HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-07-1972 Council Meeting Minutes e� -s 76" ,,larch 7, 1972 A regular meetinF7 of the Canton City Gouncil was held on Mar. 7, 1972 in the City Council_ Cham>er. T ayor nro tem ldwards called the meeting to order at 6:30 '_P. '_'resent for roll call: Aldermen Rune, 2arr, '.�i.lcoxen, 'durst, Sepich, dwards, 'Perry, -Peak, Gook, Spencer, erbic and Kovachevich. Absent; Alderman :Toward. ?'ledge of Allegiance was followed by _Lnvocation by Alderman Rupe. Hinut"s of previous meeting. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Cook that the minutes be accepted and placed on file and voice vote carried. Mayor pro tem Edwards suggested that, since two of the Board of Supervisors were present and had other comtnittments, if the Doi, Agreement could be dis- cussed at this tame. ?lotion by Alderman Yerb:Lc, seconded by Alderman Fulton to move the matter un on the agenda rind the motion carried voice vote. 7joF~ Agreement read. Discussion. 1lotion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Al.- derman Peak to suspend the rules. Ro11 call vote. A'° ': Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerb-tc, Spencer, Coo',', Pea',, ? dwards, Sepich, TTU--t, ''_lco,cen, Farr, and i)une. 'STAY: Alderman `crry. (12 A7,-',S and. 1 I AST) . Carried.. Iiotion by Al- derman Spencer, seconded by ldex-man Yer"Ac that the Mayor and City Cl.er'c enter to t'~:e rreenent with 'ulton County - :5(i,).00 -ror gear. ,Ioll call vote. A Aldermen ine, arc, -.Tilco en, 'durst, pith, d cards, 1'ea';, Cook, Spen- c�r, iYerbic, 'upon., and [rovachevich. TA'Y: Alderman i3erry. (12 A:",-'IS and 1 '',TAY) . :lotion carried. AF�reement 'To. 204. Fulton County babies Control. T oti on bT;- Alderman Spencer, seconded. by Alderman Cook to allow pazrr?ent for t?',e '3400..V) due for past services. Roll call_ vote. AY"'-: Alderman Kovachevich, iOulto:l, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, '='ea'c, )eri7,, c�,rards, Sepicli, Hurst, i.�ilcoxe��., la'arr, and Rune. :'TAY: 1`done. Motion carried. Petition with sT_Eatures of twelve residents in the ' Van Addition comnlaining of the unsightly pro,-)ert;% owned by :;heeler on i;est t i rch atreet. Motion by Alderman Darr, seconded bar Alderman 1ilcoxen that the Ci tr Attorney and Chief of Pol-Ice check this property for any violations and report back to the Council and the motion carried, voice vote. Petition ? o. 235. Petitions, Annexation and Rezon,ni; - 'larie Estes, r'e )r re W. and =°argaret A. °aker ( raker Nursing Tlome) presented. 11otion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to refer same to the Plannin-; and Zoninrr Commission. Motll.on carried, voice vote. 3i11.s for t{ebr,-'.ary. notion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman arc that all bills nronerly approved be allowed for nas,rment. Roll call vote. AYE`: Al- dermen Rupe, {Parr, '.Iilcoxen, TTurst, Se-)ich, TdtitiTarcls, Terry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and 'rovachevich. NAY: `Tone. Motion carried. 0f 'icers re-orts presented. I�lot nn by Alderman Fulton, seconded by Alderman T'ea't to accept same and place on file. Voice vote carried. Standing Committee reports. Take �'eve� lonment Committee. Alderman TTurst an ounced a meet nF; of that com- mittee immediately following; Council meeting~ and as'ced that City Attorne-r 71alm- gren attend. Finance Committee. Alderman 7,dwards announced a finance c'orxmittee meetin : 6:30 Tuesday, ':larch 1)�, 1 72 - and as'cod for an informal meeting of the Council_. Jades "1_son to present plans for the Takeview area. Special Committee re��orts. Alderman Edwards requested Alderman Rune to check the terrace at 129 E. Ash St. -there may be a hater leak causinF the hole. Covinications to Council. Girl Scouts from Peoria. request to sell cookies on 1:ar:,h 18. Motion by Al- derman Hurst, seconded. her Alderman Pea'c that the request be denied unless there are Canton <Yirls involved and the motion carried voice vote. Auxiliary. tequest to hold T udder Ponn,* da�.rs TTa-r 5 and 6, 1972. notion b,r Alderman TTurst, seconded. by Alderman "7arr to ,grant this request and the mo- ti or_ carried, vo3.o^ vote. 377 March 7, 1972, "ont. (2) Red rocs. equest to allotr Campfire ls OrFan=i_zation to parade a St. '3er- nard don; around the square on aarch 14 for the e?ief-.it of .?ed. (]ross. Tlotion btr Alderman 'Tur.st, seconded by Alderman i_l..co.-ren to grant this request and the motion carried, voice vote. Cony of the "rairford., Tluxnh�r I, `Fill_ `nFineeri.n - Firm letter to the 7-Environmental Protection An;ency regarding the sewage treatmer,.t plant. City '--1-tornev T'Ia].mg•ren explained the letter to the Council. ISot _on by Alderman S�nich, seconded by Al- derman Peak to place the letter on file and the motion carried, voice vote. Police Ser'-eant; _,?otice of the 'soard of 7 -lice and hire Commission of the appointment of Ronald Pavley as promoted to the rank of Seri eant, effective i°larch 6, 1972, 1]_;00 A. ir. 'la-,or �)ro te_n ?,dwards congratulated Sergeant Pav- ley. Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded b,r Alderman Berry to confirm this appointment and the motion carried. voice vote. Scruggs and Hammond. Pronosal for ;professional plannin[_ services to the city presented. Motion by Alderman Tiovachevich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to re- fer this letter to the Police and Legal Committee and the motion carried voice vote. Public Health T)epartment - conies of letter to Mobile Tlome parks: Joe 7ander- �'' schoor, William `i,aylor, Crace Jones, and Samuel Lingenfelter. Motion by Al- derman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Wilco.cen to place the letters on file and motion carried voice vote. Resignation from the Canton Youth Commission -- Thomas C. ?