HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-1966 Council Meeting Minutes i 440 Nov. 1, 1.966 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Nov. 1, 1966 in the City Counc_*,J_ Chwriber. T ayor-Wood.s called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. A- - Prcsont for roll call: Aldermen I oward, Rusnak, Svob, Farr, ti'Th�_tchead, r11 r Yerbi.c Soe�ncer George, and Danner. Absent: JacdUS, i,on ;, iiroell, :�_.�i_,�, , � z. , Alderman vI:in nG'r. PIndge of Allegiance was folio nd by ?r a-or by Alderman Danner. q r rn;a,^ ' o''_`" :loves that the minut:'.s of the previous meeting be accepted as I Alderrna�n sllis seconds this motion. Voice presented and p?aced or. file. - 7 ote. AYE: Unanimous. Mis for the month of October were p_resertcd. Alderman I.roell moves, __lder- __an _crb�_c seconds motion that all bills ---roperly ap�,roved 'cam allowed for pay- : Y,,, �r -, r„ n�- ,, � , 1 � 1 _ mcnt. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Reports of officers read. /'alderman Lone ',"naves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to accept same and -glace on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Za';or Moods called for reports of standing t anuittees. Alderrla__:. Jacobs stated that the City, Attorney is to be instructed to send state- ments to any delinquent Lake Canton lease accounts a d if same is not -paid, the bases are to be cancelled. Cd ty Attorney ,'.c".unn answered an inquiry of l ldermaYn Farr regarding the status of the Flowers Trucking, Co. capolaints, saying that t'ne case was ready to file the no:i; °J8f li. Finance, Water and Sewer Cormittees met recently and Alderman Ilo�rard reported that:, funds co7ld be provided to improve tie waterti'ror':s, renlac'_nlg the old clarifier and_d innstalling a new one. ,au r coc7s called or reverts of special ca -°Zt em s. AlSerza^ Howard reported that a collection was being made for a manorial fund (3apti_s t C-nrch) for : rs. Lawrence Hortca, former Alderman's Sri 'e, wi- o passed away on Cct. 31, 1966. C o"_r,unicat ions to the Council. Letter of approval for the proposed improvements to the waterworks, including renlace onnt of old clarifier, piping and appurtenances, which plans and speci- fications were prepared and submitted by Crawford, :Murphy L `Wily, from the Department of Public health. Alderman Lone, moves and Alderman Spencer seconds motion that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise f of- bids to be received in t'nc c i irk is office by 5:00 P. M. on Nov. 2P, 066. Rol call vote. A'"I. Unani ous. Discussion of proposed store sewers on Eleventh Avenue, Ash Street and the east portion of the city and a report that installation of sale coulc be fi- nanced. Alder on L o_, doves, Alderman George sc cond_s motion that the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bias for this tiror;c, same to be received in her office by 5:00 P. Ii. on Nov. 15, 1966. Roll call vote. 11-�7E:UnanLmo-.,_s. increase in rent on the Vest Chestnut Street pail i_ir lot b- John T,,1T nerley, fro-iii 1100.00 to 3115.00 per month next item on agenda. Alderman Lore; moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to refor this subject to t: c Traffic Co..._ittee and Clean ber of mom:Lcrcc for study. Old Ksinoss. You business. Quit Clam ond.-- Canton Union School District do. 66, dedicating roadway; alonF_; JoT th Fourth Avenue. Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Long seconds moti_nn to accept sa ic and have recorded. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. ?esolut'_on designating arterial streets in the City. Alterman George cloves for adontion of this Resolution. Alderman Spencer seconds sane. Roll call vote. AYE UrMnimons. This being Resolution Ho. 435. 441 Nov. 1, 1966, Cont. (2) Resolution for paving improvement for East Ch stni-,t Street from Fourteenth Avenue to Co,,,,nt-.,- HiFnway ',,-,a. 6; East Elm Street from Twelfth Ave:ue to Thirteen4h Avenue; Eigith Avenue 1roM Elm St-gotwto VC! 411-ot Stree n fron Pine Street to El-m Stroet%�'ZnginM_iAh Yo, on sai-ie 41,000, 0 Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous, This being X solution lo. 436. k First reading for stop s gnAintersection of 11orth Third Avenue and East Olive Street. Alderman Ellis moves, Alderman oward seconds motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Aiden-,ian Danner, George, Yorbic, Ellis, Krceli, Long, Farr, DO Rusnak, and toward. 1:AY: Alder2on Spencer, Jacolcs, and j'Plrl.tehead. (10 A'T_?S and 3 Motion carried. Aldenaan 7oward moves and Alderman Rusnak -seconds motion to nlace this OrKnance on Avc passage, RD11 call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance Ia. 190. Alderman George moves that the Traffic CaTiittno, and Traffic Engineer make a study of the stop signs in Kelloil School area a report to next meetAng, Alderman Jacd)s seconds this motion. 7d'o-1co vote. AYE: Unanimo-,-.S. cl� First reading of an Ordinance rertaininj to parkin C motors just west of the City D1 ty Building. Alderman Ellis moves and Alderman Rusnal seconds motion to sasnond the rules. Roll call vote. A77: Una�n-li;ious. Alderman Danner moves., Alderman Rusnak, seconds motion to place this Ordinance of its rasnage. Alderman Jacobs inquired about the feasibility of this action. HoDl call vote on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 191. First reading of an Ordinance pertaining K astablishinZ office of Traffic Policeman. Sur e to lay over. First reading of Ordinance pertaining to annonat:.o of l-and in tho East Chest.riut Street area. Alderman George moves, AlherDian Yerhic seconds motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYS: Unanli-�.ovs. Alderman George moves, Alderman Spencer seconds motion to since the Crdlna cc on its passaqc. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 192. IMF First reading of an Ordinance regardin,,-, annexat,-..on of the Sawyer nroporty on VayMyke Drive. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Husnak seconds antion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. AlVorma-.-i Jacobs moves, Alderman 2arr seconds motion to place this Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This bdins Ord4ance No, 193. Contract for engincerinC services for bi§imy inprovoment, Locust Street from Hain Street to Fifth Avenue and Fifth Avc-_a,.o fro,,n Locust Stre2t to Linn Street. Alderman Howard moves, and Alderman Yorbic secon0s motion to refer same to City Attorney., Cill-,y EnEincer, 0reat Sup orAntendont and Street and Alley Committee for study and renort to next meeting. .1y or Woods renorted that the City of Canton was seventb cd the priority for s[xcet improvements, Voico vote on the motion. A17: Unanimois, -/' Request that electric light be replaced on Lho City of Canton sign at Manleton was made by AlOcrnan Howard. Resignation of Frank �-�Tiitn.an from the Cit'-­,ants Advisory Can0ttoo. Mayor Woods renorted the appointment of Victor DoLost, Jr. to fi-21 that vacancy and the apnointment of Howard Willians, Jr. an auxiliary policemaA. Alderman Howard moves, AlCornan Lon- scconQ inoti.ori t`iat -the resignation and appoint- ments be confirmad. Roll. r,.all vote. !," Announcm2ont K '_--�,n1.c-.ipal. l.osociation of Con0al. nartTr -to "�o imp held Nov. 30, 1966, Ells Club, Aacarb. Accervatinns Q ho nadc by Hov. 26,, 1966. (32.75 per person) . Alderman Long Aovos, �?"rr 'ar Jacohs suco motion thaL !be City Clerk be in- structed to onun bids for traffic ral lL for Aalq and Ash Streets. Voice vote. AKE: Ono bid Toceivcd -- is­r 2le0ric So, io tio amount of 38,516-77. Alderaan Ellis novas, Alderman George seconds motion to refer t •s bid to the Vroffia n�7d: a r o-ort to the namt Council meeting, Voice vote. ATE: UnanDoos. 442 Key. 1. 1966) Cont. (3) Meting of W.(� '�-raffic Cn��,-,Attoa cal lad Or innodiately after the Conneil meeting by Alderman Ellis. :2, lu-te flora the Crawford, Dunte, and Roden Traffic Engineers renortod on the pro,,-re ss of that firm regarding traffic study and suggested that narking stuj; ba :1a(.e -in tlio central business section of the City. This studl miCht take four months and cost ProvidVS W10 paid for any college student or o0or assistance in checking p-arkod cars aY placing a questioraire in caro to ascor-ta-'----i i,,,Ihact locat-o---i 1,'ie mTner wished to visit trios thn car was narked. C(,r,le ,!.iforcc,,M nort on aLoncda. :-:r. (--gorge Calash-Li frnn the Dopa-t- mont of IM2 Froyrdaming 'Corn_ oration of America ro-orted that Ve Federal was allocating 14300000 for na7ing study in the City. He reciTiendod that all outdated codes be updatod so that the City would be eligible for any federal funds that a--^o a-vrallabln. Ee stated that Canton is a " _ lot city in this urban sorvice. Alderman Howard moves., Aldermdn Varr seconds motion that Pa or 7oona be arthoriznd to attend a meeting in Chicago at no loss of salar-,,, o.rid o,-po-nses be paid. Roll call vote. AKE: UnanYous. Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Yerbic soconds lotion to adjourni nice vote. A7E, : Canton City Cxnci-.I adjourns at T:22 7. E. x ity