HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-1969 Council Meeting Minutes 16 (3 Oct. 21, 1969 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Oct. 21, 1969 in the Cite Council_ Cha fiber. Tia:or Jennin gs called the meeting to order at 6:31 P. A Present for roll call: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Hurst, Lon;;, ' dwards, Kroell, Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, Ceorge, and Preece. Absent: Alderman Sonich. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Invocation by Alderman Howard. Minutes of Previous meeting. Notion by Alderman Spencer, seconded by Al- derman Y rbic that the minutes stand annroved as presented and be placed on file. Carried by voice vote. Standing committee reports. Traffic; committee. Alderman Williams reported request by parents for some device at the E. Chestnut St. and Fourteenth Avenue crossing for school children. He stated the school lights formerly used on state routes were available and, if the state anprov ed, could be used at that location. ''ark ing lot, ':.'hite Court. Alderman .y°1_ill_iams moves that the Parkin; lot on White Court has been giving trouble to the renters of these lots and moves that the 5rdinance Committee be authorized to draft an Qrdinance to remove leasi_nF of said lot and meter same so it can be open to the public. 1,11otion seconded by Alderman 2,chTards. Alderman Spencer raised the question that if the lot cannot be policed at present, holm cold it be Policed after -in- stalling parking meters. Discussion. Roll call vote. AYK: Aldermen Preece, `'eorge, Williams, Kroell, :_dwards, Ton:;, durst, Yarr, Rupe, and cward. ?,IAY: Aldermen Spencer, Yerbi.c, and Svob. (10 Ali T and 3 RAYS) . Carried. Alderman Hurst recommended, that because there were so mare; unpaid traffic tick ts, some of the violators be taken to court to set an e1 ample. his- cussion. Alderman durst moves to refer the traffic tickets to the Police and ?,egal Co:^.,aittee to arrive at some solution for collection of same. Alderman Howard stated he would like to sce some indication of what can be done on the :Iai_n a nd locust Street widening Project. Mayor Jennings announced that a representative from the Division of Highways had made a traffic count recently and would make a written retort to him within the week. He also stated that since the City has already snent 00,000.00 toward this project, this Council cannot be condemned for whatever is done, but action, one way- or another, trill so Qn be taken, and hoped it would get 1001 authorizat-i.on for comiletion for spring lettings. City insurance. Alderman Edwards contacted independent insurance agents and their recommendations were to seloct three representatives to meet and go over the city's policies and sugTest a elan for municipal insurance. Notion by Alder, an howard that t':ie j ina:-ce Co mi.i_tteo meet with the insurance renre- sentatives to inspect the present volicics . Notion was seconded by Alder- man Long. Carried by voice vote. ,eating of the Finance Committee announced by Alderman Edwards -- the old Council Char.Ver, _:onday, Oct. 27, 1969, 6:30 7. H. to discuss is surance with the members of the Fire Department. It was re„ported that the red light on the old water tower was out, '.:gut Orval T�u_hn said that HaAlager Electric had a now one ordered. Alderman �illia7rs re-ported that he tried to call Ar. Elmer Young; from the Crawford, Hurphy A Tilly EngineerinS Firm re`ardin , the feasibility of Main and Locust Street but s ngFested a meeting; of the Traffic Co mittee and anyone interested with the opposition to this project. Nayor Je r inns stated the Traffic Committee should not take all the resnonsibility for this matter and if anyone onnosi, the project could come and speat to the next Council. meetinC. Alderman Hurst .requested that :i.ns lance iolicies accompany the bills when sane are presented for the 4rba se Dis-osal C o rmittee to a.Pprove. lotion by Alderman Furst that bids on the ;garbage truck be returned unopendd to the bidders. Al "erman SeorEe seconds motion. Voice vote. Carried. T,<;nd Yill. 'ractor: Alderman burst ;coves to advertise for bids for a track tape tractor for the land fill. Alderman Rupe seconds motion. Alderman 167 Oct. 21, 1969, Cont. (2) :-Toward stated the specifications sno i-d read that any f*rm could bid on same. Discussion. Alderman Howard mores to table the ;notion to advertise for bids until such time as the T,V,C, can take a look at the specs. Alderman Farr seconds motion. 2urtner discussion, and Alderman 'Turst s no?-e La defense of Caterpillar Yractor Co. Alderman Rune withdrew his second of motion and Al- derman `Turst ,Tithdrew his motion. Alderman 2arr then withdrew his second of motion and Alderman HoaarA withdrew his motion. Writing of the specifica- tions discussed. :fir. Rick Rowe from the Canton Junior �oll_oae requested "oermi..ssion for the college to -plant an oak tree in Jones "gar- on Veterans hay - in memory of the veterans of Vietnam. Motion by. Alderman ,first, seconded by Alderman Tong to grant this reque st to be carried out under the direction of the Building and `ro.mds committee. Notion carried, voice vote. Communications to Council. Thank you note for flowers seat to oonnle Toward while in the hospital. Letter from the Canton Community Senti.nal_ r.eno t;ng that their newspaper was not qualified to handle city advertising. Thank you note for police escort services From the lational ' ank of Canton �.. during their move to their new bu i ldAnn. Alderman Yerbic moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to 'dace the above three letters on file. 