HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1033 ORDINANCE NO. lp~ ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE (AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1984 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1985. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. That the following sums of money, or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated to pay all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, for the fiscal year begin- ning May 1, 1984 and ending April 30, 1985, such appropriations are hereby made for the following objects and purposes: AMOUNT TO AMOUNT TO ~, BE RAISED BE RAISED FROM TOTAL FROM OTHER TAX LEVY APPROPRIATIONS SOURCES CITY ADMINISTRATION: A tax not to exceed .250$ of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois: Personal Services 400 Salaries: Elected Mayor 7,300.00 Clerk 15,500.00 Treasurer 10,000.00 Aldermen 12,000.00 Total 44,800.00 Salaries: Appointed City Attorney 24,000.00 Budget Administrator 27,500.00 Deputy Clerk 8,000.00 Mayor's Secretary 13,615.00 Part Time 5,000.00 Salary Contingency 3,000.00 Total 81,115.00 Salaries: Maintenance Department Head 25,000.00 Laborer 18,000.00 Part Time 5,000.00 Salary Contingency 2,000.00 Total 50,000.00 { ~alar~ic~: 2'ui~iic 'r+oz•:. City LnFinee- Secretaz-~• Draftsman Salary Contingency Total 403 Employee lnsurance Administration Public Works ~ • Maintenance ~ Total Total Personal Services: Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 411 Maintenance Vehicles 412 Maintenance Equipment 418 Maintenance Traf..Signals 425 Utilities 426 Telephone 428 Insurance - Bonds 429 Rental 430-431 Travel-Training 432 Postage 433 Advertising 434 Printing 436 Accounting Service and Audit 438 Legal Services 439 Other Professional 440 Laundry 441 Dues 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Commodities 465 Office Supplies 466 Motor Fuels 467 Maintenance Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 471 Publications 472 Other Supplies Total Commodites Other Operating Equipment 480 Worbnen's Compensation 481 Unemployment X90 Miscellaneous E}cpesise 497 Sales Tax Note Total Other Operating Equipment Capital Outlay Office Equipment TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 32,805.OU 15,000.00 17,000.00 3,000.00 67,805.00 52,800.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 64,800.00 308,520.00 7,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 3,500.00 4,500.00 30,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 9,000.00 25,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 138,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 22,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 5,000.00 44,000.00 134,000.00 2,000.00 605,020.00 -?- }icalth C.ar~ Ila: 4 U:.. 1 Li i ~ ln~uranc~ 9, 000.00 40~.'l Specific ~nsurancc 24,000.00 403.3 Aggregate Limit: 650.00 4 UN . ~+ Administration, 8, 000.00 404.5 Self-funding 230,000.00 Total Health Care Plan 271,650.00 GREENWOOD CEMETARY: A tax not to exceed .025$ of the full fair cash value, as equalized or assessed Dy the Department of kevenuefof the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois: Total 29,000.00 ___._- WATER-SEWER DISTRIBUTION General Administration Personal Services 400 Salaries Billing Clerks (2) 28,000.00 Part Time 5,000.00 403 Insurance 5,500.00 Total Personal Services 38,500.00 Contractual Services 412 Maintenance Equipment 8,000.00 428 Insurance and=Bonds 20,000.00 5,000.00 432 Postage 1,000.00 434 Printing 431 Trai~~ng 5,000.00 443 Other Contractual 1,000.00 Total Contractual Services 40,000.00 Commodities 465 Office .Supplies 2,000.00 472 Other Supplies 150.00 Total Commodities 2,150.00 Other Operating 480 Workmen's Compensation 9,000.00 4y5 Revenue Bond Account 76,000.00 485 Depreciation Account _ 12,000.00 496 Contract Payments ~- 350,790.00 - -490 Nliscellaneous - - 500.00 Total Other Operating 448,290.00 Capital Outlay 504 Operating Equipment 50,000.00 505 Office Equipment 1,500.00 Total Capital Outlay 51,500.00 Total Administration 580,440.00 Meters Personal Services 400 Salaries Meter Readers (2) 40,000.00 Part Time (2) 10,000.00 403 Insurance 5,500.00 Total Personal Services 55,500.00 -3- r lOi1TT'iSCtUal ~tT'V]C~'" 4U~ t'.aintnetiac~ Vehicle 417 Maintenance ~.quipmen' y34 Yrintin~ 432 Postage Total Contractual Services Coimnod it ies 466 Motor Fuels 467 Maintenance Supplies 468. Operating Supplies 470~Unitoz'ms ~ Clothing Total Commodities Capital Outlay 504 Operating Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Meters Water Treatment Personal Services 