HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #2096Illf~r,ois oepartme„t . O of Transportation Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code RESOLUTION ~~ 2096 BE IT RESOVLED, by the CITY COUNCIL (Councilor President and Board of Trustees) of the CITY of CANTON ,Illinois, that there is hereby (City, Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of $ 260,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code, from January 1, 19~ to December 31, 19 90 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution PEORIA to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at ,Illinois. ~r Mrs. NANCY WHITES Clerk in and for the CITY of CANTON ,County of FULTON hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the (Councilor President and Board of Trustees) at a meeting on MAY 1 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this A.D. 19 90 . (SEAL) ~~~~~`~'"'' CITY (City, Town or Village) day of iKAY Clerk APPROVED 19 - Department of Transportation District Engineer CITY COUNCIL (City, Town or Village) ,1990 . BLR 4123 (Rev. 6/87) IL 494-0354 o Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs Period from January 1, 192, to December 3l, 19 90 Municipality CITY OF CANTON Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Material, Equipmen t or Labor Operation Maintenance Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference Quantity and Unit Unit Cost Amount Cost i tia rime - er ec. 401 359 al 1.25 7.948.75 ga sq.y tandard Secs i t. tat I Seal CRS- r 3d,B'~'~.6~ at @ .35 Qal/sg.vd. S 3. Bit. Mat'I Seal - Coat @ .35 gal/~.v~_ rr? atP 4 Real .nat A n - A , ~ ~ rt Cc~ 18# ( S . _ , ., TY ~ R i t_ tLAa t~ l P r i mP - -$~9G; d$- ' ~-6eRe-F e~ . . ~~ - v . , on , a n ga 4. i e ain 1 5 al 14.60 1971.0 3,955.50 i e oc - - per ec. 4 3 999 ton 4.00 3.996.00 rac i er er Sec. 716 438 al 7 x,997.64 ga 0 ft. Standard Secs 3. Sign P~1aintenance Prlisc. P st & Br as er S r P/l i ~.,-39~.~- Total Estimated Maintenance Cost ~42 , 563.2 Submitted 1KAY 1 , 19 90 Approved , 19 By CITY CLERK Municipal Official Title Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer District Engineer o Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity - ey ve N- Alley 610 12 1 al 325 between L ust & Spr ce 2 al 85 4 ton 7 - ey pruce Locust 415 12 1 al 221 between Av D & Ave 2 al 194 4 ton 5 - ey ve Ave C 600 12 1 al 320 between o ust he tnut 2 al 280 4 ton 7 - ey ocust I ey o Locust 220 12 1 al 117 between v ve 2 al 103 4 ton 3 -1. ey ixth ighth 710 12 1 al 379 between h stout cust 2 al 331 4 ton 9 - ey ig even 11 12 1 al 589 e ween s nu cus gal 516 ton 13 - ey ran a 1 gal 173 e ween gal 152 ton 4 - ey a is ory 4 12 1 al 216 e ween 2 gal 189 ton 5 - ey t roa a 4 1 1 al 232 e ween s n 2 I 4 ton - ey is ory herry 390 10 1 e ween s 2nd 2 I 4 N-S Alley Cherr Linn 400 10 1 between is & 2nd 2 4 PJ-S Alle Cherr Linn 400 12 between Pita i n& 1 s t 4 N-S Alle Oak Hickor 390 12 between P~1a i n& 1 s t 4 Ash Sixteenth Twentieth 2214 22 ~ 2 4 Avenue F Edge~vood Chestnut 250 16 1 2 4 _ dgearood Avenue D Avenue E 545 16 1 2 ~_ 4 0 9_____ dgewood Avenue E Avenue F 400 1G 1 I 2$4- 2 I ~ __ 4 Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) IL 494-0652 o~ Municipal Maintenance Operations location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity econd Locust Howard 200 30 3 gal 233 4 ton 6 Second Howard Spruce 200 30 3 gal 233 4 ton 6 econd pruce Ash 400 30 3 gal 467 4 ton 12 econd sh live 400 30 3 gal 467 4 ton 12 econd five ine 293 26 3 ga 296 4 ton 8 econd ine yrt a 44 3 3 ga 520 4 ton 13 econ iyrt a irc 4 3 3 ga 520 4 ton 13 m venue venue 4 3 3 ga 530 4 ton 14 m venue venue ga on m venue venue ga on inn atn first 4 4 3 3 gal 580 • on inn firs econ ga on inn econ it ga on inn hird ourth 414 36 3 al 580 4 ton 15 inn ourth ,fifth 420 36 3 al 588 4 ton 15 ocust ighth Ninth 350 31 3 al 422 4 ton 11 ocust Ninth Thompson 200 31 3 al 241 4 ton 6 Locust Thompson Haffner 350 31 3 al 422 4 ton 11 ocust Haffner Eleventh 350 31 3 al 422 4 ton 11 Locust Eleventh Fourteenth 1318 31 3 al 1589 4 ton 41 ~~ap a venue B Prospect 781 30 3 al 911 4 ton 23 P.aple Prospect Park Ct. 281 27 3 al 295 4 ton 3 _ ~~ap e ark t. ~^JaI I ing Ct . 25 26 3 al 25 __ 4 ton 1 yap e a i ng C t Fu I ton P I. 682 26 3 a l 690 _ 4 _ t o n _ ~ 18 ,yap a ulton PI Avenue D 86 27 3 _ ~ al 90 _ 4 ton 2 Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) IL 494-0652 o Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity ine venue venue ga u ga Pine Robinson Avenue D 670 30 3 al 782 4 on Waln t A en e D Bri e 0 I 4 n Walnut Bri a Aven e F 00 6 4 ton 14 Walnut Avenue F Avenue G 650 36 3 al 910 4 on Walnut Avenue G Avenue H S uth 500 36 3 al 700 4 ton 18 Walnut Ave H Sout Ave H Nor h 250 36 3 al 350 4 ton 9 V`Jalnut Ave H Nort Avenue I 1230 36 3 al 1722 4 ton 44 first sh live 426 30 2 al 497 4 ton 13 first live ine 427 30 2 al 498 4 ton 13 first Wa nut P~laple 415 30 2 al 484 4 ton 12 first aple RR Track 414 30 2 al 483 4 ton 12 econd rack Oak 454 30 2 al 530 4 ton 14 hard rack Oak 400 28 2 al 436 4 ton 11 ourth V~es ngersoll olf Cours 350 22 2 al 299 4 ton 8 ourth .es o ur a ypress 2G50 22 2 al 2267 4 ton 58 ourt es ypress Alder 2291 22 2 al 1979 4 ton 51 fig hestnut Locust 370 24 2 al 345 _ 4 ton 9 in irc ycamore 422 28 2 al 460 4 ton_ 12 __ en ~ yr e i rch 430 30 '2 a I _ 502 4 ton 13 _ en itch ycamore 421 30 2 al 531 _ ton 14 Submit Four (41 copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) IL 494-0652 o~ Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity even ive ine 41 31 2 al 497 ton 13 Eleventh Vine Myrtle 412 31 2 gal 497 ton 1 even yr a irc ga 46 ton 1 even irc ycamore ga on tr een ive ine ga 3 on Thirteent Vine rtle 437 22 2 al on 1 venue ocus pruce ga 4 4 on Avenue A S ruce Ash 400 26 2 al 404 on ga B B e h r D A D E P' Avenue D Pine Waln A F c C A e F C Aven F i Av n e F Vine M I Avenue F M rtle Hi Beech