HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-2021 Council Meeting Minutes CITY OF CANTON COUNCIL MEETING 2 NORTH MAIN STREET CANTON IL 61520 ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING 06-01-2021 6:30PM A regular meeting of the Council meeting was held on June 1, 2021 (6:30pm) via zoom webinar. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Kent McDowell, Attorney Chris Jump, City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Public Safety Director Richard Fairburn, Comptroller Beka Schultz, Street Superintendent Ron Robinson OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY ZOOM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING REC001 L.mp3 INVOCATION—Mayor Kent McDowell PUBLIC PARTICIPATION— ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor Kent McDowell explained that the agreement for Clifton Larson Allen that is on the agenda will be tabled. Mayor McDowell said he would like to move part of the Mayor's Communication up so he could appoint Greg Gossett to fill the vacant seat Alderman Ward 3. Motion and second were made by Alderman West/Fritz to approve the appointment ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock administered the oath of office to newly appointment Alderman Greg Gossett for Ward 3. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD MAY 18, 2021 Motion and second were made by Alderman Nelson/Hale to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE ALDERWOMAN ANDRA CHAMBERLIN BILL LIST Motion and second were made by Alderwoman Chamberlin/Alderman Nelson to approve the bill list. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried. APRIL TREASURER'S REPORT Motion and second were made by Alderwoman Chamberlin/Nelson to approve the treasurer's report. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried APRIL DISBURSEMENTS REPORT Motion and second were made by Alderwoman Chamberlin/Nelson to approve the disbursement report. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON SELECTING A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION/RATE FOR A WHEEL LOADER FOR THE WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT An option was presented to the City to take the Caterpillar financing at a rate of 2.99%. Treasurer Wilkinson explained that she reached out to a few banks to get bids. The lowest bidder was Mid America National Bank with a rate of 1.94%. A four- year loan period the interest with be $6098.60 for the loan amount of$124,548.00. If the City would decide to do a three- year loan with a down payment of$35,000.00 the loan amount would be$89,548.00 with the total interest amount at $3496.00. Treasurer Wilkinson said she would recommend the three- year loan and put $35,000.00 as a down payment with Mid America National Bank. Motion and second were made by Alderwoman Chamberlin/Lingenfelter to approve the three- year loan and to put$35,000.00 as a down payment with Mid America National Bank. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) DISTRICT REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND K&B HOLDINGS, LLC AND GABRIEL BARTON AND MANDY KOSOWSKI (1sT READING) The project includes a retail area and office spaces for accounting and financial services located at the former antique store on the square. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LEASE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF E.OLD BEACH ROAD, CANTON it PIN 10-09-30-206-009 (15t READING} Attorney Jump explained that this lease has a few more restrictions than the typical leases. A home can't be built on this lot. Motion and second were made by Alderman West/Nelson to waive the first reading of the ordinance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried Motion and second were made by Alderman West/Nelson to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried DISCUSS,CONSIDER AND VOTE TO PROCEED WITH DEMOLIOTION OF 554 SOUTH MAIN STREET CANTON IL 61520 AND SELECTION OF A CONTRACTOR THEREOF. Mayor McDowell suggested putting a $25,000.00 limit on this project and approving so the demolition process could proceed. The original bids were received last year and starting in 2021 some of the tippage fees will increase. The original bid was approximately $20,000.00. The original low bidder is no longer doing demolitions. The City Engineer would select the contractor and the formal bidding process would be waived. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Hale to proceed with the demotion of 554 South Main Street Canton Illinois up to $25,000.00 and allow the City Engineer to select the contractor. The City would waive the formal bidding process and allow the mayor to execute any agreements for the demolition. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT AND/OR STATEMENT OF WORK WITH CLIFTON LARSON ALLEN FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTING SERVICES. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Nelson to table this item until the next meeting. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 25 (BUDGET DIRECTOR)AND APPOINTING A BUDGET OFFICER. (2ND READING) Attorney Jump explained that a separate ordinance may be adopted to modify the budget provision as it pertains to the Treasurer. The appointment would appoint the City Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson as the Budget Officer. Attorney Jump said the council will determine if they want to provide additional compensation for the budget officer. The duties would be tied in with the treasurer's duties, but it would be up to the council to determine if additional compensation would be given. Attorney Jump said that the statute only states that additional compensation "may" be given. Clfiton Larson Allen does not feel that they should officially take on the position of budget officer, but they will assist the budget officer with the duties. Clifton Larson will be getting paid for assisting with the duties. Clifton Larson will continue to provide the services for the budget,so the work being done will not be any different than it already is. Mayor McDowell explained that this will essentially be just a title that is given to Treasurer Wilkinson, but the duties will still be performed by Clifton Larson. Attorney Jump explained that the statute has provisions as to what the statutory duties are for the budget officer. Because the City uses a budget method in Canton, the statute says the city needs to appoint a budget officer, but an assistant can help them. The intention is that Clifton Larson Allen will be assisting the budget officer with these duties. Mayor McDowell suggested not giving additional compensation since there is not anything currently budgeted for additional compensation. Aldermen Fritz asked if there would be any duty changes with either the Treasurer or with Clifton Larson Allen. Comptroller Beka Schutz and Treasurer Wilkinson both agreed that they will continue to work on the budget together as they did in the past. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Lovell to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COLLECTIVE NEGOTATING MATTERS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND ITS EMPLOYEES AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES, OR DELIBERATIONS CONCERNING SALARY SCHEDULES FOR ONE OF MORE CLASSES OF EMPLOYEES. COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS,CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A CLASS F SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE TO BE ISSUED TO BREW N CUE FOR THE MIDAMERICA NATIONAL BANK GRAND OPENING EVENT TO BE HELD JULY 29, 2021 FROM 5:00-7:OOPM AT THE CANTON BANK LOCATION. A request was submitted for a special event liquor license for Brew N Cue to be held at Mid America National Bank. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/Hale to approve the class F special event liquor license for Brew N Cue for the MidAmerica National Bank grant opening to be held July 29, 2021. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Nelson to table this item until the next meeting. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST AND ROAD CLOSURE FOR THE EAN'S RUMBLE RIDE: BIKES VS JEEPS TO BE HELD AT BREW N CUE (115 EAST ELM CANTON IL) JULY 17-18, 2021 (SPECIAL OLYMPICS FUNDRAISER (SPONSORING ORGANIZATION) Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Nelson to approve the special event request and road closure for Ean's Rumble Ride: Bikes VS Jeeps to be held at Brew N Cue July 17-18, 2021. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried PUBLIC WORKS, WATER&SEWER ALDERWOMAN ANGELA LINGENFELTER, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC SAFETY AND TRAFFIC ALDERWOMAN ANGELA HALE, CHAIRMAN STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN JEFF FRITZ, CHAIRMAN LAKE, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ALDERMAN GREG GOSSETT, CHAIRMAN MAYOR COMMUNICATION Mayor McDowell congratulated Travis Pollitt and Clinton Shaffer for passing their exam for the Class I operator license. They will need to satisfy their on-the-job training to complete the licensing requirements. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT MOTION and second were made by Alderman Nelson/Hale to adjourn into executive session for: 5 ILCS 120/2 C2, C11 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman X Alderwoman X Chamberlin Alderman Gossett X The motion carried Mayor Kent McDowell City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock