HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1970 Council Meeting Minutes 245 Oct. 6. 1970 1.1 t 011 3 its m)-1 c I.I h ne(,t'_-.r- n 7 t`lc ­Loetln.�, to order al-, 6:? o:�n c ��I,a ib�,�r d 7.7 jj I a r r L�(_­)ichl -Tur2t Loy , -, n7,,,s e-It rell call: AIO.er,ie T-Toward, C 1. -VO 0 i r 6 s -r oo k, a r,C r"'e r::,.a i n e Snencor, Ge,II)"r'Z�, I '�"ovach,_�vicll. ZI arrivi-E. in 'L-,h( %niincil CIIa-­,bc-.r at 6:)Jj 'I Iibseit: ATOer-ian IT a'n.s I'l I I - "I I — ,T I -OCIEe Of 111� -IMIS follow, cl b-,,- I�i-,VO(:al G t-C)n an --ouard. tin�-. _,'Ot�j -1 1— " ' of nrevious i-rtee -.Oj Ij.- .111 ,10r,Aan ."rooll., seconded bj Alderman Yerbic to accent the minutes as -)r­_s­­_­to( a ( )lace on t'l(_, motio.- carrii d by voice vote. Bills for September. Ald-.rman Y��rbic rel)o.-r-l.�,01 on a received, from ',Dr. 'L,% �14- -11 1 "1 '.r") r) (supposed to be the third LArauch, dated .,'ob. V)69 in the amount ol (su- Q - statement) . Ciiief of -Iol-L ce `:lam ex-Ial Iel o -easoi the bill was nresented -- an agreement with the 'orner ''lil-of o' PolIce tc.� L void any parking tickets for the doctor had been disra-,tec-1. by 1-1-�'Iw-,i b7r startL­ court -)rocee- din,-s for the narl:ing violations. (.`eorg e,, seconded by Al(lonian Senich to refer -151il-s statement to 'u-Tie Clair-is Co-xmittoe. voice vote carried. fayor Jennings stated tT iat Vriore woi).] d br: no of tic' ets in the future. Alderman Se-,-iicl)l requested that the '.Psc',*.rrer C ,al and 1',.s-ohalt Co. bill a-,,id tl,(,, Acme Co. bill be held untI.1 tl,(- wor," has been approved. Alderman i]eor-e moves to refer the Henderson bill to Vie Claims Comuriittoe ,O-derr-an 3eu- ich seconds motion and it carried by voice vote. 1,11ot--i-on bar 'Iclorman Hurst seconded b Alderman Farr that all bills aPproved be allowed for , na - ment. Roll call vote. AY : Alcleriaen 'ova cl�avl,clil George, Snenner, Yerb! c, Kroell, '' wards, Toi- Hurst, Seniic ., -air, Lvob, a-nd 11oward. Alr- -','one. .Ionthly reports of all officers presented. -.Iotl.an by Alder---iian 'Kroel']-, seconded by Alderman Svob and the motion carric,-I b: voice vote to accent re-orts and nlace on file. 'tand:,*.n,­I' com,�-iit-',?c re-sorts. Youth Acres, Alderman lloi%rarl state a meet-,!, ,-- wITT soon be hold b7T the ner-o- 7 q d I n U LI tlatln.- coa,-L--ittee and hopefLO.1 , an a, rle.�,-�cnt -,-11 I be made before spr_Lng, Traffic Ccn-,iit-IL'ee. Alderman Sonicl, re--)ortcd on a me,-;tl_ng of the 'Traffic Com- mittee. 1. Jones nark:ark: 71oln can be obtained from Vio Chicano Motor Club in traffic and -oarl,in_­ nat tern on the square; docisli-on to continL,e the temporary one-,:,ray traffic natter, for north any; sout! -)ar':.inC. areas. 2. An Ord.1-nance suggested for banning, -Parking of D-ivis.Lon I.I. vehl-i-cles an residential streets. 3. Traffic ccntrol on 2irst Ave. - traffic "IA-lits 1)avc been installed on 1_,'first --n a°,:td Ash ar-id !-.-.e Stroots. 4. A traffic to be taken on r'ift'­ j',,.veiu(- traffic south from Locast Street stop ( n o re 5 5. -)request for to.L s_.*�..I- s t -)lace yield "herry t. a.-id Socond i've. Cass si_�,ns roco.,v,,enled for .Seventh ;ivc. L�.ld .1 - �I 11. and Johnson Ct... Cars 7-'1. and -:ve. C (,77.' corier) . 6. Baxter (,'t. parking situation not agreeable to all citizens and a stut:- to be made 7. L`top s-.gn at Liberty "I. andiVth Ave. Garbage Disposal Con,iittee. AT(Ierman T,4urst request a :-,eotin,, of that committee imy,,iodiatel- follmY-',I_n5-, Vie %niznc.il meet-Ing. -id olice a, Legal Committee. Alderman e requested a meeV1.11(- of that com- mittee Lzinediately folloir*Lng the Council f,-,oetIJ­c. Lake :Development CO,,"rjj.t tee. Alder;-ian re-orts good condition a-id fishin- shoild be good. 11ayor Jennings a1,),r)o7nted a "Junk Car" Gomnl_ttec: Alderm en Edwards Ilurst, and Howard. 'lotion by AlOernan Se-ich, second,�d b7F Alderman Yerb-ic to accent these 1) appointments and the motion carried 1:T v,,,)I.c(, vote. AIC.erm-tn Ru­)o enters the o,)nc.*_-I Chamber at P. Junl� Car rUo-:,i!iIttee. Alderman ,dwards re-)ortod there were two men who wJ-11 ro- :nove oTrI cars from the streets free of clilar,<__;:e. A meating, of the to -1 `LnE, be held a id docidion re,)orted n(>xt C owic 1-1 moot-I - Snecial Corimitt-co ronorts. Corirlimicat-'-ons to Council. I 246 Oct. 6, 1970, dont. (2) ;eatergent Commission regncst to conduct a "swap" day in Canton on Oct. 25. .jotion Alden,an So-ich, second,,;d by Alderr,ian Edwards to designate this day .,s "swap" day and the motion carried by voice vote. Division of Highways - Motor Fuel Ta:r: 2hn6s can be used to install street name signs and also to maintain existing street name signs. Crawford, urphy Tiller letter reporting on a nreconstruction conference -- 70 A (Sycamore, Olive) yrtle, Sixth Ave. and Tenth Ave.) , also a letter on 69 i? ( 7. 7,0 nut St.) . Letters read. layor Jennings reported the contractors are ready to :install the bridge except for a gas main which is to be moved Oct. 12. Division of highways - resurfacing a portion of 'i_fth Ave. 2 unos are not avail- able until_ the 1971 program budgeting. Canton 7nion. School District 7o. 66 - requesting -rearrange7nnt of sane of the stop si ns on ':yrtle Street. Alderman ' orye moves, Alderman Kovachev ch seconds motion to refer this matter to the Traffic Committee, Alderman George and Kovach- evich and the motion carried by voice vote. Association of Commerce letter regard'n ; "s ,ot zoning" in the c'ty and a hesolu- tion accomnanyi.n ; the letter read. Alderman `Iur. st mo���es and ilder?ian Senich seconds motion to refer this matter to the 71anninF; and Loninn Commission for study and renort to the next Council meetin; l=otion carried by voice vote. Coaiunicat.i.ons: Alderman Ilurst moves) Alderman Senich seconds motion to place all the above correspondence on file, and the motion carried by voice vote. Old business. Contral Illinois Public Service - easemont - near Lake Canton (to be considered later in the Council_ meeting; when 1.7r. :ion Avery can be present. Ord'nance - second reading - _`do narking. Motion by hlder!nan Howard, seconded by Alderman Sevich to hold this Ordinance ovor until the next meetinE. Roll call vote-_?. A' .:: Aldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Jar.r, Senich, Thirst, Long, 3dwards3 Knoell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and 7ovachevi_c1h. 