HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-1966 Council Meeting Minutes 435 Canton City Council held a regular meetin�f Oct. L., 1966 r, on Oc . 4, 1966 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Moods called the meeti_n to order at 7:01 P. m. Present for roll call: Aldermen Ho ward, tusna':, Svob, Farr, 11hitehead, Jacobs, "ICrce_l_1, Ellis, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. Absent: Alder- men Long and Skinner. ` Pledge of Allegiance was followed by prayer b?r Aldo Tian Danner. 11derman Kroell moves, Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition for blacktop street improvement on East Chestnut Street from Four- teenth Avenue to Brad1e7- Corners -- signod_ by twent?%-"our Alderman Spencer moves, Alderman George seconds motion to refer this Petet-son to the Board of Local T_mnrovenent for study. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Petition iTo. 13-1 ,- Petition requestinE, annexation of property "Iluf f' subdivision" on East Chest- nut Street signed by Richard R. and Ma'rtha Jo Ih�ff presented. �= moves, Al_aerman Jacobs seconds motion that VI Alderman and Spencer C.� e Petition be approved and an Ordinance be crafted. Voice vote. AYE: Unan:-mou s. Petit�_on Igo. 132. Bills for the month of September read. Alders an Ilroell moves and Alderman_ Jacobs seconds motion that all bills properly approved bar the corvaittees be allowed for pa:,-,rent. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Reports of officers read. Al derman Jacobs ;;loves, Alderman Yerbic seconds mo- tion to accent sane and place on file. Voice vote. Ayr; tTrat,Luous. Mayor ?doods called for reports of standing con,13_ttees. Announcement of meetinr, of Traffic, Finance, Street, City Attorney, Nayor and Traffic Engineer on Oct. 6, 3.966, 4:00 P. I . by Alderman Ellis. , Police and Legal Corr ittee Chairman, Aldei�°ia_ Parr, announced that the Police Department would be watching for Halloween pran',:sters. Mayor Woods called for reports of special corL„ittees, communications to Council and then for old business. Ordinance pertaining to closing alley in east part of city next on agenda (same had been held over from previous ineetiy,"� Alderman George Alderman Spencer seconds motion to table thist Ordinance. Roll call. vote.Tld AY-E: Unari:*Lmous. Resolution authorizi_-Ig the Hayor to cause to be prepar.ed and to submit an application for a code enforcement prograr: to t'Ie Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, presented. A3_c'erman George moves and Alder- man Yerbic seconds motion to adopt the Leso?_uti.on. Discussion. Alderman Danner stated that he did not approve of telling pronertr cwaers what should be done to their domes and Alderr�_an Ellis called attention to the Irvirits of Assistance” and strongly recommended votir1 against this Resolution. 1:a;-or Woods reported that Lh.e Clt employs a plu-10 i,117; Ins'.pector, zoning enforcing officer, _fire insrector, electric inspector a-,d secretary and that they could do the work involved. Alderman Jacobs inqu:i_rod aboii-t the expense a d was i.i- for;red there would be no additional expense to tl,e Clitr. City Attorney read the entire contract for this programs. Roll_ ca11 vote on the mots on. A':�; Aldermen George, Spencer, Yerbic, Jacobs, I,Pnitehead, Farr, Svob, Rusnak, and Howard, _',TA_L, : Aldermen Danner, Ellis, and Kroe-1. (9 AZ'.FS and 3 ITA'tS) . Mo- tion carried. This be-;.n- Resolution No. Resolution auth.orizin -the filing of a req oc t for Federal Grant to be used for a concentrated code e7 forcer ent projects. Al _iex:,an George moves and Alderman Yerbic seconds motion to adopt this Besolut:i_an. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This ci_ng ?esolution !'To. 434. First reading of an Ord finance pertaining to anne<:ation of the "Huff subdivi s i_on" on East Chestnut St. Alderman Jacobs moves, Alderman Farr seconds motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. A`? : Tnanimous. Alderman Jacobs moves and Alderman Farr seconds motion to place this Ord�..nance on its passage. Roll call vote. Axe: Una l.ivnous. This being Ordlna_1Ce 'o. 189. 436 oct. 4, 1966, Cont. (2) First reading of an ordinance pertaining to no _parking on south side of West ','alnut Street between IZartin Avenue and Avenue D. Same to lay over. i._a,,-or ,foods announced the appointment of Michael Vaughn as auxiliary policeman.. Alderman 'arr :roves, Alderman Yerbi.c seconds motion to coafinn this appointment. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Sewer work in the vicinity of Graham Hospital nc-xt item on agenda. Alderman ?ioward mrnres and Alderman Spencer seconds motion to reconsider the bids that were opened last January. Voice vote. AYE- Unanimous. Alderman Iloward then moves and Alderman Jacobs seconds motion that t'le Ila;or and City Clerk. enter into a contract 1114th Wiegand & Storrer, inc., (E. Peoria, Tll.) for this work (low bidders) bid price X37,367.50- Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. l,l yor F er oods announced that the old water tmrer as in such bad condition that it was necessary to replace about twenty-one feet by six foot-two inches. An agreement for this repair work read by the 1.1a-or stating that the repairs could be made immediately by the ',latertmfer Paint &w Repair Co. (4 uhe company now re- paint!-.ng and repairing the watertower) for an additional $2,852.00. Alderman Ellis moves and Alderman Spencer seconds motion that the I'iayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with the Watertower Paint Repair Co. and approve completion of repairs as indicated. Roll call vote. A`TE: Unanimous. (Fun(Is for this T•rork to be taken from the Hater and Setiaer Depreciation Fund). This being Agreemer_t '?o. 116. Alderman Kroell reported a residdnt near Walnut and Second Avenue had placed white rock and a host on his terrace. Propert-- owner to be given one ,eek to remove same. Alderman Jacobs, regarding curb and sidewalIc action taken at last Council meeting, stated that the City Attorney said such action could be sl.igAy irregular or illegal. Alderman Jacobs, moves, Alderman Rusnak seconds motion to resc:i.nd action taken at the Council meeting on Sept. 273 1966. Roll call vote. AY-E: Aldermen llcward, Rusnak, Unitehead, Jacobs, Knoell, and Ellis. "dAY: Aldermen Svob, Farr, Yerbic, Spencer, George, and Danner. 9 (6 AS and 6 'NAYS). Motion defeated. Alderman C,eorge inquired of City Engineer 71o,rard Gibbons about the proCress of storm sewers in the east part of the City. Mr. Gibbons stated that plans were prett; well completed. A(r crman Jacobs moves, and Alderman Whitehead seconds motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:20 P. M. 4L City Clerl��,