HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-2019 Counicl Minutes City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton 1161520 Feb 5, 2019 6:30pm A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on February 5, 2019 (6:30pm) in the Council Chambers,The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4'h Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Kent McDowell, Attorney Curtis Lane, City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Public Safety Director Richard Fairburn, System Maintenance Superintendent Dash Wilson MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger, Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING INVOCATION— Lt. Sarah Eddy (Salvation Arm) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION— ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Alderman Lovell asked to move his committee to the beginning of the meeting. CONSENTAGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD JANUARY 15 2019 BILL LIST#1 AND#2 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Quin Mayhew to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: COMMUNITY AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN UPDATE FROM SRPED MISSY TOWERY GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POINTS • Workforce Committee participation and follow up comments. Attended meeting at SRC on EMSI. Provided Brad O'Brian(SRC) a referral to Nature's Grace & Wellness for their educational program needs. • US Route 24 Expansion letter was finalized by Transportation Committee chairperson Chris Jump and sent out to all of our legislators. • Worked on and attended Canton Main Street's Glacial Golf fundraising event. • With assistance from Maurer-Stutz, Inc. submitted Site Nominations for the Brownfield's Assessment grant. Attended Brownfield's Advisory Committee meeting with Mayor McDowell. • Participated in Fulton County Outdoor Committee meetings. • Attended SRC AG Roundtable meeting. • Worked with Organization Chair Eric Duffield on the CMS Membership Drive. • Continuing efforts with Attorney Lane to wrap up Canton/Fulton County Enterprise Zone amendment. • Working with City reps on exploration of possible residential development. • Working with Recruitment of Business committee on our next Action Planning session • Worked with Amanda Woodruff to update Nick Orwigs property posting and took down 344 North Main. • Provided contact information to Nature's Grace& Wellness for them to inquire about the former ethanol plant property. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, ATTRACTION AND SUPPORT • KenCor Ethnic Foods—Worked with Jean to received their jobs information. Posted jobs to SRPED side of website and sent out to both boards. Chamber posted as well. Answered questions on the job information from board members. Amanda Atchley and I toured with facility with Jean. • Working with two potential interested parties on the vacant lot at 5"and Chestnut. One we reached out to and the other reached out to us for lot information and traffic counts. • Continuing conversations with small parts manufacturer exploring possibility of building at the IH Site. Builder provided updated numbers which were submitted to Steve Kline so he could provide possible projections and then we encouraged the business owner to get their TIF Application submitted as soon as possible. Shared the update with Mayor McDowell • SRPED Revolving Loan for new business opening in February. • Presented to the Canton Elks' Executive Committee on TIF dollars for an electric sign. Shared information with the committee that I had received from Steve Kline and Bob Ackerman. • Met with person interested in opening an alternative medicine business in the downtown. Discussed our Economic Incentives piece. • MTZ Fitness was presented with the first Canton Main Street Micro Grant. • Provided quote regarding Alexander Lumber closing with the PJ Star and Canton Daily Ledger. Sent email about the business to SRPED board and asked for potential ideas for the property. • Continuing to work with local realtor helping couple look for a downtown building for possible new business. OTHER Prepared for and attended SRPED Board Meeting Prepared for and attended SRPED Executive Committee Meeting Prepared for and attended Canton Main Street Board Meeting Submitted monthly Chamber Courier and CMS Newsletter articles CMS website updates with Amanda Woodruff DATES TO REMEMBER 2019 Business Institute at SRC on Friday, March 8th DISCUSS,CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST AND ROAD CLOSURE FOR THE RED DOG RUN/WALK TO BE HELD 4-20-2019 An application for the annual Red Dog walk/run event was submitted. This event includes a road closure on 1st Avenue between Elm Street and Chestnut Street. Road assistance is being requested on South Main and Pine. A route map was not included with the application, but will be needed. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/Hale to approve the event subject to providing a map and a certificate of insurance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. FINANCE ALDERMAN RYAN MAYHEW, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR ACT PRE- EMPLOYMENT TESTING DONE BY SRC A request was submitted by SRC for a reimbursement for ACT pre-employment testing. This will be the last year that Cook will require this testing. The City was using TIF funds for reimbursement. The requested amount is$3,220.00 from the TIF fund. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ryan Mayhew/Lovell to approve the request for reimbursement for ACT pre-employment testing done by SRC. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich Abstain Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE DECLARING SURPLUS REVENUE IN THE CANTON 1 DOWNTOWN/5TH AVENUE TIF DISTRICT SPECIAL TAX ALLOCATION FUND AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF THAT SURPLUS REVENUE TO THE FULTON COUNTY TREASURER FOR THE DISTRIBUTION TO AFFECTED TAXING DISTRICTS ON A PRO RATA BASIS FOR TAX YEAR 2017 PAYABLE 2018 (1st READING) DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND FULTON COUNTY COURT SERVICES FOR OFFICE SPACE RESOLUTION#5177 This is the second year the City provided a lease agreement with the Fulton County Court Service for office space that is used for probation at City Hall. The City will not increase the amount. The lease generates$5,700.00 annually for the City. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Lovell to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Nelson X Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND BRENDA NUTTALL. D/B/A BLOOMING CRAZY The proposed lease agreement is for the patio area located outside the former Sarah's True Value building on Main and Chestnut Street. The lease amount is$10.00 per month for 10 months. Further discussion took place regarding finding ways to get additional revenue by use of this area. Alderman Mayhew asked if the City could better find ways to use the lot to bring in more than $100.00 per year. This will be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AMENDING ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO REGULATION OF SMOKING INDOORS IN PUBLIC PLACES(1ST READING) Issues have recently come up regarding students smoking/vaping in the school. The current ordinance does not have any language that would prohibit the use of indoor smoking for electronic cigarettes. Attorney Lane said that he does not believe that vaping or electronic cigarette use is illegal state wide. As a municipality, the City could make it more restrictive. Attorney lane said he believes the school should have their own set of rules, and the possibility of over regulating on at a City level. Attorney Lane suggested considering how the ordinance would be amended. Alderwoman Lingenfelter suggested having the school board president attend the next meeting to further explain the problem within the school. DISCUSS.CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AMENDING ORDINANCES RELATIVE TO NO PARKING AREAS(1ST READING) The requested revision to the ordinance is for no parking on the south side of the street between 5th and 6th Avenue on Hickory. The other area is on the west side of the street on south 6th Avenue between Hickory and Cherry Street. Curtis will modify the ordinance to include these areas and bring it back to the next meeting for the 2nd reading. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON BID RESULTS FOR THE DEMOLITION OF PROPERTY AT 250 EAST ASH STREET CANTON IL The City filed a cause of action on the home located at 250 East Ash Street. The owner was provided multiple chances to make corrections. A court date is set for mid February to get an order to demolish a front porch and a garage at this property. The City would have the authority to reject any bid for any reason. The City can accept any bid that is found to be in the best interest of the City. The demolition would not take place until the weather warms up. This could be a very quick process (if the owner does not show up or agrees to it)or it could be a contested case. A case would be presented that would show how this is an unsafe building. The owner did get a permit to fix the porch; however the work was never completed. The owner does have this property without any existing liens. The City received two bids for the demolition of property at 250 East Ash Street that were opened yesterday. The Council will review the bids and this will be brought back to council for further discussion. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE AND PERSONNEL ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC WORKS,WATER AND SEWER ALDERWOMAN ANGIE LINGENFELTER,CHAIRMAN PUBLIC SAFETY AND TRAFFIC ALDERWOMAN ANGELA HALE DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON PLACING TIMEFRAMES ON PLACING GARBAGE OUTSIDE FOR CITY PICKUP A concern was raised about the amount of time that citizens can place their garbage outside for pickup. It has been standard practice that the garbage should be placed no sooner than the night before garbage pickup, but there is no language in the current code that addresses the timeframe. Placing a timeframe on garbage placement could be a waste of resources in utilizing police staffing in issuing tickets for placing garbage out a day early. Alderman Putrich said he doesn't want to place a timeframe on the ordinance, but rather handle it with issuing a nuisance ticket. STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN QUINN MAYHEW, CHAIRMAN LAKE, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ALDERMAN TAD PUTRICH, CHAIRMAN MAYOR COMMUNICATION PUBLIC WORKS PLAN FOR INCLIMENT WEATHER Mayor McDowell explained that he discussed the garbage pickup with the department heads during the extreme cold temperatures and came up with a system that was discussed and agreed upon by the department. The City provided protective clothing to all of the employees. The City employees voted and decided to work with the plan in place on running the garbage route by rotating employees to be sure everyone stayed warm. A special thanks was extended to Hy-Vee and Don and Nancy's restaurant for offering the free coffee and food for City employees during this winter storm. CANTON LAKE UPDATE A productive meeting took place regarding the improvements to Canton Lake.The Scouts will be working at the lake to earn their Eagle badge by helping with the cleanup efforts at the Lake. The campground improvements will allow for 8-10 additional spots with electricity. The City is looking at grants that could help with the improvements. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT MOTION and second were made by Aldermen Ryan Mayhew/Lingenfelter to go into executive session for: 51LCS 120/2 (c) 11-Litigation Updates The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Kent McDowell-Mayor