'JAY- hone. Anw business. Resolution C.I.P.S.Co. to _install two 175 Watt Hercury Vapor Tamps - Test Vine Street at the bridge and Jan Sickle Addition. Motion by Alderman Kovachev i_ch e Alc and seconded by Alderman Svob to adopt this Resolut:i_on. Roll call vote. AY 7: Aldermen 7ovachev'_ch, Ceorge, Spencer, Yerbi.c, Knoell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Senich, 2arr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. _IA7 : ''Tone. resolution No. 541. insoluti_on - C.1.7.S.Co. to discontinue one 176 ,ratt iiercury Vapor lam» on ?'rest Vine Street. . otion by ATIerman Kovachevi_ch, seconded by Alderman Svob to ad- ant th i_s °_es olution. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Dune, Svob, ''arr, Senich, 'Iurst, Long, Edwards, Knoell.) 7erb n Spencer, George, and Kovachevieh. T}l_LS bE:'_Ing ?:eSOlu_t-i_On No. 542. Estimate V . 3, Natkin & Co., Anderson ''lace lift Station in the amount of 033129.39 presented. Notion by Al enaan Senich, seconded by Alderman Spencer to allow nayrricnt on this estimate. Roll_ call vote. AYE: Aldermen I,ovac1hev _ch, George, Snancer, -=.erbic, Knoell, Edwards, r_on: , Hurst, Senich, 1,arr, Svob, a-,.-id Howard. _,'A" : "one. Inquiry by Alderman Hurst what could be done about the overflow of 1_evc_�tYt r:ve��ue plam?i!�g station. Chester filler, Sewage Dis?osal Sumerintende nt ex,lained the needs to make t'.iis n>>mp�_n,; station adequate:. Alder- man Hurst moves, A16ernan Edwards seconds motion to refer this matter to the Sewer and ''rater Committee and the motion carried by voice vote. Division of Highways - report on Anal 0timate for the & Chestnut St. a.vi ng project (45 CS) staging material 6eficiency - cost of 11,579.95 not approved for pa-:-pent b-,,- Actor Fuel Tax Funds on this project. Amount of estimate sub- mitt.d was 114,456.99, AlOer!nan 'toward moves, Al_rlernan Yerbic seconds motion to allow the bill Deleting the amount of 01,579.95. Roll call vote on the _potion. A70 Aldermen Howard, '.Lune, Svob, ijarr, So ,,:i.chi Long, Edwards, 'roe1l , Yerbin Spencer, George, and Kovachevich. 7k'' : Alderman Hurst. (12 AYI�S and 1_ IAII, =lotion carried. Division of HiEbways report on Final t ma:.te for W. Vine Street paving project (16 CS) stating material deficiency - cost of 7.�O not apnroved for �na,-T=ent �r 24 '` act. 6 197 Uont. by Motor Fuel T_ny 2:i -nds on this nroject. (Amount of estimate �131437.27) . loti- b­, Howard, soc:)n�'�-sd by ,!]-Car --an Svo11- -) to allow this bill for payment excluding the amount of 77-00. Roll call vote. A73: Aldermen Kovache- vich, CeorCe, Spencer, Yorbic, Krool-15 l.:dwards' Lons, Snqich, Varr, Svob, Rupe, a­..d Howard. :,A"' : Werman Hurst, (12 AYTES a- (-, 1 . 11otion carried. Ayor Jennings reiorted he was not a cat hater but wished to protect them and stated the State Statutes does not incluac an rKnanca. Notion by Aldernan Howard, sewn:? c? Qy Alderman dupe to refer tho matter to t4a Police and Legal Committee and City Attorney for study, notion carried by voice vote. Ordinance - HozoninE Tnts 8 and 9 excent 1 ' fc0b Off W �ost ends thereof, in low A A. Cobleigh's "Witi-on from R-1 to 2-2, Aotion by Alderson George, seconded by Alderman ']t, ,Tar0s to hold this _ire 'naon ovnr unbli tho next meetlua, Eotion carried by voice vote. Ordinance - first rea?, - No parking on -20 side Of S'r�venth `,va_­ue L."rom Cor- aoration Street to Crant -lace renealed a-6 t�at the in QrUnC he from the Imst side of Seventh Avenue from 21-rch Street to Wi 3troot an from Loc-i.st �_'troot to Grant "Ince. ­otio-,'i 7-,- 17_�Ierman CoorEe. s0=000 IT Aldernan Yerbic to suspond thn ruTas, All call vote. A77: Alder:ic 2una, Svoh, 2arr, Sclich Hul"F't Qoell, Jurbic, Sroncir :_�rorgo, a Tnqg, Edwards, _.ovachev*l_cti. one. ATHer2an George moves and Alder _an 7erhic seconds motion to lace to , a Ordinance an its nassaSe. WI WI vote. TV Alderman Kovachcvich Woorge, Snancer, Yarbic roeli] Awards, Lou W03 So liA Yarr Sv'-�o _11ul I)a, "cn-Tard. This Wna Ord"nuice 7 . 721. nosoluMon a ­rnVqE n1ais aV cost est �ate fnr sewerage antension. road, No- Von 07 AVor an - onS, seconded by Alocronq �2nryo to adont this Resolution. Roll call votc. AYE: Warman Howard, Auoe, Svob, lArr, Senn h, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Troell, Yerbic, Snencer, George, and Vvac^ev_l_ch. ',iAl': Jone. ',",is be'ng Resolution Mo. 543. First reading of an Ordinance to hold a sewerage bond Referendum, Notion by Al- derman Farr, seconded by Alderman Gecrge to susnand the r lns, Roll call vote. A-7: Aldermen Kovachevich, khorZe. Spencer, 10bic, Aroell, dwards, Long, Senich, 2arr, Svnb, Rupe, and Howard. -'A -: Alderman Aurnt, (12 A and 1 As Motion carried. Hotion by 110ar1an socon3ed by "Worpaq Ueorq, to Wace the Ord'naice on its prise, 2011 call lvote. WE: Aleenion Howard, Wnes 00b, 2arr, Serich, Lon,,, r`,duar0s, Wooll , Yerb1c, Spencer, George, and Kova chovich, Aldor­ian H_Llr( L (Alr'Cr"aq Wst WP'lalrcd his reason for vot'inZ - sower Wnrovomnnts VyiV he W6 by tho water and sower revenue in the city) , Notion carrieo, Y"" q Wnz arc'inance no, 722. Junk Car Ord"nanwe. Alder ran Wall re ,ortad We Ardinance Conitton was can- siderinE an ordinance. Lotion by Wernan Arhic socon.00 by Warman ndwards to refer this to the OrUnan- ce ,`ctni!_ttoe. o-*, -ce vote carried. Condo!­mat-Lon. Keida Alker nroporhy on Or Vi See & Ave '_"' - complaints have been received may tines about the condition of th-1-s Alrieri-imn liowa-rd. moves, Aldervan Hune seconds notion to instruct the City Attorrey to start can- Oennat:ai nrocondings on this nroportl, RCIT call vote. A77: Alderman Kovache- vich, eorgo, Spencer, Yerb1c, Well, ­o­:,,;, Hurst, San i ch, Farr, Svob, We, and Howard. !MY: :Vne. PronaQ 04 northoast corner of Chestnut Street and AleventV Avenue a!so mention for cn-­ ',oi-inat,* D-n ')r ceedings, Alderman Mova- chovich moves, Alderman Spencer soconGs notion_ to instract We Tty Attorney to start conWinat7on ProceeKnEs, AVerman Zonich W-�,ted he �-,-new the owrior, '.,'in- ston 11awson personally and would contact him before any proceed nas were startact if that i,ms agreeable to the Council, Al e'er nan Sponcor withdrew his second of the motion and Alderman XovacIievich w�'.t!Axe w his motion. lop useum.Committee, Mayor Jennings appointed a caiaittee to investigate the possibility of starting a museum in the City of Canton, appointing Ars, Florence E. Stan Klyber Don English, Seth Leeds, , Kovachevich Ca:�qpbell, .1 Aldermen Spencer and 1dwards. Zotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Spencer to confirm these appointments and the motion carrW bZ voice vote. Hicrofilm reader. Alderman Selich moves that the city clerk be anthorized to advertise the reader, index meter and lens (formerly used in the Traffic Dept.) for sale. Alderman Long seconds this motion. loice vote carried. 