HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #1130s Fulton WHEREAS, the City ~~f .a~,ton located in the County of Fulton , State of Illinois, wishes to locate construct, and maintain sanitary sewer crossings under Illinois Route 9, FA Route 10. Section 27 RS, at highway station 16+60 and Illinois Route 78, SBI Route 78, Section 135 X, at highway station 22+45 in Fulton County which, by law, comes under the jurisdiction and control of the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois, and WHEREAS, a permit from said Department is required before said work can be legally undertaken by said City of Canton now THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Canton County of R E S O~~l~~I C N State of Illinois, First: That we do hereby request from the Department of Transportation, State of Illinois, a permit authorizing the City of Canton to proceed with the work herein described. Second: That we hereby pledge the good faith of the City of Canton and guarantee that all work shall be performed in accordance with the conditions of the permit to be granted by the Department of Transportation, State of Illinois, and to hold the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation harmless, on account of any damage that may occur to persons or property, during the prosecution of such work, and assume all liability for damage to persons or property, due to accidents or otherwise, by reason of the work which is to be performed under the provisions of said permit. Third: That we hereby state that the proposed work-~ is not, to be performed by the employees of the City of Canton Fourth: That the proper officers of the City of Canton are hereby instructed and authorized to sign said permit in behalf of the Citv of Canton I, Naricv [~Thites , hereby certify the above to be a true copy of the Resolution passed by the City o incil City of Cariton County of Fulton , State of Illinois. Dated this 8th day of January A.D. 19 86 . (CORPORATE SEAL) a ~_! ~'il~a~i~Fi d ~ R~?;^i~t?~S,a~ $~13'ti~ ~':~il4f ~7 ~uP~lis41 ~ , ;°,~ :~ ~Wio ~.~;" ~i~~~ n~~rspaper ~----~ --~1~i:.C~._.~.._... City Att pate Illinois Department` of Transportation (4~ ~.~ i.~ 7""" t -~- Highway Permit District Serial No WHEREAS, I (We) Cit of Canton , ame o Applicant ailing ddress Canton Illinoi ,hereinafter termed the Applicant, ity fate request per isg~qqn a d aut rity ttQ do certain work herein described on the right-of-way of the State highway m(FA)QSBI~ (10~~ (78) known as TT, Route g* ~ 7R ,Sections ?7 s f9 i ~yx from Station 22+45* ~b Station 16+60 , Fulton County. The work is described in detail on the attached sketch and/or as follows: Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Applicant to locate, construct, and maintain sanitary sewer crossings under the above-described routes in accordance with the attached prints, prepared by Crawford, Murphy i Tilly, which are made a part of this permit. All costs in the proposed crossings shall be at the expense of the Applicant. The crossings shall consist of a twenty-four (24•) inch diameter force main under Illinois Route 78 at highway station 16+60 and an eighteen (18•) inch diameter force main under Illinois Route 9 at highway station 22+45. The crossing shall be made by boring or augering underneath the roadway. No opening of the pavement will be allowed. The bore pits shall be located a minimum distance of ten (10') feet, plus the depth of the bore pit, away from the edge of the pavement. Pits for boring or jacking shall be excavated no more than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of boring or jacking operations and backfilled within forty-eight (48) hours after boring or jacking operations are completed. While pits are open, they shall be clearly marked and protected by barricades. Sewer and drainage piping shall have a minimum cover of thirty (30•) inches and preferably sufficient cover for freeze protection. (Sheet 1 of 3) It is understood that the work authorized by this permit shall be completed within 6 months after the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. This permit is subject to the conditions and restrictions printed on the reverse side of this sheet. This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this 19 ale. Witness Mailing Address ~ ~j \. - . ~~ ity fate Sign Canton Mailing ddress C 1~d..,rt~~,ti.,, ~- ~ I Jed 0 -may fate Zip Code SIGN AND RETURN TO: District Engineer Peoria ,Illinois Approved this day of 19 -. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: day of District Engineer BT 1045 lRev. 1 1 -78) City of Canton January 2, 1986 The backfill of the trench shall be thoroughly compacted at time of backfill by tamping by mechanical means, and any depressions which may develop within the area involved in the construction operations, due to settlement of the backfilling material, shall be kept filled and the right-of-way restored to its original condition, during a period of six (6) months from the date of the completion of the work authorized in this permit. All trenches within two (2') feet of the existing pavement, stabilized shoulder, curb, or sidewalk shall be backfilled to within twelve (12') inches of the surface according to Articles 210.01 and 703.05 of the 'Standard Specifications for road and Bridge Construction.' The remaining twelve (12') inches shall be backfilled with material to restore the disturbed area to its original condition. The length of open trench shall be kept to the practicable minimum consistent with requirements for pipeline testing. Open trench and windrowed excavated material shall be protected as required by Chapter 6 of the Illinois 'Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.' Where practicable, the excavated material shall be deposited between the roadway and the trench as added protection. Excavated material shall not be allowed to remain on the paved portion of the roadway. Where right-of-way width does not allow for windrowing excavated material off the paved portion of the roadway, excavated material shall be hauled to an off-road location. No utility poles, manholes, handholes, fire hydrants, or any other obstruction shall be placed in the ditch flowline of any state highway. All manholes shall be located off the state right-of-way. All pipe, conduit, wire, poles, cross arms, or other materials distributed along the highway prior to installation shall be placed as remote as practicable from the edge of the pavement in a manner to minimize its being a hazard to errant vehicles or an obstacle to highway maintenance. if material is to be stored on highway right-of-way for more than two (2) weeks prior to installation, approval must be obtained from the Department. Installation shall cross at or as near as practicable to a ninety (90°) degree angle with the highway centerline. No person, firm, corporation or institution, public or private, shall discharge or empty any type of sewage, including the effluent from septic tanks or other sewage treatment devices, or any other domestic, commercial or industrial waste, or any putrescible liquids, or cause the same to be discharged or emptied, in any manner, into open ditches along any public street or highway, or into any drain or drainage structure installed solely for street or highway drainage purposes. This permit is issued only with the express understanding that the Applicant has satisfied the land and water pollution requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water Pollution Control. Sewer lines shall be installed to meet or exceed the recommendations of the current 'Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois.' (Sheet 2 of 3) City of Canton January 2, 1986 The Applicant shall furnish the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, a surety bond in the amount of Five Thousand (5,000.00) Dollars to insure fulfillment of the provisions as set forth in this permit, said bond to remain in full force and effect for a period of five (5) years from the date of approval of this permit. Please have an authorized official of the City of Canton approve the attached Resolution forms and return all copies to this office with the permit and bond forms. It must be understood that everyone working on this project shall indemnify and save harmless the State of Illinois, its officers, and employees, from all suits, actions, or damages received or sustained by any person or property on account of or in consequence of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct, by your organization or anyone working with your organization. The Applicant shall require his contractor (or contractors) to perform his (or their) work in accordance with the 'Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,' adopted October 1, 1983, and the 'Supplemental Specifications' in effect on the date of construction. No work is to be started on the project until the permit has been approved by this Department. This permit should be available at the jobsite at all times for inspection by a duly authorized representative of the Department of Transportation or the State Police. IIpon completion of all construction or maintenance work on state highway rights-of-way, the contractor and/or the Applicant shall remove all excess material and restore all turf and terrain to the satisfaction of the Department. Such cleanup and repair may consist of backfilling, regrading, reseeding, resodding, or any other requirement to restore the right-of-way to a condition equivalent to that which existed prior to the commencement of the project. Traffic on the highway shall be protected by use of signs, barricades, flagmen, lights, and watchmen as may be required during progress of work. Applicable traffic control standards are included as a part of this permit. All costs in the location and/or adjustment of utilities shall be at the expense of the Applicant. (Sheet 3 of 3) Alinois Department of Tran~porta~ora Highway Permit District Serial No. ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 b 0 5 9 WHEREAS, I (We) ~~ ~ ~° ame o pp scant a~ mg ress ' Caa6os ~~~ ,hereinafter termed the Applicant, qty tats request per ts8i~,~nd ~tl~Qrity(t~~lo certain work herein described on the right-of-way of the State highway known as j~~U+lasRioluteaoq'` s 7Z ,Sections 27 ]IS~• 137Z from Station Z~S" ~ Station 1~~ , ~~ County. The work is described in detail on the attached. sketch and/or as follows: Bersissioa aid authority are hereby grantsd to the 1-pplicant to locate, constrict, snd aaintsin sanitary serer crossings under the above-describsd routes is accor~nce xith the attached prints, prepared by Cranford, llarphy i ?illy, nhich are aide a part o! this persit. hll costs in the proposed crossings shall be at the espense of the 1lpplioant. The crossings shall consist of a tnenty-four (26•) inch diameter force maia under Illinois Rome 7i at highway station 16+60 and an eighteen (l8•) inch diameter Estee Hain under Illisois Rohe ! at highwy station 22t4S. The crossiag shall be made by boring or angering underneath the roadway. Po opening of the pavesent will be alloxed. The bore pits shall be located a minisnm distance of ten (18') feet, plus the depth o! the bore pit, axay Eros the edge of the pavement. tits for boring or jacking shall be esoavated no sore than forty-eight (4>s) hours in advance of boriaq or jacking operations and backfilled xi thin forty-eight t~8) hours after boring or jaci~iaq operations are completed. iihile pits are open, thep shall be clearly marked and protected bT barricades. Beier and drainage piping shall have a minimum cover of thirty (30•) inches and preferably sufficient cover for freeze protection. (Sheet 1 of 3) It is understood that the work authorized by this permit shall be completed within 6 sDnths after the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. This permit is subject to the conditions and restrictions printed on the reverse side of this sheet. This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this _ day of ~~-=! !~ ~ ^ =! 19 ..SC(Q `iy i / Witness / ailing ress ity tats Sign nnamng Aaaress 'amity tats Z p oocle SIGN AND RETURN TO: District Engineer Peoria ,Illinois Approved this STN day of ~ x'211-- 1986 BT 1045 (Rev. 1 1-78) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSP RTATION BY: istrict En meet Citt of Castel ~auart 2, lfii rie baoklili of the treaab shall be tboreagbly aoepacted at tin of baakliil !1- tanpip by eeebaaioal Haas, and say dsprusiens vbio~t way develop rithia the area involved is the oowatrratia~ operations, due to settlenAt o! the backtilliaq aatesial, shall be kept tilled sad tM right-ol-vay rosterod to its original coaditioa, daciaq a period of sir (i) sioatbs isoe the date of the aoepletioa of the work aatberised lA this posit. ill tteeabu vitbin tvo (2') feet of the existing pavenat, stabilised aboalder, anrb, os sidevalk shall b! backtilled to vitbia twlve (12•) laabes of the surtaae aacordiag to Articles 210.01 and 703.OS of the •Dtandard Dpeoiticatiow tot load sad Bridge Constructioa.• she reeaiaing twlve tl2') iaabu shall be baoktilled vitb eaterial to restore the disturbed area to its original ooaditioa. she length of open treacb shall be kept to the practicable alaiaaa aonsisteat yitb regaireaents ter pipeline testing. Open treaah sad vindrowd excavated aaterial shall be protested as required by Chapter i of the illiaois •Maanal of Oaitore !raltia Coatroi De~iaes.• tlbere psasticabie, the axaavated aaterial shall be deposited betwee the roadyay and the treaab as added proteatioa. ssaavatee aaterial shall not be alloyed to resale on the paved portion of the roadvay. 1lbere right-of-+vay yidtb coos sot alloy for yisdroyiaq exaa~ated Material oft the payed potties of the roadwy, excavated eaterial shall be heeled to as oft-road looatioa. !lo utility poles, aaabOles, baadboles, tiro bydraats, or say other obstruatioa shall be pl:cod is the ditch tlovliae of say state higbvay. ill aanbolu shall be located o!t the state ri~bt-of-vay. 111 pipe, conduit, sire, poles, cross eras, or other watesials distsibutsd aloaq the higbvay prior to installation shall be placed as resole as practicable tree the edge of the paveaeat is a saaaer to eiaiaise its being a basard to errant vehialea or as obstacle to bigbyay waintenaaae. It eaterial is to be stored oa bigbray right-ot-vay for wre tbaa tvo (2) MNka prior to installation, approval gust be obtained from the Departseat. iastallatioa shall cross at or s. sear as psaatiaable to a ninety (!0•) degrN ogle vitb the higbvay aenterliae. Mo posses, fire, corporation or inatitation, public or private, shall discharge or eapty say type of seyage, iacludiaq the ettluent true septic tanks or other swage treatautat devices, or say other doeestia, sowaeraial or iadnatrial vaste, or say putrescible liquids, or cause the sane to be disabarged or eaptied, is say wanner, into open ditches along say public street or bigbyay, or into any drain or draiaage stricture installed solely tos street or 6igbyay draiaage purposes. ' Ibis persit is issued only yitb the express uaderstaadiaq that the Applicant bas s:tistied the land sad vales pollution sequireaeats o! the illiaois savironeeatal trotectioa Ageaay, Division of Mater tollntioa Control. Dever lines shall be installed to asst or exceed the reaoawendations o! the anrreat •Dtandard Dpeeitications for Hater sad Beyer /isle Construction ie Illinois.' (DbNt T vt 3 ) •~ City of Gaston Jasnaty Z, 1lii The hppiloast shall tnraish the state o! Iilisoia, Departweat of lrassportatiow, a snrety bead is the asonat et live Tlwnaaad (#5,000.00) Dollars to lasnre tnltillweat o! the provisions a• sot lorth is this perwit, said bold to sewais is tall tome and etleot for a period of five (5) years tros ehe data of approval of this perwit. Please have an authorised ottiaial of the City of Cantos approve the attached ltesolntion toms aad return all Dopier to thin ottiae Math the perwit and bold lorws. it east be understood that weryoae Morkisg os this project shall isdewaify aad save hass~less the hate of illiaois, its otliaers, aad eaployees, trove all snit, actions, es dawages reaeired or anstaised by nay person os property oa acwnat of or is consequence of nay eat of owissioa, neglect, os wisooaduct, by your organisation or anyone Morkiag Mith your organisation. The hppliaaat shall require bin ooatraator (or ooatraatora) to pertorw his (or their) Mork is aooordaaae Mitt the •Dtaadard speoitioatiow for Road aad fridge Construatios,• adopted October 1, 1liJ, aad the •Snppleweotal ~pecitiaatiosa• is effect on the date of oosstrnation. Mo Mork is to be started oa the project until the perwit bas been approved by this Departwest. This perwit should be available at the jobsite at all tires for iupeation by a dniy authorised representative of the Departwent of Transportation or the state ~oliae. Opos cowpletioa of all oosatruotioa or waistenance Mork oa state highway rights-oi-May, the ooatractor and/or the 1lppliaaat shall rewove all excess waterial aad restore all tart aad terrain to the satistaation of the Departaent. inab aleasap aad repair way aosaist of baaktilliaq, regrading, reseeding, seaoddiaq, or nay other regnireweat to restore the right-of-gray to a aoaditioa equivalent to that Mbiah existed prior to the aoaesaea~ut of the project. Trattia oa the highray shall be protested by use of signs, barricades, tlagsws, lights, sad Matchaen as way be rsgnired during progress of Mork. 1lpplicabie tratiic control standards are included as a part of this perwit. 1111 costs is the loaatioa aad/er adjustweat of utilities aball be at the expense of the Applicant. (8heet 3 of 3) Illinois Department of Transportation INDIVIDUAL HIGHWAY PERMIT BOND Bond No. MMM!#~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I (We) MlI1~ t11t t~r1~ ~; ' >l4z0 E• Cirroit 3t. MMawi. t1s `~~ (Name of Applicant) (Mailing Address) as Principal, and Str rant tin it Mu!-iaf Itt~. C+~. (Surety Company) a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of tit/~rii and licensed to do business in the State of Illinois, are held firmly bound unto the People of the State of Illinois in the penal sum of >K~ i~oauagd Dollars ($ S,.ppp,.~) lawful money of the United States well and truly to be paid unto said People of the State of Illinois, for payment of which we bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly, severally, and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Highway Permit No. pOSg issued b the Department of Transportation of the State ~of Illinois grants to Nt 11~ [~ecwat4~r~,~ _~,~ permission and authority to construct, locate, operate, and maintain the work described in said Permit, upon or adjacent to Routes ~~ ~._ in ~ rs_as~ ~ CrOUnty as more fully described in said Permit and Sketch, which by this reference are made a part hereof as if written herein at length, in and by which Permit and Sketch the said Principal has promised and agreed to perform said described operation and related activities in accordance with the terms and conditions of and description in said Permit and Sketch. NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall well and truly pertorm said operations in ac- cordance with the terms and conditions of and description in said Permit and Sketch to the satisfaction of said Department, and shall perform no other work or construction at said location without first applying for and receiving another permit from said Department, then no claim or demand will be made against the above obligation. Otherwise, this bond or so much thereof as may be necessary shall inure to the said Department as cost and expense to change and correct, during a period of five years from the date of approval of this bond by the Department, said construction to conform to the terms and conditions of and description in said Permit and Sketch. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE HAVE DULY EXECUTED THE FOREGOING THIS Stlw DAY OF AM'l l t g S6 Surety St. taut iih i Marini iaa. CoRrincipal Mit1~ Ensavatiut fir/e~~ tn~. Address ~$f~ta-ti L+. Address M-t0 E. Carntt it• City-Ste City-State NiCMIi-s t1 • ~1+~35 t (Seal) Attorney in Fact .~' (Seal) .-• Agent ~Eveh~~ira~-~ll~a~laiA~t~epartment of Transportation for i~ ~. ) Surety ~ ~ 1'~' ' ,~,rE, ~- Address ~ t1S E• .iasks~ St• gy Di trict Engineer City-State By r BT 1046 ~4iev. 4-77) ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (~RTllli'tC+IYt~OR '~~~ 385 Washingtou Strcet, St. Paul, Mlntusota SSlli2 AUI'HOR11Y NO For verification of the authentiaty of this Power of Attorney, you may tekplgae Dot fiaev ti00.'i2i-21861 tritd ssk,~vr , the Power of Attorney Clerk. Please refer to the Certifa~e of Authorigr ~. aM the naa1a4 ~ndiltiga~1y , ~/ O ~ ~` ~ 1+ ~: .; .GENERAL POWER OF AT'PORNEY - C)wRTt~ PY ;; ~ ~ ~,'. (Original on File at Home 0-ffice p:f Compan)¢ &ee Gtr ~ d}j ,~ ~ ~' , r KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That St. Pad Fire sad Marne laauraace Canp~gy, a corpo~~ i~lja~a>timd uaw~ mtiatiag upper tUe.laars o4-hta ' State of Minnesota, having iu principal office in the Ciry of St. Paul, Mintesota, does 6eneby cotudttKettd'appgLlt:. ' James E. Gray, Jerry S. Purdtua, Rodger It. Cha~laia, " Norma J. Chatterton, Arde11 J. Thompson, in8ivi8ualiy, Macomb, Illinois its true andlawful attorneys}in-tact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, conuacts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, NOT TO EXCEED IN PENALTY THE SUM OF FIVE IdILLION ($5,000,000) EACH and the execution of all such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said St. Peal Fire and Marine Insurance Company, as fully and amply, to all ictents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article V,-Section ti(C), of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the 23rd day of Januarx 1970, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6(C): "The President or any Vice President, Assistant Vice President,. Secretary or Resident Secretary shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, sett attara- the Sepl.of the Compgtty. thetxtu, STATE OF .............I.1.L~.fISt~.S.._................................. COUNTY OF.....l9C.Of2ti011gh ................................... ~' On this 9th day of Ap r i 1 Acknowledgment of AttornayAn-Fact 1986 ,before me, a Notary Public, within and for said County and State, personally appeared James E . Gray ~ me personally )mown, and known to me to be the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, chested, organized and azisting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, upon oath did say that the corporate seal affized to the attached instrument is the seal of the acid Company; that the seal was affized and the said instrument was ezecated by the authority of its Board of Directors; and he did also acltnowledge that he ezecuted the said instrument the free act an sari of said Company. ..... .-•---•- -- .............Notary Pnblia My Commission ezpires ............... Ap r i_ 1 2 S_f-- .1990 ----•----~- 11072 Ed. 2-era Mlnt.d In U. S. A. -.~...,, ,„a, ,.,., ~~ a„ un, w aa~u ~usu umeul. Is me ~.orporare peat of Jala c,'ompany; that ttie satd Corporate Seal and his/her signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the city of St. PaW, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. MARY C. CLANCY, Notary Public, Ramsey County, MN My Commission Expires November 1, 1990 CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned officer of St. Paul Fire arld Mariae Insurance Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By-Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGNALS ON FILE tN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of [he said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. ~ p\IiE '' - - ~'+~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~'~R~ NEE ~°' 9th day of Ap r i I , 19 86 teary Only a certified copy of Power of Attorney bearing the Certificate of Authority No. printed in red oa the upper right corner is binding. Photocopues, carbon copies or other reproductions of this document are invalid and not binding upon the Company. ANY INSTRUMENT ISSUED IN EXCESS OF THE PENALTY AMOUNT STATED ABOVE IS TOTALLY VOID AND WITHOUT ANY VALIDI'I']G 29560 Rev. 3-84 Printed in U.S.A PART 6 " SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROJECT N0. 2 ITEM 17 - 24" SEWER IN CASING BORED AND JACKED INTO PLACE ITEM 18 - 21" SEWER IN CASING BORED AND JACKED•INTO PLACE ITEM 19 - 15" SEWER IN CASING BORED AND JACKED INTO PLACE ITEM 20 - 12" SEWER IN CASING BORED AND JACKED INTO PLACE ITEM 28 - 8" FORCE MAIN IN CASING BORED AND JACKED INTO PLACE ITEM 28A - 18" FORCE MAIN CASING BORED AND JACKED INTO PLACE At the locations shown on the drawings, the sewer and force main shall be placed in casing pipe. Casing pipe, where required at road and railroad crossings, shall be placed to permit the sewer or forcemain to be installed to the line and grade as shown on the drawings and shall be advanced by pushing or jacking through a bored or tunnelled hole. The casing pipe shall be miaimum 35,000 psi yield strength steel and shall meet ASTM Specification A-53 Grade B. All casing joints between sections shall be welded around the full circumference of the casing. The inside diameter of the casing pipe shall be at least 4 inches greater than the largest outside diameter of the sewer or force main pipe to be installed in it. The wall thickness of the casing shall be equal to or greater than the wall thickness shown below: Casing Inside Minimum Wall Diameter (Inches) Thickness (Inches) 14 and 16 0.282 18 0.313 20 0.344 22 0.375 24 0.406 26 0.438 28 and 30 0.469 32 0.500 34 and 36 0.531 38, 40 ~ 42 0.563 Open cut excavation for the jacking pit and the receiving pit shall be sheeted and braced adequately to protect workers, private property, and the pavement during the jacking operations. Care shall be taken in arranging the jacks and struts against the backslope or deadman to insure that thrust is applied parallel with the centerline of the pipe and distributed equally between the jacks. The alignment and elevation of the forward end of the pipe shall be checked at regular intervals as work proceeds, and appropriate measures shall be taken immediately to correct any observed deviation. 8327-02 6 - 8 " PART 6 SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROJECT N0. 2 The jacking pit and receiving pit shall be selected such that all operations are contained with the temporary construction easements. The sewer and force main to be installed in `the casing shall be the same type of pipe as is being used immediately outside the casing. Sewer and force main pipe shall be"protected from damage while befog installed in the casing. Also the pipe shall be prevented from floating more than 2 inches in the event that the casing fills with water. This shall be accomplished by sluicing the casing full of sand; or by placing treated wood 2 a 4's along the pipe and fastening with stainless steel bands; or by some other method acceptable to the Engineer. After the sewer or forcemain is installed in the casing, the ends of the casing pipe shall be blocked to protect against the entrance of foreign materials, but shall not be sealed tight. For each section of sewer in casing on this project, an allowance has been made in the invert elevation of the nearest manhole to allow for possible variation in the casing slope during construction. Any casing which is installed and does not permit the sewer to be installed between the minimum and maximum slopes shown on the drawings shall not be acceptable. Measurement of sewer or force main in casing pipe shall be equal to the actual length of casing installed, but shall not be greater than the length shown on the plans unless the Engineer specifically requires a longer casing during construction. Payment for Sewer or Force Main in Casing shall be made at the contract unit price per linear foot for the appropriate sewer or force main diameter. The contract unit price shall include furnishing all labor, equipment and materials, including the sanitary sewer pipe, force main pipe and steel casing pipe, which are necessary for boring and jacking of casing pipe, excavation for the jacking pit and receiving pit, installation of the sanitary sewer or force main in the casing pipe, sealing of the casing, bracing the pit, and other operations involved with the installation of the pipe in the steel casing. 8327-02 6 - 9 s SAFETY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS THE APPLICANT SHALL REQUIRE HIS CONTRACTOR (OR CONTRACTORS) TO PERFORM HIS (OR THEIR) WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION," ADOPTED OCTOBER 1, 1983, AND THE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS STATED, all underground facilities constructed on state right-of-way shall be either bored or pushed under the existing pavement. All disturbed surfaces are to be restored to their original condition, all trenches in grassed areas are to be topped with three (3") inches of black soil, recovered with sod and watered until permanent growth is established. The crossing(s) shall be made by boring or angering underneath the roadway. No opening of the pavement will be allowed. The bore pits shall be located a minimum distance of ten (10') feet, plus the depth of the bore pit, away from the edge of the pavement. All trenches within two (2') feet of the existing pavement, stabilized shoulder, curb, or sidewalk shall be backfilled to within twelve (12") inches of the surface according to Articles 210.01 and 703.05 of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction." The remaining twelve (12") inches shall be backfilled with material to restore the disturbed area to its original condition. Traffic on the highway shall be protected by use of signs, barricades, flagmen, lights, and watchmen as may be required during progress of work. Applicable traffic control standards are included as a part of this permit. THE APPLICANT IS TO NOTIFY THE DISTRICT PERMIT ENGINEER (TELEPHONE: 309/691-2110) FIVE (5) DAYS BEFORE THE START OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. THE APPLICANT SHALL ALSO NOTIFY THE DISTRICT PERMIT ENGINEER AS SOON AS THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS COMPLETED IN ORDER THAT AN INSPECTION MAY BE MADE. NU WORK IS TO BE STARTED ON THE PROJECT UNTIL THE PERMIT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THIS DEPARTMENT. THIS PERMIT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES FOR INSPECTION BY A DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OR THE STATE POLICE. JNC:bh nanois department r O of Transportation District Serial No. Highway Permit 4 -04 86 0 58 WHEREAS, I (We) Cits- o>f ~~ (frame o pp scant ai ing ress ' Canton Illinois ,hereinafter termed the Applicant, itY ~ tate request permisSi~t= nd i~tority to do certain work herein described on the right-of-way of the State highway known as ~• ~oute 9 ,Section 4188 Station 1e3a.ee , Felton County. The work is described in detail on the attached sketch and/or as follows: To locate, construct, and maintain atwenty-four {24~) inch sanitary newer line across the above-described route to be constructed is accordance with the attached plan abeeta and special provisions prepared by Crawford, Murphy i Tilly, Inc. and which are made a part of Chia permit. The proposed crossing shall be made by boring or angering an encasement pipe underneath the roadway. >tto opening of the pavement will be allowed. The bore pits shall be located a minimum distance of ten (10') feet plus the depth of the bore pit array from the edge of tt-e pavement. The encasement pipe shall extend from bore pit to bore pit. The encasement pipe shall be a continuously welded steel pipe having a minimum wall thickness of three-eighths (0.375•) inches. In the construction of the receiving pit on the north side of Illinois Route 9 (Locust St.) the contractor shall remove and replace a section of the existing slope wall. The slope wall shall be removed at the existing construction joint. The slope wall shall be replaced as shown on the plan sheet except that manhole #23 shall be located outside the limits of~the toe wall. The contractor shall put riprap along the outside edge of the newly constructed slope wall. 1lpproximately two (2') feet of the existing twelve (12•) inch diameter CMP shall be removed and replaced with aforty-five (~5°) degree bend section. (Sheet 1 of 2) It is understood that the work authorized by this permit shall be completed within 6 months after the date this permit is approved, otherwise the permit becomes null and void. This permit is subject to the conditions and restrictions printed on the reverse side of this sheet. This permit is hereby accepted and its provisions agreed to this ZI.~';~ day of 19~ Witness d ..a Mailing Ad ress sty tate Signed A pli ant o! ~~ ~/ v ~ ailing ddress -1 ~i-~`! ~l~ t~e 3 ~~ P Coda SIGN AND RETURN TO: District Engine r Peoria ,Illinois Approved this ~s?'y day of ~~/L 19 ~ BT 1045 (Rev. 1 1-78) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: District Engineer ~ b City of Cantos July 30, 1985 The baaktill of the trench shall be thoroughly compacted at time of Dackfill Dy tamping by aechaaiaal Deans, sad say depressions which say develop within the area involved in the construction operations, due to settlement o! the backfillinq material, shall be kept tilled and the highway restored to its original condition, during a period of six t6) months from the date of the completion of the work autborised~in this permit. Traffic on the highway shall be protected by use of signs, barricades, flagmen, lights, and watchmen as may be required during progress of work. The contractor shall furnish the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, a surety bond in the amount of Live Thousand 05,000.00) Dollars to insure fulfillment of the provisions as set forth in this permit, said bond to remain in full force and effect for a period of five (S) years from the date of approval of this permit. Please have an authorised official of the City of Caxton approve the attached Resolution forms and return all copies to this office rich the permit and bond forms. 11o person, firm, corporation or institution, public or private, shall diaaharge or empty any type of sewage, including the effluent from septic tanks or other sewage treatment devices, or any other domestic, commercial or industrial waste, or any putrescible liquids, or canna the same to be discharged or emptied, in any manner, into open ditches along any public street or highway, or into any drain or drainage structure installed solely !or street oc highway draiaage purposes. This permit is issued only with the express understanding that the Applicant bas satisfied the land and water pollution requirements of the Illinois 8nvironmental Protection 1lgency, Division of Nater Pollution Control. Sewer lines shall be installed to meet or exceed the recoamendations of the current 'Standard Specifications for NTater and Sewer Nain Construction in Illinois.' 1111 costs in the location and adjustment of utilities shall be at the expense of the 1-pplicaat. Opon completion of the project, all disturbed areas shall be either seeded or sodded. (Sheet Z of 2) ~~ , ~' Illinois Departr~~~ of Transporta~on 4~ /~RoJC~ t l INDIVIDUAL HIGHWAY PERMIT BOND Bond No. 4001l~21! KNOW ALL MEN BY T~iESE PRESENTS, That I (We) Mi ~ l~r E~watl~y sorvfe~. i~t, 1420 [. tar of l :t. (Name of Applicant) Naea~b, I1. i14SS (Mailing Address) as Principal, and St. !•aul !'iro i MarfM IAl. Ce. (Surety Company) ~~ a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of >YSl~lAOi~ and licensed to do business in the State of Illinois, are held firmly bound unto the People of the State of Illinois in the penal sum of F .,~ ~.,~.+a Dollars ($ S,OIrL.~) lawful money of the United States well and truly to be paid unto said People of the State of Illinois, for payment of which we bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly, / severally, and firmly by these presents. /' '~ WHEREAS, Highway Permit No. 4.Oy86-OSa issued by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois grants to Mi t tyor E~c+CatratlAO k~rf~. SAC. permission and authority to construct, locate, operate, and maintain the work described in said Permit, upon or adjacent to i11. (saT) Route 9 (9l in Tn11~st County as more fully described in said Permit and Sketch, which by this reference are made a part hereof as if written herein at length, in and by which Permit and Sketch the said Principal has promised and agreed to perform said described operation and related activities in accordance with the terms and conditions of and description in said Permit and Sketch. NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall well and truly perform said operations in ac- cordance with the terms and conditions of and description in said Permit and Sketch to the satisfaction of said Department, and shall perform no other work or construction at said location without first applying for and receiving another permit from said Department, then no claim or demand will be made against the above obligation. Otherwise, this bond or so much thereof. as may be necessary shall inure to the said Department as cost and expense to change and correct, during a period of five years from the date of approval of this bond by the Department, said construction to conform to the terms and conditions of and description in said Permit and Sketch. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE HAVE DULY EXECUTED THE FOREGOING THIS 9th DAY OF _~ri i 1 g_l~ Surety St. !•aul fa ro i Marina Yns. t~Rrincipal Mi i lyor Exeavatln0 Sotwleo. Int. Address s8S MashinOton St. Address 1420 E. Catrott St. City-State tt. I•a~ City-State Maee~b~ I1. 614SS~ BY By ~/_-~--~ /_/~ 1 _,f..~ (Seal) Attorney in Fat - 6~ (Seal) Agent tur rebor,0~ar~Chap1 a n, Inc.Department of Transportation for Surety Address ~~,~ Jacky S t. By City-S ~~~ By sr gas ~aev. an- District Engineer ~~~~ .. t ~ ~~tb P-~°~~~ asa ~~ ~ ~ ~tb~ -,~ G16 yvb~ SV~f tb° 130 ~ 1~ ps d t~ ~~ s ~.~ ~ tbg~ of tb~ ~a .~~ 19 86 ~b° ~Fl ~~9~~e~QO~s~~ots: yp, agt ga°'_ ~ Sy osz• • ~ ,~ts~;m b>;G ;~Q~,~~ h .....................`-~ ~ cg E ~ o ana ~o ~ h toga bor~a ~ ~o~y Y~ ~~ 1.