HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-04 Canton City Council390 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on August 3, 2004 in the Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK. Mayor Bohler asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -Aldermen Larry Sarff, Mary Fillingham, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed, Craig West. Absent - Alderman Molleck. MINUTES OF JULY 20, 2004 COUNCIL MEETING. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Hartford, the minutes of July 20, 2004 be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, to approve Peer Fitness Trainers class for September 20-24 in Naperville, Illinois, at a cost of $202.60 which is 10% of matching grant that pays 90%. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen West, Reed, Hartford, Carl, Hare, Fillingham, Sarff NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Carl, to approve the Hazardous Materials for the Fire Department of the insurance and maintenance. (An intergovernmental cooperative agreement will be presented later.) Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Sarff, Fillingham, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed, West. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Mayor Bohler mentioned that the County ESDA helped in receiving the grant funding for the Hazardous Materials as a joint effort with the City's Fire Department. ESDA Director Gene Burchett and the County Board did a lot of work in obtaining the grant. Mayor Bohler offered his thanks and said the City commends you for your work. Motion and second by Alderman Reed/Harn, to approve Dr. Matthew McMillin of Fulton County Family Physicians to provide all necessary services at a cost of $45 per person for the fire fighter health/wellness physician, and the agreement. Discussion. City Attorney Ron Weber explained that an agreement has not been provided at this time. Motion and second agreed to amend the motion to accept Dr. Matthew McMillin as the Fire Department Physician. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen West, Reed, Hartford, Carl, Harn, Fillingham, Sarff: NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Streets & Garbage. Council Action LT 391 Council meeting August 3, 2004 Council Action None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR BOHLER. MFT Bid of Letting Report - Maurer Stutz Inc. representative Keith Plavec. Keith mentioned that two bids were received, they are...R.A. Cullinan & Sons, Inc of Tremont, bid $586,051.20; United Paving & Construction, Inc. of Canton, bid $521,024.04. Keith recommended the city ,, proceed to accept the low bid from United Paving & Construction Inc. Their bid exceeded the approved cost opinion of $505,076.00 by $15,947.44 (+3.16%). The majority of the increase was for the non MFT surface mixture for the Lake Roads. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/West, to accept the low bid of United Paving & Construction Inc in the amount of $521,024.04 for MFT Maintenance Program. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Sarff, Fillingham, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed, West. NAYS - None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion and second by Aldermen Carl/Reed, the appointment of Jarred Mayall as a paid- on-call fireman be confirmed. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen West, Reed, Hartford, Carl, Harn, Fillingham, Sarff. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION -ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT ~+ SYSTEM. First reading, read by title. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff, Fillingham, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed, West. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3703. ORDINANCE - AUTHORIZING A MUTUAL AID BOX ALARM SYSTEM AGREEMENT. First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE -PROVIDING FOR A STOP SIGN AT THE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE B AND WEST MYRTLE STREET. First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE -ESTABLISHING "NO PARKING" IN THE 400 BLOCK OF EAST OAK STREET. First reading, read by title. ADJOURNMENT. Motion and second by Aldermen Harn/Carl, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The regular scheduled council meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. 392 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on August 17, 2004 in the Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4~' Avenue, Canton, Illinois. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK. Mayor Bohler .asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -Aldermen Larry Sarff, Mary Fillingham, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed. Absent -Bob Molleck, Craig West. (Bob was out of state, and Craig was in the hospital.) MINUTES OF AUGUST 3, 2004 COUNCIL MEETING. Motion and second by Sri Aldermen Hartford/Reed, the minutes of August 3, 2004 council meeting be accepted as printed and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT. City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni explained that her report stands. She wanted council to know that money going into different funds has been rectified. Also she stated that the City Council should keep a watchful eye on the Health Care Fund as it shows that it is in the arrears of $319,539.00. BILLS FOR JULY. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Carl, to approve the bills as presented for payment. Discussion. Alderman Hartford said he noticed that bills from Ameren Cips & US Cellular shows (AD) automatic debit after them and he appreciates having that done. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Hartford, Carl, Harn, Fillingham, Sarff. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Carl, the approval to replace three Ford Crown Victoria squad cars for the patrol division in the amount of $53,958.00. Discussion. Police Chief Don Edwards explained that he took another look at the fleet and said he does not look forward with a car having 87,000 miles making it the unmarked car for the department. Don said he will come back next year wanting to replace three other squad cars. The cars in the police department do not have highway mileage, its all town mileage, and they idol a lot, each car will have added 2,500 miles each month. Trade in allowance will be given of $3,300 for the 2001's and $800 for the 1998 from Landmark Ford for the three vehicles, so I'm asking to replace all three. Alderman Sarff remarked that this is what he was looking for in a presentation. I did not want to presumed that everything on this was preapproved or taken for granted. Alderman Carl asked Don if he had checked locally on a price. Don said he had not as the State Bid price makes it not feasible to compete. Mayor Bohler asked Alderman Sarff what he meant by preapproved? Alderman Sarff answered, it seemed to him that it was taken for granted or approved before hand. Mayor Bohler asked the council members if they had received any calls on the vehicle purchased being preapproved. The council members did not respond to the question. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Sarff, Fillingham, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed, West. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried unanimously. 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