HomeMy WebLinkAbout#4122 Levying and Assessing Taxes for Corporate Purposes SEND TO: DIANA PAVLEY-ROCK-CITY CLERK 2 NORTH MAIN CANTON IL 61520 CERTIFICATE THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT SHE IS THE CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS,AND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AT A REGULARLY CONSTITUTED MEETING OF SAID CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON ON THE 18TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2018 ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO 4122 A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF WHICH IS CONTAINED IN THIS PAMPHLET. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL THIS 18TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2018. (SEAL) FILED DEC 2 6 1018 DI A� AVLEY-ROCK COUNTYg&LK CITY CLERK FULTON COUNTY, IL. ORDINANCE NO.4132 1.5%Increase AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1,2018 ENDING APRIL 30,2019. FILED WHEREAS,onPOOLa o1T,2018 ofhe Counoiofr t City o1Canton, year passed May Budget Old O;30jce of the City of Mount of$211,6675 35 Which Oh year beginning May 1,2010,and endingAPO; Co ]0,3018,2naM11amountnd will l8h Ordinance as published wain pprovetlbytherm Mayor and City Council on N.Main 52018,sant wMch Ordinance was publishetl in pamDM1let form and posted at treet Canton.Illinois. thNOW,THEREFORE.BEIT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON,FULTON DEC 16 2018 COUNTY,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION t That the total amount of budget for all corporate purp65e¢legally matle to be collectetl cam u>tax law,of We current Rscal year is hereby asceminad to ua sum Of$21667.935 LINTY CLERK SECTION 2: That ua sum of$2,790,100 being For of the tout budget hercWmre legally made FULTON COUNTY, IL. which are to Ee mneined from the ux Nvy of the current nscal year ohne City of anton for all corporate pure" of said City of Canton be,and the aama Is hereby Iwled upon al101 My taxable Dropany m the City61 canton subject to Nation for the current year for the following specified purposes CITY ADMINISTRATION AUX not to eaeed.25%of the full cash value,as agoallzed or assersed"a Department of Revenue 61 the State of IL,on all cable property In Me City of Canton,Illinois. T6fal Budget Amt W be raised Amt.t6 be rased Irom older sources Irom U.le mminlstalrve 5alanes $ 191 317.00 Health lusuranue f 51617.00 Heauh aM oemid Retirees f 423,718.00 Em lO %l Health Ins $ ro 156.00 W Ul msumnce $ 191200 Damal msusece Faraway $ 13767.00 Glu Insumr� f 16500 Us msuranceRellrees $ 110000 Wer W¢ ewP $ 1661.00 Large. f 20120.00 Telecom f 1106.00 Travel s 1 so0 oo Tlylin s 1000.00 Poch e f 1200.00 ArpunO $ 81000.00 En inrenn f 35000.00 L al f 78100.00 Cues S 3.49 5.00 S oon Rrver Pa6nar5N $ a0 wood Vo16Meer Woher FunO $ t 6o0.00 Force 8 Fire Gotten- $ 500000 0 r Contrtual Services $ 69600.00 OI9ce Su $ 6 shodo O natio Susi $ 2 000.00 Miscellmle.Expert $ 2000.00 Transfer Out $ 351 Y8.00 TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 5 1a018B0.00 f 1301880.00 .00 POL CE PROTECTION FUND A Uanot W exceed]5%of the full won value,as pue8aed or awes=by the Department of Rwenue of Me SUIa 0IL,on all taxable propaM in the City of Canton,Illinois EE_ONNEL SERVICES dans Chief Oe Cnlel $ 53550.00 Salade55u $ 18753].00 SalalleS Patrvlmeo $ 858816.00 sawdes ciNFan 5 378360o0 crosai6 GuaM $ 21,600.00 Shrial Cle cal $ 8500,00 OYwme Otilsr S 139968.00 Owners c2WUn f 11897.00 Holid Pa f 8778800 Perswial Da 5 f 3,230.00 uniform Allmxance $ 13815.01 Ovwlime Reimoursemenl5 $ 1500000 Health Insurance f 05328.00 Em Poni6n Health Ins S 106229.00 oemal lnsuUrta s 1713200 Lit¢Imummie $ I6e0,00 Insurance-Volunta usbm $ Wellness Pr a S 735200 12- S 528150.00 PEHP Pan $ 3563600 Vehicle Mainterence 3 23]6]00 Equipment Maintenance f 935000 uulnes $ towo.00 Travel $ 3,299,00 Tma f 605000 Ouse f 840 00 Other CWl2dual Services 3 0664.00 Office Supplies f 321000 Maintenance Su Nes f ratio Su f 3,651.00 goer so irez eS f 1110,00 PMeNve cear f t Ho 00 Ma«vela 3 36 a100 V.1bacce s 25100.00 Eu menta lm o mems E 13]00.00 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION FUND E 33x0313.00 E ]30831].00 360000.011 FIRE PROTECTION FUND ALv not W ercee0.15%of the full cash value as e0ualizod or assessed 0y the Staie of Illinois, n all Usable pmpudy in the City of canton,Illinois. Salaries Chief f 53550.00 Enhance Su P,ry f 479,722.00 Salaries Firefighters 3 6.131.00 Salaies Clenwl 3 33156.00 Overtime f 61600.00 Holder Pan 3 5]999.00 llnrcof111 Alovance f 11050.01 Health ln5urance $ 218958.00 Employee Porion Health Ins f 39013.00 Denial neu2nce f 10633.00 wellness phi 3 3550.00 WelhessP 3 3553.00 Pensind $ 600550.0 Suandind Maintenance f 1500.00 Veh'1dMNnimtena $ 39466.00 m E u enl Maintenance, 6135.00 Utilities $ 15305.00 Utilities 3 15]65.00 Tavel $ 6030.00 Traseng $ 6 0.00 oli Other COpplies services $ 30000.00 Chet Supplies f 1500.00 o ratio Eu re $ 13625.00 other Sui 500.00 Protective cear S 1]]15.00 Motor Fuels S 11000.10 E ui men16ImprovementsS 5000.00 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND 3 R5351W.00 3 2385193.00 3120000.00 OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED By LAW STREET DEPARTMENT A Mx not to excited 06%OF the lull cash value,as equalinE or assessetl by the Depatlment or Revenue of the Stare of lllinole,on all taxable property In the City of Canton,Illinois,plus a Ld vote Of the members elected an additional 04%of said taxable property as provided by Section 2221-1,Chapter 21,Of the Illinois Revised Statures. salaries Su er s n 173.01 Labor 2501)6.00 $ oamime s 1e00o00 insurance f 113,180.000.00 rmplo Em to PaniCe c 0 neanE]ns S cema2n9t00 l Insurance E 4.044.00 10 Iffi insurance E 171000 wallseas pmrarn E 7000 Vehckiance E 20000.00 mend E ui erit MaMaimmance E 5000.00 Tree Maintenance E 10000.00 Street E 1161000 Other e Continuator Mn E E1000 00 0per Sup'. 5ervices E ]01000 Operation Sup'... E 116116.00 MOther.su Iles E 2000.00 MOW Fuels E 6105500 's E 40,00000 E' m E ry mem a bon' i E ax Toe o1 TOTAL FOR STREET DEPT S )65625.00 S Tt5625.00 0.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND A tax not Io e¢cetl.20%of Me lull cash value,as puallzed or assessed by the DaWnment of Revenue Of We state of Illinois,on all taxable property in the City Of Canton,Illinois,pursuant to Drd.No.35,passed May 20,1947,authorizing Me establishment and maintenance of a system for Me collection and disposal of garbage. Survies Surniuvrears v nz.o1 Lahr S 221952.10 HealN lnsu2nce $ 59319.00 Employee Portion threat Ins $ 12900.00 oenlal lnwrance $ 214al 00 Us Muss n o $ 76.00 Wafflinuess Pro,rain f 357.00 teneffirveMCle MeinleNnte S 000000 Mer o $ 10163:00 Mentenon0adup lies $ 1100000 Cladding Supplies $ 10000.00 o e20 sn 'es-GarbageT 12000.00 Mou, $ 02+60.00 Garbage eia Ce rel $ion S 6760.11 TOTAL FORGARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND E 5922]3.00 S 5922]].00 .00 BUILDINGS AS GROUNDS DEPT Salaries Su,pervmon E 1)11200 Heear f JS]60.00 aIN Insurence +)910.00 Ca PONw H $earth Ins f (3,761.00) omW Insu2nce 66.00 $ wetInamanr¢ss357.00 W¢IheP f$ ]5).00 Building Maintenance deficit Ms.. f 1600000..000 Equipment Mamerence $ 500.00 Malden f 3) 000 Teleran, 0 f ]10.00 Other ContractualServicesE ]296.00 Maimrenm eStepper ies $ 16160.00 Molol FV¢Is $ 6' TOTAL-BUILDING Is GROUNDS f ++9062.00 S fill'R.W 00 TOURISMFUND010 IS 67350.00 f BT 36.00 50.00 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND 020 Atex on the full Cash value,as equalized Or assessed by Me Department of Revenue of Me State of Illinois, n all taxable propers,in the City of Canton Illinois Which will produce the sum of: E 225000.00 f 15000.00 