-QnQv,,g.. of PP ~ am ~Fa`oig~'~ea to b9 tyea~ 04 ~ ..... ~ og ....... ~ ~~Q, aay ~ e Attop c tea, g~~ ~ s~~ ~, ~a sTO~~t`j og°'•,-• 9t ~a~1y t met ~ts~4o, tie ~~,;~~~~ thgf tgc~p.....--•°~° c ~~ s o~~ ~~ a ~~a b~~~a ~,tr~ S.~ ~,5.~. ~,•.. G°~ ~aU9 ~ gait y v4p4 yos ~~ ~ otea .AP ~`` tao ~1.-~~ta~ ~~ a st be S~t,ILyo~ ~~at oe~,~~ tb n e~~taq ,..,•- ~~ ~ ~ps~*~ ac1~ ~~~ys~o ~ bs ~y ~~; s• ~. ~ Pt`n~~d ~o V' 1 ca zee ,to'z 1 ~~~ ' ST. PAUL FIRE AND MA1iINE INSURANCE COMPANY 'CERTIFI'CATE OF •,~;d~w 385 Washington Strcet, St. Paul, Minnesota SS102 AVTHORrrY No. For verification of the authenticity of this Power of Auorrtey, you may telephone toll Free 800-328-2189 and ask fa d O ©1 A p the Power of Attorney Clerk. Pk~se refer to the Certitic~te of Authority No. and the named individual(s), J 1. `t O GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY -CERTIFIED COPY (Original on File at Home office of Gtimpany. See Certification.) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That St. Prd Fire artl Mrrhte Irsttt>wrce Comprry, a corporation organized and erdatin6 tinder the•laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal office in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, does hereby cottstitntrand appoint: James E. Gray, Jerry S. Purdum, Rodger R. Chaplain, Norma J. Chatterton, Ardell J. Thompson, individually, Macomb, Illinois its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-Pact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, . NOT TO EXCEED IN PENALTY THE SUM OF FIVE MILLION ($5,000,000) EACH and the execution of all such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, 3ha11 be as binding upon said St. Paul Fire and Marine lnsursnce Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article V,-Section 6(C), of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the 23rd day of January, 1970, of which the following is a true transcript of said Section 6(C): "The President or any Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Secretary or Resident Secretary shall have power and authority (1) To appoint Attorneys-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and (2} To appoint special Attorneys--n-fact, who are hereby authorized to certify to copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the. Company, and (3) To remove, at any time, any such Attorney-in-fact or Special Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given him" Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at a meeting dWy called and held on the 6th day of May, 1959, of which the following is a true excerpt: "Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached:' ~ ~~RE ~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, St. Paul Fire aad Mariue Insurance Compauy has caused this instrument to be signed and its J ~ corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 1st day of March, A.D. 1984. - m STATE OF MINNESOTA) ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY County of Ramsey 11 ss. i GO• ~y~,~y vice President "'~IIN1111pN~ On this 1 g t h day of J tl 1 y . 19 8 5, before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, tome personally known, and; being by me duly sworn, satd that he/she is the therein described and authorized officer of St. Paul Fire srd Marine Insurance Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of Said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his/her signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, the day and year first above written. MARY C. CLANCY, Notary Public, Ramsey County, MN My Commission Expires November 1, 1990 CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned officer of St. Paul Fire and Marine Insrrrrtee Company, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Section of the By-Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the ORIGNALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. b F1-E ~ ~ . - - y'± IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this s'~x, wcE `~v 9th day of Ap r i 1 , I9 $ft_ , Secretary Only a certified copy of Power of Attorney bearing the Certificate of Authority No. printed in red on the upper right corner is binding. Photornpies, carbon copies or other reproductions of this document are invalid and not binding upon the Company. ANY INSTRUMENT ISSUED IN EXCESS OF THE PENALTY AMOUNT STATED ABOVE IS TOTALLY VOID AND WITHOUT ANY VALIDITY. 28550 Rev. 3-B4 Printed in U.S.A PART S SPECIAL FRONTS IONS - PROJECT N0. 1 ITEM 15 - 24" SEWER IN CASING TUNNELLED AND JACKED INTO PLACE At the locations shown oa the drawings, the sewer shall be placed in casing pipe. Casing pipe, where required at road and railroad crossings, shall be placed to permit the sewer to be installed to the line and grade as shown on the drawings and shall be advanced by pushing or jacking through a bored or tunnelled hole. The casing pipe shall be minimum 36,000 psi yield strength steel. All casing joints between sections shall be welded around the full circumference of the casing. The inside diameter of the casing pipe shall be at least 4 inches greater than the largest outside diameter of the sewer pipe to be installed in it. The wall thickness of the casing shall be equal to or greater than the wall thickness shown below: Casing Inside Minimum Wall Diameter (Inches) Thickness (Inches) 14 sad 16 0.219 18 0.2 50 20 0.2 81 2 2 0.312 24 0.344 26 0.375 2 8 and 30 0.406 32 0.4 38 34 and 36 0.469 38, 40 ~ 42 0.500 Open cut ezcavation for the jacking pit and the receiving pit shall be sheeted and braced adequately to protect workers, private property, and the pavement during the jacking operations. Care shall be taken in arranging the jacks and struts against the backslope or deadman to insure that thrust is applied parallel with the centerline of the pipe and distributed equally between the jacks. The alignment and elevation of the forward end of the pipe shall be checked at regular intervals as work proceeds, and appropriate measures shall be taken immediately to correct any observed deviation. The jacking pit' and receiving pit shall ba selected such that all operations are contained within the temporary construction easements. The newer to be installed in the casing shall be the same type of pipe as is being used immediately outside the casing. Sewer pipe shall ba protected from damage while being installed in the casing. Also the pipe shall be prevented from floating more than 2 inches in the event that the casing fills with water. This shall ba accomplished by sluicing the casing full of sand; or by placing treated wood 2 z 6's along the pipe and fastening with stainless steel bands; or by some other method acceptable to the Engineer. 