HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-02-1965 Council Meeting Minutes 312 Mar. 23 1965 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on March 1, 1965 in the City Council Chamber. In the absence of the Mayor, the City Clerk called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. and asked for a motbasmYQues s cobli'mot ion that pro tem for the evening. Alderman Ellis moves and Alderman Jennings serve as Mayor pro ten for the meeting. Voice vote. VA: Unanimous. Mays; pro tem Jennings called for roll call of those present: Aldermen Sebree.9 Howard Wright, Duncan Hurst, Whitehead) Skinner, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Horton, Jennings, `ender, and George. Absent: None. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Kroell seconds a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Duncan stated that claims for Jack Yocum for $5.00 for towing a car on East Beech Street and for Stanley Balbinot for repair to muffler of his car $19.59) be referred to the City Attorney. siTis for the month of February were read. Alderman Bender requested that the bill for Tarter Fertilizer Cabe hold for further study and Alderman Hurst re- quested that the check for Nebergall Construction Co. be withheld until a study of the hours of work were checked. Alderman-Ellis moves that all other bills properly approved by the Council be allowed for payment. Alderman lender seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Renorts of all officers were read. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Long se-conis a motion to accept same and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Hayor pro ten Jennings called for reports Of standing committees. ission stated that and Zoning Comm Alderman 'Elri!r- portion of Rihard Addition ,ht reported that the Planning they had no responsibility in the- annexation of a that w es already subdivided or matted. Alderman Hurst moves since that plot as an ordinance for the annexation of the City Attorney be instructed to draft econds this motion. this property to the City of Canton. Alderman Whitehead s 'I -ij Voice vote. AYE: Una, mous. 1.1ayor pro tem Jennings called for reports Of special committees. Alderman sender fead a letter from jjr. Ken Russell regarding the restocking of fish in Lake Canton. or communications to the Council. pro ten Jennings called for coTT Letter from the Sanitary Water Board approving the plans and specifications for the proposed ',rater and serer improvement program for the Division 85 pumping ' s hationi f orce main and oxidation tuna. klierrw A, MCM and 110f'M" �e Infri. seconds a motion to accept same and place on file. Voice vote. AYE: Unanim us, Alderman Bender camiended Street Superintendent Ayers for the fine work done _n spreading Eravel on the city streets, stating that the work is ap7ro two-thirds completed. 1,1a,ror pro tem Jennings called for unfinished business. 0 Second reading of an ordinance pertaininn to rezoning a portion of i th Avenii. moves a-nd Alderman George seconds the motion to place the ord? Alderman Jennings requested that Alderman George take nance on its passage. 1 1i'llayor -Pro ten the Hayorts Chair in order that he might speak as an Alderman. Alderman George acting as My m 1 Ma;; pro tell at 7:40 P. . Alderman Jennings stated that a hearing ha d been hold, several residents had appeared and a number of petitions presented ob- jecting to the rezoning plan. He asked for an explanation of a public hearing. Chairman of t - Commission, stated that the pro- Mr. Eli Byr-Lni, he Planning and Zoning Jen- nings rezoning was entirely in the hands of the Canton City Council. Alden-an returned to the Hayorts Chair at 705 P. '­ TIr. G. Ray Senift, City Ittorney, with 74 signatures and individual petitions containing explained that a petition wi 24 signatures had been presented to the Council (about 84 valid proper ty w-Tilch -[.j'oU:1'.j constitute more than 20% of the nropCrtl Own= and that It would take a vote of two-tnlrds of the Council members to SS 313 Wright stated that some propertlbes in this area are already.in96iolation of the zoning code and if the ordinance is not passed, these people should be requested to confirm to the existing ordinance. Roll call vote on the motion. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Wright, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Long, Ellis, Kroell, Morton, and George. ?AY: Aldermen Jennings and Bender. (12 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. 126. MapJ or pro ten Jennings called for new business. Estimate No. 63 Division, Johnstone Construction Co. in the amount of $$53372.21 and Estimate No. 7, Division 2 Johnstone Construction Co. in the amount of $$10,293.75 read. I'vlayor pro tern Jennings called a five-minute recess at 8:07 P. M. for the ?dater and Sewer Corunittee to approve these estimates for payment. Council reconvened at 8:15 P. M. Alderman Lender moves and Alderman Duncan seconds that Estimate Ido. 6, $$53372.21 be allowed for payment. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to allot Estimate Ido. 7, $10,293.75 for payment. Roll call vote. AYE:Unanimous. Alderman. Ellis inquired if all outstanding bills of the sub-contractor (Chilli- cothe Construction Co.)had been paid. Mr. Senift reported that two checks were CA pending but that the Johnstone Construction Co. would do all they could to see that same were cleared. First reading of an ordinance pertaining; to the correction of the X the Garbage Disposal Employees for the 196)x.-.196 pay raise for 5 year. Alderman Hurst moves to suspend the rules and Alderman Duncan seconds the motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman 1,1right requested that a note of apology be sent to each of the employees on the Garbage Disposal Department for the Council's neglect in correcting this error. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman Horton seconds a mo- tion to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Ordinance No. 127, Alderman. B nder made a statement that the City Clark was underpaid and recom- mended tha% an ordinance be drawn to grant a $500.00 annual increase. Alder- man George moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion that the Finance Committee and the Ordinance Committee meet to see what kind of raise can be given to the City Clerk. Voice vote. AYE: UnanLnous. Report of the Canvassing Board of the Primary Election held on Feb. 23, 19653 signed by Lee Cook, Mayor, G. Ray Senift, City Attorney, and Nellie Crawford, City Clerk. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion to ad- opt this report. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Next item on the agenda was discussion of repair or razing of the old building on East Maple Street -- on the agenda at the request of Alderman Jennings. The Council granted Mayor pro tem Jennings to speak from the Chair, who then informed the Council that the thirty-day warn:i_ng for repair of or tearing down of thisbuilding had elapsed and something should be done since it is hazardous. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Horton seconds a motion that action should be taken to condemn the property because it is a hazard and should be repaired or razed. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Bonder moves to adjourn. Alderman Duncan seconds same. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:40 P. M. City Clerk i i i i