SJ00000.00 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 030 _ A tax on Me full cash value,as anu —el or uaeased by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illlnais, n an Taxable pro xim,In Me City of Canton.Illinois which will reduce the sum of S 242000.00 1 f 600000 $250000.00 UNEMPLOYMENT FUND 040 A tax on the full cash value,as equalized or assessed by Me Depadment of Revenue of the State of Illinois, wn all taxable proped,In the City of Canton Inmols hich will produce the sum of: E 20000.00 S 2500.00 $22,500.00 VIDEO GAMING FUND 050 E 108000.00 f 108000.00 Demolition E ]6000.00 S ]6 Old 00 S oovalk Fund S 11500000 f 115000.00 VEHICLE FUND OT2 3 100000 f 1000.00 CIWL DEFENSE FUND 110 A tax not to exceed 025%of the lull cash value,as equalizetl"a aE..Yed by Ma DlpVl set Of Revenue of Me Stale onnmcis en all taxable m In the City of Canton Illlnoi¢. S 3600.00 E E]600.W SOCIAL SECURITY 6 MEDICARE FUND 120 A tax on Me full Cash value,as equalized or assessed by Me Department of Revenue of the Stale ofIllinois, n an Usable Proteins roma CdV of Canton Illinois which will Produce the sum of: 1 E 270000.00 s (IM000.001 $350 M.00 IMRF FUND 130 A six on Me full Cash value,as equalized or assessed by the DepanmaM oI Revenue of M¢STate OI lllinols, n allUuble ro in Me CL of Canton IIIin01s which will produce Me sum Of: I E ]25,000.00 f 350000.00 1 233600000 WORMING CASE FUND 140 A tax n0t to .05% forma of Ma full wall value,as equMizedo sed by Me Department of Revenue I the K.,of lTroia On all Usable smothery In Me Ci W Canton Illinois. s E It AUDIT FUND i W A 1a:on me lull Cain value,as e0uadaed or assessed "a Depanmenl of Revenue of Ne Suite of Illinois, _ on all tunable ro In Ne CI of canton Illinois whim win Produce IN sum of E 22500.00 S - $22500.00 FEDERAL ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 171 S N000.00 3 24000.00 W.00 NONFEDERAL FORFEITURE FUND I72 $ 11000.00 $ 11000.00 E0.00 DUI FUND I74 S 9900.00 $ 990000 E0.00 BONDING FEES FUND ITS 3 3800.00 $ 2800.00 $0.00 MFT FUND 300 $ 372.00000 $ 323000.00 ST00 TIF+FUNO 201 $ 803411.00 $ 80]411.00 $0.00 TIF 2 FUND 202 3 341 Sea 00 $ 341 598.00 $0.00 TIF 3 FUND 203 $ 10,000.00 $ 1000000 $0.00 WATER B SEWER FUND 300 $ 6817415.00 $ 6817425.00 $0.00 LANE DEVELOPMENT FUND]10 S 107,]97.00 E 10739]00 $0.00 TOTAL E%PENSES{EMETERT FUND 370 A ba not to exceed.025%of the full cash value,as egwliud or assessed by the Dapmerenl of Revenue P! the Share of Illinois on all bubls m in Ne Cl"I Canton,Illinois. $ 155167.00 $ 126167.00 529000.00 FIRE PENSIONFUND750 A tax on IM1a full Cash value,az equalized Or assess" "a DepaNmenl of Revenue o1 the Std,of Illinois, n ell taxable ro in Me Cl of Crown IIIlnois which will Product Ne sum of: E nn m.oh f n72n.00 1 fisd ao9.ad POLICE PENSION.FUND)60 A Ya m Ne full uah value,as equallzad or assessed by Oe De,aNmnt o1 Revenue o1 the Sul of Illinois, n all taxable nosely In the City of Canton Illinois which will pinducir the auto Of: 3 +35490900 I 3 -7.449.00 )500.00 CONTINGENCY-FUND ENTIRE BUDGET ORDINANCE $ ]000000 0 GRAND TOTAL ALL PURPOSES $ 31.8919]500 $ 188)]83300 $3790100.00 RECAPITULATION The foliowin are Me loon lases re be levied. R.G or Limit Coriormays Usoo $0.00 Uones ane Wmreet no limit $0.00 ]MRF no limit $316000.00 Fire Protection 0.1500 $130000.00 Firefi hbn Pension no limit $15000000 Police Protection 0,0750 N0000.00 Police PenalOn no limit W1300.00 Caro. 0.0150 $39000.00 Autlit no limit $33500.00 Torl-i-lability Insurance no limit $350000.00 CiAl omnse 0,0500 $J 800.00 soaal Secure no limit $350,000.00 Unem w menr waurence no llmh 8300.00 wodera Com emanon no limit S30o00..00 City Share Road A Bridge no limo f000 TOTAL $2,720,100.00 SECTION J: That Me loran amount of$3,190,100.00 ascertained as afamald be and the same is hereby pre and ae ane on all property W taxation within me City of