HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-1962 Council Meeting Minutes 128 Sept. 18, 1962 Carton City Council held a regular meeting on Seat. 18, 1962 in the City Council__ Chamber. Hayor Cook called the meeting to order at 7 :05 T. A. Roll call. Present: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, WrOht, Herbener, Hurst, Long.,, Skinner, :perry, Dorton, (norge, and ".?ender. Alderman. Gibbons arriving at 7 :30 P. M. Absent: Alderman lboott. pledge of Allegiance was followed by Prayer b7 Alderman ;Toward. Alderman loward moves that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as presented, seconded by Alderman Lon.Z. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. O or Cools called for reports of 1�tandi..ng Co,ui i.ttees. Alderman Sender introduced a Mr. Coon, representing a firm sapplyi.ng chemicals to treat rusty water, who descri ted the method used- to trg3t such water and that with- in thirty days rust will begin to disapaea r. He stat id that the City and the residents cook save money by such treatAent, 06_erm_n Wright moves that this matter 4e referred back to the ;ewer and Water- Committee to Live their recomnenda- n Alderman George. Voce t�ion to �,'_e n�a�t Cou-pelf- meeting. motion was seconaaa �y vote. A Una.n _mous. 1lderman GLb0ons arrived for the Council meeting? at 7:00 P. M. A netit'_on with two hundred seven signatures addressed to the Aayor ann Tire and p i e Cite of Carton stating ";ate the undersigned, request police Come ssio•� of th., r � that the susoension of police Officer Chester E Phillips 5e revoked". Kayor Cook ruled that this ' etiti.on and the one he had received at his home were out of order -- that they should have been sent to the ;Fire anti Police Commissi-on as they have the full rower to act (n.ot, the Mayor) . Alderman Berry then scat O that he would d s end a new copy of the first Petitiun to the Kom' fission to be received s n ;enift to!d Alderman Berry o� �,:�0 P. ��n v��c.ano,�aat� Pvc,n ins;. Cit�, Attorney h er, likely been misinformed -- the major appoints tilt, Fire and. Po- lice e n��-a ti �., - lice Commission but cannot appoint policemen%, Mr, Yhillips can anneal to the Circuit Court or even to the Anpellate Court if he feels justice has not oeen dune. Alderman '.. aro n L asked if any discussion of this business was proper in the Council aW Ar. Sonift reported. that he thought not. Alderman Wright stated that any business has Aplace on this Council and s-tatpd he was ready for a reconsider- ation on the hear At- as no point areuEht out that Ar. Phillips was guilty of the charges. He stated "in my opinion I think we are witnessing a Kangeroo Court". Alderman Hurst stated that one of the members on th.e Gommissic:n was provably il- legally appoints i and moves, seconded by Alderman 3erry, t.rzat t'ne Council recommend to the Mayor that Hov. Griffin be unseated. Alderman Wright moves for a five- minu ,e recess anti_! this motion can be reduced to writing to be offered to each Alderman. Alderman Berry seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Stale;-, Wright, Hurst, 'terry, and George. VA`': Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Herbener, hone, Skinner, Gibbons, Horton, and 3ende.r. . 15 AYES a_.c 8 MAYS) . Motion defeated. Alderman 'durst then asked to be excused for a few minutes. Granted at 8:12 P.A. `!'hen Alderman toward moves to table Alderman Tarst's motion, seconded by Alderman Sebres. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen :3ender, George, Horton, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Sebree, and Howard. `TAY: Aluermen 3erry, Wright, and Staley. Alder- man Hurst arriving after the vote had been taken. Alderman h„rbeaer stated that Alderman durst should be voted as "Nay". Alderman Wright stated that Alderman 7orst did not need a nroxv. (9 P74S and 3 TKYS) . Motion to table Alderman Hurst's motion carried. Alderman Furst arriving back- to i;;,e Council Chamber at 3:20 P. M. moti.an in writing presented to the Aldermen anc read by the clerk "A motion to Honorable Major and Council recommending to the I.=,;or that this Council recomm aids the removal of Toward. Griffin from the Police and Yire Commission of the City of Canton, Signed by Paul L. harst, Al Lerman Third Ward". This motion was seconded by Alderman lorry. Alder .an Howard moves that this motio_i also be tabled because act',_on taken i.n haste somktimPs is the wrong move. He then withdrew his motion. Roll call vote on Alderman ?rurst's motion. AYE: Aldermen Staley, Wri EK, Durst, and 3errl AA`': Aldermen '-Toward, Sebt'ee, 9arbenor, L,onS, Sk Inner, Giboons, Hor- ton, G?orEe, and ionder. (4 AY_.S and 9 NAYS) . `lotion lost. 129. Sei.?t. 18, 19+22, Cont. Alderman Ilerbener reoortc d that an Ord.,_nance hac:i been orepared for the Council to have react -- recommmended that it be ��assed but not to he vo�,ed o at this meeting. He also r. er�orted_ a nay raise ord:i aance -- increase of "'l )_a-.00 f or employees -- but grad 'heard objections to this raise us it placed the employees in another tax bracket so recommended brat it sI"iould '13 withdrawn until_ the corjnittee can meet aEai.n to reconsider sar?r=. Alderman. George moves that this ordinance be read. '`o second to same. I,'?a,,.or Cook called for Correspondence to t%re Councl-]1 Letter from the Canton Dail,; Ledger recorrLne.d:i"ng that the City of Canton take action on tree re,)lacemr�nt oroFrara in the nnac future, anci recommended that a soecia.l connnitL, be ao�ointed for this project. Fld.errrian 13:�nder :doves that the Council accept the letter ,Id r)1.ace on I'il e. Al.C.i.erman S:<iriner reported that tie City needea to rid the City, of dead trey, s first for t,ie saf t of the cit! zens. Iqo second to Alderman motion. ^alderman. Staley moves that the :�Ia„or anpoint a coriliaittee of interested citizens -- not Counci.]_ members -� to �~ f-et the inforaatio:! required -- City to o, consult.d regarding any expenses. y j ion was seconded by Alderrrran Iloward. Holl call vote. Ai'�: Unan i_:iious. r / 1%a >or Cook appo-i.nte,d Ceorge Reaves iro:a t - rton La`l; Ledger 2.- d Dic'-, Small. Gr: +'rom the Cantor. senior IIIi_,c; r Sc uol ar.a,j state t::at ho would appoint the rest of �- the cor2mittee and re:,::,rt to t-ie next Counc-1_1 me::t.tnr, Lr ?.<_q>>lest from t'nF; ",comic. r;ooti.ette .;tub requesting use of the square to hold a Tag-Da err "lov. 2nd a _c. 3rd, 19c>2. Alderman Lon,-, seconded. by Alderman ; e1 , moves to f rant t `_s request. Voice vote. A':'C: U=,J-, _quest to se -1 pop ,ics bAr the Disabled J}",Ier can eterar s on Sept. 22, 19(:>2. lj. .erman Lon,;, seconded b-,r Alderman Wri,-,-ut, oroves to i rant permission. Voice vote. AYE: Unanunous. Letter from the ISerasotes Theaters requesti_r�; a redaction i_n license fees for the Garden Theater or better yet, a discoYtinuance of license fees on theaters. Alderman �=;cnr!er, seconded by Alderman Stalr�y, moves to refer this -request to the License Committee. Letter from the I)ena_rtment of Public Works acrd ',�uildin,s regarding placing, a st-yo light signal on the corner of Linn Street and i'ifth Avenue, stating that a traffic count indicated the li,,-ht was not needed. Alderman Skinner moves and Alderman Wright seconds a motion to send a letter to the State, asking for re- consideration for this request. Aldorman Gibbons recommended a traffic survey on the corner of Fifth r`�venue and Chestnut Street also. Voice vote on the motion. t Y Unanimous. Alderman 'Hurst moves that a req,,�est for an Or. d:inar=ce to re :.rafted eliminating parking from Linn Street on Fifth ;,venue to the C-1-ti, Limits on cdorth i.11ain Street on State highway. Alderman Gibbons seconds this motion. Alderman Howard stated that the 'Traffic Committee should make a study of same. Alderman 3ender reviewed a similar trial some time back. Voice vote on the motion. AVE: Unanimous. Letter from the Canton Junior Chamber of Commerce expressing regret that -the City had not fulfilled its mart of the bargain to keep the Beach area clean, road in good_ condition and better control of tutee life boards. Alderman Sender stated that one hundred tons more gravel was now being spread., and was working on another one-hundred tons to be spread on the roadbed, weeds had, been cut and glans were in "the making to cut brush this winter. Mr. Small stated their or- ganization had until July 1, 1963 to matte further improvements on the beach providin t'rre City kept its part of the bargain. Alderman Hurst recommended a special coimmittee he appointed to oversee the beach. area. Discussion