HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1233~~) •r OEZDII~'~CE t~r0. 12 ~ 3 ~~ 012DIi~CE AIkiE:~DI~~G TITLE & , CI-~PT7 Ft 3 OF T~iE C~'r1TOI~ ~~lU1.~TICIP.aiL CODE RELATING TO THE REGULATIOi~ OF FIIdCES, Z~A7~LS, B~'4IERS At~D OTH~2 OBSTRUCTIONS. ~~BFiEAS, tine Lec~u 1 alic? Ordinance c~o.~.Iittee ha~~ deterrainec t'iat it is necess~ ry and in t.ile best interest of the City of Canton to amenu `Title ~i, i~'ha Ater 3, Section ~-~; of the Carton :iunici~~al Lose as llereinayte:r set forth; ~:nc?, ~~T~iEREAS, tl"IP_ C~:.nto21 City Council has r.:ac'e a si;~ilar dc.ter;ni nation. ~~IOI`r~, THZEFORE, BE IT ORDAIrdED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OI' CAa~`t~OTd, ~~ ulton County, Illinois as follo?•a~• ~ . '~'ilat ti20 CdntOn City COLtncll 1'lere?'•,JV ±-1nCS t-:E.' fOL'c~~oin"J recit~:.ls to 1~<~ fact. 2. ri'l~at '~i'itle 6 , Ciia~~tor 3 , Section ~ -~i of cllr~ Canton iAunici;~a?_ Coco is Hereby arlcnc~r~cl to ~rac. a~:; follo~s» F: i- -+ ~x :3<~ .~.I~..~3 Ilitilr _~s_ OBS'~'~;~C':['IO~1S» E311 fences of anv nature, ty~~o or dcscri~tion locat~cz in file Cityy of Canton uhall confor_~I to t'ile follo~ain re~~ulations» It shall be un by erected or con.,tructecl section. f`~s a;~~li cal~lo, a~~r_ 11r La~,iul to E~r~~ct or construct or cause to any fence e:~cept i2~ com;;~liance zaith Y~'Zis the follo;vinc; ;;,-inin,url rwc~ulations al~i 11 a. :~e:>ic1_~nce cyis~`~ricts. ~~ence~ over four c1~_1ci ono-h.~~l r fec_t i-.z 1•Ieicxht ~~xc~~nt ?•~lien .., locate: ?'~ithin file si~~ie aiZia rear ya~~~~!s of a lot arc i;rol~ibited. r~nc~~s of an~~~ iioir,,izt lo;atc; ?•~ithin tl~:~~ aroas adjoi ni n~ a .`.iti"eE't r1C~'"tl~~ 0:1= ?'lcly clOSv'~r t0 t1C .~trC?E?t llnt~ than t'i`le T'}1.n1C::uT.l SE.'tl~~ C1;.S eata1711~1GCl fOr uLlilClI1~_JS. 1';7 SuGi1 :fence Shull e,iCC~'~d _,~ r _f tilrec ioet in ileir~ht, _o =enca locatE~c:1 critlin resicae;lcc c'istricts shall %e locatc~~ closer than t;aelve inc'zcs from ans,T alley, :-icio:-,al'c, :~r cir ive .~a~~r . }. 1 ences t~:hic?1 are not s.~ecifically rec~uir~~c to m~cet rc~c ulations for file in~iivi~alal zoning c~iirtricts, shall conforl.l to tilt ~ollo.rinc~ rcquire~::ents: 1 . cdo fend in e:.cess c:>i si:s feet (~' } in ieic~ht ak~ovc: the fcznce lot c~~ound ~~levatio~l shall hereafter ~,r_ erected alone ti1C: line ciivic'i~1q t;,o (2) lotC or parcels of lan~;'t or ~rectec~ ~~it~lin any side or rear y~~rt:. _~o - ~. ~=o1~co shy 1 hereafter 'r.,e erectec'i In tt~r_-: ~:ront ~'ar;i more t14 n si;> fe^t 6 th~;y. 1_ence ~ot ~~r;~und Y,.. ( ) in ~1ciC-jilt :~~?~~cw~ ~ '' 1 clevationP ~;~~ovidc~c' furt~le~_ t,'iat no fo~lce shalJ_ i.e crectec? clasc.:r thryn t~.;ely~ inches (1 2") to an~r ~u'.~lic sip le;~:;~1,. o. <~11 fenc-~s i~o~ea~ter erecte~~~ s.1~:11 ?:~~ of an orna::'.eY1tc31 n-~turL. :gar:.)ed ,,'ire, s1~1};es, nails, nr c.nYl other ,~la-r.~ J(:)L1t Or lilStrllTtC11t O~~ c~YTti7 land 011 tG~ Or On t'te S1C~':GS O ^:1y :enCG, Jr electric CLtrC'_I1t Or C:i1trC~G _i c,';alC'_ ~~C11CC, ar' ~)rOi?l)ltE'C-!. ~c r~:JGr:'. S';11"C-' Cr~;1~-_'S ?Tlay })E 1~1 ACE'S C1n tOj~ O~ 1=?nC('S enclosinc~r L)u=J11C ;ullCliilS Or t•?ii~~.r~Vt3r c~e~''C;lG-'C': 11E,'C''::'sS~'.ry }1:' "mile ~~on;_n,_ ~t_li ni.trator in th.~ interest of •)?_lb]_ic sa~c~t~~. ci. _a fence, ~•~all, structure, or ~"~lantinc, sign or oi~:~t~-uc~~iol. .:plc 11 :~e c# e:ctecl., est~'.~lis:le:~ o~' cor-i1c~r lot c:~lich ;gill o.;struct t'tle viol of ~: cirivl-~r o}e a vehicle a~~roaciiin~ the intersec~=ioz, e.~ce:tinl~ that sl:~~~?r_ -cre.~s are peritte~ t).lerc~ all ~r~lncheS are ~1ot less ~--, •_n ' asJOV•"' file rJa(~ 1~~'VC'1. ,3U~h L1nO1JStrUC:teCi COr11Ci Shc:cll ':'_1t?an 1 triancular area form,~c? by the street curie lines> or e:istin:, street E?CtC.;c 1f Y70 CU'r.~.7 11Y`i^ e'1StS <::n~i 1 liY1e Cbi'1Y1~~Ctlnt' then alt ?"~OintS thirty feet (30') fro~:l the intersection of tilo ~;treet 1inr--~:;, or in ti1C Cu:~C Of ::"3 1"Ol,lll"~t':C~ corner, :~:~Or:~ tllc~ lntvr~~~ctlon Of file Street linos, as exLer?+ec. e. ~ onces in i~1c:uStrially zone~3 areas or ,~.s re~.~auirel by ;~u~lic sa=cty rla~,~ e~,ce~:c'~ six feet (GG') i_1 Ylei~llt. ?•• ~., i . :1 ~n t e e~~ccp Mori of f~ ont -- a rci r~,uirelnents, v.~ianc~a.~ ro: ~ the recuirc~::lent<< L?n rer;ueste~~ a_11 o;~tainec~ in confori:li~.y ,vith -fro=.c ti:1e to tir.io :-.ot a_:~rth i~l t:l~v Zonir~q_ !U?"11C1Y:,c'.1 t~Ode. Inc:.. coder lot `~er:ce n{: ti12S ~ r~'CtlOn ~~V vara.r~:nce T~rocec:ures X1'1 ale O ti?;? ~,"_Y1tC)n ,Y 1'> v~ ol.at~_on o~ l._r!is section s<illl i;~? ,:~tiYl'! Slla;ll'~ J~' c"1 ::in~~ a= not 1c::s thu.1 a~ S.GG nor i~lcre t}.ar ~SO'.C~t). .ac~l alz r ~'V?r`~' C.i;1y, Or", S_?OrtlOT'i til?i:E'Of, ;.;UI'li'lc~i ',illiC~l a viol,`?tion COntintl~~:. ::i _`IC~. J_1 ':.'n' ~c~Ci:~E3Ci a SGJcirat~'. O ci=18~: -2- .;r h. ':['flat, e:_ccv-c as a:zy c~~;i~~,tinc~ -pence, •;~all or otlc~r barrier ray violate an C:i:ti ncj p:ovi>ion b_c file C.-~nton ~~I.lnici~al Coc!..?, CnCd'S, Malls ~1nC: ~~c.rrl ?r^ In L71c C!? c~.S 01 tiiE' G~=<~Ct1VC' C~a't",° of tiziw~ Ordinance ::fall ?x ~.::err"~t ror^< <~~n•-~ ;~rovisiGns c t?Iis ()rC~1naI1Ce ~+7111Ci1 are c~rEc°:tC'r Ol i1Grn 1C'S%r].CtiVe-' 1;:1 nc t~lr%v 't;il_'I^i the ,Yi:'OV1.S1011S .~^..;:1('nC~E;~ "may tlllS Lei"C:~1'_1 nCE..~ 3. Liat this Grcina~lcv s'~all _-c iIl X1:11 -_=•orce ar::~1 of i=ect 'yen (1 u) d~j~;rs alter its ;~as~sarc~ ';~;y tflc C;i"~_y ~~oulcil cif "che City of C~c",n`~:c7n, J,lllt0'.2 COUi1t~:', .!_lll:i0is, a~-':arOV~.l '".)~% file . _clyOr ~ilcre0~:, anci ~~UJ11Cat1.0-,'1 1n Y~c11';~i11E't ~OI:i ;,15 ~~rOV1C?^C'1' t~"•' 1<:i~d. Pt~SSED 1~1 file Cit~,~ Counci 1 o" tYx Ci ty of C,^~nton, r'ultc~n Colant~%, =llinois Lvnc~ a~:?rovecl i7y -chc ~ i~Iyc~r t_lereof c_t a rerxular me.etinc; ti.is 5th c~~~y O -April _, 1 ~~3~, z~-~on a roll call VOtC? ar FOllc~l'as: AYES: Aldermen Zilly, Steck, Sarff, Meade, Bohler, May, Chapman. t~iAYS: None . A.'3SE~z': Alderman Kovachevich. APPROV%De /OI"" 1d 1C1 i'; . 7•;( iTc::_ rC i `.i , :1.,!O.L" ATT"~.ST: a ~~~- ~1a:: t•~i~ites City Cleric -3-