HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-11-1995 Clerical Clerical Committee City Council Chambers July 11, 1995 6:30 P.M. Members Present: Larry Sarff, Jerry Bohler, Kevin Meade Others Present: Don Edwards, Jim Elson, Clif O'Brien, Mike Elam, Ray McKinney, Joanne Shores, Jim May, Bob DeRenzy, Kayma Duncan, Linda Woods, Harlan Banister, Chet Phillips, Jim Hartford, Finance Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman The first item was the sale of the generators at the lake. Mayor Edwards stated he had received a call from Norris wanting to purchase one or two generators to use for a back up for their water pumps. Discussion followed on the amount of previous bids received for the generators. Larry Sarff suggested that if the generators are put out for bids, a minimum should be set. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to advertise the generators for bids with a minimum bid to be included. Voice vote. Motion carried. Gary Orwig addressed the Committee concerning the repair of the digester. He stated the repairs were made by Illinois Mechanical Services in the amount of $1,425.56. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to approve the expenditure. Voice vote. Motion carried. A request to purchase a portable radio was presented by Mike Elam. He stated that two quotes had been received. The low quote was from Radio Express in the amount of $772.00. A motion was made by Jerry Bohler and seconded by Kevin Meade to approve the purchase. Voice vote. Motion carried. The membership renewal with Western Illinois Regional Council was next. Mayor Edwards stated that the membership is based on $.25 per capita and is due August 7, 1995. He stated that this is the agency who applied for the grant for the north main sewer. Discussion followed on the services available from WIRC. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to renew the membership in the amount of $3,480.50 to be paid from the general fund. Voice vote. Motion carried. On the North Main sewer, Mayor Edwards stated he had a call from Bob Anderson who had been contacted by the EDA. They were requesting completed forms, which have been sent to them. Staff is working on the easements for the project at this time. Bills were discussed next. A motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Jerry Bohler to refer the bills to the City Council for consideration. Voice vote. Motion carried. 1 No further business was discussed and the Finance Committee was adjourned. Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman The first item on the agenda was a presentation from Ed Fahlbeck of Proctor Hospital concerning an employee assistance program. He presented an overview of the program and the steps necessary to comply with the drug free workplace act. He stated there is no cost to the city. Evaluations, assessments and referrals are done for the employees. In-patient counseling, if necessary, is billed to the employees' insurance carrier. The Committee thanked Mr. Fahlbeck for his time in making the presentation. No action was taken on the matter at this time. Steve Nelson of the Alcohol & Drug Professionals of Fulton County made a presentation concerning a program for the employees. He stated there would be no charge for the initial assessment. If the employee requires one to 12 sessions, the cost would be $20.00 per hour. If the employee requires more than 12 sessions, the hourly cost would be $15.00. He stated he would also set up a training intervention program for the supervisors and employees. Larry Sarff stated that the city needs to check with the insurance carrier on the acceptability, in conjunction with billing, of the credentials of the privately owned business. The Committee thanked Mr. Nelson for his presentation. Mayor Edwards stated that the Committee would be reviewing the three presentations and programs further before making a final decision. Clark Wilson addressed the Committee on behalf of the insurance committee. He stated that the committee had reviewed and revised the insurance booklet. Most of the changes were for clarification purposes. The two major changes were as follows: Transplants would now be included in the plan with a maximum of $100,000.00; the drug/alcohol treatments would be changed to a maximum of 180 days of in-patient treatment. The present policy provides for two lifetime treatments. Extensive discussion followed on the second major change and the reasonings for the change. These changes will be discussed further after more review is completed. The insurance committee with meet and talk with Ron Jones to gather more information concerning the drug/alcohol treatments. Kevin Meade asked for an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss personnel. Committee agreed. No further business was discussed and the Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel Committee was adjourned. Community and Industrial Development Committee Bob Molleck, Chairman 2 In the absence of Bob Molleck, Kevin Meade presided over the meeting. The first item was the LaRoma Pizza update. Kayma Duncan stated she had received correspondence from Charles Covey, representing LaRoma Pizza. They are requesting arrangements to pay interest payments only on the federal loan, due in June and December, as well as interest payments on the revolving loan from July through December. Kayma stated that the interest only had been paid on the revolving loan for the March through June payments. She stated that Mr. Covey has indicated that Mr. Puleo anticipates to resume full payments as of January 1996. Larry