HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-1971 Council Meeting Minutes 304 May lei, 1971 Canton City Council held a regular meeting; on 'pia), 18, 1971 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Jennings called the rneetin_r to order at 6:31 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen ; ovachevich, l'ulton Yerbic, 6pencer, Cook, Peak_, Tierry, :�dwards, Senich, Hurst, �"_lcoxen, =arr, Howard, and - e. Absent: "done. 'led,e of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman 1.11dwards. '�_nutes of -,-)revious meeting. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Cook seconds motion to dispense with read:_n, o m'_nut :s, accept same and place on file and t'^e motion carri�:., bJr voice vote. Standi n--r Committee "enorts. Alderman Hu!-st stated that the 'olice and Leal Comnitte } reconzaended that the lcra bid of ,e-eral ='electric for radio equipment for t:°:e Police be accepted. 71iscussion. Alc.er.nan. ?durst moves that at t:,e to bid. of General Electric be acce^,ted, seconded bj; Alderman '�'erbic. Roll call vote. Alder- men Ru.:,e, Howard, Farr, Hurst Se-bich, Edwards, Peak, Spencer, Yerbic, Ful- ton, and Kovachevich. !,,TAY: Aldermen Wilcoxen, .:terry, and '-ook. (11 AYES and 3 NAYS) . Alderman Burst recommended that the Hayor, City Attorne,r, City Clerk enter into a contract with General .Electric for radio equipment for the Police Department, seconded by Alderman Rupe. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Peak, 3erryT Edwards, Senich, Hurst, Wilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Rune. NAY- None. Agreement ¢,186. Alderman Hurst called for a policy ­aeetin; after the Council in the 'tayor's Office. Kay.Tor Jennings introduced Boy Scouts Jeff_' Brush and. Dennis Chenoweth who are working for their citizenship award in scouting. Alderman Se--)ich called for a Traffic Committee meeting May 24, 1971, 6:30 P.M. Ald,�rman 'Fo�,ard stated that Tuesday nights had bee:_ set aside for committee meetings. A:'_derman Howard retorted on the coruaittee meeting, regard''.ng oiling and chinning approximately 55,000 lineal feet for the non-permanent city streets. He then moves that the City Clerk advertise for bids for oiling and chipping seconded by Alderman 'serry. Roll call vote: AYE: Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wilcoxer , Hurst, Senich, 7 dwards, ':eery, Peak, cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Fulton and TCovachevich. 'NAY: _done. Alderman ?toward requests a Street and Alley cornnittee meeting, Tues. a,, 25, 1971, 6:30 '. M. Alderman Edwards calls for a finance Co:n ittee rneetin , 'tai; 25, 1;71, 7:3'? Alder.-nan Hurst calls for a Lake Development con:viittee meeting, ?lednesd.ay, May 19, 1971 after the Negotiating Corynittee meeting. Alderman Sepich moves that the Cit- y Clerk advertise for 3000 feet wire fencing, more or less, on Fourth Avenue, seconded by Alderman tupe. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, YerW_c, Snencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, ' d- wards, Se;oich, Hurst, b,Tilcoxen, ''arr, I-toward, a: d rtupe. NAY: ?done. Alderman turst moves to advertise for 300 tons, No. 7 "Road mix, more or .Less, for the Lake road; seconded by Alderman Wilaoxen. boll call vote. A-!7,,: Alderme-n Ru-;e, Howard, rarr, Z�Vilcoxen, :Furst, Se!,ich, Edwards, Berry, Peak, Spencer, Yerbic, 'ulton, and Kovachevich. ',''A': h?one. Alderman Snencer reports t`.ie pavement is pushing; up in the 600 bloc's East Pine Street. Street Sune r inten dent tyers re--)orts the same situation on 5th Avenue in front of the C.I.P.S.Co. Anderson . lace ?ift Station. Alderman Spencer recommends that the payment 'oe ing withheld because of pavement work be allowed. Aldermman ''erbic moves that this pament 'oe allowed and Alderman Spencer seconds the motion. Poll call vote. A`_':1: Aldermen Kovachevich, L ulton, Yerbic, Snencer, Cook, PGa:, r 'awards Seoich Hurst Wilco :e,�., iL,arr, =to,I-yard, and one. 30 May 13, 1971, font. (2) Special Committee reports. Communications to Council. Illinois Municipal League - purchasing Seminar, June 4, 1971. :Mayor JenninFs recommends that Chairmen of Committees attend this Seminar. Al- derman "urst recommends that newly elected officials be granted permission to attend a Conference at the Yt. Nicholas Hotel., Sorin;Mf .eld, Illinois June 13 and 19, 1971. Alderman Hurst mo 3s that newly elected officials be granted permission to attend conform.,.co. i-L-e 1" and 19, 1971, seconded. by Alderman Edwards. Roll call vote. A-7--]: Aldermen dune, 'toward, 2arr, 4ilcoxen, Hurst, Sevic'_,, ' dwards, erry, Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, Ful- ton, and 7ovachev_i.ch. 7AY: Vone. Alderman S e rich makes a motion that C ha!r ien of Comm.i tpoes attend the Seminar in Sprinrfiel..d in J n , 1971, seconded by Alderman Furst. moll call vote. ASE: Aldermen iovachevich, Fulton, Yerb_.c, Spencer, Cook, Peak, Berry, Ed- wards, Sopich, Purst, T°ilcoxen, Farr, Howard, and Au ,e. :TAY: None. Than c you letter from the Church of he Nazarone for the nrivile e of using the square on May 3, 1971. Copy of letter from Crawford, ,urphy & Tilley, 0c., to Foster Jacob, inc. to proceed w'th construct! on on lie 'relater 'eagle nt plant :rotor Control Cen- ter Renl.ace::es t. - Letter _ro^ legal Bt`>'al �: �S,c. "etarle5 Assoc.La 1,:_O`1 :,.Or "•^�er;1?._55�_0�: t0 use t11T'ee park- n r snaccs o _ the ,rest side of Square, J Ae 24 aqd 27, 1971. Alderman Farr moves and Alderman Se ich seconds motoo_. that ?er:missi.on be ranted and the motion carried, voice vote. Thank you :note from nrs. Richard. Fulton for flowers received whie she was ill. Copy of letter from City At.;orne7 •almr;ren t C °:QRR regard _ng uror ln7 lights. Letter from Pent. .: " ;blie Works and Au'ljln7s regarding n; motor fuel tax funds., imp annroval of City's Resolution for funis for street maintenance. Old business. Mayor JenninFs recommences that a letter O;e sent to Scoutmaster Vern Sines granting perA_ission to erect a sign near the A W Root Beer Stand, Alder- man Edwards makes a motion to grant permission to erect this sign, seconded by Alderman 3arry. '.Voice vote ca-rriyd. Alderman Snich inquired when so: ethic; was going to be done about the health hazard on Rost Maple Street. Mayor Jean _._ s announced that f:owers were se_ t a t the time of the death of former Mayor Ruosell Good, Macomb. econd reading of Ordinance restricting oarki:n�• i n res _c.enti al areas. Alder- man Ful_tol! makes a motion that this Ordnance ,,,c referred to the Traffic Com- mittee and the Ordi nanan Committee, seconded by Alderman Hurst. Discussion. Mayor Jennin,_s asks Alderman Fulton to withdraw his mot:inn. Alderman Hurst withdraws his second of motion and A.lder: a:n Fulton withdrawn his motion. Al- derman Se '_ch mates a motion to place this Ordinance on its passa;e, seconded by Alderman Spencer. Poll call vote. A,7] • Aldermen Rune, Howard, ar r, J i1- coxen, Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, error, Peak, kook, Spencer, - erblc, Alton, ano iiovachev-!c'... 7AY: .Tone. This beinF Ord'..nance .lo. 333. Alderman Hurst moves the Traffic Committee study Aefi:iit"!o^:s of campers and toppers in the foregoing Or nonce, seconded by Alderman Fulton. Voice Imp vote, carried. Stop Sign ^r 'i.nance. A:1_der_.an ; opich moves that the .;rdinance be read by Title only, seconded by Alderman :dwards. Title read after voice vote. Alderman Sepich makes a motion that this Ordinance he plac:'d on its passave, Seconded by Alderman Berry. Roll call Vote. AU: Al lerrnen iovachevich, Fulton, Yerb _c, Spencer, Cook, Pea's, errs-, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, `.°'ilcoxe:L, Farr, Howard, and Rune. 1AL: r,o-_e. nos be _ng OrKnance No. 339. lew businesm. Ordinance. Annexation :carry Rohrer property. Alderman Edwards :coves that 306 nay 13, 1971, �ont. (,) the Ord finance be read by Title only, seconded by Alderman Hurst and the motion carried voice vote. Title read.. klde -,an Hurst makes a motion that this Ord i_nance be %laced on its nassar;e, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich. doll_ call vote. AYE Aldermen Rupe, Howard, Farr, Wi.lcoxen, Hurst, Se ;ic'n, d- tirards, 3err r, Pea?:, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, :'ulton, and Kovachevi.ch. <A?'': Ido: e. T l'nis 'oein,; Ord.�nance P•tio. 310. Resolut--on - :,otor Fuel Tax Funds for 61 CS -read. Alderman Hurst moves that the _'.esolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman Sepich. Roll call vote. A Aldermen. Aovachevich, v'ulton, erbic, Spencer, �'ook, Peak '3erry, ?dwarc;.s, Sepich, Hurst, `.:ilcoxen, Farr, 'iotirard, a=-d =rune. -AY: ?done. Resolution Resolution - °Motor del Tax f unds for 5^ CS read. Alderman Edwarc''s moves that the `.esolution be ado:�ted, seconded by Alderman Hurst. "Loll ca .1 vote. A-,,,'7,: Aldermen Hune, Howard, Farr, VTi lc,o.cer_, Hurst, Se oich, �'R rds., erry, 7'eaa, :oo,, ST .nCPr, Yerbic, Fultonq aid 7ovachevich. NAY:'aut. on 56�.. ; ?es')luti_on - State _funds (Sewer "roject) r: ad. Alderman Rupe ,doves t'lat annli- cation be fi 1. d w.*.tl State of Illi,zois .'.Invflronrlental Protection for State "rant for Sewar-e Treatment ':'or'.s, seconded by Alderman Pear:. Roll call vote. A7 - .1r'.en-lien "ovac'i.�vI.ch, t;',_i,to- , Yorbi.c, Spencer, Cook, Peak, errs-, ,dwards, Scr,ich, Hul°st, 141coxon, Farr, Howard., and Rune. 'dAY: 'one. This being Resolution do. 517. 6/1/71: Petition - Annexation (north of County,; Ci.zab to Lock Is) .-ead. Discussion. Al- Ordinance to derman Hurst m�:,kes a motion to suspend tile rules to annex this property to be drafted. City, seconded b r Alderman Rune. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Rupe., Howard, Farr, rlileoxen, Hurst, Seoieh, Edwards, errs , :Peak, Cook, Spencer, Yerbic, ,ulton, and Kovachevich. NAY: on�. Alter:pan Hurst moves to place the Petition on its oassa- e, seconded ^„ Alderman t—,Tards. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen T�Iovachevich, Fulton, Yerbic, Spencer, 3ook. Pea errl, Edwards, Sepich, 'Furst, Wilcoxen, Barr, Howard, a::d =Lune. ='dA t i_on, No. 202. FL-C..iton County 1'raffic Safet,;r. Discuss:i_nq by Alderman Farr. Alderman Farr moves that the City Council donate <?125.00 to -the Fulton County Traffic Safety Corrimittee, seconded by Alderman Kovachevich. Roll call vote. Aj'_E: Aldermen Howard, Farr, Wileoxe_•z, ?Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, :serry, j ea' , Cook, Spa:'.ter, "f°erbic, Fulton, and Kovachevi.ch. 11TV: 'lone. Yayor Jennin^ls i. forms the City Council that there would be questions about utilities to ti-e Armory -Reserve site. Alderman Rune moves that 11ayor Jer_- ninFs be granted a�r,thority to state that the City wo�..tld -rstall ut;i_liti.es (water a_,�d sewer) to the nronosed Armory =.reserve site, see6iided by Alderman Hurst. Roll. call vote. A77,: Aldermen. Kovac'.nevich, -`ulton, Yerbic, Spencer, Cook, Pea'•, -','err,,., Ed,rards, Sepich, Hurst, 1:' _lcoxen, Parr, Howard, and Rune. ,A r one. Alderman Hurst asks for clarificatI.on of state statues regard _n� nurc'f-'ascs W_thout advert:i.s__ng;. Je:n'n�,s made anpointme its: Youth Commission, 1-like Chianakas, -Dr. T. jintiS. Betterment Commission, Bill, Lisenbee, John `.'erbic Build'?_n- anal Crounds Com., Verla '- ?arr Lace 11;eveloprm3nt Com., Lai-rrence Coo::. Alderman Yerbic rno,res to accent these ai,?coi- trl_:nts, seconded by Alderman Wilcoxen. 'oice vote carried. Annointment. Auxiliary 'Police - Ton narde.-, i�Llderman Edwards makes a mo- tion to accept this ap��oLntment, seconded by Alderman Hurst. troll call. vote. AYE: Alder-pen R,.zne, Howard, Farr, 1,J1._1_co:-e,i1 Hurst, Sepich, Edwards, Bermr, ' NAY: '.,done. Peak, Coop, S Fencer, Yerbic, 1 ulton a_.c. ��ovacn�,v_c:�. wog Jrd lance - discussion. Alderman Howard m�>ves that the City Counc'_ .. en- dorse %'layor Jennint-s recorrrlendation t-at the Dog Ordinance be enforced, sec- onded by Alc.errtian Peak. Moll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Kovachevich, Fulton, Yerb-�.c, Spe-racer, Cook, ''east, 73err�,T, Edwards, Sepich, Hurst, ?iilcoxen, Parr, Howard, and "rune. 27.,AY: 'done. :;a- or Jenninr*s reported on a meeting with La��ierne "Bir1" ` stes regard'.n the possibility of land. be'.ng donated for a Tiragstrin. "Mayor Jenn? -s reported on a meetinE._ with Charles '3ond a.d Larry Fitch in regards to a i.ni Bile `:Frail and a Go Cart '"ra:�. D scission. la -or Jennings suF,gested V-at the Chief of 7oli ce nut an ad in the pa-oer stating that it is illegal to ride 1-ni Bikes in the Streets and ,-alleys of the City. 307 Iay 18, 1971, ont. (�) Comnla _nts In Fourth turd reported rr;- A:der,,al,- ")Ierry. Cony of Petition with 43 signatures - a trailer in the south -art of+.he City - complaints against same beirls_; locates in that area. -Motion by Alder- man Edwards to place the Petition on file, seconded by Alderriaan Yerbic. Voice votes 13 Al'hS 1 iUY (Alderman 3erry) . .lotion carried. Petition No. 203. Alderman 43erry makes a motion that the City Attorney Barite to the Division of Highwa;-s about traffic on Route 78 and a traffic li_`_t at Linn Street and Fifth '"venue, seconded by Alderman jdwards. Voice vote carried. Bids - Haulirg lime. "lderman Hurst moves that the )eputy City Clerk open bids, seconded by Alderman Seoich. Voice vote carried. Deouty City Clerk airburn opened bir,-'ss J5)hn Kohler bid - delivered a:-id unloaded - ;'rlll-50 per ton; delivered to Treatment la ar:d unloaded on loading dock onl�r, $9.50 per tan. Jack Russell. bid - deli-:er lime and store it in the stor- age area, '.M.00 per ton; lime to City,- for City employees to unload - X9.00 per ton. Eiscussion. Alder�ain Sepich moves to refer bids to the :eater and Sewer Co:,lmittee, seconded by Alder pan Eerry. Vozce vote carries. ?Motion by Alderman Sef:)ich, seconded by Alder::nan Y.e-rbic to adjourn and the motion carried, voice vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 9:07 P. M. Lz 1� De"Duty City Clerk V APPRO?;1 D: riat=o