HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-03-1963 Council Meeting Minutes } 169 Anr. 3, 1963 Canton City Corrci..l held a regular meetin on April 3, 1963 in the City- Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meetinc- to order a`'., 'r :09 P. !`.I. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, WriLbt, Hurst, Lor,_i , Abbott, Horton, George, and 8en6er. Ahsent: Aldermen Skinner, Clio,00ns, Herbener and Berry. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prager uy Alderman song. Alderman Howard moves a-rid Alderman Sander seconds a motion to accent the minutes of the nrev ous r,oetin and place on file. Roll call vote. YE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Claims against the C _t, . Alderman Writlit, reportin€' for the Claims Coi,r _tteo scat �d that at a meeting held with teat cor-nittee ar?d the Water a_�d Sewer Contnittee, it was voted three to two against nayIng tine bills for water main freezing ouririV tie severe cold weather _last winter. Alderman Tim,,Tard stated that the City of Canton was not liable for these bills and moves not to allow the claims, J seconded by Alderman 1_Iobott. Roll call vote. AYh e : Aldermen ?ioward, Sebre , Long, Abbott, a_no 3eno�er. YA ": Aldermen Stale,', , crJri�;ht, Hurst, ?Iortorl, and George. (5 AYES and 5 ��.�. 'S) . -I�?7,or Cook voting "AYE", thus causing the motion to carry. Alderman 'Toward exc�,sed 11'rom the Couricil at .r:3i) P. I. Bills for the C7 ty of Canton were read. Alder°pan Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds a motion to allow all bill s for pa,rn,cnt that have been prooerly- azooroved. Roll call_ vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Stale-u reported one claim against t'°ie City caused by a yellow 'box ':)r meter fine payments being turned so treat it caused damage to 1'-.,r. Bob Robinson's car to the extent of $10.08. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Long; second,'.s a motion to allow this claim. Roll call vote. A`'E: Aldermen Sabree, Staley, Wright, Long, Horton, George, an!! !?ender. MAY: Aldermen Durst and Aobott. (7 AYjiS and 2 MAYS) . Ma,'or Cook voted "AYi;". ;Motion carried. Reports of all Officers were read. Alderman SLaley moves that same be accepted and olaced on file. I'lot_ion seconded b-y Alcier;nan Lender. _Voice vote. A�.r IE: Una�n,.mous. Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing,; Committees. Alderman Staley, re»orUng; for the Yixnance Committee, stated that; a muting held. recently it was decided to have the AnDro-)ri.at_;_on Ordinance ready for the new Co,. nci_l. The Committee also agreed to advertise for bids for medical insurance for tine ci t­ employees: ner day for room, x$300.00 for si_rg:i_cal, $50.00 for X-Aay and Laboratory fees, 12: 1.7 0 Anr. 31 1963, Cont. Fla-, or Cook called for reports of Snecial Comrlittees. JVIa1-or Cook called for Communications to the Council. aequest 'or t° e Spoon :'fiver District Scout-Q'-game to hold a parade on A'oril 2") at 9: )0 A. M. Alderman WriOit moves to allow this parade and the 'Fol-i_ce Deoarb(tent towork out file details. Itlderma.n 13end.er seconded the motion. Voice vote. A"F• Unanimous. IJa-or Cook appointed Richard Ellsworth as Meter .IIan for the City of Canton. Alc'.erman I-'urst inquired if fir. Ellsworth Is ;Tere'.-a a :Police wori.,c would _nte'o- fere w`'.th a it-1-a r nos it_i_o-cl and was i' i.v2';:`:C: t .0 t the Marc�:an-t .� l.10E was 11— `1<J'_lr0 -\ e i,!­ retur-_cd. to tae JUnCi-� Cha.quer at :21 P. Alderman Long r;loves and Alderman Horton seconds a notion to accent the ap?Pointme?it a-C Richard Ellsworth as Ir-,ter man. ,doll call vote. AYE: UnarJzaous . f'.lderman '3ender inquired aioout t'�ie dog-catcher's method of catcrzinS-- dogs ar,d stated that he should not lure dogs from the:r ,yard in order to be caught. nronerly aonroved by the Finance Committee, each in the amount of X1000.00 W'�th the American Suret-T Co. for Richard Ellsworth, Parking; .'titer Attenc.ant and for Carole ?-Ienderson, Dog catcl-iDr were rear)_ Alcierma^_ Horton moves and Alderman George seconds the motion to accept same and place on file. !-toll call vote. A;r'�: Unanimous. Alderman gender, rei-)orting for t"Ie SeUJer and ;later :,ornbnittee, stated that deodorizer had been ordered and. would be olaced at the disposal nla.nt as soon as it arrived. uawkers a1d Peddlers Or,-:1.nance -_in for second reading. Alderman Staley-moves to dispense with the second reading, seconded by Alderman bender. Roll call vote. A '',�: Unanimous. Discuss.-ion regardi.n r charges in the Ordinance. Alder- man Wrip-ht moves to go on to new bus`!-ness. No second of same. Ordinance dies. Resolution for maintenance of non.-arterial streets in the City of Canton, 4 11,000.1)0 Motor Fuel Tax funds read. Alderman ')ender moves to adupt this Resolution, seconded by Alderman George. Roll call vote. Unanimous. This 'being Resolution To. 348. Resolution for maintenance of arterial streets in the City of Uanton, '; 12.000.00 'Jotor Fuel Tax Funds read. Alderman Hurst moves and Alderman '?ender seconds a motion to adopt tlis Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being Resolution No. 30. Alderman Writ ht su}:rests that the bids on insurance be returned to t'ie-bidders unopened since there was some question as to what type ol` bid was necessary. lderr:lan "urst moves L nd Alderman wdri,;ht seconds the motion to return the bids unonened for more fair appraisal of city >>rooert r. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Staley moves to adjourn, seconded b- y Alderman Wright. Voice vote. V77,,: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 9;40 P. M. � l ���� City Cler�C