HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-11 Canton City Council Meeting AgendaCITY OF CANTON COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA July 5, 2011 – 6:30 p.m. The Donald E. Edwards Way (Historic Depot) 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, IL CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of Council meeting held June 21, 2011 Minutes of Mechanical Committee meeting held June 28, 2011 COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic – Alderman Jim Hartford, Chairman 1. Police department staffing- request to hire two officers and make one temporary appointment Streets and Garbage-Alderman Justin Nelson, Chairman 1. Canton football fundraiser-Billy’s Tap/Moore’s Pub 2. MFT maintenance program 3. Longwood Court and Park Plaza- signs Lake, Buildings & Grounds – Alderman Eric Schenck, Chairman 1. Canton Lake Bait Shop Proposal Public Works, Water & Sewer – Alderman Gerald Ellis, Chairman 1. WWPT secondary clarifiers project application for payment no. 9 from Leander Construction in the amount of $28,801.15 2. WWTP secondary clarifiers project change order no. 5 from Leander Construction 3. Demolition of dwelling at 456 South Avenue B invoice #4327 from Chuck Kinsel Trucking and Excavating in the amount of $8,500 4. Chestnut Street extension application for payment no. 2 from Otto Baum, inc. in the amount of $89,060.31 5. 3rd Avenue improvements application for payment no. 9 from Otto Baum, inc. in the amount of $172,140.22 6. IDOT MFT paperwork 7. City Hall generator wall gate 8. Kinsel excavating invoices COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN R. MEADE – 1. CHS state bass fishing champions 2. bright spot award- Bruce and Sally Hebb 3. Appointment Police Auxiliary – Bruce Reinman OLD BUSINESS: AN ORDINANC PROVIDING FOR A STOP SIGN ON NINTH AVENUE AT THE INTERSECTION OF NINTH STREET AND OAK STREET IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS (2ND READING) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A STOP SIGN ON THIRD AVENUE AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAPLE STREET AND THIRD AVENUE IN THE CITY OF CANTON FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS (2ND READING) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A STOP SIGN ON SECOND AVENUE AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAPLE STREET AND SECOND AVENUE IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS (2ND READING) NEW BUSINESS: EXECUTIVE SESSION – TO DISCUSS POLICE AND FIRE NEGOTIATIONS, PERSONNEL AND PENDING LITIGATION