regarding riprapping the lalce beginning near the point. Alderman Hurst inquired if he could use the $500.00 for sidewalks (as appro- priated) -- Alderman Skinner stated that it coul.6 be used for sidewalks as long as same is used for surveying. Alderman Staley recomnenc;ed soecial assess- ments for sidewalk construction in the City- of Canton. Alderman Sender inquired about bids on t-e nav _n; projects and was informed that same would be received to be opened on Oct. 5, 1962. i 134 Sent. 18, 1962, Cont. Re ardin- the volunteer Secretary at Greenwood Cemetel- , Za- or Cook reported that sne was to be bonded. Discussion as to whether she could be bonded and not 'oe on the payroll. Alderman Hurst reported that he had received complaints against the secretary-, and asked that Idayor Cook recommendeW to the Cemetery Board that she was not needed. Resolution for �olacing of storm sewer under the D. B. R. H. on Hickory St. Aldernan Skinner i loves for the adoption of sane, seconded by Alderman r3ene _,r. Roll call vote. 1,°"?,: Unanimous. This being Resolution Ivo. 325. first reading of an Ordinance pertaining to increase in employees pay. Discussion rerardi_n.7 traffic ooliceman -- that he should be under Civil Service. Alderman Skinner recommended that all employees should be under Civil Service. Alderman Hurst recommended holding this Ordinance for the second reading. Alderman Howard stated that if the City doesn?t impose new taxes, it cartnot meet this raise for t'he emnloy"as. Discussion regarding using the money set aside for the narking _,ot and by using the old garage site for a narking lot for time being. Alderman Wright asked that Carl I.-Till, City Treasurer, estimate how mac'-1 money there will. be over and above the regular expenditures between Oct. 1, 1962 and IIa�i 1, 1963, then the Council could see row much there will be towarn_ an increase in salary ra�_se. Ord-inance to la-,- First reading, of an Ordinance perta n7_nc to oarkinr on Pine Street arid. ,Ivena A. r,lderna-? Durst moves that sane be referred to Traffic Committee for study. Alderman George inquired of the City Attorney Senift what rer)ort he had on the Star -el_ivery Case. Mr. Senift reported that he had not received an answer to his requestfor a long term lease with tae T. P. W. R. R. Co. Alderman Hurst moves that Aldler ian Staley- and Alderman George be paid their expenses for time in investigation of this rnatter�not :Wore than one dad: is working tune. Alderman toward seconded this motion. Roll Call Vote. A`LIJ: Aldermen Bender, ?Morton, merry, Gibbons, Long, Hurst, "Aright, Sebr,�e, and Howard. ;VAS': f�.7.dermen George, Skinner, Pa SST O Alderma . Staley. (9 A�' ,S, 2 .:MAYS, 1 PASS_C:1O . Carried. ?one with the American Surety Co. in the amount of $1,000.00 properly signed by the Finance Committee for Ora Johnson, School Patrol Guard. Alderman Long; moves and Alderman Hurst seconds a motion to accept same and place on file. Voice vote. A"F- Unani.mous. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Wright seconds a motion to instruct the City Clerk to open bids for rushing dumvat the City dump grounds. Dids read: W. debergall nushi.ng off Ci.tyT dump " 150.00 ner month for one year. Livio Poggioli keening garbat,e as-id trash pushed off at City;- damp, furnish all. equipment, labor, fuel, insurance and trans-oortation for the oetiod of one year, for the surn of $14-_i.95 per month. Also will keen brush piled for burning for an additional ?. 42.00 ner month, or will keep brush piled for burning on an hourly basis at ±p12.,)0 per hour. Certificate of insurance on file with City Clerk. Bishop 'lxcavati^` and l�ansnortation Co., pushing dump for $139.75 per month for one year and oush brush on an hourly- rate at '.,$10.00 per hour with a T-6 L.H.C. Crawler or $15.00 per hour with a TD-18 I. H. C. Dozer with a ten-foot blade or will push brush at the City dump? as directed by the Garbage Disposal Comm- ittee for $99.00 per month for one year. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman Skinner seconc!s that these bids be referred to the Garbage Disposal Committee for their recomi endation. Alderman Wright moves to adjourn, Alderman Horton seconds sabre. Voice vote. Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 10:50 P. M. Clty Cle