HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-05-1963 Council Meeting Minutes 16� March 5, 1963 Canton "City Council held a regular meeting on 'larch 5, 1963 in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called the meeting; to order at 7:05 P. M. Present for Roll Call: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wri_ ht, Herbener, Hurst, Long, Gibbons,11 Horton, George, and fender. Absent: Aldermen Skinner, Abbott, and Berry. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer by Alderman Long. Alderman Long moves that the minutes of the previous meeting be acce-oted as nresented and placed on file. Alderman Horton seconds this motion. Roll. call vote. AyF. Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for Claims a7a _nst the City. Alderman Wright reporting for the Claims Committee, reported a meeting of that committee and stated that the Hastings-Watson bill should not be honored, the Rollout Buffum bill for repair of a car accident caused by a street hazard, the Ha,,­ Carpenter, John K. Lenover and Charles Shields bills were just accounts and should be -r?aid. The latter three were for rc aan water service caused by re- moving earth when the streets were bl-acktonned. Alderman Wright mo w ves that these sjere just claims and the responsibility of the City. A-.lderman Howard in- qui:^Pd i_f t'ae claims had been discussed with tae "v�ater and Sewer acid Claims Com- miti;ee. Alderman iiurst seconds tyre motion. Ald_errr:an : ender stated he wishes to talk to t':ie City Eng:inecr and ;.'lumber and hold up the bills a little longer. General discussion.- iscussion. Alderman Hurst withdrez his second of -the moti_ol and Alder- men Wri.Fht withdrew his motion providing that the Sewer and Water and Claims Com- mittees would meet as soon as it was convenient for them. Bills for the month of Yeoruar�, were read. Alderman Herbener moves to amend and te:nnorarily withdraw the Carpenter, Iastings, L-nover and Shields bills from the list. Alderman T3erder seconds this motion. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alder- men Herbener then moves to allow, as amended, a-1-1 bills properly approved_, for paT��ent. Alderman Horton seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Reports of all- Officers were read. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Gibbons seconds a motion to accept the reports and glace on file. Aldermen Howard and stated that a vote of confidence should be given to Chief of Police Lindzey and his men for the fine work they had. done the past few days. Alderman .^lrir, then moves and Alderman Staley seconds a motion to give a standing vote of con- fidence to the entire Police Department. Vote was Unanimous. 4ayor Cook called for reports of Standing Committees. Alderman Herbener reported on the insurance oro •ram for the City, and gave each ^,lderman a con,, of the standard form 'bid for all City owned property except the house on 'A,ast Chestnut Street ar;d all vehicles except one r'ord r'arm Tractor and a 1952 T. TT. C. T Pickup and stated that ' 1600.00 could 'oe saved on the public institution portion of the insurance nrotram. Alderman Herbener moves to direct the Cite- Attorney and the City Clerk to advertise for bids to be opened at t`lc f' _r t mcaeting _n ^.oril. Alderman Howard seconds this motion. Roll call vote. AYrL: Unanimous. Iayor Cook called for reports of Special ConlmitteeS. _Mayor Cook called for cor2lunicat?._ons to the Council. Letter from the TIousinr and Home +'finance Agency regards n� the Sewer S-;Tst;em stag.- -that Fulton County had been removed from the critical list and that no funds were available at this time but that the documentation presently on file could be transferred to the new application except for certain resolutions and supnorti_n documentation wili_ch would need to be revises or updated at suc�l time that Fulton County should again be listed as an area eligible to participate in the Accelerated Public Works Program. kl erman 11ri.ght moves that the Council consult w-.1.16-In the engineers and ta'�ce whatever steps are necessary- to mare a new re- quest for ti is program. Alderman Hurst ;inquired about the contract with the Bonding Co. Alderman Wright withdrew his motion. 16& !'larch 5, 1903, Cont. (2) Request from the Rebekah LodTe to hold an =ice cr-am social in Jonas Park on June 28, 1963. Alderman Lon!; moves and Alderman Hurst seconds a motion to grant permission. Discussion rega.rdin, the Necessity of bringing these requests before the Council -- hereafter the r3ui_=Ldi_n<;; a.-_d Grounds- Committee will ta'ce care of this type of business. Aluenaan Ilurst w.Lthdrew his second of motion and Alderman Tong withdrew his motion. Letter from Mayor PaulSLoan, H�Jshville, regarding; the next meeting of the Muni- cipal Association of Central region to he held `Iarch 13 in i4t. Sterling. Resignation of Al iernan Staley from the i�'ina lce Committee read. Alderman Herbener stated that the Mayor should appoint additional members on this committee (since two of the nresent members were leaving the Council) and. stated that Alderman Staley should remain on the committee. Ma�yror Cook asked to have his resignation lay over and he would apooint two new members on that committee and then apoointed Aldermen Wright and Gibbons on the Finance Comm_i.ttee to assist with the budget for the coming year. Alderman Staley moves and Aldermnan Herbener seconds the motion to accept these annointments. Roll call vote. A�'E: Unanimous. C Mayor Cook stated that the next item of business would ,tie the readin:; of his Veto of a Resolution passed at the last C ounc i 1 :men t r_r;. A1Jerman Hurst moves to ad- journ, seconded by Alderman Wright. Alc?:erman Herbener stated that Alderman Hurst (� had not received acknowledgment to speak from the IT .