HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-05 City Council Meeting Minutes A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on March 1, 2005 in Council th Chambers, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK. Due to the absence of Mayor Jerry M. Bohler because of illness nominations were accepted from the floor. Alderman Hartford nominated Alderman Larry Sarff to serve as chairman for tonights Motion meeting. and second by Aldermen Hartford/Molleck, to close the nominations. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Carl, that Alderman Larry Sarff serve as Chairman for March 1, 2005 Council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Larry Sarff asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present – Aldermen Larry Sarff, Bob Molleck, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed. Absent – Aldermen Mary Fillingham, Craig West. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 15, 2005 COUNCIL MEETING. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, the minutes of February 15, 2005 be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action None. Streets & Garbage. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen Carl/Reed, to accept the low bid from Riverland FS Inc. of Knoxville for gas of $1.73 and soy diesel of $1.73 for the months of March, April & May. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Reed, Hartford, Carl, Harn, Molleck, Sarff. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. Lake, Building & Grounds. Council Action None. Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Carl, to continue with the balance of the Water & Sewer Project in the amount of $16.5 million, and referred to the Finance Committee for the financing of this part of the Water & Sewer Project. Discussion. Alderman Carl mentioned to go for Bonds for 30 years and use the call feature. Chairman Sarff asked what the call feature was? Alderman Carl said you are allowed to call back without penalty. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Sarff, Molleck, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR BOHLER. None. OLD BUSINESS: 1 Council meeting March 1, 2005 ORDINANCE – AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED PROPERTY. (PETERSEN HEALTH CARE FACILITY.) Second reading, read by Motion title. and second by Aldermen Molleck/Reed, to place the ordinance on its passage. Discussion. Economic Development Director David Bylery mentioned that copies of the development proposal was on file for examination in the office of the City Clerk, from February 16, 2005 through March l, 2005. No one ask for a copy of the alternative proposal. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Reed, Hartford, Carl, Harn, Molleck, Sarff. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1824. ORDINANCE – DISSOLVING CITY OF CANTON TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT 4B. Motion Second reading, read by title. and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, to place the ordinance on its passage. Discussion. City Attorney Ron Weber said this tax increment area is part of the new tax increment area, so we need to dissolve the old one so we don’t get caught with two taxing entities. Alderman Carl ask if there were any funds remaining in the old taxing district? Ron said not at this time, as they have been used. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Sarff, Molleck, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1825. NEW BUSINESS: CANVASS OF VOTE FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON FEBRUARY 22, 2005 FOR ALDERMEN OF WARD THREE – BY CANVASSING BOARD. Nancy Whites, City Clerk read the following…we the undersigned, members of the canvassing board do hereby certify that on February 25, 2005, we canvassed the returns of an election held on February 22, 2005, and do proclaim that a total of 207 voters requested and received ballots, and we do further certify that the following list of candidates each received the number of votes recorded him or her for the office listed below. Alderman Ward 3 Kevin Morgan 26 Elny Harn 106 * Kevin Meade 75 * Canvassing Board member Mayor Jerry M. Bohler, City Attorney Ron Weber, and City Clerk Nancy Whites. The asterisk (*) denotes winner of the Primary Election. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Carl, to accept the Canvassing Board report. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Reed, Hartford, Carl, Molleck, Sarff. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. (Alderwoman Elny Harn could not vote as she was on the ballot.) Motion carried. ORDINANCE – GRANTING A SPECIAL USE/HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF MASSAGE THERAPY LOCATED AT 529 EAST MYRTLE STREET, CANTON, ILLINOIS TO RACHELLE L. WORKMAN. First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE – REZONING PROPERTY OF BLACKSTONE GROUP, CONTRACT PURCHASER, AT THE ADDRESS OF SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MAIN STREET, AND E. VINE STREET, IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FROM R- 2 TO B-2. First reading, read by title. City Attorney Ron Weber mentioned that this came from the Planning & Zoning Commission with favorable recommendations. Because of the timing schedules with some environmental work, the Blackstone Group are asking whether council would accept passage of the ordinance on first reading? 2 Council meeting March 1, 2005 Edward Ketcham of Maloof Realty representing Blackstone Group reported this is the area on North Main Street where Gorsuch Appliance and Stereo Village is. They started this project well over a year ago, and in this area there are 9 property owners and all have agreed to the contract. Walgreen’s builds around the country about 19 stores every month. They also seem to be good neighbors as they will build a privacy fence on their property by the parking lot on First Avenue. They are not bothering the houses on First Avenue and not bothering two houses on Olive Street. They require 208 feet on the highway, and they will have 208 ½. Also required is to be on a corner with a stop light. They are paying a premium dollar for the 9 properties, and are not asking the city for anything. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Carl, to suspend the rules to place the ordinance on its passage with first reading. Discussion. Chairman Sarff stated this requires a vote of 5 ayes. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Sarff, Molleck, Harn, Carl, Hartford, Reed. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Molleck, to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Reed, Hartford, Carl, Harn, Molleck, Sarff. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1826. ORDINANCE – REZONING REAL ESTATE OF DONALD I. AND KATHY L. TH GORSUCH, LOCATED AT 155 NORTH 11 AVENUE, CANTON, ILLINOIS, FROM R-2 TO B-2. First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE – FOR THE SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY OF CANTON, AND OF AN AIR COMPRESSOR. First reading, read by title. Mark Johann, President of the Wells Fargo Bank, and President of CADA as of tonight spoke to the members of council. Mark said as the council is representatives of the Economic Development Corporation and the Revitalization Committee, he thanked them for their support they gave some 4 years ago to the new administration coming in that created an Economic Development unit within the City of Canton. This was a collaboration, and hopes it will continue to be. You all know what has happened already and what is to come. One sentence in Mark’s letter he had in the paper he now is emphasizing. The question has to be asked of Mr. Heinze and Mr. Ketcham as candidates for mayor, the question he proposed, is $100,000 of city funds the right amount, is it too much, or is it not enough from the City of Canton to continue supporting economic development efforts in Canton. Mark said he would like to ask, for this community to be represented by a paid professional trained economic development person. What we have seen, and what will come could not have been accomplished without Mr. Byerly in that capacity. The position cannot be handled on a volunteer, nor part-time, no matter how good the intentions are. Mark said he would love to see Dave Byerly continue in this capacity. Alderman Sarff mentioned that our thoughts are with the mayor and aldermen who are ill. EXECUTIVE SESSION – CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, to go into executive session to discuss negotiations with fire department contract. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Chairman Sarff announced the council meeting would be coming back into open session only to adjourn. Chairman Sarff asked to stay for the executive session was the Aldermen, City Clerk, City Attorney and Fire Chief John Stanko. The regular scheduled council meeting convened into executive session at 6:57 p.m. 3 Council meeting March 1, 2005 The minutes of the executive session are on file in the office of the city clerk for review. The executive session adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Adjournment. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. The regular scheduled council meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m. ____________________________________ Nancy Whites, City Clerk APPROVED:___________________________ Jerry M. Bohler, Mayor 4