Sarff asked if the past due principal payments would be caught up. Kayma stated she had written a letter to Mr. Covey asking the same question and had not yet received a response. Discussion. A motion was made by Larry Sarff and seconded by Jerry Bohler to recommend that if the intent is to pay all past due principal payments up to date in January 1996, to approve the payment arrangement outlined by Mr. Covey. Seconded by Jerry Bohler. Voice vote. Motion carried. An update on the revolving loan payments informed the Committee there is one loan three months behind and a pattern is Statements have been sent out monthly and made concerning the past due payments. The be kept up to date. Kayma agreed. was next. Kayma Duncan recipient that is nearly starting to develop. phone contact has been Committee requested they Mayor Edwards informed the Committee they have a copy of the monitoring report from DCCA concerning the West Walnut Street project. He stated it speaks highly of Kayma Duncan nd the record keeping for the project. There were no negative findings in the report. Jim Elson stated that the city has been informed that the suit filed on behalf of Eastern Illinois Precast has been dismissed. Gary Yaste has paid the supplier in full. Once the proper lien waivers and certificates are received, the city will be able to pay Mr. Yaste. No further business was discussed and the Community and Industrial Development Committee was adjourned. Legal and Ordinance Committee Jerry Bohler, Chairman The water tap ordinance for West Maple Street was next. Clif O'Brien stated that the people are waiting for a permit to bore under the railroad tracts and the project will be started. No action was necessary at this time by the Committee. A no parking request for 11th Avenue from Sunview to Ash Street was discussed next. Mike Elam stated that a door to door canvas had been conducted. He recommended that the parking be left on the east side of 11th Avenue but to have the curb painted yellow a few feet each way from the corner of 11th Avenue and Ash Street intersection. Committee agreed with the recommendation. 3 The properties owned by Bob Watts was discussed next. Jim Elson stated that due to the incompletion of the time frame involved with the two properties, a motion to reinstate both properties in court has been filed and the hearings will be held next week. No action was necessary by the Committee on this matter. A flooding problem at 1460 East Ash Street was next on the agenda. Clif O'Brien stated that this problem has been resolved and no action is necessary. Mayor Edwards stated that he has received several requests from Feasters and Suburban concerning the possibility of serving breakfast after normal liquor license hours. This would require a change in the present ordinance to allow establishment to be open 24 hours for food service provided the bar area is locked and no alcohol is served. Mike Elam stated that in talking to other communities who have done this, the key is to have a barrier for the liquor and to include the provision to allow city officials the right for entry for inspection at any time. Discussion followed. A motion was made by Larry Sarff to send the change of the liquor ordinance to the Legal and Ordinance Committee to allow the serving of food after normal liquor license hours and to notify the present liquor license holders they will be allowed to start serving food after liquor license hours provided they notify the police department of how the liquor will be locked up. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. A request to block off the street north of athletic park was next. Jim Hartford stated that this was a request from Albert Vaughn for September 9th to hold an auction at the Jud Henninger property. Jim Elson stated that this has been referred to the park district since it appears that this is not a city street. A motion was made by Larry Sarff stating that in the event it is determined that this is a city street, he recommended that the request be granted. Seconded by Kevin Meade. Voice vote. Motion carried. Underage sales of over the counter drugs and possession of tobacco products was next. This was a request from the organization "Together We Can", requesting the city's consideration. Mike Elam stated that he has some problems with the request in the area of enforcement and availability of officers for enforcement. He suggested that the city meet with this committee to discuss the matter further. Mayor Edwards stated that the Together We Can Committee will be invited to the next meeting. The Berardi/Coonradt property was next on the agenda. Mayor Edwards informed the Committee that Mr. Berardi is selling a portion of the property to Terry Coonradt. There was a question of the subdivision law. Under the Plat Act, a property can be subdivided one time if they can prove that the property has not been subdivided prior. Mr. Berardi will be furnishing an abstract to Clark Wilson to show the property has not been previously subdivided. Mayor Edwards stated that if everything is okay, a building permit will be issued for the veterinary clinic. No action was necessary by the Committee. 4 Mayor Edwards informed the Committee a chime salesman will be making a presentation at the next regular meeting. At this time a motion was made by Kevin Meade and seconded by Larry Sarff to adjourn in executive session for the purpose of personnel. Voice vote. Motion carried. The Committee reconvened in open session. No further business was discussed and the Committee was adjourned. Kayma Duncan - Committee Secretary