-% and sm6a4a?4 read the rules pertaining to asking- for the Council floor. A.l.clerman Wrir;ht then asks for the floor and moves to adjourn, seconded b-\% Al u-enrian Ilurst. Alderman Writ-ht stated , that if the A Lrier:nan w':io seconded his motion would. allow, he would alter his motion to adjourn after the canvass of the election noll 'books. Granted. Roll call_ vote. AYE: Aldermen Wright, Hurst, Long, I-lortnri, and Georg=e. i',Tly: Aldermen ?toward, Se- bree, Stale-yr, ;Ierbener, Gibbons, and Bender. (5 1.71(JES and 6 I1AYS) . Motion lost. alderman Wright moves to follow business as bresented on. the agenda, seconded by p,ld_erman Hurst. Mayor Cook stated that such. a motion was out of order. T"ayor Cook apr>ointed Aldermen Horton, HHurst and Staler to canvass the votes from the Pr:Lmary Election Poll booiCs. Counc�_l reces^ed at 8:31 P. i�T. Council called to order at 8:50 P. M. Reoort of the canvass of votes read. Alder- man Long moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to accept the report and n_ lace same on file. Roll call vote. AYE- Unanimous. Alderman 'Herbener moves and Alderman Vender seconds a motion for the Council to grant permission to Mayor Cook to read his Veto m:assa_e at this time. Alderman Wright stated that he understood that it was to be a "Gentlemerp Agreement" to follow the agenda. Gendral Discussion. Roll call vote. AYE;: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Herbener, Gibbons, and sender. NAY: Aldermen Staley, Wright, Hurst, Long, Horton, and George. (5 AYES and 6 NAY=S) . Lotion lost. iTayor Cook called for new business. Resolution for 'Transfer o funds read. ($10,000.00 from the Sales 'Tax Fund to the Fire Protection Fund; 55,000.00 from the Parking, deter Fund to the Road end Bridge Fund; and $1.5,0')0.00 from the Sales Tax i'und to the General Fund. Alder- man Herbener moves to adopt the Resolution. Mot .on was seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This ':)ei ng Resolut on No. 344. Resolution pertaining; to the Prevailing Wate Scale. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Hurst seconds a motion, to adopt the _tesnllti on. Roll call vote. AY!?': Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staler, Wright, Hurst, Long, Gibbons, Horton, George, and Bender. 'lAY: Alderman Herbener. (10 A?, 5 and 11AY) . !`lotion carried. This being: Resolution P10. 345. Resolution pertaining to t;ie appointment of an AF,-ent for the I.l_linois lunicioal Retirement Fund. Alderman Wright .moves that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman Hurst. Roll call vote. A'-'B: Unanimous. This being resolution #346. Bond in the amount of $1000.00 with the American Surety Co. for Helen Trobaut h, School Grossing; Guard presented. Alderman Wright moves, Alderman Long seconds a motion to accept same and place on fi13. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. 164. larch 5, 1962, Cont. (Pt . 3) First reading of an Ordinance pertainin- to s:,licitation by telephone. Alderman Furst moves and Alderman bong seconds a motion to suspend the rules. Roll call vote. A`T : Unanimous. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Hurst seconds a motion to glace the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. 'Ellis being Ordinance No. 75. Alderman UriPPub moves and Alderman George seconds a motion to instruct the Ordi- nance CorrmIttee to draft an ordinance pertaining to diagonal parking near the I. TI. C. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Herbener reported that something should be done in the City of Canton reg;ardinL dogs running_; loose and in oacks. Chief of Police Lindzey stated that the Police Department was not equip--ed to handle same but that the City needed a dog catcher. Alderman Hurst stated that the Police Department shouid continue with the progm ra until some suitab .e way can be worked out with the Police Depart- ment. Alderman Wright stated that trie matter should be referred to the Police Cot-mlittee one more time if that coriLmittee will accept the responsibility. Alder- man Horton, Chairman of the Police and Legal Committee to contact the dot catcher in Lewistown and see if that person will find a glace in Canton to use as a dog p ound. Dedication of a portion of Linden Street placed on City Clerk's desk during the Council meeting,. Alderman Gibbons moves and Alder:-lan TFerbener seconds a motion to glace this dedication on the agenda. Alderman Wright reoorted that they were in violation of the Resolution pertaining to the agenda. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. p,;ayor Cook reported that 'Dave Downey -Day" would be held March 28, with a dinner at the Wee-Ha-`I'uk Hills Country Club and stated that each of the Aldermen would be on the committee to make that day a great one. Play or Cook called for his Veto of a Resolution to be read. Alderman Wright moves to adjourn, and demanded recognition from the chair. Alderman Hurst rose to a point of personal order that the Alderman from the Second Ward should be recognized. Alderman Herbener moves that the Veto be read. (No second of same) . Alderman F?urst moves to adjourn. Mayor Cook did not acknowledge either Aldermen Wr_'_rllt or Hurst who remained standing calling several times for recognit-_on to their request for adjournment. Mayor Cook refused and asked the clerk to read the Veto. Alder- �° :pan Hurst asked to be excused and was refused. Aldermen Wright and Hurst then walked out of the Council Chamber without permission at 9:55 P. M. Veto read. Mayor Cook stated that he would appoint a committee to study the question of widen- in�7 the streets involved as well as alternative measures or plans which could be adopted in lieu of the widening project. Dedicat on u,> for reading. Discussion. Alderman George moves to lay-over this gibed cat'on. Alderman Horton seconds the motion. Voice vote. AyE: Unanimous. Alderman Howard moves to adjourn, sec:mded by Alderman Horton. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourns at 10:20 P. M. /' City C1erlc