400 Salaries Superintendent and Assistants Employees (5) Salary Contingency Mechanic 403 Insurance Total Personal Services Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 411 Maintenance Vehicles 412 Maintenance Equipment 425 Utilities 426 Telephone 429 Rental 430 Travel 431 Training 432 Postage 439 Other Professional 440 Laundry 441 Dues 443 Other Contractual 419 Maintenance - Other Total Contractual Services Commodities 465 Office.Supplies 466 Motor gels 467 Maintenance Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 469 Purification 470 Uniforms .Total Commodities Capital Outlay 502 bctensians 507 Capital Improvements 503 Vehicles 504 Operating r~quipment 'T'otal Capital Outlay Total Water Treatment 500.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 90.00 8,590.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 85,590.00 47, 876.00 96,000.00 14,000.06 4,500.00 22,000.00 184,376.00 1,000.00 300.00 3,200.00 60,600.00 1,200.00 0.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 980.00 650.00 100.00 400.00 73,080.00 240.00 4,000.00 16,000.00 50,000.00 4,000.00 300.00 74,540.00 r' 20,000.00 .500,000.00 6,000.00 '10,000.00 536,000.00 867,996.00 -4- Serer 7reatmen; Personal Service_ 400 Salaries Superintendent and Assistants Employees ( 5 ) Mechanic Salary Contingency 403 Insurance Total Personal Services ,~ Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Builidings 411 Maintenance Vehicles 412 Maintenance Equipment 416 Maintenance Systems 425 Utilities 426 Telephone 42B Insuraace and Bonds 429 Rental 430 Travel 431 Training 432 Postage 433 Advertising 439 Other Professional 440 Laundry 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Services Commodities 465 Office Supplies 466 Motor Ftiels 467 Maintenance Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 470 Uniforms 469 Purification 472 Other Supplies Total Commodities Capital Outlay 504 Operating Equipment X06 Utilities Plant .507 Extensions 508 Sewer Construction Project Total Capital Outlay Total Sewer Lake Development Personal Services 400 Salaries Camp Supervisor and Security Total Personal Services Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 412 Maintenance Equipment 413 Maintenance Trees 416 Maintenance-_5treet6 425 Utilities 426 Telephone 443 Other Contractual t`o'tal Contractual Services 69,405.00 107,320.00 4,500.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 221,225.00 1,900.00 1,500.00 16,200.00 1,000.00 120,000.00 900.00 470.00 300.00 500.00 250.00 70.00 100.00 2,000.00 600.00 250.00 146,040.00 150.00 9,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 400.00 7,Q00.00 100.00 46,650.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 8,000,000.00 8,045,000.00 8,458,915.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 400.00 150.00 150.00 6,000.00 2,200.00 300.00 200.00 9,400.00 i -5- (.ommoditic: 46b Motor Fuel:. 430.OU 467 Maintenance Supplies 5,600.00 468 Operating Supplies 1,620.00 472 Other Supplies 100.00 465 Office Supplies 100.00 Total Cotmnodities 7,850.00 Total Lake Development 27,250.00 Total dater-Sewer Distribution 10,020,191.00 _GRAND TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSES: 10,925,861.00 OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAN: STREET AND ALLEY: A tax not to exceed .06$ of the full fair cash value, as equalized or ass- essed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, plus by the 3/4 vote of the members elected an additional .04$ of said taxable pro- perty as provided in Section 11-81-1, Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes. Personal Services 400 Salaries Department Head and Assistants Employees (~) " Mechanic Salary Contingency 403 Insurance Total Personal Services Contractual Services 411 t+i~intenance Vehicles 412 Maintenance Equipment 413 Maintenance Trees 425 Utilities 426 Telephone 427 Street Lights :: 428 Insurance and Bonds ~. 431 Training 433 Advertising • 434 Printing 437 Engineering 439 Other Professional 440 Laura 443 Other tractual Total Contractual Services Cormnodities 465 Office Supplies 466 Motor Fuels 467 Maintnenace Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 470 Uniforms • 472 Other Suppleis 47,884.00 93,4IT.00 9,000.00 33,000.00 18,000.00 201,295.00 2,760.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 650.00 60,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 250.00 100.00 3,000.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 82,660.00 150.00 26,000.00 56,000.00 42,000.00 160.00 200.00 Total Commodities 124,510.00 -6- ~.3D1Ld1 Uut~• ., Q.' l'ui~lic ]mprovemcn:: 42,500.OC ~U-. Uvcraiinf~, LqulDmc::" 2,000.O( X03 V~iiicic: 30,000.O' Total Capital (~utia~ 34,5UU.U~~ Total Street and Alley 482,965.00 POLICE PROTECTION FUND: A tax not to exceed .075$ of the full ~~ fair cash value., as equalized or ass- , essed by the Department of kevenue of ~ the State of Illinois, on all taxable pi.oper~y in the City of Canton, Illinois. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Personal Services 400 Salaries Police Chief Officers (16) Secretary (1) Traffic Officer and Misc. Personnel Crossing Guards Auxilary Police part Time Salary Contingency 403 Insurance Total Personal Services 28,039.00 387,944.00 11,757.00 60,374.00 6,000.00 1,100.00 27,000.00 73,000.00 50,000.00 645,214.00 Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 185.00 411 Maintenance Vehicles 2,500.00 412 Maintenance Equipment 3,800.00 425 Utilities 4,000.00 426 Telepbone 7,000.00 428 Insurance and Bonds 3,500.00 429 Rental 7,000.00 430 Travel 1,000.00 431 Training ~~ 1,500.00 434 Printing , 1,200.00 439 Other Professional 1,000.00 100.00 441 Dues 100.00 442 Subscriptions 800.00 443 Other Contractual Total Contractual Services 33,685.00 Co~mnodities 465 Office Supplies ~. 466 Motor Fuels 467 Maintenance Supplies 468 Operating Supplies 470 Uniforms E clothing 471 Publications 472 Other Supplies Total Commodities Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 504 Operating Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Police Department 1,500.00 25,000.00 7,000.00 2,200.00 7,600.00 .500.00 500.00 44,300.00 22,000.00 10,000.00 ___ 32,000.00 755,199.00 -7- FIFE PROTECTION FU1;•: h tax not to exceed .15~ of the ful: fair casn value, as equalized or as~- essed by the Lepartment of kevenue of the State of Illinois on all tax- able property within the City of Canton, Illinois: FIRE DEPARTMENT: Personal Services 400 Salaries Fire Chief 26,332.00 Firemen (12) 292,100.00 Secretary 12,577.00 Salary Contingency 40,000.00 Auxiliary 3,500.00 403 Insurance 33,000.00 Total .Personal Services 407,509.00 Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 450.00 411 Maintenance Vehicles 1,000.00 412 Maintenance Equipment 3,500.00 425 Utilities 5,800.00 426 Telephone 6,000.00 428 Insurance and Bonds 3,200.00 429 Rental 2,000.00 430 Travel 1,100.00 431 Training 1,100.00 441 Dues 100.00 442 Subscriptions 100.00 443 Other Contractual 500.00 439 Other Professional 500.00 Total Contractual Services 25,350.00 Crnmnodities 465 Office Supplies 700.00 466 Motor Fuels 5,000.00 467 Maintenance Supplies 4,000.00 468 Operating Supplies 3,000.00 470 uniforms and Clothing 5,500.00 471 Publications 450.00 472 Other"Supplies 500.00 Total Commodities 19,150.00 Capital Outlay 504 Operating Equipment 15,000.00 503 Vehicles 15,000.00 Total Capital Outlay 30,000.00 Total Fire Protection 482,009.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND: A tax not to exceed .20$ of the full fair cash value as equalized or ass- essed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois, pursuant to Ordinance No. 35 passed May 20, 1947 authorizing the estalishment and maintenance of a system for the collection and dis- posal of garbage: i -8- GARBAGE DISPOSAi.: Personal Services 400 Salaries Employees (3) 55,000.00 Part Time and 20,000.00 Contingency 403 Insurance 8,200.00 Total Personal Services 83,200.00 Contractual Services 411 Maintenance Vehicles 10,500.00 420 Landfill 37,000.00 426 Insurance and Bonds 4,500.00 433 Advertising 400.00 439 Other Professional 1,000.00 440 Laundry 150.00 443 Other Contractual 200.00 Total Contractual Services 53,750.00 Commodities 466 Motor Fuels 14,000.00 467 Maintenance Supplies 25,000.00 466 Operating Supplies 4,500.00 470 Uniforms and Clothing 250.00 472 Other Supplies 150.00 Total Commodities 43,900.00 Capital Outlay 503 Vehicles 100,000.00 Total Capital Outlay 100,000.00 Total Garbage Disposal _ 280,850.00 CIVIL DEFENSE: A tax not to exceed .05~ of the full fair cash value, as equalized or ass- essed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: Personal Services . 400 Salaries 1,200.00 Total Personal Services 1,200.00 Contractual Services 411 Maintenance Vehicles 200.00 412 Maintenance Equipment 500.00 425 Utilities 1,200.00 426 Telephone 2,000.00 428 Insurance and Bonds 400.00 432 Postage 75.00 443 Other Contractual 200.00 Total Contractual Services 4,575.00 Commodities.