HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01-01 Canton City Councilll9 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 1, 2001 in council chambers at the Historic Depot 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois. (Second meeting.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES CITY CLERK. OATH OF OFFICE -Mayor Jerry Bohler was given the oath of office by City Clerk Nancy Whites. Jerry received a standing ovation from the audience and council members. Patty Beaird Franzoni Treasurer was given the oath of office by City Clerk Nancy Whites. Those in the audience were generous with their applause for Patty. Aldermen Ward 1Robert Molleck, Ward 2 Craig West, Ward 3 David Nidiffer, & Ward 4 Mary Fillingham were given the oath of office by City Clerk Nancy Whites. Each were given a generous response of approval from the audience. Mayor Bohler asked for roll call at 7:03 P.M. Present -Aldermen Robert Molleck, Jim Hartford, Larry Sarff, Craig West, David Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, JoAnne Shores, Mary Fillingham. Absent -None. ADOPTION OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER. Motion by Aldermen Sarff/Hartford, to adopt the Roberts Rules of Order to conduct business. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR BOHLER. Mayor Bohler made the appointments of the committee structure, they are as follows: FINANCE Jim Hartford, Chairman Mary Fillingham Larry Sarff Craig West LEGAL & ORDINANCE Mary Fillingham, Chairman Larry Sarff Craig West Jim Hartford NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL Larry Sarff, Chairman Craig West Jim Hartford Mary Fillingham COMMUNITY & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 120 Robert Molleck STREETS & GARBAGE JoAnne Shores, Chairman David Nidiffer Robert Molleck Kevin Meade LAKE, BUILDINGS & GROUNDS David Nidiffer, Chairman Robert Molleck Kevin Meade JoAnne Shores PUBLIC SAFETY & TRAFFIC Robert Molleck, Chairman Kevin Meade JoAnne Shores David Nidiffer DEPARTMENT HEADS Police Chief Fire Chief Street Superintendent Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Wastewater Superintendent Zoning Officer Assistant Street Superintendent Assistant Wastewater Superintendent Assistant System Maintenance Assistant Water Superintendent Building Maintenance Water Clerk Police Secretary Fire Secretary Mayor/City Attorney Secretary Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer Community Development City Attorney City Engineer J. Michael Elam John Stanko Cliff O'Brien Steve White Gary Orwig Clark Wilson Tom Reid Joe Carruthers Bill Terry Greg Pollitt George Spahr Mary Riegel, Connie Glad Shelley Lock, Denise Colglazier Kayma Duncan Pam Smith Peggy Buskirk Linda Caudle Ronald Weber Bob Anderson Motion by Aldermen Sarff/Molleck, the appointments of Aldermatic Committee members be confirmed. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Motion by Aldermen Molleck/Nidiffer, the appointments of department heads, full- time employees, superintendents, be confirmed. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. 121 CONTINUED 5-1-01 (Second Meeting) NEW BUSINESS: CANVASS OF VOTES -APRIL 4, 2001 GENERAL ELECTION. Motion by Aldermen Hartford/Nidiffer, to accept the canvass of votes as outlined by the canvassing board. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. MAYOR Kevin R. Meade 1688 Jerry Bohler 2077* CITY CLERK Nancy Whites 2151 Tami Rickert 1558 CITY TREASURER Pamela S. Smith 1701 Patty Beaird Franzoni 1882* ALDERMEN Robert W. Molleck 801 * Ward 1 Craig West Chet Phillips David A. Nidiffer Leslie E. Carl Mary Fillingham James T. May Those denoted by (*) were elected to office. 906* Ward 2 291 Ward 2 403 * Ward 3 356 Ward 3 570* Ward 4 209 Ward 4 A total of 3816 voters requested and received ballots. RESOLUTION - TO DISCONTINUE APPOINTIVE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR. (Jim Snider) First reading, read by title. Motion by Aldermen Sarff/Shores, the resolution be adopted. Discussion. Alderman Meade asked Mayor Bohler if Jim's duties would be spread out? Mayor Bohler said they would be. Alderman Meade asked if Mayor Bohler talked to Jim about his duties? Mayor Bohler responded that he had not talked with Jim but did have a list of his duties. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Fillingham, Shores, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Hartford, Molleck. NAYS -Alderman Meade. 7 AYES, 1 NAY, O ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3572.- ~" RESOLUTION -CONCERNING EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION BENEFITS. 122 CONTINUED 5-1-01 (Second Meeting) ADJOURNMENT. Motion by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The regular scheduled council meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M. a~~ ~~ r Nancy Whit ,City Clerk APPROVED: ~ ~l. ~~ ~%Y~--' Je ry ohler, Mayor