HomeMy WebLinkAbout#4112 Declaring Surplus Revenue CERTIFICATE THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT SHE IS THE CITY CLERK FOR THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS,AND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AT A REGULARLY CONSTITUTED MEETING OF SAID CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON ON THE 17TH DAY OF JULY,2018 ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO.4112.A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF WHICH IS CONTAINED IN THIS PAMPHLET. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL THIS 11 DAY OF JULY, 2018. (SEAL) DIA A`7AVLEY-ROCK CITY CLERK CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 4112 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING SURPLUS REVENUE IN THE CANTON 1 -DOWNTOWN/5TH AVENUE TIF DISTRICT SPECIAL TAX ALLOCATION FUND AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF THAT SURPLUS REVENUE TO THE FULTON COUNTY TREASURER FOR DISTRIBUTION TO AFFECTED TAXING DISTRICTS ON A PRO RATA BASIS for TAX YEARS 2014 PAYABLE 2015,2015 PAYABLE 2016 AND 2016 PAYABLE 2017 ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON,FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, ON THE 17TH DAY OF JULY,2018. PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS 17TH DAY OF JULY,2018. EFFECTIVE:JULY 17,2018 ORDINANCE NO. 4112 CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS AN ORDINANCE DECLARING SURPLUS REVENUE IN THE CANTON 1 -DOWNTOWN/5TH AVENUE SPECIAL TAX ALLOCATION FUND AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF THAT SURPLUS REVENUE TO THE FULTON COUNTY TREASURER FOR DISTRIBUTION TO AFFECTED TAXING DISTRICTS ON A PRO RATA BASIS for TAX YEARS 2014 PAYABLE 2015,2015 PAYABLE 2016& 2016 PAYABLE 2017 PREAMBLE WHEREAS, on the 6th day of July,A.D., 2004, the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois (the "City") by its duly elected Mayor and City Council and pursuant to 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes Section 5/11-74.4 et. seq. (the "TIF Act") heretofore adopted a Redevelopment Plan and Projects; designated a Redevelopment Project Area; and adopted Tax Increment Financing for the Canton 1 - Downtown/5th Avenue Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District (f/k/a the International Harvester Site TIF District) (the "TIF District");and WHEREAS, pursuant to the TIF Act, the City approved the First Amendment to the Canton 1-Downtown/5th Avenue TIF District Redevelopment Project Area, Plan and Projects on November 22, 2011 by Ordinance No. 2052;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the TIF Act, the City approved the Second Amendment to the Canton 1 - Downtown/5th Avenue TIF District Redevelopment Project Area, Plan and Projects on February 6,2012 by Ordinance No. 2071; and WHEREAS, on the 4th day of June, 2013 the City by its duly elected Mayor and City Council and pursuant to the TIF Act approved and Authorized the Execution of a First Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement with Canton Union School District No. 66 (the "School District") by Ordinance No. 3016 for the Canton 1 - Downtown/5th Avenue TIF District and the Canton 2 - Rt. 9/Chestnut Street TIF District;and WHEREAS, pursuant to said First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with the School District the City has determined that the TIF District has not resulted in a net increase in new students enrolled in the School District who also reside in TIF-assisted housing units within the TIF District;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the "Final Administrative Decision" of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board for tax years 2014 and 2015 (see Exhibit 1), the City Treasurer has determined and reported that the City has received $92,834.10 from the Fulton County Treasurer for real estate tax increment in tax year 2014 payable 2015, $92,661.57 for real estate tax increment in tax year 2015 payable 2016 Canton 1-Downtown/5th Ave TIF District-Surplus Declaration-Tax Years 2014-2016 Page 1 of 5 and $93,684.99 for real estate tax increment in tax year 2016 payable 2017 for the "Hotel Development Site", a portion of which has already been declared surplus by the City for tax year 2014 payable 2015; and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has determined and reported that the Canton 1 - Downtown/5th Avenue Special Tax Allocation Fund includes an additional surplus of$11,634.78 to be paid for tax year 2014 payable 2015, a total of$18,532.31 to be paid for tax year 2015 payable 2016 and a total of $18,737.00 to be paid for tax year 2016 payable 2017 for the "Hotel Development Site" (see Exhibit 2), which amounts may be paid at this time to the Fulton County Treasurer for distribution to taxing districts in the Redevelopment Project Area in accordance with the provisions of the TIF Act;and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton hereby find and determine that it is appropriate to declare surplus in the amounts of$11,634.78, $18,532.31 and $18,737.00, or a total of$48,904.09 for tax years 2014, 2015 and 2016 and to cause that surplus to be distributed by the County Treasurer to the taxing districts as provided in the TIF Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 1. The recitals set forth in the preamble to this Ordinance are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The Mayor and City Council, pursuant to Sections 4-7 and 4-9 of the TIF Act and other applicable authority, hereby declare a surplus of funds in the Canton 1 - Downtown/5th Avenue Special Tax Allocation Fund in the amounts of $11,634.78, $18,532.31 and $18,737.00, or a total of$48,904.09, for tax years 2014, 2015 and 2016 to be distributed by the Fulton County Treasurer to all the taxing districts in the Redevelopment Project Area as shown in Exhibit 2. 3. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay such funds from the Canton 1- Downtown/5th Avenue Special Tax Allocation Fund in the amounts of $11,634.78, $18,532.31 and $18,737.00,or a total of$48,904.09, for tax years 2014,2015 and 2016 to the Fulton County Treasurer for distribution to the taxing districts in the Redevelopment Project Area in accordance with the provisions of the TIF Act. The City Treasurer also is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Fulton County Treasurer. 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law and shall take effect upon its passage as required by law. Canton 1-Downtown/5th Ave TIF District-Surplus Declaration-Tax Years 2014-2016 Page 2 of 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Corporate Authorities of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, on the 17th day of July, A.D., 2018, and deposited and filed in the Office of the City Clerk of said City on that date. MAYOR&ALDERMEN AYE VOTE NAY VOTE ABSTAIN /ABSENT Alderman Mayhew X Alderman Putrich X ABSTAIN Alderman West X Alderman Jump X Alderman Justin Nelson X Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderwoman Lingenfelter X Mayor Kent McDowell TOTAL VOTES 7 0 1 APPROVED: ATT - K.50- 4_ pvtt,..) „..e"2" Mayor 1 Clerk ATTACHMENT: EXHIBIT 1: 2014, 2015&2016 Final Administrative Decisions: Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board EXHIBIT 2: Canton 1-Downtown/5th Ave TIF District Surplus Distribution Calculations H.•\CANTON\CANTON 1-DT 5THAT/7:TIF\ORDINANCES\Snrpinr\Canton 77F 1_2014-2016 Hotel.Snrpbu Declaration Ordinance_062918.opd Canton 1-Downtown/5th Ave TIF District-Surplus Declaration-Tax Years 2014-2016 Page 3 of5 EXHIBIT 1 Final Administrative Decisions Illinois Property TAppeal Board for tax years 2014 Payable 2015,2015 Payable 2016 and 2016 Payable 2017 Canton 1-Downtown/5th Ave TIF District-Surplus Declaration-Tax Years 2014-2016 Page 4 of 5 4c STATEp\,11: FINAL ADMINiS I'RATIVE DECISION ILLINOIS PROP1TRTY TAX APPEAL BOARD APPELLANT: Canton Harvester Inn, LLC DOCKET NO.: 14-02524.001-C-3 PARCEL NO.: 09-08-27-40)-0;,1 The parties of record before the Property Tax .\ppeal Board are Canton Harvester Inn, LLC, the af,pehlant, by attorney Ellen C. Berkshire of y%erros, Lafakis & Berkshire, P.C., in Chicago; the ulton County Board of Review; Canton Union S.D. #66, intervenor, by attorney Luke Feeney of Miller Tracy Braun Funk & ioliiier, Ltd., in Monticello; and the City of Canton, intervenor, by attorney Nancy Rabel of City of Canton, in Canton. i'; for to ehe hearing the �,ariies reached an agfeerrent as to the correct assessment of the subject pros erty. This assessment agreerriore was presented to and considered by the Property Tax \pF eai Board. After reviewing the record and considering the evidence submitted, the Property Tax Appeal .trct finds that it hats iurlschLticn over the partis and the subject matter of this Fulton County apraeeai. The Property Tax Appeal l na:d furore. finds that the agreement of the parties is proper, a: cn;:eet assessea valuation of the property is: LAND: S 10,700 ..�►t'ti . S922,540 .l'.)l'A..: ,933,240 Subject only to the State multiplier as applicable. (Continued on Page 2) NAB-MWR;10-17 20,088 Docket No: 14-02524.001-C-3 This is a final administrative decision of the Property Tax Appeal Board which is subject to review in the Circuit Court or Appellate Court under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law (735 ILLS 5,'3-101 seq.) ,a-id section 16-195 of the Property Tax Code. Pursuant to Section 1910.50(b) of the rules of the Property Tax Appeal Board (86 IlI.Admin.Code §1910.50(b)) the proceeding before the Property Tax Appeal Board is terminated when the decision is rendered. The Property ax Appea: Board does not reciaire any motion or request for reconsideration. Chairman • __-_.--- Member Acting Member Member Member DISSENTING: CERTIFICATION As Clerk of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board and the keeper of the Records thereof, I do hereoy certify tlua. the foregoing is a true, full and complete Final Administrative Decision of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board issued this date in the above entitled appeal, now of record in this said office. Date: October 20, 2017 r Clerk of the Property Tax Appeal Board IMPORTANT NOTICE Section 16-185 of the Property Tax Code provides in part: 2 of 4 Docket No: 14-02524.001-C-3 "If the Property Tax Appeal Board renders a decision lowering the assessment of a particular parcel after the deadline for filing complaints with the Board of Review or after adjournment of the session of the Board of Review at which assessments for the subsequent year or years of the same general assessment period, as provided in Sections 9-125 through 9-225, are being considered, the taxpayer may, within 30 days after the date of written notice of the Property Tax Appeal Eoarc,'s decision, appeal the assessment for such subsequent year or years directly to the operty Tax Appeal Board." In order to comply oath the above pto' Ision, YOU MUST FILE A PETITION AND EVIDENCE FY :AX APPEAL BOARD WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE U FE C '1.