- 465 Office Supplies 150.00 466 Motor Fuels 150.00 472 Other Supplies 100.00 Total Commodities 400.00 Capital Outlay 504 Operating-Equ~.pment 2,500.00 Total Capital Outlay , . i • n_ Total Civil Defense 8,675.00 PUBLIC COMFORT: A tax not to exceed .0333$ of the full fair cash value, as equalized or ass- essed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois: Personal Services 40U- Salaries supervisor 500.00 Total Personal Services 500.00 Contractual Services 410 Maintenance Buildings 1,000.00 425 Utilities 6,000.00 443 Other Contractual 500.00 429 Rental 4,000.00 Total Contractual Services 11,500.00 Commmodities 350.00 467 Maintenance Supplies 472 Other Supplies 350.00 Total Commodities 700.00 Capital Outlay 504 Ec~u_ipment_ __ 10,000.00 Total1Public Comfort 22,700.00 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND: A tax not to exceed .05$ of the full fair cash value, as equalized or ass- essed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois to be known as the Public Benefit Fund solely for the purpose of paying that portion of several amounts hereto- fore assessed against the City for public benefits under and in pursuance of any Ordinance that may be hereafter passed or assessed against this City: Public Improvements Total Public Benefit 81,000.00 81,000.00 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND: A tax on the full fair cash value of all taxable property within the City of Canton, Illinois which will produce the sum of: 150,000.00 POLICE PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon all taxable pro- perty of said City of Canton, Illinois at the rate-~ of the dollar which will produce: 109,965.00 FIRE PENSION FUND: A tax levied upon all taxable pro- party of said City of Canton, Illinois at the rate of the dollar which will produce: 112,756.00 -10- PQLICE & ~I,~E B[7I,L~I,NG FUND Separately Levied by Ordinance No. 715 63,155.05 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: Dated 1975 Principal 60,000. Interest 7,500. Total this issue 67,500.00 REVENUE SHARING Entitlement Period 15 155,000.00 To General Fund as follows: Police Cars Fire Dept. Garbage Dept. Street Dept. Gen. Admin. to be used 21,000.00 15,000.00 40,000.00 27,500.00 51,500.00 TAX INCREMENT FUND: 62,000.00 WORKING CASH FUND: A tax not to exceed .05% of the full fair cash value, as equal- ized and assessed by the Depart- ment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property within the City of Canton,I'1linois 33,000.00 TOTAL QTHER PURPOSES: 2,866,774.05 GRAND TOTAI, ALL PURPOSES: 13,792,635.05 2. That the. corporate authorities may, at any time after the first half of the. Fiscal Year, by a two-thirds vote tfi.ereof, make transfers within any department ox other s~epar~.te agency of the municipal government, of sums of money appropriated for one corporate object ox purpose to another corporate object or purpose, but no appropria- tion for any object or purpose shall thereby be reduced below an amount sufficient to cover all obligations incurred or to be incurred against such appropriations. 3. That the Corporate authorities may, during this fiscal year, adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance in an amount not in excess of the aggregate of any additional revenue available to the municipality subsequent to the adoption of this annual appropriation ordinance. 4. That this Ordinance s-hall be known as the "Annual Appropriation Ordinance" of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. 5. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten (10) days- after its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, approval by the Mayor, thereof, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. -11- • 1 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 17th day of July , 1984, upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Aldermen Horr, May, Carl, Workman, Sarff, Savill, Kovachevich. NAYS: gone. ABSENT: Alderman Hammond. APPROVED: onald Edwards, Mayor. ATTEST: Nan White , City Clerk. -12- w , ~ ~ C E R T I F I C A T E STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON ) I, Nancy Whites, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in ttie County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances and other books, records and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of ORDINANCE #1033 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE (AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNI'PJG MAY ~, 1984 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1985. adopted by the City Council of said City and approved 6y the 19 Mayor thereoT' on the 17TH day of July. ~ ~_- WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the Cr.ty of Canton, ... Illinois this 25th day of July ~ 19~-• ;, ,,_ ~ ,t ~ncy W6i~ es ,City C erk. f CS E A L~