HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-1973 Council Meeting Minutes June 19, 1973 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on June 19, 1973.in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Jennings_called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.X. Present for roll call; Aldermen Howard, dupe, Wilcoxsn, Farr, Hurst, Cfrdosiv Horr, Peak, Cooks Spencer, Kovachevich, and Conrad. Alderman Yerbic arriving at 6:32 P. M. Absent: Alderman Sepich. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman,Howard. Minutes. of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman,Spencer, seconded by Alder- man Conrad that the minutes be accepted as presented and placed on file and voice vote carried. Standing C=nittee reports. Traffic. Traffic Committee meeting to be June 20, 1973, 6:30 P. M. Alderman Farr stated that he had rules and regulations pertaining to.the park benches and that acme decision shoal.d be made. Public Relations Committee, Alderman. Hurst stated a meeting had been held and that sick leave was to be allowed to one fireman and two policemen. Alderman Yerbic arriving in the Council Chamber at 6:32 P. M. Lights Ca=i.ttee. Alder Cardosi reported that the light pole had been relocated on White Court at the City parking lout. Alderman Howard moves thaj the City Council participate in,the Spoon River Drive and that a check for $250.00 be written for the pjrdject Alderman Rupe seconds the motion. ,Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Conrad, Kovache-. v3ch, Spencer, Yerbic, Cook, Peak, Horr, Cardosi, Hurst, Farr, Wileoxen, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Water and Sewer Bonds. Alderman Howard reported that the bond issue papers were all inlorder and that the bonds would be signed on June 25. Water and Sewer. Motion by Alderman-Hurst to place an ad in the newspapers regarding delinquent water bills -- penalties and the shut-off date to be the 25th, of the month. Alderman Howard seconds this motion. voice vote carried. Street and Alley. Alderman Kovachevich announced a meeting of the Committee, Tuesday,June 26, 6:30 P. t4. with the Mayor, Street Superintendent and Mr. Allaman to be present. Street and Alley. Alderman Kovachevich moves that the City Clerk be advised to advertise for bids fora new grader, bids to be received by 5:00 P. M. on July l7, 1973. Alderman Spencer seconds this motion and it carried by voice vote. Special Committee reports, Alderman Heyward reported that Alderman Hurst, Kovachevich and he had-received good reports on the teen dances held on the Main and LocaA Street Parking lot. *The dances have been well chaperoned and attendance has averaged 300. , Mayor Jennings announced the Council had received an invitation to attend a meeting in Havana with Governor Walker as speaker - but had declined because of the urgent Council business. Boats on Lake Canton. Alderman Farr reported that many citizens are concerned because so many high speed, large motor boats are using the lake, decals are being removed. Alderman Qook, Lake Development Chairman, reported it was im- . ,possible to keep a watch pn the lake seven days, 24 hours per day. He suggested it may become necessary for mmerf,to bring their titles in to the city build- ing before being able to purchase,a sticker to use the lake. Alderman Hurst stated there is not enougb income to Warrant proper policing of the lake. Petition. Jack E. and Marilyn Ladd, requesting rezoning of property at 379 West Spruce Street - for use as an autobody r epair shop. Motion by Alderman Rupe, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to recer this Petition to the Planning and Zoning Commission and voioe -vote carried. Petition No. 302. 7 June 19, 1973, Cont. (2) Mayor Jennings introduced Mr. Jack Gilmore, Western University Student, who is studying .city government and will assist the Mayor for two months. Cammunications to the Council. Planning and Zoning Report Dorothy Perardi property - 544 So. Main St. - request for construction to an eight unit apartment building denied because the size of the lot did not conform to the City of'Canton Zoning Ordinances. The Commission recommended a study, of the present Ordinances. Alderman Hurst stated it wou. d•tae advisable to study the',caning Ordinances -- he then moves that the letter be placed on file and Alderman Peak, seconds this motion; . Voice vote curried. Alderman Hurst moves that the members of the City Council vho are also an the Planning and Zoning Commission meet, with the ent„ire Planning and Zoning,,Comniaoion .and report back their recommendations witPpix reeks about the feasibil#y of updating the Zoning Ord.inance. Alderman Farr seconds this motion and it carries by.voice. vote. Letter • ro% the Illinois 'Department of Transportation to the County Officials notif**ng them of the temporary closing. of County Highway No. 5 from the City of Canton.to. County Highway 22. Illinois Envireoamental Protection Agency letter approving the Canton water supply.and thank.i g the Water Plant Operator, Charles Owings,. for extending courtesies to the inspector. The filter backwash flow rate indicator must be repaired. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich to place the letter on file. Voice vote carried. Zoning .8pard of Appeals. Letter ,from the Board of Appeals granting a ,variance to the•,Rick L. Boughan property. Note of thanks for flowers from the Charges Kuhn family. Note of thanks for flowers from Alderman Kovachevich. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, permit renewal of. Permit No. 1973-HB-1117. -- Sanitary Seiner Extension Lot $2104-73. This project for the. sanitary sewer extension to serve the Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Court. ... Old business. Ordinance - reganing lots 13 and 14 in Block Noe 2, Bat3cockts Quality Hill Second Addition - from R-2 to R-3 - 'up for second reading. Motion by Alder- . man Hurst, seconded by Alderman Rupe that the Ordinance be read by Title only and the motion oaxried,.voice vote. Title read. Motion by Alderman .Hurst, seconded by Alderman Yerble to place the ^Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYEt Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Wilcoxen, Farr, Hurst; Cardosi, Horts Peak, Cook, Yerbie, Sgencer, Kovachevich, and Conrad. NAY: None. Ordinance No. 429. (property of John Poloney and Harry Long, .Jr.) . Appropriation Or6=ce` up for second reading. Motion by Alderman Farr,9 seconded by Alderman Hurst to read the Ordinance by Title only and the motion carried by voice vote. Title read. Alderman Hurst move§, Alderman Wilcoxen seconds motion to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll .eall vote. AYE: Aldermen Conrad, Kovachevich, Spencers ,.Xerbic, Cook, .Peak, Horr, Cardosi, Hurst, Farr, Wilcoxen, .Rupe., and Howard. ' NAYS' None.` This being Ordinance No. 430. Agreement with the Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad -- Malmgren reported on his telephone call, to the railroad company -- stir waiting for a reply from them. New business. Ordinance - Facility Tax first reading. Said over. ?'rocedure of rezoning. Alderman Cardosi moves that the City Attorney be directed to draft a procedural.Ordinance - regarding spot rezoning. Alderman Horr seconds this motion. Voice ,vote unanimous with exception of Alderman Hurst voting ttuyll Five-.County Planning Commission. Alderman Howard moves that since the Mayor is unable to attend the next meeting that Mr. Malmgren, City Attorney, attend this meeting and, if he desires,. be paid for his day's salary. Alderman Farr seconds -this motion. . Roll call vote. AYE- Aldermen Hawards Rupw, Wilcoxen, Farr, Hurst, Cardosi, Horr, Peak, Cook, Yerbic, Spencer, Kdvachevich,' and Conrad. NAY: None. 0 June 19 197 , Cont. (3) Drug Program in Fulton County. Alderman Hurst moves that the Finance Committee meet and study what the Council can do to assist with this pro- gram, and to make a full report to the entire Council at the second meeting in July. Alderman Wilcoxen seconds this motion. Chief of Police to get a representative from Peoria to speak to the Council at.'that time. Voice vote on the motion carried. Appointment. Mayor Jennings appointed .Luther Beck to the Police Pension Board. Motion by Alderman. Hurst.9' seconded by Alderman Cardosi that the appointment be confirmed and voile vote carried. _Jaycees. Mayor Jenhi,uge reported that one of the plans he had for Canton for, the year 'was a water fountain in Jones Park, and that the Jaycees are making preparations to'see that the project is carried out. 'Maycr Jennings declared a recess at 7:45 P. M. Mr.°Roger Ball, President of the Jaycees' ', introduced members of that.organization and addressed the Council regarding the plans. He, also showed slides of the band 'stand, stating it was riot only unsightly, but dangerous. Plans are being made to contact service organiza- tions to assist with this project. Council reconvened at 7152 P. M. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen to refer this mat- ter to the Building. and Grounds Com5aittee and work with the Jaycees and the proper committees and bring back 'a report to the Council. Voice vote carried. Mayor Jennings requested Alderman Howard to take his' Chair at 7:55 P, M. Ward Four. Alderman Horr reported on the complaints of noise by motor- cycles in his ward. Discussion and an explar%tion of the law by the City Attorney. Mayor pro tem Howard called for a recess at 7:55 P. M. and reconvened the meeting at 8:05 P. M. Mayor Jennings returaing. to his Chair at 8-.06 .P. M. Civil Defense Building - rent Agreement with Dr. Hauber. Motion by Alder- man Spencer, seconded by Alderman Cardosi that the City Attorney draw a new Agreement for lease-rent to be $ 60.00 per month beginning May 11 1973 through Dec. 31, •1977, and that the Mayor and City,_ Clerk be authorized to sign this Agreement. Voids Mote carried. Agreement No. . Sherwood Forest - Proposal. No. 2 - Agreement for'installation of"surer and water lines to the Mobile Hcite Park. Motion by alderman Hurst to amend: Para. 6, after Ord. No. 269 "or as may hereafter from time to time be est- ablished by action of the -Corporate authorities o£ the City"; Para. 1, - 'Sec. (b) add "retayable in ten years from date hereof"f'Pata.. 5 *within 90 days from date hereof" line nine insert "facilities" instead of sewage; Para._ 7, 2nd line add "established by Sherwood Forest, Inc."; Para. 8. 