HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-4-08 City Council Meeting Minutes The Canton City Council meeting was held on November 4, 2008 in Council th Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois. Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting, followed by the invocation given by City Clerk Nancy Whites. Mayor Kevin R. Meade asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present – Aldermen Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, David Nidiffer, Pamela Ihnes, Jason Strandberg, Sonya Lewis. Absent – None. In attendance – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, Deputy Clerk Diana Tucker, City Treasurer Julie Smick, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Acting Police Chief for W. Dan Taylor Kent McDowell, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Street Supt. George Spahn, Video Services by Joe Ginger. In the audience – News Media of John Froehling from the Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler from WBYS Radio, Wendy Martin from The Democrat newspaper, Attorney Jon S. Faletto of Hinshaw & Culbertson, Attorney John McCarthy. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of October 21, 2008 Council meeting Minutes of October 28, 2008 Mechanical Committee Alderman Niddifer made the motion to accept the Consent Agenda and placed on file. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action Hazardous Material Level A Suits $1,424.00. Alderman Sarff made the motion to replace two Level A Suits at $687.00 each, plus $50.00 shipping, for a total of $1,424.00, and from Alexis Fire Equipment Company. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS - None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Bids for one new/used mid size car. Alderman Berardi made the motion to accept the bid from Hossler’s for a 2008 Chevy Impala for $22,000.00. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. Aldermen Berardi, Schenck, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. New/used pick up truck. Alderman Berardi made the motion to accept the State bid from Morrow Brothers Ford Inc of Greenfield, Illinois in the amount of $17,500.00 for a 2009 2 wheel drive Ford Truck. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Streets & Garbage. Council Action None. Lake, Buildings & Grounds. Council Action Lake/Marinich Property. Alderman Schenck stated having the title search done on the Lake lots is a good th thing needing done. On a separate issue the property of Leroy Riley on North 11 th Avenue will be sold at auction on November 10. This property could be potential better access to the lake. Our Comprehensive Plan calls for that or for another property. We should have this discussion on the next agenda. Alderman Berardi said we had talked about that crossroad, an my concern, he th would like to see what brings traffic to 11 Avenue. And the city should try to come up with some kind of plan to purchase that property. This would be money wise and thought wise. Alderman Berardi said he wants to know who is thth responsible for maintaining 11 Avenue going to 20 Avenue. Alderman Berardi ask for City Attorney Chrissie Peterson to give an update on the Marinich Property. Chrissie mentioned that Marla Diden from Maurer Stutz Inc. office is putting a list together, and I emailed her all local title companies. Mayor Meade said that when Bob Anderson was here as city engineer some of the plats that should be, were not filed with the county. Those documents could be in the city clerk’s files, and will ask Nancy to check. Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action Leander Construction payment #2, Secondary Clarifier $5,628.15. Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve Leander Construction request of payment #2 of the Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation for the Waste Water Treatment Facility in the amount of $5,628.15, and paid from Water & Sewer bond funds. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, O ABSENT. Motion carried. Leander Construction payment #9, Finished Water Storage $308,995.40. Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve Leander Construction Inc. Water Treatment Plant Improvements of Finished Water Storage Facility in the amount of $308,885.40, and paid from Water & Sewer bond funds. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, O NAYS, O ABSENT. Motion carried. Reynolds, Inc. payment #4, Raw Transmission Main $845,201.86. Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve payment #4 from Reynolds, Inc. for Proposed 24” Raw Water Transmission Main in the amount of $845,201.86. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Leander Construction change order WTP Clearwell. Alderman Schenck made the motion to allow for the Water Treatment Plant of the Finished Water Storage Facility (Clearwell) from Leander Construction extension from November 10 to November 20, 2008. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Bids CD/s from Julie Smick. City Treasurer Julie Smick gave the following report: Rank by Amount of Interest Funds Amount of Rate Bid APR Bid Bank Name Requested Funds Invested 1 4.14% Farmington 1,000,000 1,000,000 plus int. on prior $1,000,000 2 3.50% Ipava State 2,000,000 2,000,000 plus int. on prior $1,000,000 3 3.50% THE National 2,000.000 2,000,000 plus int. on prior $1,000,000 4 3.30% CEFCU 2,000,000 2,000,000 plus int. on prior $500,000 5 2.71% Wells Fargo n/a n/a 6 2.50% MidAmerica n/a n/a Alderman Schenck said the reinvested 6 million bond funds, he complimented Julie, Jason and the mayor. This was done in a very good open process to allow all the banks to compete. Alderman Strandberg commented this was a very open process to compete. Alderman Strandberg commented that the Farmington Bank only wanted to have $1,000,000. City Treasurer Julie Smick mentioned that the decision made by Alderman Strandberg and I, we made off the cuff. We decided to, on the banks that already had CD’s, we either leave them there, or we added to them. We rolled the interest that was in the acquired CD’s into the new CD’s. Then the two CD’s at Wells Fargo Bank and Mid America National Bank were cashed in. That interest has been sent to Springfield Illinois to the Illinois Funds into the city’s checking account. And the existing CD’s were rolled over. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN MEADE – Veterans Day – Discussion to move committee meeting. Mayor Meade mentioned that the City employees will be off that day due to Veterans Day. Alderman Sarff made the motion to have the Clerical Committee meeting on Wednesday November 12, 2008, 6:30 p.m. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. Alderman Sarff reported that Section 125 Flex Account. Open enrollment is beginning this week and will end on December 15. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson gave an update on the Wheeler Property on Old West Locust Street. Mr. Wheeler had received 22 tickets and in conjunction with Secretary of State’s office another 4 tickets. He appeared at the first bench trial. Second time he failed to appear. Warrant was issued for his arrest. This Friday is another bench trial. OLD BUSINESS: FINAL PLAT OF G M SUBDIVISION OF LOT 5 IN CARL SUBDIVISION. Alderman Sarff made the motion to allow the city clerk and mayor to sign the Final Plat of G M Subdivision of Lot 5 in Carl Subdivision. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Strandberg, Ihnes, Lewis. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. ORDINANCE – RE-ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. (E & M REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC.) Second reading, read by title. Alderman Sarff made the motion the ordinance be placed on its passage. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Ordinance being #1951. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO WILL ASSUME OFFICE MAY 5, 2009. First reading, read by title. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to suspense the rules to pass the ordinance on first reading. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Alderman Sarff made the motion to place the ordinance on its passage. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Discussion. City Clerk Nancy Whites mentioned that on the ordinance before the Aldermen received $125.00 for each Special meeting that was held. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to amend the ordinance to add the $125.00 stipend for Special meetings. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Roll call for passage of the ordinance with the amendment of $125.00. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1952. ORDINANCE – ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL DUTIES & COMPENSATION FOR DEPUTY CLERK/DEPUTY TREASURER. First reading, read by title. Alderman Berardi ask the city clerk to read the salary. Salary of $30,000.00 annually. Alderman Berardi said the job description that was given out for additional duties are those of the City Clerk’s. Alderman Strandberg said he would get the statutory duties of the city clerk’s position for next week. ORDINANCE – PROVIDING FOR STOP SIGNS ON HOWARD PLACE AT THE INTERSECTION OF HOWARD PLACE AND THIRD AVENUE. First reading, read by title. RESOLUTION – APPROVING AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM EXTENSION GUARANTEE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN AMEREN/CIPS. First reading, read by title. Alderman Schenck made the motion to adopt the resolution. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS - None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3872. RESOLUTION – CANTON JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB SANTA CLAUS PARADE TH NOVEMBER 29. First reading, read by title. Alderman Nidiffer made the motion the resolution be adopted. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. The motion was unanimous voice vote. Resolution being #3873. Alderman Sarff asked for the city treasurer to give a list of all loans between the city and others for the Finance meeting next week. EXECUTIVE SESSION – TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL; PENDING LITIGATION; AND, TO DISCUSS THE HIRING OF LEGAL COUNSEL. Alderman Lewis made the motion to go in to executive session. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Discussion. Mayor Kevin Meade announced the executive session will be for Personnel and the hiring of Legal Counsel. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. The regular scheduled council meeting convened into executive session at 7:03 p.m. The executive session reconvened into open session at 9:03 p.m. ADJOURN There being no other business Alderman Strandberg made the motion to adjourn the council meeting at 9:03 p.m.. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. ____________________________, Nancy Whites, City Clerk APPROVED: _______________________________, Kevin R. Meade, Mayor