8327-O1 S - 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ t PART S SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROJECT N0. 1 After the sewer is installed in the casing, the ends of the casing pipe shall be sealed to protect against the entrance of water and foreign materials. Por each section of sewer in casing on this project, an allowance has been made in the invert elevation of the nearest manhole to allow for possible variation in the using slope during construction. Any casing which is installed and does not permit the sewer to be installed between the minimum and maximum elopes shown on the drawings shall not be acceptable. Measurement of sewer or force main in casing pipe shall be .equal to the actual length of casing installed, but shall not be greater than the length shows on the plans unless the Engineer specifically requires a longer casing during construction. Payment for Sewer in Casing shall be made at the contract unit price per linear foot for the appropriate sewer or force gain diameter. The contract unit price shall include furnishing all labor, equipment and materials including the sanitary sewer pipe and steel casing pipe, which are necessary for tunnelling and jacking of casing pipe, ezcavation for the jacking pit $nd receiving pit, installation of the sanitary sewer or force main in the casing pipe, sealing of the casing, bracing the pit, and other operations involved with the installation of the sewer pipe in the steel casing. 8327-01 S - 9 f w PAST 5 SPECIAI. PROVISIONS - PROJECT N0. 1 ITEM 55 - LOAJST STREET BRID(~ SLOPE WALL MODIFICATION This work shall consist of modifying the existing concrete slope wall at the Locust Streit Bridge as shown on the plans and as specified herein. The slope wall shall be saw cut to provide adequate working room and shall then be replaced to the approximate line shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The port ion of the slope wall to be removed shall be disposed of. At least one foot of existing woven wire fabric shall be left intact and exposed. New woven wire fabric of the same size and weight shall be overlapped with the ezisting fabric and the modified slope wall section as detailed on the plans shall be poured. The existing ground shall be shaped to match the top of the modified slope wall section as directed by the Engineer. Payment for this work shall be at the contract lump sum price for "Locust Street Bridge Slope Wall Modification" and shall include the cost of saw cutting and slope wall removal and the construction of the modified slope wall section, including all concrete, reinf orcing, backfill and other material, labor and equipment necessary for its construction. 8327-01 5 - 46 F-a.00 :.~ « N ~~~~# ~~s, ~ N ~~ t~ -°o i ~ '_ ~ W ` g ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ 1 8 ~ -- -- --~ a ~> ~ ~ i • e ~ a~j ~~ s~y; y< g ~ ~ N,~s i ; t ~ F ~ N ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~i A~ ~ a .c ~~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~3 gg ~ ~ ~~~~ + • -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~~~~~~~~a u O W 4 u = a ^ i~~~~~i ~~E K O L ~ :T B:~sa " ~ ~ ~ 3' ~ $ • ~ ~ ; ~gg G ~ .~aE=~„i 1, Y 8$1,;8 m ~ p ~~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 3~~ ~ W Y ~J L ~ i~ Y O • a E ~ u s. ~ s - ~ ~s~Ya a8. al - -~ ~, ~, , ~ s - { vi^ i o~ j dJ! _~ 1 ® ~. y » X11 t . t ~ = ss ~ ~~ ~,~ ,~~ i ~ , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t~} ~ ~~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ i,, ~ ~ d w i i i n i i i x r L ~~ i x ~tQ~ G ~ ~ s 1 -.! - ~. x :~ -~ ~N/ .~~ • M ~~ ~~ a~ ti ww ss S L i i w i ~--~ --~ r'-r'-~ J~ ti yZ Y i ~~ r ~~ Y, L ~ =~1 ~ ~ a~ O ~ 1 I`~-J ni ,~ f 8~ ~. i o ,~ 1f[i `~~ 7 \ ~~ y«~ ~Y • • ~ g~ ~ ~~ ~ L ~~ ~~ ~ ~ N N z ~~ ~ O _~ ~ w~ i W J s N O y ~ ^~ s~1 {I ~~_ ~~~,~ ~~~ s~ ~ { 1=~~ ~~ ~ s~~ ~i~ ~ s ~ i S u i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~- ~ ~ '~''f ; ~ ~~~~~~~ t i~ ~~~; ; ~ ~ ,~~ j~~ ~. .. ~ .~: ~~~ ~~~ 1N i • I ~I I" I 1 ~I s!{{ I 1 81• li `~ ',~, to ~ q I ~ a ; Q ~ g '.~ .s ~~ ~' ~ ~~ ~ !~ t a t r'n 3 ~ ' e # ~ 6- ' F-e.o~a ~~ ~~~ a •~ ~~s ~ ~ v s~ N c s~ ~~ N s ~ C i ~ ~« ~i ~~ ~ 2 ~~ Y~ ~ ~ ~ ., _- '~~ ~ ~ ~~ > :~~ ~ ~ ~~ ;~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ;1i# ~ 2 ~t ~ ~~~~3~ ~ a~ i7 t~ a~~ ;t! § ~~jg ~~;g ~s ~~ s a ~ ~3 ~ i ~~ .; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ :_ :, ~' :~ ' ~' ~. ~ ' ' ' ~' ~i ~ F-d.00 ~ ~~ ~ ° o ~~_~_ ~ : ~ ~ ~ W a~ ! ~' ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~~~l~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ =u 53 ..~ ! 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ rye ~ ~ ~~~g~~ ~ :~~~ ~ a ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ t ~ ~ ~ :~ i ~ ~~~ ~~ f L ~ ~i~~ ~~ : a a ~~ gg ~ F ~ ~E~~~~ aal ~ ~ Y $ J ~ _$~~~~~~~j __ °'-' W 7 : ~ i 1 s o O o m x Q $ g U= Y i~~~~~Si~O M `~ '~ •L t ~T Y~l~B ~- GW ~ ~~; p oo i fA " ~ ~ Fpi~g3~~ ~ o :goaYgbg 1 ~. ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ W ~o ga~:~~ _~ ~ =!~ .a r " ~ ~•~ ~ y~ ~ 8 i ~ s ~ I ~ 3• r S cur •) 6t 3 is~ a~ .~ n, . ~ - - -a $;~ ,. ~ o ~ y F-d.02p 1~ ~2 k' ~ t s i •s z ~ ~~ ~ ~ is y'~~#' ~~~i ~~~~ l;~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~t~ ~~~~ ~ A ~ ~,~ iii , ~ ~ $ ~ , ~~~ i ~ ~ ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ a ~ A ~~ ~ ,, E~~ ~~ ~i : d i ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~;{{ ~ ~~~ ~J w 1 i r w r r Ts S ~~ ~ ~~ is ~$ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ I g~ x ~ ~ ~; L ~ ~~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~--~ i i Ff i W~~ O N h ppp ~ ~--L ~ ~ Y ~ ~ g ~ ~~~ ~~ .~ C q W = _ ~ _ a 1 ~ ~~~ ~~~ is r~ r`~`~ -~ W x / - - -~ III r y .- o ~~ ~ _ _L i a~ ~-x--.r ~ ; `~ t II t ~ ui i ~ Fes- ~ c `\ L ~ ~ ~~ ® 1 `` N H ~A -~ ~ ~ t~i~ i~+j ~~e _;~~~ ~ { I ~ ~ ~ ~; a~~ ;t;i~ ~~~f sj 1 ~~ i ~~ . s~~ ~~~ #~ _ sO w i W u ~ ~ o i i ~~ 1! a ~ ~ a~ ~' } [~ = ~ - f ; ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ }.~ ~ ,~~ a w i i i ! 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