7th line add "and Sherwood Forest, 'Inc. will provide annual accounting in May, of each year"; Para. 11, 2nd line after in full, add "and not less than ten years from dat6 hereof"; Para. 11, 5th line - delete "commercial"; 6th line add "after` said date City. will exercise complete control of this 'system including all billings,'colleotidns$ and maintenance". Alderman Conrad seconds this motiori. Voice vote carried. Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman, Cook moves that this. Agreement, as amended, be placed on its passage. Roll call vote. 'AYE: Aldermen Conrad, Kovac'hevich, Spencer, Yerbic, Cook, Peak' Horr, Cardosi Hurst,' Farr, Wilecoen, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Agreement No. 23.Z ` Bids for East Side Sewer Project. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Peak, that the bids be ,opened. Voice vote carried. Alderman Hurst reported that one'bid had beeh brought to the Council meeting after the 5:00 P. M. deadline for receiving bids and asked for an opinion. City Attorney Malmgren expressed his idea to vary the procedures at his own discretion. Motion by Alderman Hurst to not accept this bid and, thereby, not establishen ' a precedent. Aldermari Rope seconds this motion. Rdll call vote. AYE: A7.dermen Howard, Rupe, Wilcaxen, Farr, Hurst; Cardoso., Horr, Peak, Cook, Yerbic, Spencer, Kovachevich, and Conrad. NAY: None. Bids read by Mr. Ritchey from the Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firms Weigand and Storrer, E., Peoria,* Div. 1-a, sewer and force Main $273,993.25; Powell and Beltz, Centralia, $ 7151,254.00; 0.- Frank Heinz Construction Co., Peoria, $717,77'9.50; C. lber and Sons, Peoria $634,300.00 each Firm hav- ing inclosed a bond 'of 10% of the bid price. Engineer l•s estimatke for 1-A June l9s AM,, Cont. (4) waa $2830165.00 and for the treatment plant $486,100•.00. 'Bids to 'analyzed by the Crawford, Murphy and Tilly Engineer Firth. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Farr that the Sewer, and Water Gamnitbee report- to the next Council meeting after referral by Crawford, Murphy & Tilly., Con- sulting Ehginers. Voice vote carried. Mongee Real Estate request to hook on to sewer and water line of the Big Creek Enterprizes., Mr. Mongee,, wishing to develop an area north and east of the Junior High School, requested permission to use this line until such time as the City lines would be available. Discussion. Motion by Al- derman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Howard that the Council would be agree- am able for Mr. Mongee to hook on to the Big Creek Enterprizes' lines,' pro- viding Mr. Mongee pays -the bills and the motion carried voice vote. LAND ACQUISITION - Mayor Jennings requested that all spectators be excused from the City Council Chambers. Report of a meeting with the Downtown Development Committee concerning the redevelopment of a portion of the square and the block north of the square between Main Street and First Avenue - recommendations that the block north of the square be made into a parking lot by the City. Downtown development Committee suggested vacation of a portion of the north pride of the square and the east side of the square - a shopping mall to be built aver these streets. ' The Citycs share of this program may be -approximately'$300,000.00 which is not payable until `the ^end of ten years. 'Dizeussion. lJotion, by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Farr that the Mayor be emp6odred to choose the City Attorney, Treasurer or any Aldermen to make the necessary trips to Chicago regarding' any grants that may be available and when ready then three Aldermen will ask for a special Council meeting. Roll call Grote. AYE: Aldermen Conrad, Kovachevich, Spencer, Yerbic, Gods, rbak, Horr, Car- dosi., Hurst, Farr, Wileoxen, Rupe, and Howard. NAY: None. City Attorney reported that he had more than 30 easements for storm sewers in various locations in the City. A suggestion was made that letters be sent to -.these property owners and have a meeting for all to-attend. Meet- ing of the Water and Sewer Committee to be held July -10. Motion to adjourn by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded-by Alderman Yerbic. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:55 P. M. City Clergy` APPROVED or ; .. �r