HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-14-08 Clerical Committee Meeting Minutes The Canton City Council Clerical Committee was held on October 14, 2008 in th Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois. Mayor Kevin R. Meade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Aldermen Present – Eric Schenck, , Larry Sarff, Craig West, David Nidiffer, Pamela Ihnes, Jason Strandberg, Sonya Lewis. Absent – Alderman Joe Berardi. Others present – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, Interim City Treasurer Julie Smick, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Deputy Clerk Diana Tucker, Video Services by Joe Ginger. In the audience was news media of John Froehling from Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler from WBYS radio, and a lot of residents that have animals, Staci Mayall - representative from the Humane Society, Neita Viano, Maria Orwig, Police Officer Gerald Foreman, Negotiations Attorney for the City of Canton Bruce Beal, Brenda Rothert, Mark Rothert Executive Director SRPED. FINANCE COMMITTEE ALDERMAN JASON STRANDBERG, CHAIRMAN Bills. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to accept the bills as presented and send to council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. The motion was unanimous voice vote. Treasurer’s Report. Interim City Treasurer Julie Smick said budgets are in line for the year of 41% paid. Some of the Bond money needs to be invested, and will be done by sealed bids and be back by October 21. Alderman Strandberg asked if any of the Bond funds would be split up, or put all in one, we need to look at that? Alderman Sarff said we need to look at banks who have loaned us before. 1 Julie Smick said she was getting a good feeling talking with City Engineer/Zoning Officer Keith Plavec of what funds we will need for what projects. Prime money does not pay interest as good as investments. Alderman Sarff made the motion to send the Treasurer’s Report to council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. The motion was unanimous voice vote. Elected Officials Salary. Mayor Kevin Meade made the following pay scale increases for discussion. Mayor Clerk Treasurer Aldermen Current $19,134.00 $30,389.00 $30,389.00 $3,600.00 3% Increase 2009-2010 $19708.02 $31,300.67 $31,300.67 $3,708.00 3.5% Increase 2009-2010 $19,803.69 $31,452.62 $31,452.62 $3,726.00 4% Increase 2009-2010 $19,899.36 $31,604.56 $31,604.56 $3,744.00 Option 1 2009-2010 $22,615.41 $31,300.67 $31,300,67 $4,200.00 Option 2 2009-2010 $19,500.00 $31,300.67 $18,000.00 $3,600.00 Mayor Kevin Meade also handed out the required duties of the City Clerk and City Treasurer by State Statute which does not reflect totally what they do. Alderman Strandberg said to leave the Aldermen salary as the same, with no raises. The other Aldermen were in agreement. Alderman Sarff said the mayor’s position could be same pay as treasurer. The issue is the treasurer position and the clerk’s position, they have to be elected. 2 We have been fortunate to have qualified people in office. As time goes on we talked about the treasurer’s position. Hope someone runs gets elected and is qualified. Let’s put on an appointed position and have the treasurer’s position less work, and it still has quite a responsibility. Alderman Schenck said let’s put the Budget Director on staff, a professional person and combine other task of Administrative/Budget Director, and support ½ time for the treasurer position. Alderman Ihnes ask for Interim City Treasurer Julie Smick to speak. Julie said she thinks the best suggestion is more like a retirement person who is qualified and the pay is a smaller amount. If Pat Wright wants to continue doing what she is doing, as she does the Police/Fire Pension funds. Alderman Sarff said we talked about a lesser rate with 20 hours a week and no raise. Alderman Nidiffer said he does not want to discourage someone to do public service, and then looking at a Budget Director. Mayor Kevin Meade said where are you going to find someone at that salary? Also your committing a professional to get the job done at $18, 000 to $20,000. Alderman Sarff made the motion for the City Treasurer position by recommending Option 2 for pay scale, and part-time position with salary to be $18,000.00, and the mayor’s position of Option 2 and salary of $18,00.00, and refer to council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Alderman Nidiffer said this troubles me as the mayor gets calls at midnight. I would actually hate to cut the salary that low, he is going to be putting more time in. Alderman Sarff said he could not support less than $18,000 and using Option 2. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Alderman Sarff wants to make the City Clerk’s position of Option 2 also. Alderman Strandberg said the salary should be as much as the clerical staff, not get less than the assistant. 3 Alderman Sarff said some of the Budget duties could be rolled over to the clerk’s position. Alderman Schenck said some of those duties the administrator takes on. This raises some good questions. The Clerk will be answering the treasurer’s office. Alderman Nidiffer said the position of Clerk then treasurer more likely would get the calls to that office. I get a feeling the city clerk will really be involved in more things than the treasurer. Mayor Kevin Meade said the elected officials salaries are more open and recommends 3% across the board. Alderman Strandberg said he wants the same salary as the high end of clerical staff, that is my personal opinion. Alderman Schenck said Option 2 is hard pressed. Clerk position should remain full-time position, due to licensing and collection of money. Alderman Strandberg made the motion the city clerk’s position stay full-time, and the salary of highest pay for clerical workers they received on last raise. Discussion. Mayor Kevin Meade said he would look at that union contract. The motion was voice vote with one nay heard from Alderman Sarff. The Finance Committee adjourned at 8:29 p.m. LEGAL & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE ALDERMAN DAVID NIDIFFER, CHAIRMAN Public Comments on Vicious Dog Ordinance & Possible Amendments to Vicious Dog Ordinance. Alderman Nidiffer said our ordinance is unconstitutional, and I expect to have the Humane Society to speak on this issue. 