HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #1112RESOLUTION N0. 1 1 1 ~ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT AGREED~[V'I' BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. WHEREAS, the State of Illinois enacted an Environmental Protection Act which provides in part for the control of water pollution in Illinois; and, WHEREAS, the Pollution Control Board pursuant to said Act has adopted regulations establishing water quality standards and effluent limitations which must be attained by the City of Canton in the operation of its sewage treatment plant and associated works; and, WHEREAS, grant funds have been provided by the Anti-Pollution Bond Act of 1970 to assist local governments ixi the construction of facilities which will ensure compliance with the standards and limitations established by the Environ- mental Protection Act and regulations adopted pursuant thereto; and, WHEREAS, the City of Canton has made application for a grant from the Anti- Pollution Bond Fund for the design and construction of a sewage treatment improve- ment and/or modification project which will satisfy the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Illinois has made an offer of grant for said project designated as C17 2206, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A hereto; and, WHEREAS, the corporate authorities, after due investigation and consideration, have determined that acceptance of said grant offer and entering into a grant agreement with the State of Illinois will serve the public good and is necessary to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Act and regulations adopted thereunder. NOW, TI~RFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois: 1. That the Mayor and City Council hereby find as facts all of the recitals iri the Preamble of this Resolution, as well as the description of the project contained in the grant offer (Exhibit A hereto). P_ubltca#itan Instructions ,~'Qo not publish ^ Publish in p::mphlet form only ^ Publish in a general circulation newspa er Lt.~--- .sue City Att Date 2. That the Playor and City Council hereby accept said offer and agree to all terms and conditions thereof, including all special conditions, general conditions and assurances contained therein and made a part hereof by reference and also agree that the grant funds awarded will be used solely for the purposes of the project as approved by the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Illinois in accordance with the terms and conditions of said grant offer. 3. That the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the said grant offer on or before November 15, 1985, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 4. That the clerk be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the said executed grant offer and transmit sufficient copies of the same to the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Illinois at Springfield, Illinois on or before November 15, 1985. 5. This. Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. PASSID this 15th. day of October , 1985; by a vote of 7 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent at a regular meeting of the City Council. f~`~ (Mayor) Attest: I (Cler Corporate Seal • GRANT AGREEMENT GRANT NUMBER State of Illinois Grant, Pursuant to the Anti•Pollution Bond Act of 1970. Illinois C17 2206. ~~ Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water Pollution Control, 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, Illinois 62706. PART I GENERAL INFORMATION 1. GRANT ADMINISTRATION DATA A GRANT TYPE B. STEP Backlog t I -, z IX-, a IX~ 2. GRANTEE ORGANIZATION A NAME~ADDRESS~COUNTY 8. GRANTEE CONTACT (Name and Title) City of Canton Donald E. Edwards, Mayor 210 East Chestnut I Canton, I11 i nos 61520 C. AREA COOE/~ELEPHONE NUMBER n Count F l t - y u o O. CONSULTANT IF~rm Name end TNephone Numbed Crawford, Murphy & Tilly 217/787-8050 PART II PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 rade of the Westside , The project consists of a design allowance and upg . treatment facility, upgrade of the Eastside treatment facility (which will have only an excess flow discharge after improvements), collection system rehabilitation and replacement, construction of the Westside relief sewer and construction of the Southside relief sewer as defined in the IEPA Permit j numbers 1984-HB-0188, 1985-IA-0189, 1985-AB-1607, 1985-AB-1668 and 1985-HB-1669. The projects will be initiated according to the schedule in Part V(B) Project Schedule. i I ~° i i 1 t II t _ i i ~ THEREIN CALLEO 7HE "'PROJECT") GRANT AGREEMENT CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 [L 532-0028 vvc 1T3 (Re.. 5/85) GRANT AGREEMENT -PAGE 2 GRANT NUMtsltn , c~7 2206. ' , . State of Illinois Grant, Pursuant to the Anti•Pollution Bond Act of 1970. Illinois ~ ~f ` '"" Environmental Protection Agency. ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET PART I11 ESTIMATED ALLOWABLE PROJECT COST 1. PROJECT COST CATEGORY _ STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 TOTALS ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING FEES CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT IMPROVEMENT COSTS CONTINGENCIES OTHER TOTALS _5 ~ ~ 2~ APPROVED GRANT AMOUNT AT 49.68%OF TOTAL ESTIMATED ALLOWABLE PROJECT COST 2;008-~ 3. COSTS EXCLUDED FROM ESTIMATED ALLOWABLE PROJECT COST -.. ,~~ *This represents the FY 1985, 1986 allocation. For FY87 1.1 million will be available. RJC:CYV:jk/2457e,5 ~ . - ~ I OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE I PART IV TE OF ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1. OFFER FOR THE STA h e The Director (herein called the "Director") of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (herein called the "Agency"!, to accnr~lance w:th t riation by the General Assembly made pursuant thereto, hereby offers to make a State 1 h e approp authority given in the Anti•Pollution Bond Act, and in t and nvt exceeding the above specified amount, for the support of the efforts contained in the Pruett Description i t o of Illinois Grant to the Grantee, up above. This Grant Offer is subject to all applicable State and Federal statutory provisions, State and Federal Grant Regulations, and the Special Cnndtt~ons, d hereto and included herein by reference. h I e General Conditions. Assurances, and the t s specified in the Letter of Transmi ,attac ~b ~ ~S .-- DIRECTOR DATE ~ THIS OFFER MUST BE ACCEPTED, IF AT ALL, ON OR BEFORE November 15, 1985 __ 2. ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE GRANTEE I, the unders~g~ed, v?tng duly authorized to take such action, as evidenced Icy the attached CERTIFIED COPY OF AUTHOR;~'A ~ I~.;N F3\' 'HE accept this offer and agree to all terms and cnrnht~nns mrluding the Sp~:ctal Cet:u~:~~:~•s, Ge~~r1al hereb d y o GRANTEE'S GOVERNING BODY, Assurances, and the terms specified in the Letter of Transmittal, attached hereto and ntrluJed herein by reference, and also a~:~°^ that ',u Environmental P~otrct~on Ayercy Conditions b , non Grant funds awarried will be used solely for the purposes of the project, as approved by the State of Il i DATE SIGNATURE OF REPRESENTATIVE __ _. __. ---- ---~- NAME AND TITLE CF REPRESENTATIVE ITyt>e or Print) WPC-173 • Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ~ 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, IL 61706 Fart Y(A) SPECIAL STEP 3 GRANT C0~lDITIONS FOR PROJECT tdtI~SBER C172206 1. This Grant Offer is based upon tape estimated project cost as furnished to the Agency by the Appiscant. The Agency may, at the Agency's sole option, increase or decrease the amount of this Grant Offer by issuance of a Supplementa] Grant Offer. 2. Schedule of Payments. Payment requests for project i~ork gill be processed in accordance r~ith ti'ie following schedule of payrrs'nts, subject to appropriation of funds by the Illinois General Assembly and subsequent sale of bonds: Prior to the initiation of construction file applicant shall submit to the Agency a proposed payment schedule for the construction ~-~ork. The Applicant shall av~ait ~tri tten approval of the paynen± schedule by tine Agency prior to initiating construction and the approved schedule will become a part of this grant. Requests for payeaent for construction work Tray be submitted in accordance with the approved payr~ent schedule for the construction ~rork. PayG~ent requests shall be submitted i n x~~ri ti ng i n accordance :,ri th the State General Conditions an Grant Payment Schec+ules, upon approval of the applicant's request for payment by the Agency, a payment grill be processed. The Agency vri i 1 Sri thhol d bio of the Grant amount pending a fi nal i nspectton of the cori~pl eted project by fire Agency, hiring of properly certified operators by tf~e applicant and a final audit by the Agency. 3. Force Account. P -: nt approval for any force account riethod t,-ork in lieu of ~rork completed under sub-ayreer~ent for contract shall be based upon the applicant's der:3ons trati on of t,'~e fo1 l o•~~i ng: a. The use of force account affected substantial savings in cost over those not~~ally incurred under technical/professional service contracting methods and/or en~rgency circ~.~stances dictated force account Nrork. b. The existence of necessary trained R~anpoker, skilled supervision, record system, and capai;ility to undertal~e the tirork in a professional manner and complete it within a reasonable period of time, including a detailed outline of the r:~ethod of tir;>ekeeping to be utilized in precisely hots gage scales for all personnel (supervisory es~~loyees i ncl aced) c~ere establ i sired. c. The diversion of personnel resources to perform required force account tasi;s did not adversely affect acc »plisi~ment of essential fumctians of norrtaiiy assigned tasks. In addition, prior written approval of the Director is required for the utilization of the force account method for Step i or Step 2 ~york in excess of 510,000 and Step 3 r-;ern in excess of X25,000. ~ Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Page 2 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, IL 62706 4. Receipt of a wri flan refusal to comply with any &ppi icahl a access to records requirements in accordance with the State General Conditions or failure to return the properly executed doccanents txithin the specified time will be cause for termination of this grant offer. 