HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-11-1972 Council Meeting Minutes 40 July 11, 1972 Canton City Council held a regular meeting oan July 11, 1972, 6:31 P.M. in the City Council Cha,ber. Mayor Jennings called for roll call: Present: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, and Kovachevich. Absent: Aldermen Yerbic and Fulton. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Edwards. Minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alder- man Peak to accept same and place on file. Motion carried by voice vote. Bills for June 1972. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Berry that all ,bills properly approved be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Petition - for variance for American Oil Co. (Fifth Avenue and Chestnut St.) presented. To -be °referred to the Board of Appeals. Petition No. 254 . Petition - Request for Annexation of property of Donald and Billie Cardosi, South Third Avenue. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Sepich that an Ordinance be drafted for this Annexation. Voice vote carried. This being Petition No. 255. Petition - Request for storm sewer to be constructed in the Idylwild Addition. Mayor Jennings asked if anyone from that Addition wished to speak to the Council. No rssponse. This storm sewer construction is included in the overall sewer program. Petition No. 256. Alderman Edwards reported a health hazard at 275 Fulton Place (Walton) - the Health Officer to investigate same. Standing Committee reports. Traffic Committee. . Alderman Farr reported on the Safety Driving Course held recently in the City Building. He reported on the Traffic Oommittee meeting and the recommendations, He moves that an Ordinancq be drafted for stop signs on Avenue F, G. and H as the street approaches West Walnut St. Alderman Hurst seconds this motion. Voice vote carried. Alderman Farr re- ported that traffic tickets were piling up at the Police Station; signal lights - North Main Street and Lincoln and also Vine Streets, Oak at Fifth Avenue., Locust Strut at Avenue C. The first two signal lights should be repaired, but the approximate cost would be $1100.00 per intersection. He moves that the matter be submitted to the Traffic Committee, the Finance Committee and City Treasurer for study and report to the Council. Alder- man Berry seconds this motion and it carries voice vote. Burning. Alderman Farr requested that the City Attorney find out and draft an Ordinance in agreement with the state law regarding burning trash, etc. Alderman Farr reported that shrubbery on Myrtle and First Avenue blocks the view of the traffic and that an Ordinance may have to be drafted to place traffic lines further back on the street. Old Kroger store. Alderman Farr reported that junk outside the store should be removed. Sinclair Station. Alderman Farr requested the Chief of Police to check on the weeds at that station. Lake Development Committee met with Mr. Chester Claudon, representing the Y.M.C.A. regarding leasing ten acres at the lake for Youth Program was re- ported by Alderman Hurst. Alderman Hurst stated he was against leasing this lake-side property to any group and that it should be kept open for the use of everyone. General discussion pro and con followed. Alderman Howard moves that the City enter into a lease with t)ie Y.M.C.A. providing both Motorcycle Club and Y.M.C.A. signs the lease and that the interested parties be present when the lease is signed. More discussion. Alderman Howard with- draws his motion. Alderman Hurst to call a meeting of the Lake Development Committee with the Y.M.C.A. and the Motorcycle Club to work out some plans and bring back to the Council. Finance Committee, reported by Alderman Edwards, met with City Treasurer Carl Hill and that he will speak to the Department Heads to curb expenses as much as possible since the City may lose approximately x$46,412.00 per- sonal property tax income. 0C9 July 11s 1972, Font. (2) Insurance Committee, reported by Alderman Rupes Four proposals have been studied but no recommendations to the Council at this time. Special Committee reports. C b munications to Council. Thank you note from the Spoon River Valley Shrine Club for hospitality shown at the time the Shriners held their parade on July 8, 1972. Illinois Commerce Commission - notice of continuance of Cable Television hearing to July 11, 1972. Illinois Commerce Commission - notice of order entered by the Commission - application for concurrence for Zoning Regulations for Ingersoll Airport. Thank you note from the family of Audrey Zaborac for flowers at time of her death. Request from the Canton Little Ladies Soft Ball League to hold a tag-day on Aug. 4 and 5, 1972. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen to grant this permission. Voice vote carried. di Old business. New business. Alderman cenich inquired the status of the houses to be condemned. Mayor Jennings reported that the Attorney for the Estate of the property on South Avenue B was settling same soon; property on Sixth Avenue to have roofing done soon; Third Avenue - will have reply soon. Alderman Edwards referred to Alderman Farr the need for stop signs on West Cedar Street (on the back road to St. David) . Alderman Spencer referred to Alderman Farr, Fulton County Traffic Safety, too many shrubs hid the view of the roads by the 'Memorial Gardens. Alderman Berry referred to the Traffic Committee, the hazards ab, Bradley Corners, Alderman Farr requested Chief of Police., James Elam to check on the shrubbery around the City for obstruction of tti.ew at street intersections. North Second Avenue. The Board of Local Improvements recommended the re- surfacing of North Second Avenue from Locust to Spruce Streets - City Eng- ineer to take care of engineering part of the work, property owners to be charged $1.00 per running foot and to pay as soon as the City approves the tecommendations of the Board of Local Improvements. Alderman Spencer in- quired why the rate of $,1.00 per foot when the price was $2.00 per foot for East Elm Street. Lotion by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Sepich to aduartise for bids for blacktop. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Howard seconds motion 4"nd the motion to add "if we can get Motor Fuel Tax Funds". Roll call vote on the amendment. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Roll call vote on the motion, as amended. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Crawford, Murphy and Tilly Consulting Engineers Agreement to update the street needs in the City. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Farr to refer same to the Mayor to seek the deadline date if one exists. Motion carried by voice vote. Street Lights. Alderman Berry moves that the street light on Nh.ite Court parking lot be moved approximately 30 feet south at a cost of about $200.00, and a street light be installed behind the Comfort 6tation, cost $35.00 per year and that a Resolution be drafted. Alderman Spencer seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. phis will be Resolution No. 59U, 410 July 11, 1972, Cont. (3) Alderman Sepich inquired about the new parking lot on First Avenue and was told that the parking meters would be installed this week. He also inquired about the plac-i.ng of a trailer on a lot at 622 W. ?-'alnut Street without proper permit but now the permit has been complied with but stated that no trailers should be placed without first having complied with the Ordinances of the City. Mr. David Meacham, 621 W. Walnut Street addressed the Council stating he was not in favor of the placement of this trailer because there were other lots nearby. Mr. Ray Hartle, Zoning Eftforcing Officer, reported that -the proper number of property owners had signed the Petition stating they had no object- ion to the placement of this trailer -- and that only two property owners had objected. Alderman Sepich stated he was against any trailer on any city lot; residents on West Pine Street, east toward Avenue F request brush to be cleaned to open a roadway; neighbors have objected to storage of carnival trailers and trucks at 609 W. Walnut Street (Francis Hadsall�s); VanWinkle Drive a request to place a trailer (Mr. Jones has the proper amount of signatures of property owners approving this matter. Tavern Ordinance. Alderman Sepich mov es, Alderman Edwards seconds motion that the City Attorney and Ordinance C amaittee draft a new Ordinance regarding closing taverns on election days to be in accordance with state statutes. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Edwards that the City Attorney and Ordinance Committee draft a new Ordinance and the motion carried by voice vote. Ordinance - parking regulation on West Walnut Street - first reading. Same to lay over. Alderman Rupe announced a meeting of the Water and Sewer Committee immediately following the Council meeting. Motion by Alderman Howard., seconded by Alderman Peak to adjourn. Motion carried voice vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 7:50 P. M. ity er APPROVED: '-f--- yor