4 City Attorney Chrissie Peterson commented that due diligences of state law recommends removing Section 5 out of the ordinance. Staci Mayall is the Vice President of the Humane Society, and she said she appreciates the Council members helping out. Does this mean we won’t be ticketed in the future, and if we have, the ticket will be dismissed? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson commented that is correct. Mayor Meade said there is a difference from the letter of the law or the “intent” is the spirit of the law and it would not be a problem. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to strike Section 5 and #2 from the Vicious Dog Ordinance. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Alderman Schenck said he shared a packet of information he received including a law suit filed by the Humane Society. And the reason the ordinance has a problem is because the State Statute in 2003, the language has the ability to specify certain animals. This has been a national issue and is special interest for public safety in our community. Make sure everyone is sure, and # 1. If your dog is outside, make sure in secured fenced area. 2. If walked, needs a muzzle. 3. Must have a sign saying we have a Vicious Dog in our home. Another thing in the ordinance is an appeal process that we did not give the people a chance before to present their case. The Illinois Constitution, Article V11, Section 7 states this is unconstitutional exercise of municipal authority. We need to look at the safety issue. Alderman Strandberg said this brings up a good point on safety and we can write the ordinance better. The ordinance also reads that dogs can be bred for fighting. Alderman Nidiffer also wants the ordinance looked at again. Travis Frame said there is no bad dogs, just irresponsible owners. Bill Ashwood said he felt sorry for Alderman Schenck’s dog. If I put my dog on a muzzle how do I protect my dog? 5 Staci Mayall said house resolution #1026 for Cook County is to not punish breeds, but owners. Any dog can propose a risk. The law firm that represented the Humane Society on the law suit did this for them pro-bon-no. Dogs being bred for fighting is a touchy situation. We are here to help and want all facts presented. Mayor Meade said the ordinance was 20 years old and we are moving quickly to take care of that and will work with the Humane Society. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. Proposed changes to Personnel Policy. The following text is the new language for the Personnel Policy to consider for adding to the current Personnel Policy. Division 11 Employee Insurance 11.1 Payment. The employee shall pay 3% of their base pay for healthcare coverage for single or family for a period ending April 30, 2009. Effective May 1, 2009, employees will contribute 20% of the premium cost for the healthcare plan elected by the employee for single or family coverage. The City shall pay the balance. Payments shall be through pretax payroll deduction. Healthcare insurance is defined as the City’s healthcare coverage including dental for employees and their dependents. 11.2 Coverage. The City shall be permitted to change insurance companies and benefits at their discretion. The amount of the insurance coverage shall be at least as much as the coverage in force at the signing of this Agreement. Term life insurance for a dependent child over six (6) months of age shall be $10,000.00, and term life insurance for employee shall be $20,000.00. Disability pay shall be two-thirds (2/3) of the employee’s normal paycheck. Should the City decide that a change in insurance companies is beneficial; the proposed new coverage shall be submitted to the Union for its information and review. 6 Employees shall be required to take generic prescriptions, when available. The co-pay for prescription coverage shall increase to $10.00 for generic drugs. The City of Canton Maxi Plan which a select few employees are using under the City of Canton Health and Welfare Plan will terminate and no longer be eligible for those current Canton employees and any future hired employees in the bargaining unit. Those who are currently on the Maxi Plan may continue to do so under the terms and conditions of that Plan for so long as he or she may remain eligible. 