HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-26-1972 Council Meeting Minutes MWMW� 437 October 26, 1972 Canton City Council held a Special Council meetinj on October 26, 1972 in the City Council Char,-)or. '.'Ia,,,-,or JenninEs called the meetin to order at 6:32 P. A. Preset ::or Roll Call: Allorman aupe, worr Edwards, Peak J Mcoxen, Se rich, . Cooki Spencer, 7orbic, Zaborac, and Kovachevich. Absent: Aldermen Howard., Hurst, a-id 3erry. Plidge of Allegiance was follouod by invocation by Pastor Chandler. City Clerk Crawford read the purnose Of the Special Council neetin-.,,: 1. Annexation of aporaximately ten acros on East Chestnut traot MnAts., being a part of the VII Of the SY of Wec. 25, T 7 M, R4 E of the 4th P.H. L and nart Of the SO of -the SEA of Sea. 26, T 7 1, R 4 E of the 4th P. M. Owned by the First Church of the Warono of Canton, illinois and Arvin D. and Olive A. Johns, also for the gurnose of approving re,oning to B-2 Business. 2. Enter into contract for gurchaso of (,'able Control. for ator-)illar 0actor. Petition for Annexation presented by the 2irst Church of tne lazarene and Ervin D. and Olive A. Johns Presented. Petition Ho. 276. ifJ Recommendations from the Planning and Zonln7 Conqission that the Dore ran- erties be rezoned from 7-1 Single YaAily "esi&nco to 7-2 Dusiness (the vote on thts -econmendatAon was eight ayes and 1 nay) . Two OrUnances presented: One for annenation of the nronerties and the other for rezoning 0om R-1 to 9-2, lotion by Alderman took, seconded W b:I Alderman Rune to vote on both ordinances at same tine. This motion carried by voice vote. Both Ord'nances read. Lotter from "'.r. T T. :i. 6arp: "Our ' present vlans of construction include two entrances from Chestnut St, to facilitate effective traffic flow, `"he i-itial buildinE nroyram does not provide thoroughfare onto ',,ainut St, Hounver., this does not T ,,)-oclud,e such a thoroughfare in the future. The real estate purchase includes frontaEe of approximately 260 feet on Wnut Street, and, therefore, permits devel- OPment of a thorouqhfare as the nrojeat iro:Tesses. At a future date, if the Cit7 deems it necessary, prior to the ca'Oletion of the center, a thor- ouEhfarc can be nrovided". Discussion. �otio-n b- Alclerr%--n seconded IT7 Al,'.cnian '�,-:I-lcoren to suspend the rules. Roll 'Aall vote. AYA: Aldermen Kovachevich, Zabroac, 7orbic, C003 Poak3 Kwards) Wilcoxen, Varr, and Rune. :1,A7: Alc�ermen Spencer and Sepich. (9 AM and 2 . -,iotion carried. 11'r. James -Tallace, 1520 asked permission to address the Council and saite was grantp(l. ',T T. '..'allace remarked there would be too much noise and he feared the gacreaa3ln valuation of hAs property, AOMOn 1 Alderman Rape, seconded by Wernan Peak to olace the OrKnancas on their passaSe. Discussion about dedication of street from `,Talnut Street .. 0. Carp aErned that in the future a dodicathan cguld be made fra-. 1,ali-nit '-"troot to his parkinp lot, Roll call vote an the pa sae of the Ordinancon. AYS: Aldonaen Rupe, Farr, Wil- coxen, SO >> 7(fuar(I-s' leak, Cook, 7orbic, 7aborac, an(] T7 .ovacncv-.'-,ch. ','A!': Merman Sioncor. (10 AYW7 aid 1. "TA-� . 'otion carried. Ord inancasNo. 393 and 394. 7oxt item on the A, anda: Purchase of Cable Control for Cate r-illar Tractor and repair. Notion by Alderman Kovachovicb, seconded by Alderman Peak that the City purchase the used Cable Control and instruct the Street aad Alley Coin-,!iittee Chairman to instruct the Peoria Yractor Go, to also take care of the repairs. Roll call vote. AM Alder oz 7ovac%evich, Zaborac Yerbic Spencer P 3 3 Coo" 'Peak, 7dwards, Scnichi 7ilca-an, 2arr, and 11,unc. 'TAY- Nor.e. Agreement No. My Business as stated on the Special Counci otice having been to care of., Alderman Rune moveq Alleriian "-'J-lconen seconds motion to adjourn. " nice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns We Special neetinE at 7:03 P. A. U:L-67- Ule -c r.1 A 1,1 or