--ii: ENCLOSED DECISION IN ORDER TO APPEAL THE ASSESSMENT OF l'tl PROP iCiTi` rvr. 1 HE SUBSEQUENT YEAR OR YEARS. A separate petition and evidence must be filed for each of the remaining years of the general assessment period. rEestd uoof., t1 i,.uar4. _ lo' ed asscsszlmcnt"v the Property Tax Appeal Board, the refund o , r.Lih 1 -_c rt i a-les :c s~c; , T'i ty of year County Treasurer. Please contact that office • :cits you r_ay it ve cc the refund of paid property taxes. 3 of 4 Docket No: 14-02524.001-C-3 PARTIES OF RECORD AGENCY State of Illinois Pi-oit.erty Tax Appeal Board William G. Stratton Building, Room 402 401 Soutn Spring Street Springfield, IL 62706-4001 APELLLANT Canton l ar,es'yer Irzn, LLC, by attorney: Ellen G. I3:.r:ah.r, Versos, Lafakis & Berkshire, P.C. 33 ,Jo:t i LaSalle Street Suite 2500 hi,ago, .L ;;O002 CCLNTY anon County Board of Review P.O. i3ox 25.E Lewistown, IL 61542 INTERVENOR CEantoa Union S.D. #66, by attorney: nuke Feer y Muter Tracy Braun Funk& Miller, Ltd 2.0. Box SG 316 South charter ,. o::.1 eil,,, yr. 6185o :` of Cann, , by attorney: Nancy I:aOei Cly. or Ivortls Strut Carton, IL 61520 4 of 4 E STATZ w„1 OFn $ t 1t�‘1 28_t FINAL ADMIN[S LAATIVE DECISION ILLINOIS PROPrZ.RTY TAX APPEAL BOARD APPELLANT: Canton Harvester Inn, LLl...' DOCKET NO.: 15-01717.001-C-3 through ;5-01717.005-C-3 PARCEL NO.: See Belo x The parties of record before the Property Tax Appeal Board are Canton Harvester Inn, LLC, the appellant, by attorney Ellen G. Berkshire of Verros, Lafakis & Berkshire, P.C. in Chicago; and the Fulton oarty Board of t2et iew. Prior to the hearing the parties reached an agreement as to the correct assessment of the subject pluperty.' 1hls assesoert agreerrnent was i,tesented to and considered by the Property Tax After revievyang the record and considering the evidence submitted, the Property Tax Appeal 3cai'd finds that it has jurciletion oee: the parties and the subject matter of this Fulton County appeal.eal. The Pi opcc y Tax Appeal finds that the agreement of the parties is proper, .r;e cul, :;t assessed valuation of the property is: bOc PLT NO PARCEL NUMBER LAND IMPRVMT I TOTAL 7 I70u t y (Pi-o 2/_4,) w I 10,980 896,240 $907,220 1:;-01717.00,1-C.-3 i'y 08 2 7-4U9-0,)2 12,370 0 $12,370 0')-08-27-769-603 4,810 0 $4,810 15-01717.004-C-3 T 09-08-27-409-004 - + 2,420 0 $2,420 1<,-.s+7 r 7.005-C-3 09-0, ?-.1('Ci- °03 6,420 0 $6,420 Sul'..Iect ;" • o the Chile ImAt tiler as stnplicab :. r,r ;ru_ki on Page 2) fhe agreen;ent was also si=,tried on behalf 0f Can!on Union School District#66,however,the school district did not requesi to nttervene and is not an actual party to the appeal. P `IBSMW19-17 Docket No: 15-01717.001-C-3 through 15-01717.005-C-3 This is a final administrative decision of the Property Tax Appeal Board which is subject to review in the Circuit Court or Appellate Court under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law (735 ILLS 5;3-101 seq.) and section 1=;-1')5 of the Property Tax Code. Pursuant to Section 1910.50(b) of the rules of the Property Tax Appeal Board (86 II1.Admin.Code §1910.50(b)) the proceeding before the Property Tax Appeal Board is terminated when the decision is rendered. The Property a::Appea. Hoard does not re;airs any motion or request for reconsideration. j �� 1/,tom Chairman • r � Member Acting Member // , � . -ei047 . 