Canton according W we value of said propankas the same is assessed and equalized for Shaw and County purposes for the comm year. SECTION,: That Me City Clerk of the City of Canton.Illinois is hereby Ordered and directed W file with the County Clerk of Fulton County,IL,a cernlied copy of this Ordinance on or before Me time required bylaw. SECTION S: That in Me went Mat a court of competent prediction should hereafler determine Mat one or re of the provisions of this Onamance are invalid or unconstitutional,Me remainder of Mis Ordinance,and each and awry other clause and provision hereof,shall be and remain in full force and effect as though the mvalld or unto enhational provision had never been a part of this Ordinance. SECTIONS This Ordinance shall be In full force and effect immediately upon its passage by Me City Council and approved by the Mayor Merml PASSED by the City Council W Me City of Canton,Fulled County.Street,at a Ali ma ding this 180 day of December 3014,upon a nor call were as follows: AYES: Alderman Ryan Mayhew,Justin Nelson,Jahn Lovell,Chill,West.Angela Hale,Tad Powell (� NAYS: None / & a�,$' ABSENT: Aldermen Ouln Mayhew,Angela LingenlalWr APPROVED. $-t,`e($/J�-�/—ey$/ 3l'w�J ATTEST: Hent A McDowell,Mayor Diana Pavl Rock,C Clerk f CITY of CANTON, ILLINOIS TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I,THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE City of Canton, Illinois, and as such presiding officer, I certify that the levy ordinance, a copy of which is attached hereto, was adopted pursuant to,and in all respects in compliance with the provisions of Sections 18-60 through 18-785 of the 'Truth in Taxation' law. CHECK ONE [ ] The Taxing District published a notice in the newspaper and conducted a hearing, meeting the requirements of the Truth in Taxation law. [ X] The Taxing District's aggregate levy did not exceed a five (5)percent increase over the prior year's extension.Therefore, notice and a hearing were not necessary. [ ] The proposed aggregate levy did not exceed a five (5) percent over the year's extension.Therefore a hearing was not held. [ ] The adopted aggregate levy exceeded five (5) percent of the prior years extension and a notice was published within fifteen (15) days of its adoption in accordance with the Truth in Taxation Law. [ ] The adopted levy exceeded the amount stated in the published notice. A Second notice was published within fifteen (15)days of the adoption in accordance with the Truth in Taxation law. Certificate applies to the 2019 levy. Date: 12/20/201 FILED DEC 2 62018 Presiding Officer:_I` /U.A�X 8•,x'1.-N TtOUNTY CLERK FULTON COUNTY, IL, 1 OFFICE OF JAMES I. NELSON COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER FULTON COUNTY P. 0. BOX 226-LEWISTOWN, ILLINOIS 61542-0226 inelson@fultonco.org 12/2712018 Levy Confirmation for 2018 CPCN CANTON CITY _ Fund Name Code Maximum Rate Levy CORPORATE 001 0.2500 0 BONDS AND INTEREST 003 No Limit 0 IMRF 005 No Limit 375.000 FIRE PROTECTION 012 0.1500 120,000 FIREFIGHTERS PENSION 013 No Limit 750,000 POLICE PROTECTION 014 0.0750 80,000 POLICE PENSION 015 No Limit 487,500 CEMETERY 017 0.0250 29,000 AUDIT 027 No Limit 22,500 TORT-LIABILITY INS 035 No Limit 250,000 CIVIL DEFENSE 046 0.0500 3,600 SOCIAL SECURITY 047 No Limit 350,000 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 060 No Limit 22,500 WORKERS COMPENSATION 062 No Limit 300,000 CITY SHARE ROAD 8 BRIDGE 999 No Limit 0 Total 2,790,100 YES NO This district has held a Truth in Taxation Hearing. YES NO This district has complied with the Truth in Taxation Law. If the above levy statement is correct, please confirm by signing and returning this statement to the County Clerk by 1/31/2019. 1 certify that the above levy confirmation is correct. Date 4 9 Signed 0, Return to: Fulton County Clerk PO Box 226 100 North Main Lewistown, IL 61542