11.3 Insurance Committee. A Joint Health Insurance Committee shall be formed and be comprised of the following persons who accept invitations to participate. A Representative of P B & P A Unit 52 DIVISION 12 RETIREMENT INSURANCE 12.1 Life Insurance and Retirement Insurance. The insurance coverage for retired employees shall consist of the overall group plan of hospital, health, dental and life insurance coverage offered to employees of the City. The insurance coverage may change from time to time as it changed for the entire group without discrimination between its employee participants and its retiree participants. Continuations for the retiree’s spouse will be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy provisions as they may exist from time to time for the termination of the “retirement or disability period” and continued coverage is conditioned upon the retiree’s obligation to pay the monthly premium directly to the municipality in accordance with the premium payments determined by the City. Notice of continued coverage and election of continued coverage shall be in accordance with 215 ILCS 5/367j as it exists or is amended from time to time. 12.2 Officials. Except as otherwise provided for herein, 7 12.3 Retired Employees Who Retire Before may 1, 1994. Employees and Department Heads, including the Mayor and elected official (hereinafter retirees), who retired before May 1, 1994 and who have twenty (20) years of service and who have reached fifty (50) years of age, or who have twenty-five (25) years of service regardless of age, shall be eligible for the Employer to pay the full amount of applicable insurance premium. Premium payment shall be for the retiree, retiree’s spouse, and dependent children. Retired employees who become employed where insurance coverage is provided by the new employee shall be excluded from this provision. Upon attaining his/her age of sixty-five (65) years or such other age as Congress may subsequently determine for Medicare eligibility, this coverage shall terminate and the retired employee shall make application to Medicare or to its successor program. The retired employee shall have the option of purchasing Medicare supplement insurance at his expense through the City’s group insurance carrier, if available. 12.4 Retired Employees. Employees and Department Heads, including the Mayor and elected officials, (hereinafter retirees), who retire after May 1, 1994, and before May 1, 2009, regardless of age, shall pay a premium equal to 3% of their pension. Employees who retire after May 1, 2009 shall pay the same premium paid by other active employees of the City for single and dependent coverage. Payments shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. Premium payments shall be for the retiree, retiree’s spouse, and dependent children. Retired employees who become reemployed where insurance coverage is provided by the new Employer shall be excluded from this provision. Upon attaining his eligible age of 65 years for Medicare or such other age as Congress may subsequently determine, this coverage shall terminate and the retired employee shall make application to Medicare or to its’ successor program. The retired employee shall have the option of purchasing Medicare supplement insurance at his expense through the City’s group insurance carrier, if available. 12.7 Disabled Employee and Spouse and Dependents of Deceased Employee. Subject to the provisions of Section 12.4 above, a permanently disabled employee and the surviving spouse and dependent children of a deceased employee shall participate in the City’s Insurance Plan. This Section shall apply only to spouses 8 of disabled/deceased employees who are lawfully married to such employee at the time of disability/death occurs. Employees who are hired May 1, 2007, and retire, or are otherwise disabled as that term is defined under Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code, shall be entitled only to the continuation of benefit coverage provided under 215 ILCS 5/367J, as it exists or is amended from time to time. Employees hired after May 1, 2007, or are disabled off-duty after May 1, 2009 shall be responsible for seventy-five percent (75%) of the premium payment for both single and family coverage. Bruce Beal said the language is the same with some other union contracts with exception of fire. This gets everyone on the same plain. The language that is highlighted is new, and the crossed out language is the old. Some of the old language did not make sense. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said 11.4 Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Plan can be removed from the policy. Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the updated language as proposed and add to the Personnel Policy. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. Attorney Bruce Beal than left at 7:08 p.m. Storage of Travel Trailers, Campers, Recreational Vehicles & Boats in residential areas. Police Chief W. Dan Taylor said he had a call of a nuisance on a property of several boats being stacked on top of one another and just laying around. Talked with Alderman Sarff and Dustin Pollitt the Code Enforcement Officer. Alderman Nidiffer ask if they have to be on wheels, and are they limited? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, said yes the way the ordinance is written. The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:14 p.m. COMMUNITY & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 9 ALDERMAN PAMELA IHNES, CHAIRMAN Update from SRPED Executive Director Mark Rothert. Dollar Tree will open on Wednesday October 15, 2008. Maid-Rite structure is going up. The U.S. Economic Development helps infrastructure, they send out information on employment. They have grant funds we can apply for to help with IH property. It is a 50/50 match. The downtown going on looks good! Took a tour of the remodeling of the Randolph Building at the corner of Elm and East Side Square, by Bill Cook. The elevator shaft is being put in. The former Helig-Meyer building on East Chestnut Street (former K-Mart Building), I’m trying to market the building. Wal-Mart is slowing down on super stores, and are looking to revamp up next year. Will be traveling to International Development Conference tomorrow in Atlanta. Hotel/Motel Tax request for web site fees. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to give ½ funding ($450.00 Hotel/Motel Funds) for the web site fees of $900, and refer to council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Discussion. Mark Rothert mentioned those helping with the funding is the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Canton, and the Main Streetscape. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. TIF Forum scheduled Wednesday October 22. nd Mark Rothert the Executive Director of SRPED mentioned that on October 22 will have TIF Consultants here. Also will invite the taxing bodies to attend. Each of the four consultants will allowed 30 minutes to make their presentation to the Aldermen. 10 City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned that this needs to have a public notice posted and minutes will have to be taken. Mark said he will post the public notice and find someone to take the minutes. Illinois River Road Kiosk. Mark Rothert the Executive Director of SRPED mentioned that they need a placement for the Kiosk and was suggested in Jones Park earlier. This is for a Gateway Community. Also thinking about placing at Main & Locust Street. We will work with the developer. Alderman Schenck said he believes the Main & Locust highway is getting some momentum behind it. To get successful it has to reach out to other communities. We are sort of the hub for the Gateway Community. Look at the Illinois Roads website of all the attractions, hotels, and this will be a great tool for us to market our community. Alderman Schenck mentioned that he likes Jones Park, because it brings them to the downtown community. Alderman Ihnes made the motion to place the Kiosk in Jones Park, and refer to council. The motion was unanimous voice vote. Resolution for Water by Pre-Annexation Agreement with Lyle & Ruth Massingale. Alderman Sarff made the motion to send the resolution to council for consideration. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. Land Use Proposal. Mayor Kevin Meade explained this is a grant that was for the IH plant by Vandewalle & Associates and their proposal has expired,. Will bring the paper work at next week’s meeting. Mayor Kevin Meade mentioned that we need to look at the Federal funds that might be available, and for next week will have a proposal for grant writing. Need to look at land use demolition and why need it and the potential use. Alderman Sarff made the motion to check on any grant money for proposal for the IH site. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. 11 The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 7:34 p.m. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ALDERMAN LARRY SARFF, CHAIRMAN Health Insurance responsibilities. Mayor Kevin Meade mentioned that he had talked sometime ago about the former treasurer Kathy Luker had done the Health Insurance that was not part of her position. The Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Diana Tucker has been taken on those duties. Alderman Sarff said that Alderman Berardi had asked where is all this free time coming from? Mayor Kevin Meade said the new Software is the big catalysis that can handle different policies. Nature is progressing, and I think it’s the place to be. Alderman Sarff said he does not know about the salary. Needs to be about $32,000 to $33,000. Not inclined to pay $34,000. Alderman Schenck said we received the job descriptions of availability and requirements. The notice of task is descriptive here, and the combination of insurance and payroll makes a lot of sense to me. Alderman Sarff stated this position also recommends to council what insurance company and would make that recommendation to council. Alderman Nidiffer said the starting salary, I’m okay with that, as were looking at adding more duties. Alderman Strandberg ask Deputy Clerk Diana Tucker to speak. Diana Tucker explained that the flex spending account needs continuity, and to use which at $6,000 increase in salary is a bargain. I have made contact with Health Alliance who has the City’s health insurance, Fort Dearborn Life Insurance, Benefit & Planning Consultant for Flex spending. I cannot stress the benefits of human resource, this is an important issue-insurance, and we need someone to do that, and I recommend you take this to council next week. Alderman Strandberg told Diana he appreciates what you have taken on since City Treasurer Kathy Luker left. Alderman Strandberg made the motion refer to council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Alderman Nidiffer mentioned that council has 12 talked a long time about some duties coming together. Diana has done a good job and will continue to do a good job This initiative you have taken I hope you run with it! The motion was unanimous by voice vote. Maintenance Position. Alderman Sarff made the motion to allow posting of the full-time position. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Mayor Kevin Meade said the position would be full-time with mowing also in the duties. The position is in the Public Works budget. The motion was unanimous by voice vote. The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 7:50 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION – NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO DISUCSS – PERSONNEL; AND, PENDING LITIGATION. Mayor Kevin Meade said there was no need to hold the executive session at this time. ADJOURN Seeing no further business to conduct, the Clerical Committee meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m. Recording Secretary, Nancy Whites, City Clerk 13