HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #1082kE~~ULU T I (.~N ~k1082 WHEREAS, the Friendship Festival Board _is sponsoring a parade in the City of Canton which event constitutes a public purpose; WHEREAS, this parade will require the temporary closure of IL. Route 9 & 78 a state highway in the Cit_y of Canton from South Fifth Ave. at East Oak Street to WHEREAS, Section 4-408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Department of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions of state highways for such public purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Canton City Council of the City of Canton and 78 from South Fifth Ave. to East Oak Street as above designated, be requested of the Department of Transportation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure shall occur during the approximate time period between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on September ~ Seventh 19 85 . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of a parade BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that traffic from that closed portion of highway shall be detoured over routes with an all weather surface that can accept the anticipated traffic, which will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department and which is conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the state highway. (The parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on the detour routes to allow an uninter- rupted flow of two-way traffic.)* The detour route shall be as follows: that permission to close I1. Route 9 *To be used when appropriate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the_ cit.y assumes full resppnsibility for the direction, protection and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is in effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers or authorized flaggers shall, at the expense of the ci Y be positioned at each end of the closed section and at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing traffic through the detour. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers, flaggers and officials shall permit emergency vehicles in emergency situations to pass through the closed area as swiftly as is safe for all concerned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all debris shall be removed by the city prior to reopening the state highways. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such signs, flags, barricades, etc., shall be used by the city as may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation. These items shall be provided and installed by the city BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the closure and detour shall be marked according to the Illinois Manual on Traffic Control Devices. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an occasional break shall be made in the proces- sion so that traffic may pass through. In any event, adequate provisions will be made for traffic on intersecting highways pursuant to conditions noted above. (NOTE: This paragraph is applicable when the RESOLUTION pertains to a ap rade or when no detour is required.) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city hereby agrees to assume all liabilities and pay all claims for any damage which shall be occasioned by the closing described above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE city shall provide a comprehensive general liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of $100,000 per person and $500,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of Transportation and its officials, employees and agents as insureds and which protects them from all claims arising from the requested road closing. -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this RESOLUTION be forwarded to the Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for the permission sought in this resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said per- mission ADOPTED by the City Council of the C-i,~v of Cantnn this 18th day of June 19 85 A.D. 7. Munici 1 C erk APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Cantnn this 18th day of June 19 85 A.O. ATTEST: ICIPAL LERK MAYOR -3- vnl~ i v~~ ~~ ~~~1~~i ~~.: P. O. Box 151 "A Friendly City" Canton, Illinois 61520 June 25th, 1985 Jim Malmgren City Attorney 210 East Chestnut St Canton, I1 61520 Dear Jim: The Canton Friendship Festival Association voted unanimously to assume all responsibility for any claims against the city during the Friendship Festival Parade held on September 7th 1985. A copy of the minutes of the festival board meeting held on June 13th, 1985 concerning the action taken by the board on this issue is attached. Please advise if any other conditions are needed by the festival to complete your request. Sincerely, Nancy [oThites, President Friendship Festival Assoc. ti_ MINUTES of JUNE 13, 1985 .PRESENT: John Harmon, Ron Weber, P:ancy lkfiites, Sue Freiley, Joan Goldsberry, Dennis Mortland, Dana Smith, Maudeen Bohannon, Andy Almasi, Ken Long, Walt Barra, Greg Campbell, Gene Dalamas, Kevin Tarter, Marty Brown, Dick Ccay, Betty Tay- lor, Kevin Stephenson, Melvin Oatir,an, Janice Stanfel MI:~TUTES of May 9, 1985, meeting were approved as read. TRrSSURER'S REPORT showed a checking account balance of $6091.11, which includes probable deduction of approximately Y800 for the Que~-~n's Trip. Costs of X39.75 to Canton Daily Ledger and $22 for st~~,ps were approved. CORRESPONDENCE was read from the Canton Area ?Ministerial Association voic- ing its dis.pproval of having a beer tent at the Festival; from the city attorney r ~':di_ng "-,old Harmless" provisions for the City of GbiltUn by r~_ason of Closing of cerr_ain il;tcrseCtlunS affecting state routes. OLD BL'SIl~ESS: 1"ne D,>part~,ent of Transportation now has forms they want ~~ completid regarding the closing of route. That 02-m hol~'_s the City Liable etc. a;-,d t},e City d~~esn't w.=:nt to do that. Th•=rc- fore the City wants us to assure it that tae will be responsible for any claims etc, not the city. 'i_'he ir.s~_lrance company assures us that the-re are no liability problems. r Lti'eber moved that we include the City of Canton as a co-insured; that we will hold them harmless. Barra second and the motion un-nimously carried. :~i:'yG0 t.:•i~S~~ 'STS has invited the City t_o ins>>eet tahat it has at tl,e carnival. ~`FI,T BUS:tiESS: Beta S:i.gma Phi requested that they be allowed to sell tick- ets at the Festival and have c.s_:enti~llly a cirawi.ng. They asked ..bout se. ]_ling rlaybe Friday or Saturday niihts, or both. Dick Coay said these are 50-50 raffle tickets. Weber moved tae allow this but said he had concerns it taould be a money raiser for them as the board didn't have very good luck . and se]_ling tickr~ts ~n the past. Da;nalas seconded t_he ..lot>_cn the same carried ,manimously. C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t s: t ;'~~L1CI'11' t,7"lllt l-llg }J]-dsi rOr %2 ~~tli i. it bGU~.I-(_'t ..-il=l'_ iiS f01. 1,.:175: *'-'"rt~'"~ ~, Cant an Trir,t;.n~- Corpan}• -$~15 (1200 booklets) Canton Daily Ledger -X709.65 (1000 booklets) Alr..asi moved and l;armon seconded that we accept the bid of Canton Daily Ledger; motion carried unanimously. Dana said that the pageant is totally sold, that we will have an approxi~,ate profit of a!10. As Dana will be on vacation from June 26 through July 14, she asked that any publicity inforr.:ation get to her before then. Andy Almasi resigns his position on the board as he will be starting a new job July 1, 1955, in G~~'ncy, Illinois. QliEEN`S has 14 candidates. The get-acquainted was at Betty Taylor's Wee Na Tuk place, June 10 will be the sponsor's dinner, and rehearsals will be underway in June. T~~e pageant tickets are rer-dy. STECIAL ATTRACTIONS: AL?iASI '~lOVE.D T~?E NAVE T'NE BEER TENT again and write the minis- tc:rlal ,_ssoc~ation. Forgoer seconded; two nays, Tartc_r ~ nd rlortland. Fulton County rlusicar.s' Assn has been contacted to help us. ?~o fire works this year. Squ~>.re d~~ncing will be bark as will the C.ncer Society with an i_ce cream social on Wednesday. 1,Ti11 have the kids games and Chamber Night has typically been on Thursday. GxOli:~'DS & S1',CURI'TY: No report I-~IDtAY: Has had a couple of phone calls but h._ven't rF~.ceived any ;aoncy back yet. It appears there will be quite a few returning from last year. :'rC}'__??~'fS BIi=ILDING: No report AG: No report ot}~er than t}~ey've boon ~_sked if a horse s}~ow could be put on again. These l:~eople want to come back. We think there should be more b7.eachers or something for them so more people can enjoy this. i"~1ISC: }?simon roved t}gat P~ibl city try and fi_tid out w}7at bil.]_boards are available aro;md to to~:~n and rF port back at the next nseet- inP; Ceay seconded; motion carried unanimously. 2 .. ,V A~ID~S1 SaIC 'v:°_ shoilc rhC}; 1;'_th `.:~i= ~c'1":?~`i?ltati~n l,~%tEr~ L:::Jt t[lE~' ~:Si~e ~r }~ 8 S1`^S; '~OtlOn 'v:2S SECC%rlded arld Ca:r1_'d lii:c::i- 7i0uS'ly. Pam Myers has resigned; she is moving to Florida. Special Attractions needs two r,embers. We should tell Kevin Stepi~er.sen of anyone we think ~,~ould accept and be a good ~;~~-.':~er. __ U / ~' 3