-Tood. Motion by Alderman Senich, seconded by Alderman Peak to accept same and Place on file and voice vote carried. iotor Fuel Tax :audit for 1970 (�,To. 35) presented. T otion b7, Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich to place sane on file and the motion carried voice vote. Arbor Darr Committee Chairman, Firs. Ursula 3. '.:alter requested that April 23 through April 30, 1972 be designated as ��rbor 'ieek in the City of Canton and recommended that the city officials participate in this program also. Alder- man Hurst inquired if seedlings were avilable from the state nurseries for the residents of Canton. The i�etterment Committee is -vrorking on this project through the local nurseries. Alderman l°:Tileoxen moves and Alderman Farr sec- onds motion to instruct the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution to support the Betterment Committee and motion carried voice vote. Old busi.ness. Land purchases. Alderran Hurst regarding the land purchases made a few months back -- if the records were avilable to the public. dates of purchases and purchase price was presented to Alderman Hurst. J,mk cars. Mayor pro tern 7,&Tards stated that jinik cars were being di.s-)osed of as r apidly as possible. New business. Resolution - sealing• city streets. F,ldon Foyers, Street Superintendent, stated this year would complete a three-year pror-ram for the seali_n; project. Resolu- tion calling for Motor Fuel `Tax Funils in the amount of "15,000.00 was presented. Tioti on b y Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Spencer to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AST: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, eak, :perry, :.awards, Senich, Durst, 1Iilcoxen, 'arr, and Rune. T3AY: None. Mo- tion carried. Motion by Alderman repi.ch, seconded by Alderman Hurst to adopt the ?esolution. Roll call vote. AT'T: Aldermen Rune., T'arr, "ilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, T',dwards, 'Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. 'dAV: None. This being resolution No. 584. Agreement for _,"ngineering: -ervice presented. City Attorney, _:r, Malm_ren, to examine the 1;^;reement and re-)ort back to the Council... Annointments; Michael Peak to the "':i.aTZn'n 7 and Z on'_n 7 (Commission. Alderman ..ovachevich moves, Alderman Rune seconds motion to arn-,)rove th .s appointment and motion carried voice vote. March 7, 1972, `'ont. (3) Betterment Committee. Appointment of Helen Johnson and Joan '.•Iestover to this committee. Lotion by Alderman peak, seconded by Alderman Cook to confirm these appointments and motion carried voice vote. The com- mittee still. needs one member from the Second tTard and two for the Oeventh ward. It was reported that the Betterment Committee is working to have propert;r along the railroads cleaned this spring. Railroad locomotive. Alderman Cook reported that the enginves have been running all ni;ht after being informed that this procedure must stop. 14 running by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Farr that the City Attorney con- tact the Illinois Cornnerce Commission and take whatever steps are necessary to get this matter settled. I°lotion carried, voice vote. invitation to the Aldermen and wives to attend the spring, meeting of District No. Three, Illinois Plunicipal Clerks Association, I'Iacomb, Holiday Inn, March 17, 1972. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Wilcoxen seconds that the City Clerk's expenses be allowed for her to attend the meeting. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, 3errr, Edwards, Sepich, Burst, Wilcoxen, Farr, and Rupe. NAY: Ione. (Majority of City Clerk's expenses paid through the clerks Association while she is a member of the board). Alley -- North of Ash Street, bet-,,Teen Eighth aid ?inth Ave. Alderman Ko- vachevich explained the problem connected with this alley and stated that the City had ordered stakes driven at the entrance of same. Bids - Parking !deters. !,lotion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Hurst that t'ne City Clerk be authorized to open the bids and motion carried by voice vote. 'aids opened: Duncan Industries, sJ_n'r;le meter 56.50, double `';106.35, yokes ``4.00 each. Rockwell, single meters `'h55.00 each. Rhodes Parking Meters- Single "x;68.7 a; double ",121.50. Ilotion by Alder- man Tarr, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich to refer the 'bids to the Traffic Committee and motion carried voice vote. Bids - used electrical equipment, water plant. !Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Rupe to open the bids and motion carried, voice vote. One bid received: Kroell Electric in the amount of >105.00. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Peak to accept this bid. Roll call vote. AYR: Aldermen Rupe, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Rerry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: ;None. Primary Election Irarch 21, 1972, (a regular meeting date for the City Council) . Ordinance '­To. 267 states that when a general election is held on the regular Council meeting; date, the Council meeting shall be held on the following 'Tuesday at the regular time. (!March 28, 1972, 6:30 P. M- tl,e next Council meeting; to be held) . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen to adjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:05 % 1 �,l yor, r ro ten