith a request to have $620 approved for a new motor for the sewer plant. He informed the Committee that the Mayor had approved ordering the motor. A motion was made by Jim May and seconded by E":evin Meade approving the purchase. Voice vote. P~lotion carried. 5 Harry Steck asked Cliff Sagaser to look at the southeast corner of 11th and Myrtle. It looks like the street is sinking. Cliff stated that this has been a problem but a hollow area under the street has not been found. Harry Steck asked why the aldermen are not made aware of accidents involving city vehicles. He stated that he feels the aldermen should know about these items. Cliff Sagaser stated that it has been the practice of notifying the city clerk and the insurance company. The information would be available from the city clerk. P~tayor Edwards asked Chris to look into the funds now available from DCC.R up to $100,000 for communities under 50,000 for water related activities. P,~ayor Edvrards asked that the Legal and Ordinance consider changing the ordinance concerning the Council meeting being held the day after elections. I-ie stated that this is a local ordinance and not state mandated. 1vo further business was d i scus sed and the Pub I i c `r'Vorks - ~"Dater and Sevver Corrmi ttee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary 6