4( Cl/.la Member Member DISSENTING: CERTIFICATION As Clerk of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board and the keeper of the Records thereof, I do heresy ccrtnv tivab: the fore=oing is a true. full and complete Final Administrative Decision of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board issued this date in the above entitled appeal, now of record in this said office. Data: September 22, 2017 g didr Clerk of the Property Tax Appeal Board IMPORTANT NOTICE Section 16-185 of the Property Tax Code provides in part: 2 of 4 Docket No: 15-01717.001-C-3 through 15-01717.005-C-3 "If the Property Tax Appeal Board renders a decision lowering the assessment of a particular parcel after the deadline for filing complaints with the Board of Review or after adjournment of the s_,..ssior, of the Boar) of Review hieh assessments for the subsequent year or years of the same general assessment period, as provided in Sections 9-125 through 9-225, are being considered, the taxpayer may, within 30 days after the date of written notice of the Property Tax Appeal Boaic's decision, appeal the assessment for such subsequent year or years directly to the 'Property. Tax Appeal Board." in order to comply vah the above provision, YOU MUST FILE A PETITION AND EVIDENCE \"J.::1 ei i1=, PROPERTY 'TAX APPEAL BOARD WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE 1.)::11E Oi TI-ITI-IE ENCLOSED D%,CISi IJ IN ORDER TO APPEAL THE ASSESSMENT OF 'i1.1_-; PROPERTY FU 1 HE SUBSEQUENT YEAR OR YEARS. A separate petition and evidence must be filed for each of the remaining years of the general assessment period. =?:,ed .11n tip San : of: lco ci ed as.;.ssmcn: I:,y the Property Tax Appeal Board, the refund i Lc r s ;e s;c ri 1 n: .,f 3,o .r County Treasurer. Please contact that office ,vi yct nay have regarding the refund of paid property taxes. 3 of 4 Docket No: 15-01717.001-C-3 through 15-01717.005-C-3 PARTIES OF RECORD State of Illinois 1"roperty Tax Appeal Board William G. Stratton Building, Room 402 .4t;1 Suatn Spring Street Springfield. IL 62706-4001 A1'i'ELL 1,- , a.Itun l:arcstcr in:;, LLC, by attorney: Lllcn 0. E:rxshiie vIerros, Lal skis & Berkshire, P.C. 33 ;vctaa LaSaile Street Suite 2500 :iicagu, iL ,J632 ,,.;oi; 6'Lmty Board of Review L.c��istown. i t. 61542 4 of 4 Certificate of Error Counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants Date issued: 05/08/2018 Only to be used as evidence in court Issued by: The Board of Review of Fulton County. Property Index No (PIN)' 09-08-27-409-001 certificate flamber: 2017000023 • Name and Address of Taxpayer: Assessment Year: 2016 CANTON I-ARViES1 ER JINN LLC 8670 W STP.'-r •.'7f\171:1-.€ FRENCH LICK, IN 47432-9389 In counties with lass than 3,000,002 inhabitants,certificates of error in assessment are issued in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-45, 14-20,14-25,and 16-75. Certificates t° c,r ri^a'e-'by the board c`rerica Mast ba..pp.'o, c by the co-rt/assessor or supervisor of assessments. Certificates of error originated by the county ass-:: sor or supervisor of assessments must be approved by a majority of the board of review. A copy of this certificate should be given to the board of review' r oenty clerk. county collector. and the taxpayer. The Board of review of Fuiruti County hereby certifies that the property In the Name cl C 1!LSI,/' S ti:LL(: iI".'STA'rE r!