HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-1964 Council Meeting Minutes 230 Feb. 182 1964 Canton City Council held a regular meeting on Feb. 18, 1964 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Duncan, Hurst, Whitehead, Skinner, Abbott., Gibbons, Horton, Jennings, Bender, and George. Alderman Long arrived at 7:25 P. M., Alder- man Wright at 7:40 P. M. Absent: None. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Howard. Alderman Howard moves, Alderman Horton seconds a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of standing committees Alderman Hurst reported that the Senate Bill No. 741 regarding open dumps would become effective in August -- cities must furnish land fill or incinerator typS of garbage disposal.I The Garbage Disposal Committee met with a firm providing this kind of service and will make a report to the Council at a later date. Mayor Cook reported that Alderman Skinner agreed to remain on the Street and Alley Committee until the end of the fiscal year. Alderman Bender reported that the final digester at Disposal Plant has been plugged but is not having a small float thru and will eventually be cleaned thoroughly. Mayor Cook called for reports of special committees. Mayor Cook called for communications to the Council. Mayor Cook called for unfinished business. Alderman Haward moves, Alderman Duncan seconds a motion to remove the "tabled pay- Alderman ordinance" from the table and quoted that $868.00 per year could be saved by a bi-monthly payroll for the City. Alderman Jennings stated that the City should not penalize employees by such hardship. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Sebree, Howard, Duncan. NAY: Aldermen Hurst,Whitehead,Skinner, Abbott, Gibbons, Horton, Jennings, Bender, and George. 0 AYES and 9 MAYS). Motion lost. Mayor Cook called for new business. Alderman Long arriving at 7:25 P. M. Alderman Jennings reported on the difficulties of the patrons of the City Parking Lot and stated that these persons did not wish to swear out a warrant and asked for report from the City Attorney and Chief of Police as to what procedures could be worked out so that renters might have full use of their rented stalls. Alderman George inquired what procedures were being taken regarding delinquent parking meter tickets -- same to be referred to Police and Legal Committee. Chief of Police Lindzey to investigate the proceedings to .take. Alderman Wright arriving at 7:40 P. M. Alderman Bender quoted the ordinance book regarding the use of Barberry bushes in the Jones Park improvement but was informed the proposed Barberry was a different species. Alderman Jennings, Chm. of Traffic Committee, reported on a meeting with the Traffic Committee of the Canton Chamber of Commerce and gave a list of the dona- tions for trees, etc. for the park (this list included Gregg Goyen, a 6th grader and Brad Gayer, a 3rd grader-- contributing 40¢ each for shrubbery -- the boys were credited with one Periwinkle bush each (cost of same 40¢) . To date the donations are $1318.00. Aldermen Jennings asked that the City Engineer, Chief of Police and Street Superintendent survey each of the outside islands, north and south ends and the east and west side of the park to determine an angle that would be correct for safe parking and also asked that the Chief of Police and Street Superintent check stop sign recommendations by Mr. Baerwalt, to ascertain what signs are necessary. Alderman Jennings gave a list of trees and shrubbery necessary to complete the south end of Jones Park. He then moves and Alderman George seconds A motion that the Traffic Committee be authorized to place the order with the Pavley Nursery for the balance of trees and shrubbery to complete the south side of the park. Alderman Wright recommended that the Aldermen donate their salary for the balance of the fiscal year toward the purchase of trees. Roll call on the motion. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Bender moves, Alderman George seconds a motion to adjourn. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 8:00 P. M. "City erk