HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-2002 Mechanical MINUTES MECHANICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot June 25, 2002 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Bob Molleck, Jo Anne Shores, Les Carl, Kevin Meade Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, Attorney Ron Weber, Jim Hartford, Jo Anne Shores, Chief Stanko, Chief Edwards, Gary Orwig, Steve White, Clif O'Brien, Clark Wilson, Linda Caudle, Colin Edwards, Joe Ginger, Dail Led er Mayor Bohler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with introduction of committees. Public Safety & Traffic Committee Robert Molleck, Chairman Chief Stanko provided a written monthly report of activities for the fire department, and said that all firefighters attended firefighter training in Peoria this past week. The new fire apparatus will be shipped July 16t . Chief Edwards provided a written monthly report of activities for the police department. The two new police vehicles were picked up yesterday and emergency equipment is being installed. Two police officers attended an awards banquet and were presented from the Illinois Department of Transportation, a $1400 piece of equipment for one of the department's squad cars Streets & Garbage Committee Jo Anne Shores, Chairman Clark Wilson was asked to research the request to close the alley between N. 8~' and N. 9~'. Of the 23 households adjacent to the alley, 3 want the alley vacated, 3 do not, 6 have no preference and the remainder was unavailable for comment. Clark reported that there are 4 utility poles and one telephone pendulum affected. Utility trucks can get to all, except the utility pole closet to Ash. Attorney Weber added that the committee received a request to vacate the alley and it was not a formal request. The City can choose to leave the alley as is or expend funds to do a study. Mayor Bohler said that unless 100% of the residents were in favor of vacating the alley, he did not recommend it be done. A Motion was made by Alderman Shores, seconded by Alderman Molleck not to vacate the alley at this time. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Shores, seconded by Alderman Carl to approve a request fora "Beer Garden Temporary License" from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. July 13t to White Oaks for a Youth Acres fundraiser. Voice vote, motion carried. Colin Edwards, P.E. with Maurer Stutz Engineers addressed the committee to recommend the acceptance of the low bid of $429,351.00 from United Paving Construction Company for the LAPP FY-03 Project M-5007(016) even though it was higher than originally anticipated. Colin feels if the project was re-bid, the bids may come in even higher. Maurer Stutz Engineers also provided a written summary of fund status (attached to original minutes on file). A Motion was made by Alderman Meade, seconded 6y Alderman Molleck to accept the low bid from United Paving & Construction, Inc. for $429,351.43. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Molleck, seconded by Alderman Meade to allow the Street Department to purchase a rotary lift in the amount of $3,050 installed from Modal Marketing, Inc. Under discussion, Alderman Molleck said this item has been needed for several years by the technician to assist in repairs to city vehicles. Voice vote, motion carried. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Lake Buildings & Grounds Committee Les Carl, Chairman Chairman Carl announced that the newly formed Lake Improvement Committee has toured the lake and makes the following recommendations to the Lake, Buildings and Grounds Committee: 1) Asphalt for roads and parking lots - $63,000; 2) the to dry up swamp - $2,000; 3) Bathrooms - $2,500; 4) White rock - $10,000; Replace post/boat dock road & parking lot - $1,000. John Green will provide a tour of the lake to all council members immediately following the next City Council Meeting. A Motion was made by Alderman Carl, seconded by Alderman Molleck to allow $78,500 for the aforementioned lake improvements as recommended by the Lake Improvement Committee. Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Bohler announced that procedures have commenced for the advertisement of bids on the Drow Building as discussed at the last City Council Meeting. Attorney Jim Elson who has been hired to handle this project addressed the committee. He asked for the council to have Maurer Stutz Engineers prepare the bids specs for the Drow Building. He also spoke regarding the letter Attorney Weber received from Attorney McCarthy representing the purchasers of the Beckner Building next to the Drow Building. The letter refers to the party wall between the two buildings and an agreement for the owner of the Drow Building to maintain that shared wall and the chimneys. A copy of the letter and agreement was distributed and attached to the original committee minutes on file. Attorney Elson will file a motion to name as defendants Catherine and Jeff Hauk and Robert Beckner. The committee agreed to allow Maurer Stutz Engineers prepare specs for the building. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee Kevin Meade, Chairman A Motion was made by Alderman Shores, seconded by Alderman Carl to allow Gary Orwig to purchase a replacement incubator for the wastewater treatment lab at a cost of $3,090.39 plus shipping. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Carl, seconded by Alderman Molleck to allow Gary Orwig and Steve White to purchase a Toro Mowers for their departments at a cost of $14,400 each through the state purchasing program. Under discussion, Budget Administrator Dave White said that the state has already bid these mowers on behalf of the municipalities. He also said that these items are needed and he supports the purchase. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Shores, seconded by Alderman Molleck to allow for the purchase of vinyl siding from Alexander Lumber in Canton in the amount of $2955.16 for the wastewater treatment plant main building and the two sheds at the Industrial Park. Under discussion Gary Orwig said of the three quotes Alexander was $58.00 higher than the lowest quote and for the difference he would prefer keeping business in Canton. Voice vote, motion carried. Colin Edwards, P.E. with Maurer Stutz Engineers spoke on the storm building repairs for the wastewater treatment plant. He recommends the city accept the low bid from Seward Construction Inc. of Canton in the amount of $263,697, which is 16% lower than the engineer's estimate. A Motion was made by Alderman Molleck, seconded by Alderman Carl to recommend council accept the low bid of $263,697 from Seward Construction, Inc. for Phase 1(b) storm building repairs Project No. 234-01129, contingent on Ed Seward overseeing the project. Voice vote, motion carried. Steve White and Dave White addressed the issue of one additional method of water bill payment to be implemented for the convenience of the water department and the residents. Direct Debit Billing involves the payment of bills through electronic debit. The City's software provider will work with Mid-America National Bank and the bank will assist in promoting this service. The cost for the billing module is $1,000. This service will be available to all residents and not just Mid-America Bank customers. A Motion was made by Alderman Molleck, seconded by Alderman Carl to allow the water department to purchase a billing module from LOCIS in the amount of $1,000. Voice vote, motion carried. As an informational item, Attorney Weber reminded the committee that there will be an executive session of the Negotiations Committee Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Historic Depot, moving to the Public Safety Building at 7:00 p.m. to meet with the fire union representatives. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned. Recorded by Linda Caudle