Main E Cass Johnson A -12- Chestnut Avenue F Ci t 'mi D--- -~--- Elm Eleventh Twelf h Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) Il 494-0652 o Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity ga ton 2 Elm Thirteenth End 350 ickory Main First 390 28 Hickory First Second 420 Hickory Second Third 430 Hickory Third Fourth 268 2 Linden Main Lawrence 600 0 tnden Lawrence First 263 30 2 4 ongwoo ar az r. u ac 378 30 2 al 441 4 ton 11 on woo u e ac u e ac 0 0 2 al 4 ton gw ar az ongwoo t. 557 29 2 ai 4 ton 6 venue ea n 532 20 2 al 4 ton ix even 338 28 2 ai 4 ton y ven ig 337 28 2 al 4 ton 9 in 350 30 2 al 0 4 ton 11 ix en u e ac 650 35 2 ai 3 ton on it 431 30 2 i 4 ton venue venue 384 29 2 4 ton venue o nson 356 29 2 al 4 ton i s our 784 28 2 I 4 ton i s an uren 154 30 2 4 ton woo es woo 271 28 2 al 4 ton v u ipp e 407 28 2 al __ 4 ton 11 renc 331 29 2 al 408 4 ton 10 ___ venue 103 30 2 al _ 4 ton Submit Four 14) copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) IL 494-0652 o Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity Ta for Birch S carnore 420 32 2 al 2 4 0 Vine Avenue B Johnson 320 28 2 al 4 4 on Vine Johnson Keelin 320 28 2 al 348 4 ton Vine Keelin Avenue C 320 28 2 al 348 4 ton 9 Walnut Main ti"fiite Ct. 212 30 2 al 247 4 ton 6 V~lalnut V'fiite Ct. First 212 30 2 al 247 4 ton 6 Westwood Highwa 21 Rosev~rood 500 28 2 al 560 4 ton 14 Westv~rood Rosewood Rosewood 650 28 2 al 749 4 ton 19 es woo ose~voo ead nd 270 28 2 gal 330 4 ton 8 t e t. the VJa nut 444 26 2 al 470 4 ton 12 econ iap a rack 414 30 5 al 353 6 ton 123 ix es nut ocust 400 18 5 al 215 G ton 75 tx ocus uster 225 28 5 al 190 6 ton 67 tx een s :;yrt e 150 25 5 al 104 6 ton 36 wenttet hestnut Ash 1340 24 5 al 893 6 ton 313 s eventh Iris 220 36 5 al 228 6 ton 80 s ris Twelfth 85 36 5 al 134 6 ton 47 s we fth Orchid 135 36 5 al 18a 6 ton 66 sh rchid Thirteenth 165 36 5 al 213 6 ton 76 sh hirteenth Fourteenth 682 36 5 al 724 6 ton 253 venue :^Ja nut Van ti`di nk I e 344 14 5 a I 161 6 ton 56 uster tghth Ninth 345 18 5 al 183 6 ton 66 ar ~~ain Cul De Sac 530 34 5 al 508___ 6 ton 178 _ ar u e ac Cul De Sac 0 0 5 al 177 _ 6 ton 2 Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) IL 494-0652 ..o Municipal Maintenance Operations Location Surface Maintenance Operation Street From To Existing Type Length Width No. Description Quantity n erpris r. ou a ppor un t y n 1 gal 100 ton 35 ipp a pruce ass gal 273 ton 95 e ing ine irc gal 731 ton 256 ewes our i gal 313 ton 110 ain amarac eec gal 558 ton 195 ain eec eec gal 98 ton 34 ain eec amroc gal 278 ton 97 ain amroc a ar gal 203 ton 71 ax ga on i ga on ga 1 . on x ga 2 9 on i ga 255 ton x ga 323 on 1 even gal 345 ton 1 1 v n e n gal 34 ton 12 gain ea n gal 558 ton 195 yc rac i gal 253 ton 8S an to venue - venue gal 376 ton 132 an in venue venue gal 361 ton 126 Submit Four 14) copies to District Engineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 6/88) IL 494-0652