HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-2021 Council Meeting Minutes CITY OF CANTON COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DONALD E EDWARDS WAY TH 50 NORTH 4 AVENUE CANTON IL 09-07-2021 6:30PM A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on September 7, 2021 (6:30pm) zoom attendance was made available. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Kent McDowell, Attorney Chris Jump, City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Comptroller Beka Schultz, Street Superintendent Ron Robinson, System Maintenance Superintendent Dash Wilson, Utility Director Joe Carruthers, City Engineer Keith Plavec, Spoon River Partnership Economic Director Cole McDaniel OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Fulton Democrat, Daily Ledger VIDEO SERVICES JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING INVOCATION – Mayor Kent McDowell MOMENT OF SILENCE- 911 terrorist attack that took place 20 years ago PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X remotely Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD AUGUST 17, 2021 AND THE MECHANICAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD AUGUST 17, 2021 PUBLIC WORKS REPORT POLICE REPORT FIRE REPORT Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Gossett/West to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE ALDERPERSON ANDRA CHAMBERLIN BILL LIST A correction will be made on the bill list for demolition matters to be moved from the general account to the demolition fund. The item on the bill list (PTAB)should be paid from the TIF fund rather than the general fund. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Chamberlin/Lovell to approve the consent agenda with the recommended changes. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISBUREMENT REPORT Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Chamberlin/West to approve the disbursement report. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT Treasurer Wilkinson reported that the city received the first increment of the property taxes. The report reflects the amount received to date. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Chamberlin/Lovell to approve the treasurer’s report. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON THE PURCHASE OF THERMAL TEMPERATURE STATIONS FOR CITY FACILITIES. Attorney Jump explained that he has been working with City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock on revising some of the covid policies for the city. Part of the policy and part of the executive orders as we move forward is to have temperature stations located in all city facilities to screen people for fevers prior to entering any city facility. City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock explained that she was researching different thermal temperature stations and would like authorization to purchase some for all city facilities. The City would order one to check the quality and functions before making the additional purchases. The City could use some of the ARPA funds (America Rescue Plan Act) for the purchase. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Chamberlin/Lovell to approve the purchase of the thermal temperature stations for city facilities in the amount up to $2000.00 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE SALE OF CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF CANTON AND NO LONGER NEEDED OR USEFUL FOR CITY PURPOSE- 1999 FORD TRUCK (2ND READING) ORDINANCE #4255 The council previously approved an ordinance for this item; however, the year was incorrect on the original version of the ordinance. This ordinance will repeal and replace the prior ordnance. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lovell to approve ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INSURANCE RENEWAL BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND KIESEWETTER INSURANCE AGENCY TO SERVE AS AGENT FOR THE CITY’S WORKER’S COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THE POLICY YEARS OF DECEMBER 1, 2021 TO DECEMBER 1, 2024 RESOLUTION #5331 Dan Kiesewetter was present at the meeting to answer any questions pertaining to the agreement. The agreement is not to renew the workers compensation and liability insurance, but instead to approve the agreement with Kiesewetter Insurance agency as the agent of record. A correction will be made to the resolution to reflect that the agreement is not to renew the insurance, but instead to approve the agreement with Kiesewetter Insurance as the agent. Dan explained that he has a good working relationship with the city. His primary contact at the city is City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock regarding workers compensation and liability insurance for the City. Dan will continue to work hard for the city and provide exceptional services for the city. Focus is given to loss prevention and long- term risk management to keep the costs down. Last year the plan was put out for bid and the city ended up staying with the same carriers. The city will likely not put it out for bid this year due to volatility within the market. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Chamberlin to approve the resolution with the proposed correction. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 12 ND (WEAPONS AND FIREARMS REGULATIONS) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE (2 READING) ORDINANCE #4256 Attorney Jump explained that archery is available from the school district. Activities performed need to be approved by the public safety director within the city limits. Since the city annexed property that includes Youth Acres, the proposed ordinance will amend the city code pertaining to weapons and firearm regulation. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lovell to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON THE APPROVAL OF THE CLOSED SESSION MEETING MINUTES City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock explained that she maintains the book of the completed executive session minutes. Diana met with Attorney Jump to review the minutes and made the recommendation that the minutes remain confidential due to ongoing contract negotiations and pending litigation. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Chamberlin to approve the closed session meeting minutes. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION WHETHER (1) THE NEED FOR CONFIDENTIALITY STILL EXISTS AS TO ALL OR PART OF CLOSED MEETING MINUTES OR (2) THAT THE CLOSED MEETING MINUTES OR PORTION THEREOF NO LONGER REQUIRE CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT AND ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. RESOLUTION #5332 Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lovell that the need for confidentiality still exists of the executive session minutes. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO THE CORONAVIRUS LOCAL ST FISCAL RECOVERY FUND FOR THE CITY OF CANTON (1 READING) ORDINANCE #4257 The proposed ordinance includes items that are required for the Treasury department for the city to obtain the ARPA funds. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lovell to waive the first reading of the ordinance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lovell approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING INTERVENTION IN PROPERTY TAX APPEAL BOARD PROCEEDINGS. RESOLUTION #5333 The City received a property tax appeal and the proposed resolution would be required for Attorney Jump to proceed with the PTAB and intervene in the case. The specifics of the case can be discussed in closed session. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lingenfelter to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO ORDER AN APPRAISAL. Attorney Jump explained that this item pertains to the previous agenda item. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Fritz/West to authorize Attorney Jump to proceed, if necessary, in ordering an appraisal up to $5000.00 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COLLECTIVE NEGOTATING MATTERS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND ITS EMPLOYEES AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES, OR DELIBERATIONS CONCERNING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ONE OF MORE CLASSES OF EMPLOYEES. COMMUNITY & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERPERSON JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT AND ROAD CLOSURE REQUEST FOR THE SPOON RIVER VALLEY SCENIC DRIVE FALL FESTIVAL A request was submitted for the Spoon River Valley Scenic Drive and road closure October 2-3 and October 9-10. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Lovell/Chamberlin to approve the special event and road closure request for the Spoon River Valley Scenic Drive Fall Festival. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. UPDATE FROM SRPED COLE MCDANIEL  Arby’s – Waiting on final approvals from IDOT. Construction of building is anticipated to begin early October.  Hendricks Trucking, Inc. – Canton Industrial Park Development – Project is underway and the property has undergone significant work since the sale of the property. Anticipated to complete Phase 1 of the project by end of 2021.  Georgia Rae’s Boutique / Barton Payroll & Tax Services – Renovation is underway at 54 N. Main Street. Gabe and Mandy have plans of being open by November 2021. th  Midwest Cedar, LLC – Located at 406 S. 5 Ave. (former Alexander Lumber property) leasing space out to IDOT and ATV business. Renovations on the other portions of the property are continuing as well. thst  Tony Pippin – Sports Facility on S. 5 Avenue – Plans to be open by November 1, 2021.  Frank Rusaj – Redevelopment Agreement with the City has been corrected and signed by Frank.  Canton Locker Plant – Retail space is nearly complete, still some plumbing work that needs completed. Opening is planned for October 1, 2021.  Fullers Jewelry – Renovation has started – New roof, interior renovation in progress.  New Business Interest – There are currently 14 individuals/entrepreneurs interested in opening new businesses in Canton. I am working with these business owners on business planning, site selection, financing, incentives and a variety of other new business start-up tasks. Where each business is at in the process is very different, but all have stayed consistently motivated to start their new business ventures. Other Updates:  SRPED has helped assist business owners with grant applications and technical assistance since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since April of 2020 SRPED has been involved and helped business owners apply for a wide variety of programs. The current grant award total for those we have directly assisted is $871,000. After the new “Back 2 Business” grant program we anticipate that number will be well over $1 million. (We have helped submit over 30 applications in person for the new B2B th program since August 18. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER & SEWER ALDERPERSON ANGELA LINGENFELTER, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC SAFETY AND TRAFFIC ALDERPERSON ANGELA HALE, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE TO INSTALL A SIP LINE AND REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FOR THE 911 CENTER PHONE SYSTEM Starting in 2022 AT&T will no longer be supporting copper lines which would affect the incoming lines for the 911 center. If not addressed the cost of these lines including the T1 line will increase. If there is a future issue, we will also pay higher costs for repairs. It is the recommendation of Director Richard Fairburn to approve the installation of equipment by Ragan Communications and sip line from AT&T option 5 on their quote for the monthly services. The amount of $10,991.00 for the equipment would be paid from the 911 funds. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Hale/Gossett to approve the installation of the sip line equipment for the 911 center phone system by Ragan Communication (option 5 on the proposal) in the amount of $10,991.00 from the 911 funds. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERPERSON JEFF FRITZ, CHAIRMAN LAKE, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ALDERPERSON GREG GOSSETT, CHAIRMAN MAYOR COMMUNICATION Mayor McDowell reminded everyone that the Clydesdale horses will be in Canton this Thursday during the parade. Clayton Shay will be performing from 7:00-9:00pm. Dumpster Days will be held from September 8-11, 2021. Citizens of Canton can bring items from 11:00am-7:00pm on Wednesday-Friday and Saturday from 8:00am-4:00pm. Spoon River College Community Chorus will be presenting a two- person play called “The Guys”. Half of the proceeds will be donated to the Howard Strube Memorial Scholarship and the other th half will be donated to SRC School of Nursing. Showtimes will run September 10, 11 and 12. The trails at the lake should be opening this weekend for the public to enjoy. The bidding process will be taking place 09-08-2021 for the lead and copper pre-construction. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT MOTION and second were made by Alderpersons West/Gossett to adjourn into executive session for: 5 ILCS 120/2 C2, C11. No action will be taken after the executive session. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. ________________________________________________ Mayor Kent McDowell ________________________________________________ City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock