HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-2019 1st Council Meeting Minutes City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton 11 61520 May 7, 2019 6:30pm A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 7, 2019 (6:30pm) in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Kent McDowell, Attorney Curtis Lane, City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, System Maintenance Superintendent Dash Wilson, Street Superintendent Ron Robinson MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger, Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING INVOCATION PUBLIC PARTICIPATION— ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA The Mayor communications will be moved to the beginning of the meeting. Strike items 4 and 5 under the streets and garbage committee agenda Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Lovell to approve the corrections to the agenda. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. r MAYOR COMMUNICATION Eric Kinsel and Zach McLaren both work in the system maintenance department for the City. On April 17. 2019 while they were doing their job they observed a house on fire. The two employees went to the house to assist. One of the employees went to the back door while the other called 911. The fire department thought the two employees probably saved the person's life. Mayor McDowell presented both employees with an award for their actions. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD APRIL 16, 2019 AND THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD APRIL 22, 2019 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Hale/Lingenfelter to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE ALDERMAN RYAN MAYHEW, CHAIRMAN LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE FOR PARKING BY PERMIT ONLY 77 FEET NORTH OF CHERRY STREET ON THE WEST SIDE OF SOUTH 6TH AVENUE UND READING) ORDINANCE #4141 The number of permits issued will be left up to the discretion of the police department. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Hale to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PROVISIONS 3-8-10 RELATIVE TO BONDS FOR THOSE POSSESSING LIQUOR LICENSES IN THE CITY OF CANTON ILLINOIS (2ND READING) ORDINANC#4142 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Lovell to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PROVISIONS 10-15-27 RELATIVE TO ZONING AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS IN THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR VARIANCES TO BUILDING FENCES,WALLS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS. (1ST READING) There is one revision to the ordinance which is in provision H. This provision originally stated that you could not get an exception (variance) relative to front yards for fencing requirements or the corner area of lots. The provision will allow for a variance for fencing. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON POSSIBLE LITIGATION TO DEMOLISH A GARAGE LOCATED AT 352 WEST PINE BELIEVED TO BE OWNED BY RICKY HICKMAN The garage at this location is falling in. Attorney Lane has been in contact with the Mayor and Drake Wilson (Code Enforcement Officer). This is a priority property that needs to be removed. The City is applying for demolition grants. This will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion and to determine if the demolition can be done in house. The garage has been marked as a dangerous area. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A POSSIBLE ADDENDUM TO A REAL ESTATE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CANTON AND ROYAL HOSPITALITY, LLC RELATIVE TO OLD SIESTA HOTEL SITE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SAME. Attorney Lane explained that the City has representatives from Royal Hospitality at the meeting. The City is discussing the possibility of extending the life cycle of the real estate sale agreement. The representatives from Royal Hospitality explained that originally,they were going to have the construction started before the winter of 2018. They realized that there was going to be some additional costs. The soil condition at the site is very poor which would increase the cost. The utilities were unknown and the retaining wall also created an area of concern. They missed the timeframe of getting the construction started before winter due to trying to resolve some of the issues they faced. They hope to be able to start the construction this summer. The project will be finished within the 15- month timeframe from start to finish. Attorney Lane explained that the prior agreement was already put in default. Attorney Lane asked if they would enter into an agreement that if the project is not finished in 15 months everyone would "walk away". The TIF consultant has a new agreement/addendum prepared and it will be sent to the owner or review. The City would not be in agreement, unless it is agreed to that the project would need to be completed in the timeframe specified. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Lingenfelter to accept the real estate agreement with the addendum contingent upon their agreement of the TIF addendum. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich ABSTAIN Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIRMAN COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN UPDATE FROM SRPED MISSY TOWERY GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POINTS • Received and distributed potential easement agreements to the sites that may be accepted in Canton as part of the Brownfield Assessments grant. • Provided verbal testimony at a public hearing in Peoria put on by Senator Koehler and sponsored by Senators Sandovol and Manarfor to advocate for the US Route 24 Expansion into a four lane highway. • Prepared for and presented at the Chamber's TCB Breakfast featuring Workforce Development as the topic. • Attended meeting to prepare for the Community Arts Advocacy presentation on June 25ffi at the Majestic Theatre featuring Dustin Lewis. • Met with two different individuals that are interested in potential residential development opportunities. • Worked with Amanda Woodruff to provide tourism comments to Deb Robinson at the Canton Daily Ledger. • Worked with Recruitment of Business Chair on drafting the annual Action Plans to submit to the committee for review and approval in order to share with the complete group of attendees from the session in late March. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT,ATTRACTION AND SUPPORT • Met with small parts manufacturer regarding their continued desire to move their company to Canton. The meeting included the Mayor, the developer,the builder, Keith Plavec and Steve Kline. We went over adjusted TIF projections, discussed this particular process and talked about a potential timeline. • Working with a downtown business on a potential building purchase and what incentives may be applicable to his project. • Discussion with property owner about property owners around him being willing to sell in order to have a large corner property available for development. • Met with property owner of corner of 5th and Chestnut about us putting it on our available properties on our website, as well as,marketing it on Location One Information Systems. • Providing support and advocacy for the MidAmerica National Bank project. • Attended Industrial Hemp meeting at the Fulton County Farm Bureau and I am working with a group interested in the former ethanol plant to start a processing facility. • Coordinated and attended a meeting with Royal Hospitality, Attorney Lane, Mayor McDowell and myself to discuss their concerns over receiving the letter of default. I sent Mr. Patel an email sharing information about contractors that have reached out to me just in case the project goes through. • Addressed completion of fagade with Majestic Theatre owners. • Completed a Business Retention and Expansion visit at KenCor Ethnic Foods. • Continuing to work with downtown business on potential expansion project. • Discussion with a local business wanting options for a demolition project and an updated parking lot. • Met with person looking to open up a new business. Provided a connection to the ISBDC and to Bob Ackerman (based on the nature of the business). Provided our Condensed Guide to Development and had a conversation about architectural drawings. • Conversation with Industrial Park business owner about buying another property in the Park and what types of incentives he may qualify for. Discussed Enterprise Zone and TIF. • Conversation with Ken Sidwell about the EZ amendment process and sent Attorney Lane several documents that I felt would be helpful in order to finalize the process. OTHER Prepared for and attended Canton Main Street Board Meeting Prepared for and attended SRPED Board meetings (2) Submitted monthly Chamber Courier and CMS Newsletter articles UPCOMING DATES TO REMEMBER: Art on Main, June 1St&2nd Farmer's Market Begins, June 1St Canton Cruise In, June 14th DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST FOR BILLY'S TAP FOR THE ANNUAL RED DOG EVENT AND ROAD CLOSURE TO BE HELD JULY 12, 2019 FROM 4:OOPM- 1:OOPM The request includes a road closure from 2nd Avenue from Elm Street to Pine Street. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/West to approve the request for the special event pending receipt of the certificate of liability insurance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON ANNUAL FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND PROPOSED COSTS The City was approached by a different company that proposed offering the City a firework display that would last longer and would save the City money. The company would not be able to hold the firework display on July 4tn, but instead would offer the display on July 5tn Further discussion took place regarding the change in dates for the event. Alderwoman Hale explained that she would not be in favor of moving the date. July 4th is the date the country celebrates the holiday and feels it should remain on July 4th Alderman Nelson said there would be advantages of changing the date where the 5th of July would be a.Friday, so then families could spend more time together. The firework show seems to be getting shorter each year, but the cost continues to increase. The City would like to get some community feedback. Residents are encouraged to contact their aldermen with their recommendation. Alderman Quin Mayhew said he would like to extend the offer to the current company to quote a price if the date would change. Mayor McDowell explained that he would like to explore options of having a committee take care of gathering donations for the firework display during the year. Mayor McDowell stated that he is not certain that this expense should come out of the City budget from taxpayer's money. Many businesses profit from the show, and it could be possible that some businesses will step up and support the fundraising efforts. The current vendor was at the meeting and explained that they could offer a firework display on a different date if the city would decide to do so at a lower cost. A survey will be placed on the city website to get the citizens feedback. This will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES FOR STREET ART MURAL IN JONES PARK. RESOLUTION#5191 Canton Main Street is involved in the project that will provide the funding for some students to put the artwork in Jones Park on the electrical boxes. Canton Main Street did some research on the project. The preliminary design was created and presented to the Main Street Board. The students will need to have painted before June 1 (Art on Main) event Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/Putrich to approve the agreement for services for street art mural in Jones Park. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent , Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER AND SEWER ALDERWOMAN ANGIE LINGENFELTER, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC SAFETY AND TRAFFIC ALDERWOMAN ANGELA HALE STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN QUINN MAYHEW, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A MAINTENANCE RESOLUTION BLR-14220. RESOLUTION #5192 City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that the resolution is the typical MFT maintenance program. Keith said he worked with the street superintendent to determine the streets that would be included in the MFT program this year. The City has $30,000.00 budgeted for spray patching. This year the City has included Locust from 8th to 11th, Gettysburg Drive from Lincoln to 4th Avenue. The City previously approved money for Alder Street improvements that have been submitted to IDOT. The resolution is in the amount of$240,000.00. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Quin Mayhew/Nelson to approve the maintenance resolution 131-1114220 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON THE MUNICIPAL ESTIMATE OF MAINTENANCE COSTS Motion and second were made by Aldermen Quin Mayhew/Ryan Mayhew to approve the municipal estimate of maintenance costs. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON THE MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING AGREEMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Quin Mayhew/Nelson to approve the maintenance engineering agreement. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. LAKE, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ALDERMAN TAD PUTRICH, CHAIRMAN MAYOR COMMUNICATION Public meeting for proposed First Amendment to Canton TIF.District 3 to be held Tuesday, May 28, 2019 at 5:30pm. (To enable the City to advise the public taxing districts having real property in the redevelopment project area, taxpayers who own property in the redevelopment project area, and residents in the area as to the City's, possible intent to prepare an amendment to Canton TIF District 3 redevelopment plan and designate an amended redevelopment project area and to receive public comment) Clean up week-June 24-281h OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Nelson to sine and die. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Mayor Kent McDowell City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock