HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-2004 ClericalMINUTES CLERICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot November 9, 2004 - 6:30 p.m. embers Present: Aldermen -Jim Hartford, Craig West, Larry Sarff. Alderman sent was Mary Fillingham. hers Present: Aldermen -Bob Molleck, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Rick Reed, Craig West. iyor Jerry M. Bohler, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni, :y Attorney Ron Weber, Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien, Wastewater Supt. Joe rruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Fire Chief John Stanko, Police Chief ~nald Edwards, Street Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, ning Officer Clark Wilson, news media Daily Ledger Linda Wilson, Journal Star enda Bowen, Rod Heinze candidate for Mayor, Ed Ketchum candidate for Mayor, Mr. Mrs. Byron Kinney, Park District Director Gary Baker, Insurance representative Jack ill, Insurance Committee member Randy Romine and city employee, Video Service Joe Mayor Bohler introduced each Aldermen and the committee they chair. Finance Committee Jim Hartford, Chairman Bills. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, all bills presented be sent to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Treasurer's Resort. City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni said she received the last large property tax payment in October. Alderman Hartford thanked Patty for delivering the report, but would like to have in the packets. Patty explained that due to a glitch she was not able to do that. Alderman Carl ask Julie to report on the health care funds increasing deficient. Budget Administrator Julie Smick reported that you will have to bring in more as it will continue to grow to a larger deficient. Personal Protective Equipment from Fire Department. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to approve of the request to purchase (1) coat and (1) trouser of protective equipment from Global/NIES in the amount of $1,678.35, and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Fire Chief John Stanko stated that it takes 60 days to receive the order. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. BNSF Railroad along 4t6 Avenue. Was taken off of the agenda. Renewal Premium for Insurance. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to accept the renewal with the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association Clerical Committee meeting 11-9-04 (IMLRMA) of a 3% increase making the total cost $351,888 for all coverage, and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Budget Administrator Julie Smick had sent a memo to the council members. The memo is listed as follows: After an insured is enrolled in their program for 1 full year, they offer a program called Min/Max, which would allow the City to pay a premium of $301, 216 - a savings of $S0, 672. However, the City would assume some of the loss risk. Under this plan we would have loss thresholds of $202, 687 (the Minimum) and $304, 031 (the Maximum). If we had losses in excess of $202, 687 we would be billed for all subsequent losses up to the maximum of $304, 031. After you reach your maximum in a year you are not billed for any additional losses. So it is a gamble -you could save $S0, 672 for the year and not have losses over the Minimum; or you could potentially have to pay for up to $101, 344 in claims above the Minimum if something drastic were to happen. This would include work comp claims. We are required to pay our first % of the premium by 12/7-04 so these documents would need to be approved before that date. This ends the memo City Attorney Ron Weber mentioned there is one alternative, start setting aside a fund to cover that. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Illinois Route 78 Improvements. Was taken off of the agenda. Asbestos Removal and Demolition of the West Side of the IH Site. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, to approve paying Payment No 3 to N.E. Finch for $83,700.00 for work completed through October 20, 2004, and recommended by Maurer Stutz Inc., refer to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. MFT work completed from United Paving & Construction in the amount of $241,000.00. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, to approve Maintenance #1 for applying Hot Sand Seal Coat in the amount of $241,000.00 and payable to United Paving & Construction, and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc. said the MFT work will be finalized once the paper work for materials are back from IDOT. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Request for Approval of Change in Plans for Maintenance Program. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to approve of the changes as modified, and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. mentioned that this is for the final balance of guarantee. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. 2 Clerical Committee meeting 11-9-04 Ensineer's Final Payment Estimate. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to approve of the engineer's final payment estimate on the maintenance program, and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. said this is the final quantities and they are to show them to IDOT. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Resolution for Maintenance of Streets & Hi~hways by Municipality. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to accept the cost of $14,000 for additional funds for unconditional road work; and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. mentioned this is because some conditions of the road were not appropriated. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Request for Expenditure/Authorization of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, to approve of the expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax Funds, and refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. mentioned this is to spend the money. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Legal & Ordinance Committee Mary Fillingham, Chairman Tax Levy Ordinance. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Sarff, the ordinance be referred to the council meeting for first reading. Discussion. Budget Administrator Julie Smick said she did not increase the levy due to the City receiving the Sales Tax in January 2005. Alderman Sarff asked about levying for Health Insurance. Julie said you can not levy to pay Health Insurance. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Water Line Agreement with Manock and Fransicovich. City Attorney Ron Weber mentioned this situation has never been finalized. A resolution was prepared back in 2000 and never acted on. It is not on record with the City Clerk's office nor the water department. This is a new water line and it came to the City's attention when two people tapped on. This was approved by the committee to charge them for tapping on to the water line. One thing that could have delayed the action was for everybody to have a pre-annexation agreement. No action is required tonight. Ron said he will be checking into this. Water Line Agreement with Bryan Kinney. City Attorney mentioned that there is an agreement for special tap on fees after the water line is installed. The Kinney's want the mayor to sign EPA Agreements so they can put the water line in. 3 Clerical Committee meeting 11-9-04 Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. said this is in the Venovich area with 2 homes in the area. Potentially 5 other homes could hook on later. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Hartford, permission granted for mayor to sign agreement, and refer to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Community & Industrial Development Committee Craig West, Chairman Update of Activities. Alderman West congratulated David Byerly and Mark Barett for their recognition for business man being in their 40's. Alderman West said he was proud of Dave and Mark on receiving such distinction. The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 7:01 p.m. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman Pav Back -City Clerk Bonus. Mayor Bohler mentioned this was Alderman Carl's concern at the last committee meeting, but Mayor Bohler said he would add comments. The Clerk has to be certified in order to receive a bonus of $5,000. The Clerk has been receiving the funds and she is not yet certified. When asked by Alderman Carl how much has been paid, Julie Smick said the clerk was paid $2,403.25. Alderman Sarff asked the clerk when she would be receiving her certificate? Nancy Whites answered it is in the mail to me as all information was faxed last week. Alderman Sarff wanted to hold the issue over to the December meeting. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/West, to hold over the pay back bonus for City Clerk until December Finance Committee. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION -NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL - PERSONNEL TO DISCUSS GRIEVANCE. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/West, to convene the Clerical Committee meeting to go into Executive Session to discuss a Grievance. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Sarff, Hartford, West. NAYS - None. 3 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee convened the regular committee meeting at 7:05 p.m. to go into Executive Session. The Clerical Committee reconvened into open session at 7:35 p.m. 4 Clerical Committee 11-9-04 The minutes of the Executive Session to discuss a Grievance is on file in the office of the City Clerk for review. TO HOLD DISCUSSION - TPA/CITY ON HEALTH INSURANCE. Those in attendance: Mayor Jerry M. Bohler, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni, Budget Administrator Julie Smick, Public Works Director Clif O'Brien, Police Chief Donald Edwards, Fire Chief John Stanko, Police Lieutenant Dean Putman. Aldermen -Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed, Craig West. Park Director Gary Baker, Library Director Randy Wilson, Insurance Rep. Jack Hall, HCH representative Paul, Michelle Nelson from Catalyst, Insurance Committee member and City Employee Randy Romine, Daily Ledger rep. Linda Woods. Alderman Sarff explained why the meeting was taking place. There were concerns from the Budget Administrator Julie Smick, City Treasurer Patty Franzoni and the Insurance Committee about the large deficient in the Health Care Fund. The representative from HCH gave information on Health Plan Trends. 2002 $4,569.03 - 2003 $4,519.57 - 2004 $8,038.46. High cost members In 2003 29 members had claims expense > $SK totaling $375,415 11 members had claims expenses > $1 OK totaling $246,822 4 members had claims expenses > $20K totaling $165,800 In 2004 (First 3 Quarters) 22 members had claims expenses > $SK totaling $481,771 17 members had claims expenses > $lOK totaling $445,454 9 members had claims expenses > $20K totaling $332,500 Higher cost in specific diagnosis categories In 2003 Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic (eg.Diabetes) 10.81 % over HCH Norms Blood and Blood Forming Organs (eg.Anemia) 6.34% over HCH Norms Nervous Systems and Sense Organs (eg.Retinal degeneration) 4.50 % over HVH Norms Ill Defined conditions (Signs and symptoms eg. Chest pain) 4.3% over HCH Norms In 2004 Clerical Committee meeting 11-9-04 Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic (eg.Diabetes) 7.75% over HCH Norms Injury /Poisoning (eg.fracture or broken bone) 17.29% over HCH Norms Possible Solutions Invest in a Disease Management program along with Predictive Modeling (HCH suggested, here is an incentive to get you to take care of yourself.) Invest in a Demand Management program (Nurse Hot Line) Promote health through physicals, wellness, etc. Cost reductions for DME-Med (Durable Medical Equipment) supplies through Duratech. (HCH suggested, the city needs to find out if they have any underlining conditions for large claims.) Cost reduction in lab services through MMP (HCH suggested to use Lab Core and Quest. You will have savings from 75 % to 95%.) Paul from HCH said lets make sure your employees are not taking advantage of the plan. The City needs to look at the Plan design. Michelle Nelson from Catalyst Drug Card then talked about savings. She suggested using generic brands if available or paying higher cost. Michelle Nelson said they still have the City on the standard formulary as they have never switched the City to Catalyst. Paul from HCH mentioned that Catalyst comes to them every quarter constantly looking as to where the City can save. Alderman Sarff asked if the fund could give any idea which area the large claims are coming from? Paul from HCH said they could break the information down. Paul of HCH said the worse thing you want to do is going fully to an insurance plan when having a bad year. Paul said they offer free service to sit on the Insurance Committee by being an actual member. 6 Clerical Committee meeting 11-9-04 Adjournment. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/West to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. The Clerical Committee adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Recording Secretary, Nancy Whites, City Clerk 7