248 Oct. 6, 1970, Cont. C.) Fourth Avenue easements. Alderman Se° ich reported all ease�.ients have been sec1.zred for -,' ourtlh "'.venue street extens -on from Hirch Street north to the Countr�r Club road. Tle nublically thanked �:r. Tont Toralianovich for donating 4` land for the ''ou.°th .avenue street ex tens'.orl. Ald_errnan Howard requested that a letter be sent to ir. `L'onlianovich. Al-l.er:-lan Senich moves, Alderman Long seconds otion to refer the matter to the Ord .nance Cormni_ttee so that this street co??1d soon be started. Carried b„.- voice vote. Alderman .-Toward stated that the Council mies a vote of thanks to the Easanent Co:imittee for accomnl_ishinC the nrocure:nent of all easements. Right-of-way - 'r la _n and Locust Street. _?i_t Claim weed- for a portion of iiain and Loc-,?st Street nresentr;d. "Suborc?�_nat�.on of surface r'Lghts for p it l i_c road purposes” Tract Ido. , :iary T,. Day ( '"lain a-.d Locust Street) - agreement -o-resented. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Spencer seconds motion that the ITa� or and City Cleric be authorized to sign this Agreement. !toil call vote. Air; : Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svoo, Farr, Senich, ITurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and r;ova- chevich. ,TAY: ^None. This beLng AT;reement _Io. 131. :Ionacle Is Pizsa - Ald.er:,?an :Toward reported that neighbors complain of grater r_?n-;ff from the pizza narlor lot. Discuss .on as to what the city's obliga- tions are concern.in , this matter - also what damage this water run-of f 1-11_11 cause to Lil-)erty "lace. Alderman apencer r;?oves, Alderman Edwards seconds me- tion to refer. this entire corner to -the Street and Alley Co?nnittee, tl?e ;ity Engineer and. the Street Sunori.ntendent for study and reconi ii ndat9.-ons to the Crn_?ncil. Ioti on carried by voice vote. C.I.'.S.Co. ease~pent (from the old b?.s-i_ness section on the agenda) . ° r. lion Avery stated nrocure�gent of the easement wo ?ld riot cause any damage to the territor:, covered. Inquiry if gas would be available to the water plant. `IOti_oT? by Alderman Seni ch, seconded by Alderman Edwards to grant th-i.s Ease- ment. Roll. call vote. Asp : AlAer,ien 'ovachavicll, Ceorge, S>>encer, Yer'oic, .roe11., 'sdwards, bong, Hurst, Ciarich, Tarr, Svob, tune, and Howard. 'AY: "lone. `j'hi.s be-i_ng No. 1�2 Agreement. Street and Alley Committee - meeting announced by Alderman Howard - ilondar, Oct. 12, 1970, 6:30 P. H. and he further requested that no blacktop�ing be done on the i{i.fth Avenue Kentucky ''ried Chicken project until the survey has been. made. Anpointment of City Attorney. Alderrna.n Svo'r) moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to appoint City Attorney, Williarl almgren to represent the City of ,anion on the pond �aferendum issue. This motion carried by voice vote. Alderman Senich reported that Vie (;it!., could purchase supplies throu-h the state at a great sav�_ngs. ., otion by Alderman Ldwards, seconded by Alderman Yerbic to adjourn. Voice vote carried. Canton City Council adjourns at (9:50 P. I°I. App 1�7 +T: /�Li = / 1 Z IT yor t A C xE f