HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #0988-AORDINANCE N0. 988- AN ORDI1:AIvCE P)•;OVIDING FOR THE 1~u~J:I~i=.I-: OF SALE Or CERTi;IN Y.E.'i'L Pi;Oi'~;:T`. OWNED BY THE CITY OF CANT01~, FULTON COUNTY , ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City of Canton has become the owner of record of certain parcels of real property hereinafter described; and, WHEREAS, the Legal and Ordinance Committee, in conjunction with the Community and Industrial Development Committee, has determined that the real property hereinafter described is no ioneer necessary, appropriate, reouired for the use of, profitable to, or for the best interest of the City of CanLOP.; anc, -_-_ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois has made a similar determinatior_. NOW, ir1EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS as follows: 1. That real property presently owned by the City of Canton, being located anal legally described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL NUMBER ONE: Legal Description: Lot Number Thirty (30) in Anderson's Fourth Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Common Address: 646 Anderson Place Canton, Illinois PARCEL NUMFiEP, TWO: Legal Description: lot Number Thirty-seven (37) in W. N. Maloney's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Common Address: 818 Anderson Pace Canton, Illinois PARCEL N't??•1BER THFWE: Legal Description: Lot Number Twenty-night (28) except ten (10) feet of even width off the South side thereof, and all of Lot Number Twenty-nine (29) in Barlow & Webster's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Common Address: 455 South 7th Avenue Canton, Illinois PARCEL NUMBER FOUR: Legal Description: Lots Number Three (3) and Four (4) in Hippie's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, excepting 55 feet off the East side of the aforesaid Lot ;`•4, and, further, excepting the following described propert}•: A part o: Lots Number 3 and 4 in Hippie's Addition to the City_ of Cantor., Fultor. County, Illinois, described as follows: Co~~~-r~encing at the Soutt;~.aest corner of Lot X13 in Hippie's Addition; thence, running lvorth 40.8 fee: along the East street line of North 8th Avenue in the Citv of Canton; thence, East 105 feet; thence, South 40.8 feet; thence Zest 105 feet to the Place of Beginning, all of the forgoing situated in the Cite of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Common Address: ~5 N. 8th Avenue Cantor.. 711 i not s ~i i ~ ~ A _.: L. t ~~ r 1 f L1 r ,. ~ ~. ... ' n ! ' PARCEL NUMBER FIVE: Legal Description: Lot Number 'Itaenty-nine (29) in Wyman's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County. Common Address: 1007 E. Walnut Street Canton, Illinois FARCEL P1U!'.~B%P. SIY.: Legal L~escrir~zion : Lot ?umber Three ( 3 ) and tiiF north eight (8) feet of Lot Number Four (4) in Block 6 of Anderson's First Addition to the City of Cannon, Fulton County, Illinoie Common Address: 225 South 5th Avenue Cantor., Illinois PARCEL NU?DER SEVEN: Legal Description.: Lot Number Five (5) in Bloc't: ivumber Two (2) in J. L. Tlurphy's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Common Address: 914 East Walnut PARCEL Iv`tiM~ER EIGHT: Legal Description: The West 55 feet of Lot number 380 in Wrig}it'S Addition to the City of Canton and 3 feet off the North side of the East 65 feet of Lot Number 380 in Weight's Addition to the City of Canton, all being, situated within the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Co-nmon Address: 665 South T'r!ird/ 313 East Cherry, Canton, Illinois PARCEL NU?~ER NINE: Legal Description: Lot Number Two Funered Seventy- eight (278) in Wri~ht's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois: Common Address: 536 South First Canton, Illinois PARCEL Neu?CEP, TEN : Legal Descrinti on : Lot Number Si xt~: -ei cht ( 68) ir, Barnes and Jones' Addition ro the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Cor~.~on Address: 559 East Elm/10 N. Sixth Canton, Illinois PARCEL NUMBER ELEVEN: Legal Description: 47z feet off the South side of the East half of Lot Number Fifty-eight (58) in Nathan Jones' Second Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Corunon Address: 144 South G.'hite Court Canton, Illinois - - PARCEL NUMBER TWELVE: Legal Description: A part of Lots Numbered 15 and 16 in Fisher's Addition to the City of Canton, bounded and described as fol]ows: Com,-nencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 16 and runnine thence West 75 feet, thence South 92 and 92 hundredt'r:s feet, thence East 75 feet, thence North 92 and 92 hundredths feet to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Fulton, State of Illinois. Common Address: 702 South Fifth Canton, Illinois PARCEL NLlMB~2 T'HII~I'E~': Legal Description: All of Lot rnuric~s Fifty-eight (58) in Jones Second Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, excemt a strip of around off the Sout~n~:~est coy-per of sale 1Ot, ..;'SCI-]-C>~, a~ ~0~1:~'..