HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-01-1970 Council Meeting Minutes Sep_ t. 1, 1570 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Sept. 1, 1970 in the City Council Chamber. .'Mayor Jennings called ti"ie meeting to order at 6:30 P. M. Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, 'ur)e, Svob, 2'arr, Sepich, Burst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, (leorge, and Xovachevich. Absent: `done. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Livocation by Alderman Long. .Minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Alderman Kroell_, seconded by Alder- man Yerbic that minutes be accepted and placed on file and the motion carried by voice vote. Petition: Protesting; the proposed Canton Lake Boat Dock - 89 signatures - presented. Motion by Alderman ',dwards, second.ed. by Alderman Hurst to place the Petition on file. Voice vote carried.. Petition No. 194. Bills for August 1970. %lotion by Alderman Farr, seconded by Alderman Hurst that all bills authorized by the chairmen and clernartnient heads be allowed for payment. Roll call. vote. A.L: Aldermen T'ovachevich, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, "dwards, Long, Hurst, Sep:i_c':i, t,'arr, Svob, Dupe, and Howard. NAY: None. Reports of all. officers: 11-lotion by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Edwards to accept same and nlace on file and the motion carried by voice vote. U Standing coozaittee reports. Traffic Committee. Alderman Sepich renort ;d on meeting of that committee held on Aug. 20, 1970 and moves their recomraendations be drafted into ordinance: That parking be removed on the south side of Pine Street from Fifth to :eleventh Avenue; E. 1,7alnut Street from Fifth to 1"leventh Avenue; 'Last Elm Street from Fifth to Seventh Avenue; East Chestnut S ,reet from Fifth to Eighth avenue; East Locust Stre�-.!t i'rom fifth to Eleventh Avenue, and so that separate ordinances need not be drafted it is requested that an ordinance be drafted that will ner- nit parking only on one side of streets tliat are 30 feet or less in width the pattern to be followed wherever Possible - no parking on south s-i_de of east a-.-id west bound streets and the west side of north and south bound streets. Al- derman Hurst seconC's this motion and t',(- motion carried b,'- voice vote. Alder- man 7epich recommended that the park-ing or. ',est ' ine Street from Avenue t> to Avenue 1� remain as now stands. Alderman '.eorre requested that rean and Baxter Courts be considered also in the nroposed ordinance. Lake Devel.opm�-nt Committee. Alderman dti-rards reports on tz,ro meetin'-s regarding the pronosed boat launch area, La.he Manton would be under the superv-i.si on of the Cit-,T if the proposed boat dock project is accented. I-lota_on by Alderman 'a,dwards, seconded by Alderman George to accept, t'}e nro 7osed agreement for the construction, maintenance, aad operation of boat access harbor arcia for Lake Canton. Alderman ?iilliams opposinf; ti)-i.s motion because of .aT;.t,,u's Tmter suonly -- would be in jeopardy and then moves to table the matter for further consideration; Alderman {roell. op-oosi_nc; t1ae proposal because so few used the la':e facilities and taxes would be increased; Alderman George stato(i th:i.s subject had been under stuty for seven months and air;;- objecV.ons sboul.(I have been made prior to this tire; Alder- man Seni.ch not in favor of boat_n�- a :'rval '. ,fin stated t' at boats with large motors are hard on the Ta',e a,_.d the city has not enforced t?ie existing rules ner- taininr; to the lake. Alderman Sepich seconds the motion to table the motion. Roll call vote. .AYE: Aldermen Svob, .1arr, Sepich, Kroell, Williams, and Spencer. NAY: Aldermen Ilotirard, Rupe, Hurst, Tong, _�dTmrds, Yer')�c, C'eor�e, and "ovachevich. (6 AY-,,S and P _BAYS) . -lotion lost. Motion by Alderman L�'dwards, seconded by Alder- man . ,,Pe to suspend. rules. Roll call vote. A117: Aldermen I:ovachev`1ch, ueorc;e, Spencer, Yerbic, Edwards, Lon,,, Hurst, Alderrien Willia iis, Kroell, Sepich G., i , , .C, ,; . ;:otion carried. ;!•lotion by Alderman Edwards, seconded by Alderman i eor-;c that the 'Ia„ or and City Clerk be authorised to enter into an al;i'eern� � t '1 01 i. d_ al funC;s to buil.c� this boat ramp. Roll call_ vote. AY ': Aldernel Howar(!, 2upe, urst, Long, Edwards, 'erbic., C,eorge, aT.d ? ovachevicla. :?AY: Alderrnen Svd,), :Farr, Seoi ch, I:roell, 1)illiaras, and Spencer. (8 AyTsS and 6 ?IAI`rS) . IMot .on Carri.e(l. At-reement IIo. 175. Snecial corr-'mi_ttee re-_)orts. Request by Alderman Hurst that the local newspar)ers m,ilce a retraction of items printed regardin bond issues - stat.ing that taxes or water rates would not be increased. 240, Sept. 1, Cont. (2) East 1"ne Street. Permission given to ITeil Aldrich to talk about t',e parkins° s _tuat .on on. ' ast Mine Street. He asked if parking is removed from the south side of the street if tl�e terrace could be cut away and used for parki�l£ - ~)ro- viding the utility pole on the terrace was rlov:d. 'He was told that w'.)en a d., - cl_sion was made he would be notified. Com:mvnications to Council. Division of Highways - anrroval of the Plain and Locust Street proposed _nlp-rove- nent. !lotion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Svob to place same on file and the motion carried by voice vote. Alderman George inquired about the upkeep of state routes a-­�d was told by City Attorney ZTm. `'Ialm`ren that the City had s i. ;ned an Agreement or state maintenance. ?layor Jennings reported that he and the City Attorne-- would meet with merlbers of the Division of Highways on Sept. 2, 1970 regarding 'Test Walnut Street and the Sycamore St., etc. street improvements bids. 'environmental Protection. ?dPC-Ill 646. (Ave. A to 'rest t°Talnut Street sewer project) . Letter stagin that this nroj^ct was number 2.48 on the i-)rior:it.,- list of 275 downstate projects on file as of Aril 30, 1970. Beautification of Canton. Motion by Alderman Sepich, seconded by Alderman i cTti�ards to refer this matter to the Street a_~d Alley Co,-zmittee and tl e rnot:i.on carried b-- voice vote. Division of Iighways - re. "Proper Pis1,)la7,,7- of .'urn Arrows on Traffic Signals". ?Motion by Alderman Yerbic, seconded by Alderman Ceorge to refer thl.s to Vie Traffic Committee and the Chief of Police a 1d the motion carried by voice vote. Old business. WilTlam Ritchey ' asernont. ' aser:r rat loca-Un� the utilit- easer2ent on the east ten-f.et across lot �o. 6 in Evergreen Estates. Alderman Farr moves, Alderman Sepich seconds motion to accept same and the ;ia; or and City Clerk to enter into this agreement. Carried by voice vote. Agreement Mo. 1.76. Hew business. Bn,1d tiri_th the 1'ransAmerica Ins. Co., 11,000.00 for John Iorgan, treasurer of the hire Department, approved b7 the finance Committee presented. '­_otion blr Alder- man Long, seconded by Alderman Farr to accept same and place on file and the Imo- t-ion carried by voice vote. Resolutiol and Quit Claim Deed for a parcel of land to be dedicated for roadway nurposes only -- Fourth Avenue, by Leroy and Alice Riley. Alo.erian Hurst stated there w-ald be more grants coming in soon and to vote when all are coll- acted, motion seconded by Alderman Sepich and carried by voice vote. Estimate No. 2, Anderson Place Lift ">tation, Natkin Ps. Go., in the amount of `922.81 presented. TMotion by Alderman Sepicli, seconded by Alderman Kroell to allow payment on this account. Roll call vote. A`-"?: Aldermen ICovachevich, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, Edwards, Long;, 'Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rune, and Howard. TIAY: T)Tone. White Court Parking T,ot. llayor Jennings reported on a meeting of the board of Eagles Lodge and that they were willing to sell their building for ; 30,000.00. TZayor Jennings said there would be several more meetings to work out the feasi- bility of this proposed narking lot project, meetings with the Council members and also with members of the ACI Traffic Committee. Discussion about building a public rest room on this narking lot. Alderman Edwards moves, Alderman Burst seconds motion to allow the Mayor., City `-1_ rlr, City 'Treasurer and City Attorney to enter an Agreement for a 90-day option on this building. Roll call vote. AT-E: Aldermen Howard, Rune; Svob, Darr, Sepich, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, %eorge, and Kovachevich. NAY: none. Agreement No. 177. Appointment of Dewey Woods as Journeyman Electrician to serve on the 'I;lectrical Code Committee. !Motion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman Svob to confirm this appointment. Motion carried by voice vote. Agreement - Boat : amp project - Crawford, riurphy & Tilly En,;ineering Firm. No- tion by Alderman Hurst, seconded by Alderman Edwards that the Mayor and City Clerk Sept. 1, 1970, Cont. (3) be authorized to enter into this Agreement with the approval of the City Attorney. Roll call vote. Al:7,: Aldermen .ovachevich, George, Spencer, Yer- bic, Kroell, Edwards, Long, Hurst, Sepich, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. STAY: Alderman Williams. (13 AYFZ and 1 NAY) . lotion carried and this being Agreement No. 178. Alderman Williams inqu9_red about the side calk on North !,lain Street and also the proble-gs with birds in the city. Alderman Sepich :i.ngiiired about the weeds on Avenue D and railroad street. City Attorney to call the T. ?7. 7R. Inquiry by Alderman Howard hots to remove old cars from city streets. setter- ment Committee has reported there is a person who will take all old cars - city to be paid back junk price for any cars having; motors. Lotion by Alderman Kroell, seconded by Ald.errian Yerbic to adjourn. T.'oi.ce vote, carried. Canton City Council adjourns at 7:5,F P. . . yd" ity r.3 APP 'I0'.';M: may or