HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1243~~ F ORDINANCE NO. 1243 AItI ORDINANCE AI~3ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 30$ CONCERNING RESTRICTIlEIG PARKING ON THE WdEST SIDE OF NORTH SECOND AVENUE FROti EAST IACUST STREET TO EAST EI3:~i STREET IN THE CITY OF CAI]TON, ILLIidOIS. t°dIiE~2EAS, the I~ublic :>a ~et~~ and Ira ~= fie Corr~LL:littee has eieterr_~:ined that i~~ is necessary, clesira3~le ~-;nd irr the beat interest of 'the City of Canton to amend U-~dinance °io. 308 restricting parking on north Secon~' ~venuo i'ror:~ Last Locust Streot to Last Elr, Street; and, ~~~2EAS, the Canton City Council has glade a sirlilar determination. NO~I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIIkIID BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAIV`I'OI+3, ~ ulton County Illinois, as folloG°rs: 1. That the foregoing recitals are here'~y found to '.~e fact. 2. '~'i;at pa-r}ping on the west side of ~Jor~th Seconc.3 Avenue from the south right-of-<ray line of iaast Locust Street to th.~ nortl right-of-c-ray lino of east Elr~. Street shall be alloy°re~:i. - 3. ~i'hat ~~arl~ing on the oast side of Dorth Second E,venuc from the south right-of-cry line of Last Locust Street to the north right-of-way line or Last Chestnut Street sl~all be s.llo~recl Between the hours of six o' cloc}c (6:00) i'.T~i. until six o'clock (6:00) A.~•i. (aL~plica~le local time) of any c~.ay. 4. There shall ue no I7arJcinc~ on the east side of i~'orth Second Avenue from 'ceh south right-of-way ]_ine of Last Locsut Street to the north right-of-way line of East Elrn Street from si;~. o' cloc:, (G :00 A.l I. until six o'clock (6:00) ?.P<i. (a~plic'.u le local ti:ie) of any day. 5. 'What, to the extent inconsistent here~;~ith, Ordinance do. 30~ is reF~eale:3. ., ~ ~, 5. ~l'ilat tiZis Grc~inance shall '~e in full force ~:nca of fect ten (10) clays after its -~~assaclu }~y the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, approval by the ~iayor thereof, ~_~n~: publication in pai~lphlet fon-n a:; ~~rovic~ec~ key la~~r. PASSED icy thc~ Cit~T Council of tine Cit~,~ of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular i:,eetinc~ tiffs 16th ctG ~~ of May 190, upon a roll call vote as follo~•,s: AYES; Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. MAYS: None. ~ None . APP?20VED Donalc'_ ... _-~,c~:•~~lrcls, ~ ~ayoL ATTEST: /~ ~ . .L C~-~~ .?an ':?"ni'~ ~s, Cit_~ Cler}c i'u~'i~~taon Instruction Do not publish Publish in pamphlet form only Publish in a general circulation n Spaper City att. Date