HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 3 3 3 Canton City Council held a regular meeting; on Sept. Sept. 7, 1971 Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the meeting Zo order atthe 6:301P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. Ab- sent: None. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Tnvocation by Alderman Edwards. Minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alder- man Cook that the minutes be accepted as presented and placed on file and the motion carried voice vote. Mayor Jennings introduced the members of the Special Police Department and commended them for the service they render for the city. Motion'by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman merry that the Special Police designated by Mayor Jennings be authorized to represent the City and the motion carried, voice vote. (Mayor Jennings read the following names of Special Police: Captain, Howard A. Williams, Jr., lst Lt. Dave Kaler, 2nd Lt. John Stanko, 'atrolmen: Bill Burnham, Bill. McCamey, Skip Claudon, Mike Davidson, Ray Wid- ger, Rick Pilger, John Davis, Bob Shockency, Floyd Spotser, Willy Thompson, Mike Elam, Jean Elam, and Marcia Williams. City Clerk Crawford administered the Official Oath of appointment of Special Police in the City of Canton to John Stanko, Carl W. Burnham, David A. Kaler, and William P. McCamey. Bills for August. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Spencer that all bills properly approved be allowed for a . payment. Roll call vote. AYE. V Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Derry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Petition - request for closing of an alley located between Ave. B and Johnson Court and Spruce and Ash Streets. Motion by Alderman Wilcoxen, seconded by Alderman Cook to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and re- Z____ port back to the Council and the motion carried voice vote. Petition No. 219. Standing Committee reports. Coolers in the old Caruso building. Alderman Spencer reported that Paul Heffron, near Mixon Mounds said he had purchased the cooler down stairs and was told he b®uldg.atbre same there until later in the fall. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Peak to instruct the City Clerk to advertise for bids upon finding the facts about the cooler in the basement, bids to be received by 5:00 P. M., Sept. 20, 1971. Motion carried by voice vote. Alderman Edwards reported on a bill for an account with a local service station by one of the city employees dating back to November 1969 and moves that same be referred to the Police and Legal Committee for investigation, Alderman Farr seconds this motion and it carried by voice vote. Finance meeting immediately following Council meeting announced by Alderman Ed- wards. Building and Grounds Committee to meet immediately following Council meeting announced by Alderman Spencer. Civil Defense Committee to meet immed- iately following Council meeting announced by Alderman Fulton. Officers reports for August. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to accept same and place on file and voice vote carried. Special Committee reports. Alderman Howard commended the Street Department for the fine work in oiling and chipping city streets and reported that plans for seal coat for the remaining permanent streets will be completed next year. Alderman Berry inquired if the alley behind the Bettison Market could have some oil and chips, stating that Mr. Bettison was willing to pay on this work. Mo- tion by Alderman Berry, seconded by Alderman Cook to refer same to the Street and Alley Department and report to next council. Voice vote carried. Resignation of Mr. W. A. Millington from the Youth Commission because of a con- flict with his working hours. Resignation of Mrs. Maralyn Curry as member of the Canton Youth Commission be- cause of conflict with work. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Spencer to accept the resignation of Mr. Millington and Mrs. Curry and instruct the City Clerk to send a letter thanking them for their contributions to the commission and this motion carried, voice vote. 334 Sept. 73 1971, Cont. (2) Thank you mote from the family of Clyde Riley for flowers sent at the time of his death. Environmental Protection Agency regarding the North: Fourth Avenue Watermain extension, approval of same. Environmental Protection Agency - clarifying the status of the city's priority rating for Federal funds. Alderman Rupe recommended that copies of this letter be sent to the Congressmen and Mayor Jennings said same had already been taken care of. The letter to EPA to be answered and copies of same sent to Congressmen. Notice of Apli.cation of Crown Transit Lines, Inc. for authority to discontinue and abandon its local service between Springfield and Galesburg, via Havana. Alderman Hurst stated it was hard to take a side when a company is taking a loss in business. Alderman Howard stated the Council should voice an opinion and that the Council owes the people and should be represented. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Peak seconds motion that the City Attorney make a presentation to the Commission, expenses incurred to be paid. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- men Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Sepich, '3erry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, and Kovachevich. NAY: Aldermen Hurst, Edwards, and Fulton. (11 AYES and 3 NAYS) . Division of Highways approval of Resolution for Motor Fuel Tax Funds for 61 CS, "p28,830.00 presented. Letter of praise for the camping facilities at Lake Canton by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Finley, Quincy, Ill. Request for names of officials attending the Municipal Region meeting to be held in Farmington Sept. 10, 1971. Request from Roger L. Frey to hold a "Block Party" Sept. 18, 1971 from 4:00 P.M. to midnight in the 600 block of East Spruce Street. Motion by Alderman Kovache- vich, seconded by Alderman Fulton to grant this permission and motion by voice vote carried. Alderman Howard stated that the week of Sept. 20 was to be known as "Square Dance Week" and each person is to wear something 'Western Attire" that week. Proclam- ation by the Mayor to be signed. Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alder- man Rupe that the week of Sent. 20 be designated as "Square Dance Week" and voice vote carried. Old business. Tax Levy Ordinance, up for second reading. Motion by Alder,:-,an Edwards, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to read same by Title only and the motion carried, voice vote. Title read. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Spencer to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Ful- ton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak Berry, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. 11his being Ordinance No. 355• Inquiry from Alderman Berry as to weeds on the Orlie Riley property - City Health officer to take care of same Sept. 81 1971• He also asked that the Mulligan lot be investigated. Ordinance - Annexation of properties south of Bradley corners - up for third reading. Attorney Kenneth Bath reported that sewage installation problems have been taken care of, Bernard Slack and City Engineer Howard Gibbons have worked out the method of work - money for payment of same being held in trust by Mr. Bath ( 4310.00)until Mr. Gibbons writes a release on the project. Estimated date of completion - one month after work is started. Permission has been re- quested and granted for using the county roadway. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Fulton to read the Ordinance: by Title only and the motion carried, voice vote. Title read. Alderman Sepich moves, Alderman Spencer sec- onds motion to place this Ord-inance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Al- dermen Bupe, Hoiaard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Peak, Cook, Spen- cer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. This being Ordinance No. 356. Alderman Berry excused from Council Chamber at 7:32 P. M. Request for an Easement with the Western Illinois Power Co. and Spoon River Electric Co. for placement of five light poles on city property near Lake Canton. Mr. Wm. 335 H. P4cCamey, :tanager of the Spoon River Electric Coop..,Sept. 7, 1971, Cont. (3) explained the purpose of the request. Alderman Rupe moves, AldermansFulton seconds motion to cooperate with this request if same meets with Water Super- intendent, Orval Kuhn's approval. Mayor Jennings stated there was a Resolu- tion to be presented and asked if the motion would be withdrawn. Alderman Fulton withdraws his second of motion and Alderman Rupe withdraws his motion. Resolution read. Motion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman Hurst to adopt the Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE; Aldermen Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst., Wilcoxen Fulton, and Rupe. NAY: None. Resolution No. 572. Farr, Howard, Request for vacancy for property (John DeLost) . seconded by Alderman Spencer to instruct the Mayor otoosign thisrrequestbfor vacancy of tenancy effective as of March 1, 1972. Voice vote carried. Christmas Decorations - Alderman Howard stated electrical wiring should be done on a permanent basis and gave an estimate of cost of same - $2400.00 Christmas lighting fixtures to cost approximate) 'p7500.009 moves that the inatter be brought to the Finance Committeendl�ayorntoow make every effort for the City Council to get this contract fulfilled and authorize, if it meets with approval of the Finance Committee City that the Mayor address a letter to Mr. Hurray from the I. ,PaS.Co.''anddthator, the Mayor and City Clerk enter into an Agreement to get the lighting done. Al- derman Farr seconds the motion. Liscussion. �+ Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wil- coxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Agreement No. 196. Mayor Jennings reported that Roger Harris had requested permission for the J)QV Scouts to sell pop along the parade route on Sat. Sept. 11. Discussion as to the feasibility of granting permission. Mayor Jennings suggested they might use t'ie Jones Park. Itotion by Alderman Fulton, seconded by Alderman Peak to allot) the Mayor to use his own discretion in this matter and the voice vote carried. Division of Highways - notice of execution of the joint agreement (No. 184 B for street improvement - Locust Street and fifth Avenue. To be filed. ) Division of Highways - approval of Engineering Agreement .do. Murphy & Tilly Engineering Firm g 191 with Crawford, improvement Chestnut Street, Second and Third tAvenue o(f the(formerly known now to be 63 CS) . , Estimate No. 5, Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons, Inc., (Sycamore, 10th, etc., 59 CS) in the amount of $67,963.05, presented. 'lotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Al- derman Kovachevich to allow payment on this 'estimate. Roll call vote. AYE: Al- dermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None. Estimate No. 85 McDougal-Hartmann Co., 'v1. !rJalnut St., 61 CS in the amount of $69,420.21 presented. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman Hurst to allow payment on this account. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxen, Hurst, Se,�ich, Edwards, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: None. Estimate No. 3, Canton Concrete Products Co., Lake Canton Boat Dock, in the amount of $29,ol4.24. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Edwards to allow payment on this Estimate. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rupe. NAY: None, Sebree Road Agreement. Construction of sewer line along same - Canton Township, roadway to be made as good as found. Motion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Alderman Yerbic that the Mayor have authorization to sign this Agreement and the motion carried by voice vote. Agreement No. 197. Inquiry from Alderman Hurst as to odors from sewer plant. Truck. Purchased from Federal Surplus, wrecked about one week prior to the Council meeting - Alderman Howard suggested the sale of same. Discussion. Al- derman Fulton recommended that Mr. Carl Zaborac, Civil Defense Director, write 336 Sent. 7, 1971, Cont. (4) to the Federal Surnlus 'Department to learn what disposition to make of the truck. Dog complaints - Alderman city and recommended betteraservicevfromotheadog scatcher. from all over the city Alderman Farr complained of dogs near schools when school bus is unloading- Mayor Jennings reported that a warrant had been issued and Fulton County by the proper icero and City HealAhe Maple officer Street. The ace 9.00 A. M - Ninth Health Off Sept. 8, 1971. x` Appointments: inted Mr. Melvin Fletcher to the Canton Youth Commission- mayor Jennings appoappoint- Alderman Howard moves, Alderman 11ilcoxen seconds motion to accept the app ment and voice vote carried. Mayor Jennings appointed Mr. Boyd Pickett and Rev. Horace Huse to the Human Relations Committee. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, seconded by Alderman Peak to accept the appointment and voice vote carried. Mayor Jennings appointed Mrs. Mildred Palmer erman Hurst daccepdthenappointmentn• Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded y A B and the motion carried by voice vote. Alderman Hurst recommended that the Chief of Police and Fire Chief review Ordi- nance No. 70. Avenue B and Locust Street bump. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alder- man Yerbic to instruct the Street and Alley Committee to investigate this mat- ter and voice vote carried. Garage Roof. Alderman Spencer moves that the City Clerk be instructed to ad- vertise for bids for reshingling the old city Farrgarage secondsroof) t is motion and eteived by 5:00 P. T�., Sept. 20, 1971• Alderman carried by voice vote. Alderman Hurst suggested that the Building and Grounds Committee study the possibility of a full time maintenance man. Motion by Alderman Hurst, seconded y Alder anORupe to aadjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adj perk APPROVED Mayor, J -