~.. :,~"j_7i]Zr!L'l^, nt tl"le SO~~^,'t~:~~~~ C1_7lE_- O~ _~.,~ \lii^;tr=r Flit}~-eight (58) ; tt~~nce Ivor'~.h 4.2 feet alone the west line o said I,ot; thence Easterly parallel to tho south lot line of said ]ot a dis'c_ance of 82.5 feet; thence south 4.2 feet along a line tx~rallei to the west lot line of said lot; thence westerly along the soutl; - lot 1 ine of said lot a distance of 82.5 feet to the point of b~~in.*~ n:; . Co:,r~s~n Ad~lless: 145 South N~ain Street C~~.nton, 711 ~ nois be let for for the sale of such property under the direction of the Department of Community Development, City of Canton, by and with the advice of the City Attorney, and in the conformity with the laws of the State of Illinois and the Ordinances of the City of Canton thereto appertaining. 2. That public notice of the foregoing proposed sales shall be as by law made and provided. 3. That the use of each of the foregoing parcels of real estate has been residential in nature and that the present use of each of the aforesaid parcels is as determined by reference to the City of Canton's zoning ordinance and map, as the same may be from time to time amended. 4. Conveyance of title to any successful bidder shall only be by a quit- claim deed. 5. The City of Canton shall show merchantable title to any successful bidder by either, in the City of Canton's sole descretion, abstract of title or a committrnent to insure title in the amount of the purchase price. 6. The City of Canton reserves the right to reject any and all bids and with respect to each and all of the foregoing parcels of real property. 7. Bids shall be submitted to the City Clerk, City Building, 210 East Chestnut Street, Canton, Illinois 61520,~on or before October 18, 1983 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. local time. Late bids will not be considered. All bids submitted shall be opened before the Canton City Council at its regular meetingof October 18, 1983. 8. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSID by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 6th day of September 1983, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Horr, May, Carl, Workman, Savill, Hammond, Kovachevich ~yS; None. ABSENT: Alderman Sarff APPROVED: ~~~~~ Donald E. Edwards, Mayor ATI`EST ~l~ ~ Nancy .Whites, City Clerk. r uBLIC JJOTIC I~ H~i: B1' GI~~L.;: L~. F OLLGt:7 . l . The City of Canton i s accepting bids f or the sal e o~ t;,~ following described residential parcels of real estate located witi~in the City of Canton, to-wit: Parcel Number One: Common Address - 646 Anderson Place Legal Description: Lot Number Thirty (30) in Anderson's Fourth Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Two: Common Address - 818 Anderson Place Legal Description: Lot Number Thirty- seven (37} in W.N. Maloney's Addition to the City - of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Three: Common Address - 455 South 7th Avenue Legal D°scription: Lot Number Twenty- eight (28) except ten (10) feet of even width off the South side thereof, and all of Lot Number Twenty- nine (29) in Barlow ~ Webster's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Four: Common Address - 75 North 8th Avenue Legal Description: Lots Number Three (3} and Four (4) in Ripple`s Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, excepting 55 feet off the East side of the aforesaid Lot r4, and, further, excepting the following described property: A mart of Lots Number 3 and 4 in Ripple`s Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot T3 in Ripple's Addition; thence, running North 40.8 f eet along the East street line of North 8th Avenue in the City of Canton; thence, East 105 feet to the Place of Beginning, all of the foregoing situa- ted in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Five: Common Address - 1007 E. Walnut Street Legal Description: Lot Number Twentl%- nine (29) in Wyman's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Six: Common Address - 225 South 5th Avenue Legal Description: Lot Number Three (3) and the north e fight ( 8 ) f eet of Lot Number Four ( 4 ) in Block 6 of Anderson's First Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Seven: Common Address - 914 E. ~tialnut Street Legal Description: Lot Number Five (5) in Block 2 in J.L. Murphy's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. I , Z~C'Qal :J~'S'_'r1DL1UL. i'r,° j'v'ti_'S~ -- -~--- ~- Lot Number 380 in t;riaht's A~:dition to the Cit•~~ c= Canton and 3 feet off the Pvortr, side o the i.ast r:. _: feet of Lot Number 38G in t9riaht's Addition, Lo =:~,~ City of Canton, all :being situated within the C1L~' of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Nine: Common Address - 536 South First Avenue Legal Description: Lot Number Two Hundred Seventy-eight (278) in Wriaht's Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Ten: Common Address - 559 East Elm/10 North Sixth Legal Description: Lot Number Sixty- eight (68) in Vannes and Jones' Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Eleven: Common Address - 144 South White Court Legal. Description: 47? r"eet off the South side of the East half of Lot Number Fift}~-eight (58) in Nathan Jones` Second Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. Parcel Number Twelve: Common Address - 702 South Fifth Legal Description: A part of Lots Num- bered Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in Fisher's Addi- tion to the City of Canton, bounded and Described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 16 and running thence West 75 feet, thence South 92 and 92 hundredths feet, thence East 75 feet, tr,ence North 92 and 92 hundredths feet to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Fulton, State of Illinois. Parcel Number Thirteen: Common Address - 145 South Main Street Legal Description: All of Lot Number Fifty- eight (58) in Jones Second Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, except a strip of ground off the Southwest corner of said lot, described as follows: beg- inning at the Souwest corner of Lot Number Fifty-eight (58); thence North 4.2 feet along the west line of said Lot;. thence Easterly parallel to the south lot line of said lot a distance of 82.5 feet; thence south 4.2 feet along a line parallel to the west lot line of said lot; thence westerly along the south lot line of said lot a distance of 82,5 feet to the point of beginning. 2. All bids shall be sealed; shall identify the parcel or parcels being bid upon; and, shall set forth the price bid, per parcel. 3. All bids shall be submitted so as to be received by the City Clerk no later than 5:00 o'clock P.M., local time, on date of October 18, 1983. Late bids will not be accepted. All bids properly submitted shall be opened at the regular City Council meetino of October 1$, 1983. 9. The City Clerk's address is: City Clerk, City Building, 210 East Chestnut Street, Canton, Illinois, 61520 5. The City of Canton reserves the right Lo reject any and all t~1dS S',l::,mltted and Wltn reSp~Ct t0 each Of the aI02- Sc1C L%drCC ~ S •rc<=1 eSi:aL.~'.. Ii b]QdC'r 1S S17CCeSSI-Ul, }7e Shell, UDOi; aCC•~t=,~ai1;C G_ his bid, be required Lo execute a written agreement for such sale. 6. Use of the foregoing parcels of real estate shall be deter- mined by reference to the City of Canton's zoning ordinance and map. Parcels 12 and 13 are zoned commercial; all other parcels of real estate are presently residential in their nature and use. Nancy Whites, City Clerk City of Canton, Illinois ******************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS TO PUBLISHER: Publish the foregoing as a legal notice . _ once each week for three, successive weeks with the first such publica- tion being no later than September 16, 1983. Send your bill and certification of publication to the City Attorney, City Building, 210 East Chestnut Street, Canton, Illinois, 61520 r-- Dr /IC[ IILl NU,+YFR (1wfi0/f 62-533FCA for rlc~ rl~ Nu..Y[w Loan SCHEDULE A •rouc• NUw Y6R nwTS o+ -ou cr 1~ 1 04 0165 June 17, 1983 rou cr NuueeR Dwre or -ou cr a _ ~ wuou N+ D• INS V..NC[ Y17,000.00 { wuourn or INnu,.wNC[ / ~ // I ~ L-----v' U ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ / ) ~3 Z ~, ~ X 1. Name of Insured: ~ ~ Q ~" 4 O ~ ~ CITY OF CANTON, an Illinois Municipal Corporations ~ ~ 3. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: Fee simple 3. The estate or interesf•referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in the insured. 4. The land herein described is encumbered by the following mortgage or trust deed, and assignments: and the mortgages or trust deeds, if an}', shown in Schedule B hereof. 5. The land referred to in this poiicy is described as follows: Lot 3 and the North 8 feet of Lot 4 in Block 6 of Anderson's First Addition to Canton, situated in Fulton County, Illinois. ~~ ~~~~ y-~ %~ ~ ~as~5~ ~~~ " ~ "" X i3a , This policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. 32x0 aa~ •aacaaav+~ rva~ aiaaw PUBLIC NOTICE IS: HEREBY GIV>JN AS FOL- LOWS: 1. fine City of Canton is accepting bids ~'or the sale of'the fo~li+~wing described residential parcels of real estate lq~~ within the City of canton, to-wit: Parcel Number One: Common .Address-646 Anderson Place Legal Description: Lot Number Thirty (30) in .~,,. cepting 55 feet off the East side of the aforesaid Lot #4, and, further, excepting the following described property: A part of Lots Number 3 and 4 in Hip- 'ple'sAddition tothe City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois,. described as fol- lows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot #3 in Hippie's Addition; thence, runningNorth 40.8 feet along the East street t aFjal{.J AuU1UV11 6V 611C City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. I Parcel Number Ten: Common Address-559 East Elm/10 North Sixth Legal Description: Lot Number Sixty-eight (68) in Varnes and Jones' Addi- tion to the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. ~ Parcel Number Eleven: Common Address-144 South White Court Legal .Description: 471/1 oaic. 6. Use of the foregoing parcels of real estate shall be determined by refer- ence to the City of Canton's zoning ordinance and -map. Parcels 12 and 13 are zoned commercial; all other parcels of real estate are presently residential in their nature and .use. Nancy Whites, City Clerk City of Canton, Illinois September 15, 22, 29, 1983 ~.