HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-1967 Council Meeting Minutes 41 Dec . 19, 1967 Canton City Council held a regular meeting in the City Council Chamber on Dec. 19, 1967• Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:31 P. N. Present for roll call: Aldermen Rusnak, 1-loward, Farr, Svob, Jacobs , Sepich, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Spencer, Yerbic, Danner, and George. Absent: Alderman Skinner. �Jedge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Aldermen Danner. Alderman Long moves , Alderman Kroell seconds motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as presented and placed on file. Carried by voice vote. Standing committee reports . Report b?t Alderman Long on the city scales -- same can be replaced with new or good material with a four-inch cement top for $1200.00. A Alderman Long moves , Alderman Kroell seconds motion that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with the Peoria Scale Co. for this repair work. Roll call vote . AVE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Knoell, Ellis , Long, Sepich, Jacobs, Svob, Farr, IToward, and Rusnak. NA": Tione. Carried . Special committee reports . U Report on the vacating of an allev near r-"ain an.d T,%Trtle Streets . �..7 Alderman Farr states t}lat after inspection of the possibility of closing a portion of this alley, it would be advisable to do so. Fie then moves that an ordinance be drafted to close a portion of this alley -- running north and south. Alderman Svob seconds same. Carried by voice vote. Mayor Woods reported on a meeting; of the 3oard members of the Ill- inois Municipal League. 1. Board voted to increase the dues for membership in the League; 2. City Attorneys to hold a meeting in Chicago to discuss the new laws and the enforcement of same; 3. A two day meeting of the Executive Board of the Municipal League to be held in Mattoon regarding gas tax; The r9ayor recommended that the expenses of the Cit"r Attorney be allowed for the meeting of attornies. Alderman GeorE;e moves that tl,,e Cit-;' Attorney and T, ayor he allowed expenses for the Chicago and V attoon meetings. Alderman Long seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Danner, Yerbic, Spencer, Kroell, Ellis , Long, Sepich, Jacobs , Svob, Farr, Howard, and Rusnak. NAY: ?one . Carried. 1 eport of Chief of Police Yenneth. l.,indzey rex-ardinrr the unfavorable publicity received during the previous week on. law enforcement. Mr. Lindzey stated that he wished to apologise for tl�e unfavorable pub- licity bar E. Stanley I{ly ber, 7xecutive Secretar-�r of tY e Assoc. of Commerce and Industry and T-r. Trlyber 's feeble attempt to apologize only added insult to injury -- that after inspection of the prop- erty reported V4 6 Tv. 7t1­ Ave. ) , he found two cars in front of the residence, one in the drive, a motorcycle and some toys in the yard -- no prosecutable evidence . T-ie asked Public T-"ealth Officer, Paul Nebergall and City Attorney TcT•"unn to inspect this property also. Report of City Attorney 11cT"unn -- endorsing t _e staterrents of Chief of Police i,indzey and any statem, nt of his wo-:_lld be better left un- said. T'eexplained t1-.e procedures to be taken when a com,)faint is to be made aainst a violator and stated that he did not think any- one would have issued a warrant. He, quoted the fourth amendment to the Constitution of t.l::e united State-- . Citizens can have a great animosity and still have a great team -- ona great factor is co- operation but to have an all American city, every citizen needs pride. hi.ty Attorney i`•TcT-"unn reported on bui_ldin`,s that are considered eye sores and stated that the Deputy Yire :'Kars'-,all, TTea.lth officer _Teber- gall and he had inspected t1le old Pfister buildinfr. The Deputy Fire Marshall to send a written report soon. Dec. 19, 1967, Cont . (2) Alderman Sepich stated that tie September issue of the Illinois Junicixnal 'review contained an article on how the ordinances should be enforced . T~e recommended that the City Attorney review this article and report to the Council. Alderman Bong moves , Alderman Danner seconds motion t1-at ti-.e Cit7 Council give the Cit-r Attorney and the Chief of Police a rising vote of confidence for V eir efficient services . Carried bTr voice vote . Entire Council stood for this vote of confidence. Y, r•. 'dilliam YalmEren, Attorney, requested to speak to the Council as a citizen of the City of Canton, and stated tr at t-,e rei)ort of a presumably res ,onsible official, L;. "tanley _�-lyber attackin,_, t_��e City Attorney and Chief of Folic.e thrnu-h the radio and ti-e local news- raper was trivia in detail and not a proper foram to determine rr �etl er a person is guilt -- the persons invo:_ved di_d not have an oppdrtunit;; to defend tr,ems elves . 1%r. alm,-ren said L,e was very r-rateful to the Police C ief and r,is Department, to tl-e City Attorney, a fine � .pstanding lawyer, and the value of. other officers of the City. Mayor goods stated that what has happened should now oe forgotten and carry er; to help make Canton a greater City than ever. Com,runications to the Council. Vetter from Crawford , Murphy F• Tilly, Consulting Engineers stating tr eir gifts to various city of l'icials would be donated to tne. various Junior Achievement Organizations this year. Division of Highways letter of approval of 45 CS ( street improvement, E. Chestnut, E. lrn, Y. Eighth, and S. Sevent, A%re. ) . Sal^e to be filed . ,,Id busine ew business . 3ond wit-h. the mransamerica ins . Co. , 1'1,000.00 ?'or Wine, Canevit, Schrool. Crossin< ' iard , approved by i,he Finance Coma-ittee presented . Alrie—an Toward move^ , Aldermanf Spencer seconds motion to accept san°e an.d ,,?lace on file. Carried 'otr vc)i.ce vote . D( dication of Street -- L. Oa'l� Street -- at the site of tl,e low }-ousinF project. City .Attorney Mc'''unn stated t:l-Pr` s'.-o1zld )c a?: agree- ment wl-at tr,:e City is going to do and a partial release on the -;x.ist- ing mortgage should be obta=ined before am dedication is ma(-A . . r"cT unn and the developer of the project to w-)r].; -gut details arld a dedication. to be presented to the next Corn.i.n.cil meetinq;. "'asement with tl-e Toledo, Peoria, and liestern ailroad for water and sewer right-of-way undar t1ie tracks in the vicinity of the Oar. Street building project presented, ; 25.00 first year and -ti20. 00 per year per- netuall-r. Alderman fioward requested tr;.at a letter objecting, to this annual fee be written by the City Attorney. Agreement for free service for litter receptacles in the City -- with the Unlimited Services of America, Inc . (Columbus , Olio) presented. E. Stanley T{lyber reported that several service organizations are planning- an anti-litter campaign. Alderman Spencer moves , Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to refer this proposal to the A. C . I. to work out witl, the Citv cooperating. Carried bar voice vote. Special tribute paid to "Doc" George, former Alderman and fatr,er of trie present Alderman Robert George . James George, son of Robert reorf_e was introduced . Alderman Farr wished a happy holiday season to Council members and off icials . First reading- of tie amended Trailer Court Ordinance. Laid over. Iayor .°Dods wished a happy holiday season to everyone. Alderman Yerbic moves , Alderman Spencer seconds motion to adjourn. Carried by voice vote. Canton City Council adjourns at 7 :03 N A"