HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-1966 Council Meeting Minutes 438 Oct. 18, 1966 Canton City Council held a regular meeting Oct. 18, 1966 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor 'foods called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, Farr, I.,Ad_tehead, Jacobs, Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. Absent: Aldermen Svob, Long, Skinner. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Danner, Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placed on file.- Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition for annexation to City of Canton -- between Eas tern Star Subdivision ar.d Forestvi.eu Addition -- nineteen signatures presented. Alderman Yerbic motes, Alderman Spencer seconds motion that same" be granted and an Ordinance'be drafted for annexation. Roll call vote. AvE: Unanimous. Petition No. 133. Petition for annexation, the Robert and V 1_izabeth Sawyer property on VanD ke Drive presented. Alderman Farr moves, Alder pan Rusnak seconds motion that the Petition be granted and an Ordinance drafted. Noll call vote. A)L: Uananmous. This being petition No. 134.. ila nor ,%Tools called for reports of standing cam:nittees. Alderman Ellis gave the report of the Consulting 7raffic Engineer wbo recommended stop signs at Third .avenue and Olive Street, the traffic control signal light at Main and Ash Streets and to delay action of no parking Ordinance on West Wal- nut Street. Alderman Ellis moves that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on traffic control lights for 7ain and '':sh Street to be received in the Clerk's office by 5:00 P. M. on Nov. 1, 1966 and opened at the Council meeting. Alderman Yerbic seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. notion by Alderman Ellis that the 0rdi_nance cxrilttee be instructed to draft an Ordinance for placement of stop signs at Olive S treet and Third AveTlue in con- currence with time recommendation of the Consultinr '_engineer. Alderman Rusnak sec- onds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Regarding complaints or usage of ten-;,minute parkin; area on the west side of the City Building, Alderman Ellis moves and Alderman Kroell seconds motion that the Ordinance Committee be instructed to draft an Ordinance creating metered time limit in the area west of the City BuildlnC. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Complaints of street markings missing since the paintinK of sane was renorted by Alderman George. New signs have been order.c:d and shipping notice on same was November 2, 1966. Meeting of the Lake 'development Committee Lniediately follow%nZ the Co lncil :meeting was announced by Alderman Jacobs. Mayor Woods called for reports of special co.-nmittees. Parking Lot Committee held an organizational meeting on Oct. 14 was .regorted by Alderman Kroell. Mayor ,,roods announced the appoinUnent of the Pari.-ing Lot Committee: Alderman Kroell, Chairman, r.l cler pan Howard, Co-Chairman, Alcerm_en Rusnak, Spencer, Farr, Svob, and Jacobs. Aldennain Ellis moves, Alcierna_ Yerbic seconds .notion to con- firm these members to the Parking Lot CaAaitLoc. Roll call vote. k7l:'unanimous. Ia or ,•roods called for communications to the Council.. Letter of thanks for flowers from the /ne Li_ndzey family. Letter from the Wanton Plannl if Commission recommending apnlicaticn for a General Neighborhood - encual Plan for the "Sou 5h Park Area". Alderman Jacobs moves and Alnerri-an `.liitehead seconds motion to accept same and place on file. V AYE: Unanimous. ,. once vote. _: �. Telegram from Congressman Gale Schisler and J.S. Senator Paul. Ii. Douglas announcing the approval_ of 135,000,00 0l el_a;ilna7:T loan to Fulton County .sousing Authority to initiate planning two unit loin-rent; public housing, (120 designed for elderly) in Canton. Same to be filed. 439 Oct. 18, 1966, Cont. (2) Request from the Cootiette Club to hold a taC day Oct. 28 and-29th. Alderman Danner moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to ;grant same. Voice vote. AT-,': Unanimous. Old business No parking sign ?rest Walnut Street Ordinance up for second reading. Alderman Ellis moves and Alderman Farr seconds motion to table this Ordinance. Dis- cussion about -removal of same from table. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Howard, Rusnak, I'ar.r, 11hitehead, Kroell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. 1AY: Alderman Jacobs. (10 A=S and l NAY). Motion carried. Alderman Yerbic excused from Council Chamber at 7:2; P. Y. Easement and A r:cm,,?nt the Graham Ilsopital Association for construction and maintenance of 30 inch combinatLon sewer aid 42 .inch storm sewer on hospital property. Alderman Danner moves, Alderman iLusnak seconds motion that the Mayor. and City Clerk be instructed to enter into this Easement with the Graham Hospial Association. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. (Agreement No. 118). Bonds with the, Transamerica Insurance Co., x;1,000.00 each approved by the on., Finance Connittee for Thomas Gibbons, Assistant City Engineer and =Michael Vaughn, Auxiliary Policeman. Alderman Rusnak moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion. to 12 accent same and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. 7o. 6338-10 in7rovamenis to rater Trea ent Plant, $ k En7i.neers Estimate for the construction of a now clarification basin and rehabilitation of existing Clarifier, total estimated cost ="183,500.00. sir. James I1urphy, from the Crawford, liurphy & 1 .11y Consulting 'engineering firm o plained the proposed improvement. Plans and specifications are now ready and were submitt9d to the Illinois Health Board on Oct. 6, 1966 for review and issuance of a construction permit. As soon as the approval of same has been received a var t i s ;lent for bids can be made. Alger:^an 'Howard moves, !1darman George seconds ;lotion to refer this to Lhe Finance Iwoand water and Sower Committee for study arl rogort at later date. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Inquiry by Alderman George regarding 2 progress fnr store: sewer wore: in the vicinity of Eleventh Avenue. Alderman Howard regrosted a meeting of the Nat= and Serer and Finance Committee Y for Honday, Oct. 31, 1966, 8:00 P. E. to discuss the ^rogram for Qe nail accelator as outlined by Hr. iuryhy earlier in the meeting. Alderman Jacobs naves, Aldermmn WhitaheaO s• con0 motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City C o;:nc il adjourns at 7:04 4 P. M. City C1er 440 Nov. 1, 1966 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Nov. 1, 2966 in the City. . i --yor-~woods called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. A. Council Chamber. �, Present 2or roll call: Aldermen "oward, I'usnak, Svob, I+parr, I hi tchead, Jacobs, Long, I roell, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. Absent: Al_dnriar S,.i.nncr. Pl.odge of Allegiance was followed by ?r a-or by Alderman Darner. Aldcr na7 lo^g moves that the minutas of the previous meetinL be accepted as Presented and placed on file. Alderman Ellis seconds this motion. Voice vcte. AYE: Unanimous. ills for the month of October were pres°nted. Alder:nan I.roell moves, 22der- r_an Ycrbi_c seconds motion: that all bills 7ronerly ap-roved IV- allowed for pay- ment. Roll call vote. AYE: Un.animoas. Renor is of officers read. Al derrman Long moves, Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to accept same and -place on file. Voice vote. ASP,: Unanimous. :•ayor ,roods called for re of standi_nt cor',ittecs. Alderman Jacobs stated that the City. Attorney is to be instructed to send state- ments to any delinquent Lake Canton lease accounks and if same is not paid, the leases are to be cancelled. City Attorney Munn answered an inquiry of Alderman Farr regarding the status of the Flowers Trucking Co. caq)laints, saylnC that the case was rea& to file the next week. Finance, Water and Sewer Committees met recently and Alderman Iloward reported that funds could be provided to improve the waterworks, re7laci.ng the old clarifier and installing a new one. :',ayor Wco-,-''.s called for reports of special ca ;litter's. Alderman Howard reported that a collection was being made for_ a memorial_ fund (3ap ti st Ch'nrch) for Ers. Lawrence 'ior tru, former Alderman Is ,Ti 'e wS ao passed away on Oct. 31, 1966. Oo L'itUnicatjons to the Council. Letter of approval for the Pr. onosed i%provements to the wale njorks, incl mid,; renlacan nt of old clarifier, piping and appurtenances, which plans and speci- fications were prepared and submitted Qr Crawford, durnIty A .''illy, fram the )eY artn ant of Public health. Alderman Honig (loves and Al_1.envan Spencer seconds motion tha; the City Clerk be instructed to advertise fof bids to be received in the clork's office ly 5:00 P. M. on Kov. 29, 1966. Roll call vol-,e. ATE: Unani_.c .s. Discussion of prorasod storL'i sewers on El_eveuti Avenue, Ash. Street and the east norti_on of the city and a report that installation of swic court be fi- nanced. Alder_la__ L onZ moves, Alderman George seconds motion that the G1t' Clerk be i1_ns —acted. to advertise for bids for this work, same to be received in her office by 5:00 P. 2- on Nov. 15, 1966. Roll call vote. A`S'E:Ura_ imous. T_ncrease in rent on the ''cst Chestnut Street parkin,,? lot b-- John IP.erle,; °roia 1100,00 to 0115.00 per month next item on agenda. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds motion to refer :,'_is subs;'ct to t'ae Traffic C nnitC.ee and Cha,hhor of Coln?iorce for study. 03d business. ,turn business. Quit Clain Mod-- Canton Union School. District No. 66, dedicating roadway along NoTth Fourth Avenue. Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Long seconds mot'_on to accent sane a_:d have recorded. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. ''esolut.'_on d.esiz;nat'n arterial streets in the Ci+.,Z,-. Alderman George moves for adoot'on of this acsolut.i_on. Alderman Spencer seconds sake. Roll call vote. A"t"-': Unai�irnors. This being Resolution No. 435.