-::r:N':'!!ACK :N 47412-9:7P9 The nature of si•-hi error and the oa:use or ca:_'res which produced Cher error cr mistake are: PTAR I1e"sion The current assessed vs'' n "? p s :erre^ted assessment are listed below. Original Corrected Tax Code: 09008 09008 Building Value: 1,318,990 896,240 Laud baiue: 6,310 10,980 Tc t.a"V ffa�e: 1,325,300 907,220 0 - 0 clue tc is, .auaiizr:o: 1,;;25,300 907,220 State Equalizaticr =rct.. x 1.0000 x 1.0000 Equalized A:ssse<.1 t:is : 1,325,300 907,220 ,eta`:SA;: 0 0 - 0 3t 0 - 0 ._cin„ E. ot:,,,..: - 0 - 0 ,'al ruIS r rr ^^: 0 0 TrA-ar FAIT ,,,, tM4lo 0 0 1,325,300 907,220 -, 10.2166 x 10.2168 $135,403.26 $92,688.86 Approved Approved By: r sriorp,r,,,eloss.SAsler,ts or county assessor . �/ L[ ! In/� %rj((�� I� tL Dare: i r , Signatures of board of review members Certificate of Error Counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants Date Issued: 05/08/2018 Only to be used as evidence in court Issued by: The Board of Review of Fulton County. Property index No.(PIN): 09-08-27-409-004 Ccrtific.ete Number: 2017000029 • Name and Address of Taxpayer: .\ssessment Year: 2016 CANTCIN HARVESTER INN 12.0 8670 W STATr .ot r ':6 FRENCH LICK, IN 47432-9389 In counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants,certificates of error in assessment are issued in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-45, 14-20,14-25,and 16-75. Certificetes Th re vreCi'a'e 'by the board cf review eiee1 b ppe:),/e by tee cuunt f assessor or supervisor of assessments. Certificates of error originated by the county assessor ors aper.,isor of assessments must Le aperoved by a majority of the board of review. A copy of this certificate should be given to the board of review county clerk,county collector, and the taxpayer. The Board of Review or Fureen County hereby certifies that the property In the Name of: 713' 1•'STATE^.C),Z".f LICK IN 47432-92P9 The nature of such error and the cause or causes which produced the error or mistake are: PTAB Decision The current assessed va'ee eee=t-,e c„:ere:eoe ,orrected assessment are listed below. Original Corrected Tax Code: 09008 09008 Building Value: 0 0 Lend value. 2:820 2,420 Tat.,'Value: 2,820 2,420 l l f"L. p `Gil.,. 0 - 0 Jalue to be Lt,",Laiize 2,820 2,420 State Equaiizatici "'acts::. x 1.0000 x 1.0000 Equalized Aeeee ee=t\uluL: 2,820 2,420 fatal SAF F,:ena':ius,: 0 0 :etel HES L_....np:icr.. 0 - 0 . ri:t.1_ 0 - 0 "-r:f-a" 0 7.;.7r.brt1n^: C 0 r'°JT rr.inr; 0 0 'le '7-Te 2,820 2,420 tt 10.2168 x 10.2168 $288.12 $247.26 �. i , Approveo By �. / � r'pproved by _ �� ;'� _... igna u e 'rrcer ck! aksrnents or county assessor r Al I .,� Date: r .' -� 1 i <f " Signatures of board of review members Certificate of Error Counties with Mess than 3,000,000 inhabitants Date issued; 05/08/2018 Only to be used as evidence in court Issued by: The Board of Review of Fulton County. Property Index No (PIN): 09-08-27.409-005 Certificate Number. 2017000031 Name and Address of Taxpayer ,assessment Year: 2016 CANTON HARVESIEi2 iNN LLC 8670WSTATE.-:0 t,ID FRENCH LICK, IN 47432-938f In counties with less than 3,000.000 inhabitants,certificates of error in assessment are issued in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-45, 14-20, 14-25,and 16-75. Certificates urgi: :y the board cF r..giant , r s b::st:i..oJ:d by if e county cssessor or supervisor of assessments. Certificates of error originated by the county as cr ,ipe;Visor of assessments must te ap.roped by a majority of the board of review. A copy of this certificate should be given to the board or review --ounty clerk.county collector and the taxpayer. The Board of Review or uquit County hereby certifies that the property In the Name o NT,�TC(7,C)n sr wI'<EN '=i LICK m}4±_7432±9359 The nature of such error and the >.ur,e of ca_sea which produced the error or mistake are: P-iAb tte r Ston The current assessed w cr-ected assessment are listed below. Original Corrected Tax Code: 09008 09008 Building Value: 0 0 L.rrwui Value: 6,430 6,420 a- 6,430 6,420 0 Acre., E eiaiizss: 6,430 6,420 State Equalizaticr +r.t,' : x 1.0000 x 1.0000 EqualizedAasa,sse i'.o ue: 6,430 6,420 Total SAI: .: oysu t::,: - C - 0 rrr rrEtlr i J-':-.-: 0 0 0 0 '1 - p - 0 r C - 0 Tofu,r, rT ,,mntior - 0 - 0 :e:"_'r..k i _ 6,430 6,420 10.2168 x 10.2168 $656.94 $655.92 Approved By: _ 1, ` --.' (I ———Approved By: At.a. E g c'.d..(77-h .'dss `smr_•rtF cr c::mty as=_SSC," 41, Date: ! � rt 4 S:gnatures of board of review members Certificate of Error Counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants Date issued: 05/08/2018 Only to be used as evidence in court Issued by: The Board of Review of Fulton County, Property Index No.(PIN): 09-08-27-409-003 Certi:5cata Number: 2017000027 Name and Address of Taxpayer. ,ksseasment Year: 2016 CANTON riARVS_STER INN LLC 8670 W..STA TT I; "-,r)58 FRENCH LICK, IN 47432-9389 In counties with less than 3,000;000 inhabitants,certificates of error in assessment are issued in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-45, 14-20,14-25,and 16-75, Certific , ti-:;t,•s oric'1r':i r,y the board of uv ov MOS".bu app;ova by t^e county assessor or supervisor of assessments. Certificates of error originated by the cour.ty.isle;n.-,r;r a.ipervisor of assessments must be rnp,o'led by a majority of the board of review. A copy of this certificate should be given to the boara of review n•o,fnTv clerk, county collector,and the taxpayer. The buard ui t''.;pew or+-1,,ILi.County hereby certifies that the property In the Ns"e r` '–()N{'.^,RV : TI:!' .L.'''. 7'7^','?STATE P.n.A.n Slf cR.,I+:.'..; LICK, IN(7432 935'9 The nature of!,.u::,1 error and the ruse or causes which produced the error or mistake are: PTAS Derision The current assaL,sed va't:r.tii--' ',a .,rrp:-',,s.1 rr.r•ec±ed assessment are listed below. Original Corrected Tax Code: 09008 09008 Building Value: 0 0 Lama Value. 4,5x0 4,570 7:,Liii V I e: 4,570 4,570 .. -1:.- V t_7 _... .z. .,. 0 - 0 `..1 i.,e to ba Equalized: 4,570 4,570 State Equalizatior a_:': : x 1.0000 x 1.0000 Equalized A s;sc J`c ilu,: 4,570 4,570 !Total:AE -..-:.1t:o:?,;._: - 0 - 0 4rirci AES L-_ .a;,'`. . 0 0 E L. . 0 - 0 D*l I t)','r4...n - - 0 - 0 .r„t r,1C r r.f .. 0 rota!FIVI t'r,:{.f{+tri.-,' _ 0 - 0 Is-T;.x- .. ... 4,570 4,570 i .. 10.2168 x 10.2168 $466.92 $466.92 1 ", I I Approver.;u,. —11'-- '-' ,,,2_ ' / y_ _ Approved Ey: = F/A I• Sign t rz.,'^,_per:scey..e �Fe> r,=or county assessor ilP _/� /+ r jf 1 u Si,,natures of board of review members II Certificate of Error Counties with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants Date issued: 05;08/2018 Only to be used as evidence in court Issued by: The Eoard of Revieor of Fulton County. • Property Index Nc.(PIN): Ccrt:fic rate Number: • 2017000025 Name and Address of Taxpayer: .,nsessrne',t'fear: 2x16 CANTON HARVE51 ER INN LLC 8670 W STP—1- ?\.