'Voice vote. Carried. Resignation of Chief of "olice Kenneth Lindzay, effective November 1 1969. Resignation of Charles Vanliddlesworth from the Fire and 'olice Commission because of movin,C outside the corporation limits. ?-lotion by Alderman Howard, seconded by Alderman idwards that these resignations be placed on file. Voice vote, carri<.cd.. Old business lifth _istima to for street improvement (E. Ash, 12th and 14th Ave.), Geo. E. Hoffman a Sons in the amount of u>', ,667.76 presented. " 168 Oct. 2 1.991- Cont. (3) he would second the motion nrovld�_gg the motion include the I4e 1'zod s Church area also. Granted. Carried by voice vote. Blackton-oink; done around the square and adjoining areas bill from the Goo. E. Hoffman r Sons for. �9,4%.47 ( ,aivers of release fro suppliers f materials included) and statement from Crawford, Iiur-ohy ?: Tilly for :ngineering- Services in the amount of ?1,100.80 presented. 1•Iotion by Alderman ?Iurst, seconded by Alderman d�•rards to allow these claims. Roll call vote. A'TE: Aldermen Toward, rune, Svob, Farr, Hurst, ?-onf,, ch-ards, 'Croell, Williams, Yerbi-c, Snencer, George, and Preece. NAY- None. Request by Alderman Hurst for the '4a,, or to send a letter to C.?.', .S.Co. re- questin�, repair of % 'line St. between Ave. A and 4ain Street and also re- quested. that the street department natch holes on city streets before freezin_ :,reacher. First reading of an Ordinance providing for e;rr�loyme.nt of em-)lcoyees outside the corporate limits of the City of Canton providing efforts to obtain the employees within the City of Canton have failed. Motion by Alderman Long to insert "Ten" as the proper number of miles allowance for such em 1.ment. Alderman Long seconds this motion. Carried by voice vote. Motion by Alder- man Hurst, seconded by Alderman Long to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AY;,: hldermen Howard, Rune, Svob, Farr, 'Turst, Long, I?,dwards, Kroell, Yer- T.T bic, Spencer, Georz e, and Preece. 7�1AY: Alderman �Jilliams (12 A'T':S and 1 .,TAY: Carried. Alderman Lonl moves, Alder lanEdwards seconds .motion to place the Ordinance on its nassaIre. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Preece, Georr;e, Spencer, Yerbic, Ililliams, Kroell, ''dzrards, Long, Burst, 1 arr., Svob, Rupe, and I?oward. NA',.': 'done. Carried. This being Ordinance No. 281. First reading of an Ordinance e stab lishi a "Canton Betterment CorLnission", composed of two people from each ward. Motion by Alderman Edwards to sus- pend the rules, seconded by Al&rman Ruoe. Roll call vote. AYE- Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, parr, Thirst, Long, hd,,rards, hroell., Wiliiams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Treece. NIA" -None. Motion by Alderman Edwards to place the Ordinance on its passage, seconded by Alderman Hurst. Roll call vote. A ?L _. ,: Aldermen Preece, George, Spencer, Yerbic, Williams) Kroell, T:,d-vards, Long, Hurst, Farr, Svob, Rupe, and Howard. -NAY: "done. This being Ordinance No. 282. Police car 3ids. Motion by Alderman Georg.-e to instruct City Clerk to open bids. 4otion seconded by Alderman Yerbic, Carried, voice vote. Bids opened: Canton 4otor Sates, „208.40 pc�r month, each car; Gene Wrestler Chevrolet $175.00 per month per car. Motion by Alderman ?IurUt, seconded by Alderman Edwards to refer bids to Police L Legal Com. for study. ,.lotion carried by voice vote. Mayor Jennings said City Treasurer, CarlHill, reported sufficient funds to blacktop First Ave. - Birch to Locust St. and two blocks from Railroad to HickorjT St. - same ty,e as done on square, no assessment to prone-rty owners. Discussion regarding e-lim nati.0a parkin ; both sides of No. First Ave. Motl.on by Alderman Haaard, seconded by Alderman Rupe to advertise for bids on resur- facing ,First Ave. and then draft an Ordinance to remove traffic from Birch to Locust St;, effective after passage. Recommendation by Alderman Kroell to widen First Ave., so. from Pine St. Alderman Soencer stated in favor of wide- ningT`Io. First Ave. and making assessments and that Elm St. from Fifth to Seventh Ave. also needed blacktopping. Roll Call Vote. AYI"�: Aldermen Howard, Rupe, Svob, Farr, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Kroe].13 Williams, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Preece. IIAY: None. Claim of Darren Oaks for expense incurred b, installing 18-in. storm sewer line thru his property in 1964, amount of ''4i".00. This claim has been discussed by the Claims Com. but Chairman of Claims Committee, Alderman Yerbic, wished for entire Council to have a voice in the matter. Motion by Alderman Snencer to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Svob. Alderman Iiurst called for roll call vote to adjourn. Mayor Jennings called for roll call: AYE: Aldermen Snencer and Svob. NA'T: Aldermen Preece, George, Yerbic, Williams, Kroell, I',dwards, LonL, Hurst, Farr, Rupe, and Howard. (2AYESand 11 .NAYS) . ,Motion lost. Alderman Hurst then moves not to approve payment of the Oaks claim. Alderman Svob seconds motion. -Poll call vote. AY, : Aldermen Howard, Ru-pe, Svob, Parr, Hurst, Long, Edwards, Tfroell, Williams, Spencer, George, and Preece. 'dAY: Alderman Yerbic. (12 AYES and 1 NAT). Motion carried. Alderman George asked that City Attorney write to CBddRR and TP81°,TRR -- their crossin gs in need of re_n_air. Alderman 1dwards asked to hhve weeds on S. Fourth Ave. mowed. '4otipn to adjourn by Alderman "5;dwards, seconded by Alderman Kroell. Voice vote, carried. Can City Council adjourns at 8:30 P. 7 APPRO : �; � 1 .������,,,G Mayor. __Z City Clerk