5. Operation and maintenance. The Agency shall not pay: a. more than 50 percent of the State share of any Step 3 project unless file applicant has furnished a draft of file operation and maintenance manual (reference the State General Conditions for req~tirer,~ents concerning the operation and r;~aintenance manna]) for review, or adequate evidence of tiMely development of such a draft; b, more than 90 percent of the State share of any pro3ect ~unl ass the applicant has furnished a satisfactory final operation and maintenance manual for the project. 6. Co~npl lance with Act and Regulations. The Agency shat 1 not make any payments under this Grant Cffer if the construction (Step 3~ project has been completed and is being operated in violation of any of the provisions of tine Envi rannental Protection agency (Ili . Rev. Stat. 1973, Ch. III ] /2 slt~l et seq. ~ or the Dater Pollution Regulations of Illinois (Chapter 3, Illinois Pollution Control Board Rues and Regulations adopted thereunder. RJC:CVY:3k/2~5Te,6-7 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield, IL 6`1706 Project: Canton C1722O5 Part Y(B) Special Conditions PROJECT SC~IEDULE Any obligation of t:ie State of Illinois and the Agency to make any p~ytnent of Grant funds shall terminate unless this project hark is initiated and corr~pl eted i n accordance tvi th the fol l otti ng schechsl e: TASK Projects l b 2 irJestsi de Ref ief Sewer Southside Relief Sewer Advertise for bids At~ard contract Cot~pletion project 3 Completion project 2 Project 3 IJestside STP Improvement Ae~vertise for bids A:~ard contract O b M t~'~nual C ~,pletion Projects 4 ~ 5 Eastside STP L~prove~nts Se•~er Relzabil i tati on Advertise for bids Project 4 Project 5 FACILITY PLArI~tING SCHEDULE fJovember 15, i g85 January 1, 1985 March 2~, 79$7 April 30, i 987 Fet~rc~ary 28, 1986 Jur~e 16, 198b February l7, 1987 September 30, 1987 Septer~ier, 1987 January, 1387 Agency determination that the applicaLle facility planning requires~ents set forth in the State General Conditions have been u~et for the project, is hereby provided. Applicable pirojeet perforra;~ce standards far the useful life of the project are as foil ores: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ~ 2200 Churchill Road, Springfield. IL 62706 Page 2 TREATFIENT PLAN7S 1. Westside Plant NPDES ~IL0027839 a. for flows up to 2.5 tiu~es the design average flog of 3.4b M&D t~~5: i0 mg/1 SS: 12 m9/1 b. for flows in excess of the design maximum flaw of 8,34 hfiGD up to 23.0 tiGD a minimum of primary treatment and disinfection 1s required. c. flows i n excess of 23.0 fiiGD are not anticipated. 2. Eastside Pi ant ~1PDES ~IL0027&47 - a, for flows up to 2.5 times the design average of 0.6 tE;e flog will receive secondary treatu~nt and pumped to the -oest plant for treatment. b. for flours in excess of tl~e first flush pond volume of 1.2 htG will receive a minimum of primary treatment and disinfection. COLlECTIOhI SYS7'Eti Under design conditions, there shall be no averfla~+s, surcharges or basement backups, and removal of iofiltrationJinflav shall be consistent with the projections in the Sewer System Evaluation Survey. PAY~~EHT SCtfEDULE "` Design A11oc~.ance: The applicant may request 50~ of the design allos.~~ance irmediately after grant axard. Final payment of the a] 1 oE~ance >ray be requested after a~rard of the contract for the last project seyr•~ent. Building Payr:~nts: Based on a fatal es ti~ated eligible project cost of ~6,23D,507 the following State grant amounts have been allocated to your project in succeeding fiscal years. FY85-FY86 -- X2.0 million FY 87 -- ~l.l million ~3.T million (maximum available) Succeeding year obligations beyond FY-aS-FYSfl require reappropriations by the Illinois General Assembly and subsequent bond sales. RJC: CW:~k/2451e,Fi-9 1t1~~ C E R T I F I C A T E STATE ~ ILLINOIS, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON. ) I, Nancy [~lhites, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, cb hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances and other books, records and papers of said City, and that the fore~oinp is a true and correct coT-~y of RESOLUTION NO, lII2 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND AUTHORTZTNG THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, w adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 15th day of October 19 85 WITNESS rry hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this lf~fih ~Y of (~rtnhPr 19 .8.5_-• City Clerk. . (S EA L}