%)';E FRENCH LICK, iN 47432-9389 In counties with less than 3.001)000 inhabitants,certificates of error in assessment are issued in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-45, 14-20,14-25,and 16-75. Certificat s t.ris' w.;r t,i:- i. ';y the beard c.",e4:"ua ".1._:._b.: i.,d o..:u by tt.e eo.t t/t.I.uessor or supervisor of assessments. Certificates of error originated by the county a ._, : per. sor of assessments must be rp roved by a majority of the board of review. A copy of this certificate should be given to the board of review,i''unty clerk,county collector. and the taxpayer. The board of riev,ew Of F u county hereby certifies that the property In the Monte rf. .. Sit1v._.i ': (. .__.. ^C `-1-A'"E''''f-t,"I-1 tr.." . c., N^..' i ICK, IN 4'7412£ P The nature of e,,irrn error and the rte us e or(;at res which produced the error or mistake are: PTAE i)e 'sion The current as,;P-:sed"n', r""Rated assessment are listed below. (� Original Corrected Tax Code: 09008 09008 �3uiiaing Value: 0 0 !,rr'J Aealui".: 9,750 9,750 "'it'a'VII, ;: 9:750 9,750 al..e to Lt. .,t:�.:i�.e : 9,750 9,750 Orate Equalizaticr '�ac*.. : x 1.CGC"C x 1.0000 Ectuuhied it.ssc:r ,..V.s+.. : 9,750 9,750 Iota!SAF_-.,..:1�.....: - 0 - 0 :,lei HE"' :._.:a.:.. :.-. - ., - 0 C - 0 -: s ')'. 0. ;t' : - 0 - 0 ..:7"-..-H` --•-,::','.4..~.,-: 0 - 0 ;,ra'F+,r,,-c`°, r.'+in^ - 0 - 0 9,75; 9,750 10.2168 x 10.2168 .1 .. 5996.14 $996.14 � ', / ttf/ r— ti 7 Approved ,j: ` ii ) Approved Ey: .,�,t 'i / &W.-A.,: rim ,-. '' '- ._m -'s or county meses_nr __..Vdie/ / / KY nate: v i 3.gnatures of board of review members EXHIBIT 2 Canton 1-Downtown/5th Avenue TIF District Surplus D',tritvition Calculations for tax years 2014 Payable 2015,2015 Payable 2016 and 2016 Payable 2017 Canton 1-Downtown/5th Ave TIF District-Surplus Declaration-Tax Years 2014-2016 Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT 2 CANTON 1 - DOWNTOWN/5TH AVE TIF DISTRICT 2014 PAYABLE 2:01E Rif:PLUS CALCULATION Based on Final PTAB Decision 2014 Adjusted 1-1c..tk.:, ,Ital Ete',-,i,::ni.......i..Lat. $92,834.13 2014 Total Hotel Surplus(20%): $18,566.82 2014 Hot('i 5' ii.:±ios i2r,,iic.usly L'is.ti°.14. u. $6,932.04 2014 Additional Hotel Surplus to be Distributed: $11,634.78 6/19/2018 I District's Total Surplus 2n14 Tz!,,,, W nf Ti7t:i! I Share of Previously Additional rixinc: DiFt:: •:.:t ''.:.":2 Ti:: Q,st.1 Surplus Paid Surplus Due p-:y of C,', t: 20617% 20.99% $3,897.81 $1,455.27 $2,442.54 ] f ,ritor: :,-,: :-, ::-.r,(...: '.;.79F:j 8.13% $1,510.20 $563.84 $946.35 -.1 r,, _/ ,.30 3. 1) $664.92 i $248.25 $416.67 - a '1 ,-. ,, 3.33,32% $641.28 $239.43 $401.86 ,....,,i.uii 1 vvp 0.4.... 3.45% Sc3.`-'?-,-.3",', 23.35% $7 # 417.311 $2,769.30 $4,648.01 ulton Co A,houicirlLe 0.1765% 1.86% $333.69: $124.58 $209.10 , 1-..;),' C., 1' ,, ' V-)S;j2,`6 i9 % $2,965.94i $1,107.35 $1,858.59 , 7coor Rive: 1,Col: 534 "..v.:007`,v) 6.12% $1,135.67 $424.01 $711.66 '7tals10C.00% $18,566.82: $6,932.04 $11,634.78 The Economic Development Group,Ltd. EXHIBIT 2 CANTON 1 - DOWNTOWN/5TH AVE T!F DISTRICT 2015 PAYABLE 2016 SURPLUS CALCULATION cr f)ecision 2015 Adjusted Hotel Real Estate Tax Increment: $92,661.57 2015 Hotel Surplus(20%): $18,532.31 District's 1.025 Tax %of Total Share of T.ariq0 CiiSrr rt Rate Tax Rate Surplus City of Car,tovi 2.'3240% 23.06% $4,274.25 Canton Park District 0.8195% 8.13% $1,5C7.21 Canton.rnwnsnip 03415% 3.39% $628.08 ;c c 0.3441% 3.41%• $632.86 Canton U or, #6E 3.8882% 38.59% $7,151.10 Fulton Co Ambulance 0.1774% 1.76% $326.27 FOtor (Cr! n y 1.5745% 15.63%i $2,895.79 Spoor Co;! 5 '," 0.0072% 6.03% $1,116.75 Totals 10.0764% 100.00%1 $18,532.311 H:ICANTONIUNTON 1-DT_SHAVE r?Flspre„d_sn.e,sl)euRe;e, ,,Horvesterlen Hotel FEn Reime.x1sx The Economic Development Group,Ltd.