HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-2017 (2nd Meeting) Council Meeting Minutes City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton Il 61520 05-02-2017 (2nd Meeting) A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 2, 2017 in the Council Chambers,The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4`h Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Kent McDowell, City Attorney Curtis Lane, City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Fire Chief Tom Shubert, Greenwood Cemetery Sexton Kyle Jansen, Comptroller Lou Ann Armstrong and Dan Bender (Clifton Larsen) MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger, Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER CALL TO ORDER OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock administered the Oath of Office to: Mayor Kent McDowell Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson Alderman Chris Jump Alderwoman Angelia Lingenfelter ADOPTION OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Putrich to adopt Roberts Rules of Order. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR MCDOWELL APPOINTMENTS FOR 2017-2018 FISCAL YEAR Mayor McDowell explained that he filled some empty spots in some of the various committees/commissions. The list of appointments was presented to the Council for their consideration. Alderman Putrich suggested approving the appointments individually rather than as a group. JOINT PLANNING AND ZONING Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Lovell to approve the Joint Planning and Zoning Committee for 2017/2018 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale ABSTAIN Alderman West ABSTAIN Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. POLICE PENSION BOARD Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Lingenfelter to approve the appointments. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/Lingenfelter to accept the appointments. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump ABSTAIN Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/West to accept the appointments. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. REVOLVING LOAN COMMITTEE Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Putrich to approve the appointments. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. LIBRARY BOARD Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Lingenfelter to approve the library board appointments for the 2017/2018 year. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. FIRE PENSION BOARD Motion and second were made to approve the appointments to the fire pension board with the correction of Chris Jump being listed as an Alderman for the 2017-218 fiscal year. DISCUSSION: Mayor McDowell said he will get clarification to see if this needs to be amended. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump ABSTAIN Alderman Mayhew X SPOON RIVER PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Lovell to approve the appointments for the Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development for 2017-2018. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump ABSTAIN Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. APPOINTMENTS FOR 2017-2018 FISCAL YEAR Mayor McDowell said he is recommending Fire Chief Tom Shubert. The City does not currently have a police chief, but will be searching for a new chief. City Attorney—Curtis Lane System Maintenance Superintendent- Dash Wilson until expiration of current agreement (May 31, 2017)then to be reviewed. Street Department Superintendent- Cole Atchley until expiration of current agreement (May 31, 2017)then to be reviewed. WWTP Superintendent-Joe Carruthers WTP Superintendent Greg Pollitt Executive Assistant-Carol Kohler Park Custodian-Carol Kohler Campground Custodian-Jeanette Ewing Planning and Zoning Director-Steve Widmer Alderman Jump suggested removing Attorney Curtis Lane from the list of appointments since this will be an item addressed later in the meeting. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Lovell/West to approve the nominations with the exception of the City Attorney. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Lovell X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Putrich X Alderman Jump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. 2017-2018 COMMITTEE CHAIR Finance Chair-Alderman Ryan Mayhew Negotiations, Grievance and Personnel-Alderman Chris Jump Community and Industrial Development-Alderman John Lovell Legal and Ordinance-Alderman Craig West Public Safety and Traffic-Alderwoman Angela Hale Streets and Garbage-Alderman Justin Nelson Lakes, Building and Grounds-Alderman Tad Putrich Public Works Water and Sewer-Alderwoman Angie Lingenfelter 2017-2018 SEATING ARRANGEMENT FOR ALDERMEN Angela Hale Craig West Tad Putrich John Lovell Angie Lingenfelter Chris Jump Justin Nelson Ryan Mayhew Treasurer Attorney Mayor City Clerk Chief of Police COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE ALDERMAN RYAN MAYHEW ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST-ACTING CHAIR DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 RESOLUTION #5106 City Attorney Curtis Lane will be removed from the list presented since he will be outsourced rather than an employee of the City. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Putrich to approve the resolution with the City Attorney being removed from the list. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman lump X Alderman Mayhew X The motion carried. LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE HIRING OF CURTIS LAND AS THE CITY ATTORNEY. RESOLUTION #5107 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Lingenfelter to approve the resolution. DISCUSSION: Alderman Putrich explained that this will be an outside contractor and will not be part of the City payroll system. Alderman Lovell asked if there are any conflicts with Curtis Lane working for the City as the attorney. Mayor McDowell said that the City always had an outside attorney until Chrissie Peterson was hired on as a full time attorney and does not see any conflicts. Alderman Jump said that he wanted to disclose that he is an attorney that works for the same firm that Curtis Lane works for. Alderman Jump said he will be abstaining from the vote. Alderman Lovell asked if the $75,000.00 has a maximum hours to be worked listed in the agreement. Mayor McDowell said that in section 3 of the agreement it states that the position requires many weekends and extra hours. Mr. Lane will work whatever is required to fill the requirements. The City will not be paying additional fees beyond the agreed $75,000.00 per year. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman X Lingenfelter Alderman Putrich X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Jump ABSTAIN X Alderman Mayhew The motion carried. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERMAN CHRIS JUMP, CHAIRMAN COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC WORKS,WATER&SEWER ALDLERWOMAN ANGELIA LINGENFELTER, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC SAFETY&TRAFFIC ALDERWOMAN HALE, CHAIRMAN STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON LAKE, BUILDINGS &GROUNDS ALDERMAN TAD PUTRICH, CHAIRMAN OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Putrich to adjourn without the need for executive session. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous.